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‎[话题素材]‎ 好词 ‎1.custom n.习俗 2.fireworks n.烟火 ‎3.religious adj.宗教的 4.lunar adj.月的;阴历的 ‎5.observe v.庆祝;遵守 6.in_advance 提前 ‎7.in addition to 此外 8.get together 聚会 ‎9.have fun 玩得开心 10.originate from 起源于 ‎11.present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth.把某物赠给某人 ‎12.in memory of为了纪念 13.dress_up盛装,打扮 ‎14.attend a ceremony出席仪式 15.add_to增添 佳句 ‎1.Festivals make_us_reunite,_making all in_high_spirits.‎ 节日让我们团聚在一起,人们都很快乐。‎ ‎2.I can have_a_good_rest,_and put_trouble_aside on this special day.‎ 在这特殊的日子里我可以好好休息一下,把烦恼丢到一边。‎ ‎3.Celebrating festivals is a_good_way_to_hand_down the tradition.‎ 庆祝节日是传承传统的好方法。‎ ‎4.MidAutumn Day is a_traditional_festival of China, which is actually a day for family reunion.‎ 中秋节是中国的传统节日,实际上是家人团聚的日子。‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ The MidAutumn Festival is a very important traditional Chinese festival, which falls on the 15th day of August of our Chinese lunar calendar. With the MidAutumn Festival approaching, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful in advance. People will come home to unite with their families, however far away or busy they are.‎ On the evening of the day, before the round and bright moon comes out, there will be a big family dinner, after which people will get together in an open air, sharing stories and eating delicious moon cakes while admiring the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. Everyone in the family can have fun.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.hide (vt.) 掩藏;躲藏→hid (过去式)→hidden (过去分词)‎ ‎2.pretend (vi.) 假装;装作 ‎3.book (vt.) 预订(票,位子等)‎ ‎4.wander (vi.) 漫步;闲逛 ‎5.mark (vt.) 标志(着) (n.) 分数;记号,标志 ‎6.trade (n.&v.) 贸易/经商,从事贸易 ‎7.confusion (n.) 杂乱;混乱→confuse (vt.) 混乱;使迷惑→‎ confused (adj.) 感到迷惑的;混乱的→confusing (adj.) 令人迷惑的 ‎8.extend (vt.) 延长→extension (n.) 扩大;延伸 ‎9.memory (n.) 记忆→memorize (vt.) 记住,熟记→memorial (n.) 纪念碑 ‎10.relaxing (adj.) 使人放松的→relax (vt.) 使……放松→‎ relaxation (n.) 消遣;娱乐→relaxed (adj.) 放松的 ‎11.import (vt.) 引进;进口→export (反义词)出口 ‎12.celebration (n.) 庆典;庆祝→celebrate (vt.) 庆祝 ‎13.freedom (n.) 自由→free (adj.) 自由的 ‎14.origin (n.) 起源→original (adj.) 原先的;最初的 ‎15.transport (vt.) 运输;运送→transportation (n.) 运输(过程)‎ ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.come_to_an_end    结束,完结 ‎2.dress_up 装扮;打扮 ‎3.consist_of 由……组成;由……构成 ‎4.take_over 接管,接任 ‎5.on_end (时间)连续地 ‎6.in_secret 秘密地 ‎7.date_back_to 追溯到 ‎8.come_off 脱落 ‎9.go_wild 变得疯狂 ‎10.more_or_less 或多或少 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.祈使句+and+简单句 Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion.(教材P32)‎ 想到狂欢节,你就会想到人群、各式各样的服装和热闹非凡的场面。‎ ‎2.as引导时间状语从句,表示“随着”‎ As_time_passed,_however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas.(教材P32)‎ 渐渐地,庆祝狂欢节的时间长了,圣诞节一过狂欢节就开始了。‎ ‎3.“...+of+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句 Their use was limited by laws, the_first_of_which dates back to the fourteenth century.(教材P33)‎ 它们(面具)的使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14世纪。‎ ‎4.There is /was no/a(n) +...need for sb. to do sth.“(不)需要某人干某事”‎ ‎...there_was an immediate need_for_people_to_work on them.(教材P39)‎ ‎……急需人手干活。‎ ‎5.“doing what...without being done”作伴随状语 For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing_what they wanted without_being_recognised.(教材P32)‎ 接连几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不会被认出来。‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.“Carnival” comes from two Latin words, ________(mean) “no more meat”.‎ 答案:meaning ‎2.People saw Carnival ________ a last chance to have fun ________ the end of the winter season.