冀教版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 Safety

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冀教版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 Safety

Unit 3 Safety Lesson 13 Be Careful, Danny! 冀教版 九年级 一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇 1. I’m sorry I made a _________( 严重的 ) mistake. I’ll be more careful from now on. 2. Be __________( 小心的 ) not to make such mistakes again. serious    careful    3. It may be ___________( 必要的 ) to buy a new one. 4. _________( 悬挂 ) your coat up on the hook. 5. __________( 安全 ) is more important than anything else. necessary     Hang   Safety 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 为躲避