‎ 答案:as; at ‎3.For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks doing ________ they wanted without being recognised.‎ 答案:what ‎4.The government realised that ________(wear) masks had become a problem.‎ 答案:wearing ‎5.If they broke the laws, they ________(put) into prison for up to two years.‎ 答案:were put ‎6.Hotels are ________(full) booked and the narrow streets are crowded ________ wonderful costumes.‎ 答案:fully; with ‎7.If the masks ________(come) off, the magic is lost.‎ 答案:come ‎8.Carnival became a celebration of ________(free).‎ 答案:freedom ‎9.This marked the ________(begin) of the slave trade.‎ 答案:beginning ‎10.Six million were taken to the Caribbean islands ________ there were British and French landowners.‎ 答案:where ‎1  pretend vi.假装;假扮 Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.(P32)‎ 普通人可以装扮成富人和重要人物,而著名的人物也可以偷偷地体验浪漫奇遇。‎ ‎ pretend ‎①[2014·重庆高考,阅读理解E]We are what we pretend_to_be,_so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.‎ 我们将自己伪装成什么,我们就是什么,所以对于自己要成为什么样的人一定要谨慎。‎ ‎②[2014·四川高考]Tom pretended_that he didn't see her and kept working to see what she would do next.‎ 汤姆假装没有看到她(松鸡),并继续工作看一看她接下来要做什么。‎ ‎③[人教②-5]During the broadcasts they just pretended_to_sing.‎ 节目播出时他们只是假唱。‎ ‎-特别提示-‎ pretend后面跟动词的不定式,根据句意可用不定式的一般式、进行式或完成式。‎ ‎④He pretended_to_have_known the answer to the problem already.‎ 他假装已经知道了这个问题的答案。‎ ‎2  memory n.记忆 Carnival became just a memory.(P33)‎ 狂欢节成了一种记忆。‎ ‎(1)memorize v. 记住 ‎(2)have a good/bad memory for... 对……记忆力好/差 in_memory_of 为纪念……;追念 in favor of 支持 in terms of 就……而言;在……方面 in praise of 赞扬……‎ in charge of 负责 in need of 需要 in place of 代替 ‎①[2014·江西高考,阅读理解A]Larry had a poor memory.‎ 拉里记忆不好。‎ ‎②[2013·湖北高考,阅读理解B]Together they compare thoughts on bringing up children and working, admit longhidden sorrows, and enjoy precious memories.‎ 他们在一起交流关于抚养孩子和工作的看法,承认积压很久的悲伤,享受宝贵的记忆。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]He founded the charity in_memory of his late wife.‎ 他创办了这一慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子。‎ ‎3  mark n.分数;记号;标志;痕迹 v.标明;标志;打分数,批改 This marked the beginning of the slave trade.(P39)‎ 这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。‎ ‎(1)mark sth. with sth.... 用……在……上做记号 mark sth. on sth. 在……上做记号/标志 be marked with 标有……的标志 mark papers 批阅试卷 ‎(2)give sb. full marks 给某人打高分 get a high/low/full/top mark 得高/低/满/最高分 make a mark 做记号 a_mark_of ……的标志 ‎①[2014·四川高考,书面表达]So I suppose I can get_a_good_mark which will enable me to enter my ideal college.‎ 所以我认为我能得高分,使我能进入理想的大学。‎ ‎②[2013·天津高考,阅读理解A]All rooms are_marked on the library maps.‎ 所有房间都在图书馆的地图上被做上了记号。‎ ‎③[译林⑤-1]She scored the_lowest_mark in her class.‎ 她的得分全班最低。‎ ‎④[2015·陕西高考]It is also a_mark_of disrespect for a system or an institution.‎ 这也标志着对一种体制或机构的不尊重。‎ ‎4  celebration n.庆典;庆祝 In Trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations: they painted their faces white, imitating their masters and making fun of them.(P39)‎ 在特立尼达岛,奴隶们开始举行自己的狂欢节仪式:他们把脸涂白,模仿他们的主人来取笑他们。‎ ‎(1)hold a celebration 举行庆祝会 in celebration of 为了庆祝……‎ ‎(2)celebrate vt.& vi. 庆祝,颂扬;举行 ‎①[2014·课标全国卷Ⅰ,阅读理解A]Families of those who take part will be included in the_celebration.‎ 那些参加的家庭将被包括在庆祝仪式中。‎ ‎②[牛津词典]A party in_celebration_of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.‎ 一个庆祝他们金婚纪念的聚会。‎ ‎③[朗文高级辞典]How do you usually celebrate New Year?‎ 你们通常会怎样庆祝新年?‎ 易混辨析 celebrate 表示“庆祝”,可直接接节日、胜利、成功等名词作宾语 congratulate 表示“祝贺”,其后不直接用表示祝贺的内容的名词作宾语,须用congratulate sb. on sth.结构 ‎④[2013·陕西高考]To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant.‎ 为了庆祝考试结束,我和朋友们去了一家快餐店。‎ ‎⑤The two sportsmen congratulate each other on winning the match by shaking hands.‎ 两位运动员为赢得比赛握手致贺。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2013·天津高考,阅读理解C]Freeways are where beauty ________(hide).‎ 答案:hides ‎2.[2014·辽宁高考,阅读理解A]In another experiment aimed at testing longterm ________(memorize), students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture.‎ 答案:memory ‎3.[2013·辽宁高考,书面表达]Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to return home for the ________(celebrate).‎ 答案:celebration ‎4.Our teacher has got a pile of papers ________(mark) at the end of the term.‎ 答案:to mark ‎5.[2015·北京高考]They played jazz music ________ (celebrate) their new home.‎ 答案:to celebrate ‎6.She has a good memory ________ dates.‎ 答案:for ‎7.In 1960 the local people restored the building to its ________(origin) form.‎ 答案:original ‎8.I am totally confused ________ what you said just now.‎ 答案:about ‎9.I find stamp collecting very ________(relax) and it takes my mind off my work.‎ 答案:relaxing ‎10.[2015·福建高考]A common memory they all have ________ their school days is the school uniform.‎ 答案:of ‎ 1  come to an end 结束;完结 The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.(P32)‎ 最初的威尼斯狂欢节在约200年前结束了。‎ ‎ ‎①[2013·北京高考,书面表达]Realizing this difference and trying to shorten this gap is the key to achieving our accomplishment, otherwise nothing will be gotten in_the_end.‎ 认识到这个差别并且努力缩短差距是我们成功的关键,否则最后将一无所获。‎ ‎②[2014·安徽高考,完形填空]At_the_end_of the day, she returned to take me back to my accommodation.‎ 最终她返回来把我带到了我的住处。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]Many families struggle to make_ends_meet.‎ 许多家庭只能勉强维持生计。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]At last it seemed the war might be coming_to_an_end.‎ 最后战争似乎快要结束了。‎ ‎-特别提示-‎ come to an end为不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语,接宾语时需用bring sth. to an end或put an end to sth.‎ ‎2  dress up 打扮,装饰 Men were not allowed to wear masks at night; and they were not allowed to dress up as women.(P33)‎ 男人不允许在晚上戴面具,也不允许打扮成妇女。‎ ‎(1)dress sb. up as 把某人打扮成……‎ dress up (in) sth. 穿上盛装,化妆,打扮 dress sb./oneself 给……穿衣服 dress well/badly/neatly 穿着漂亮/难看/整洁 ‎(2)be/get dressed in 穿着 get dressed 穿衣服 ‎①[2014·福建高考,阅读理解B]With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully_dressed,_danced with the prince.‎ 在鸟儿们的帮助下,这个打扮漂亮的女孩与王子跳舞。‎ ‎②[2013·广东高考,阅读理解A]It doesn't mean that you should dress_as a superhero for your next job interview.‎ 这并不意味着下一次工作面试时你要打扮成一名超级英雄。‎ ‎③[人教③-1]They dress_up and try to frighten people.‎ 他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。‎ ‎④[牛津词典]The bride was_dressed_in white.‎ 新娘身穿白色礼服。‎ 易混辨析 dress ‎“给……穿衣服”。其宾语通常是人,dress oneself或get dressed表示给自己穿衣服。be dressed in的意思是“穿着”,表示状态 put on ‎“穿上,戴上”,强调“穿”“戴”的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等 wear ‎“穿着;戴着”,表示状态,宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章、笑容等 have on ‎“穿着”,后接衣服、鞋子等能穿戴的东西,无进行时和被动语态。表状态 ‎⑤选词填空(dress/wear/put on/have on)‎ Tom decided to attend her girlfrienD s birthday party. First, he ________ himself in a white sweater. Then he went to the doorway to ________ his coat. Now, he ________ everything ________ very well and went to the party, ________ a satisfied smile on his face.‎ 答案:dressed; put on; had; on; wearing 过关演练 选词填空 take over; take up; at the end of; dress up as; on end; in the end; consist of; end up doing ‎1.[2015·陕西高考]Peter will ________ his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.‎ 答案:take up ‎2.[2013·辽宁高考]Briggs will ________ as general manager when Mitchell retires.‎ 答案:take over ‎3.[2013·天津高考,阅读理解A]A group must ________ 8 people.‎ 答案:consist of ‎4.[2014·湖北高考,阅读理解A]Why did the boy have tears in his eyes ________?‎ 答案:in the end ‎5.I ________ all the work myself.‎ 答案:ended up doing ‎6.The boys were all ________ pirates.‎ 答案:dressed up as ‎7.[2013·安徽高考]Those who'd shared the wealth felt much happier ________ the day than those who'd spent it on themselves.‎ 答案:at the end of ‎8.It rained for ten days ________, ruining my holiday.‎ 答案:on end ‎1  As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas.(P32)‎ 然而,随着时间的推移,狂欢节的时间被延长了,这样它就正好在圣诞节以后开始。‎ ‎①[2014·湖北高考,阅读理解A]As we were talking, the boy ran in.‎ 当我们谈话的时候,那个男孩跑了进来。‎ ‎②[2013·安徽高考改编]It's said that the power plant is now twice as large as what it was.‎ 据说现在的发电厂是过去的两倍大。‎ ‎③[2015·江苏高考]The number of smokers, as is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.‎ 正如报道的那样,吸烟的人数仅在一年内就已经减少了百分之十七。‎ ‎④[2012·陕西高考]Hot as the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.‎ 尽管晚上很热,但由于长途旅行的劳累,我们还是睡得很熟。‎ ‎2  Their use was limited by laws, the_first_of_which dates back to the fourteenth century.(P33)‎ 它们(面具)的使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14世纪。‎ ‎(1)“介词+关系代词”中的介词可以是固定短语的一部分,也可以是短语介词(如:in front of, at the back of, on top of, in the middle of);它可以表示“所有”关系,也可以表示“部分与整体”的关系。‎ ‎(2)关系副词可以改为“介词+which”。‎ where=at/in/from/to...which; when=in/at/on/during...which; why=for which ‎(3)the+序数词/the+最高级/some/most/several...+of+which ‎①[2014·天津高考]English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each_of_which uses it differently.‎ 英语是多种文化共享的一种语言,且在每种文化中都不同。‎ ‎②[2014·江西高考改编]Sailors have to face many dangers, probably the_greatest_of_which is fog.‎ 水手们要面对很多危险,也许最危险的就是大雾天气。‎ ‎③[2012·重庆高考]Sales director is a position where/in_which communication ability is just as important as sales skills.‎ 销售总监是一个交际能力和销售技巧同等重要的职位。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·湖北高考]________ one would expect, his writing is mostly clear.‎ 答案:As ‎2.[2015·广东高考]________ I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really meant.‎ 答案:As ‎3.[2015·安徽高考]Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon ________ school education depends.‎ 答案:which ‎4.[2012·湖南高考]Care of the soul is a gradual process in ________ even the small details of life should be considered.‎ 答案:which ‎5.[2015·福建高考]The ________ (one) thing I would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important.‎ 答案:first 被动语态 被动语态的构成 由“助动词be+过去分词”构成。助动词be随着主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。被动语态的各种时态形式见下表:‎ 完成句子 ‎1.Experiments on animals had_been_conducted long before the medicine was_applied to patients.‎ 这种药在应用在病人身上前,在动物身上做了很长时间的实验。‎ ‎2.By the time John finishes his homework, his classmates shall_have_left to play football.‎ 到约翰做完作业时,他的同学们将已离开去踢足球了。‎ 被动语态的用法 ‎(1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。‎ 完成句子 ‎3.A school will_be_built here tomorrow.‎ 这里明年将要建一所学校。‎ ‎(2)强调动作的承受者。‎ 完成句子 ‎4.[2014·北京高考改编]Sorry, I'm busy now. An application form for a new job is_being_filled.‎ 抱歉,我现在很忙,正在填一份新工作的申请表。‎ 含有情态动词的被动语态的构成 ‎“情态动词+be(原形)+过去分词”。‎ 完成句子 ‎5.Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.‎ 每天8小时睡眠必须得到保证。‎ 过关演练 用括号内单词的正确形式填空 ‎1.[2015·北京高考]—Did you enjoy the party?‎ ‎—Yes, we________(treat) well by our hosts.‎ 答案:were treated ‎2.[2014·安徽高考改编]The twins, who had finished their homework, ________(allow) to play badminton on the playground.‎ 答案:were allowed ‎3.[2014·北京高考改编]—What time is it?‎ ‎—I have no idea. But just a minute, it ________ (check) for you.‎ 答案:will be checked ‎4.[2013·安徽高考改编]I'm calling about the apartment which ________ (advertise) the other day. Could you tell me more about it?‎ 答案:was advertised ‎5.Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help ________ (offer) since the organization was built.‎ 答案:have been offered

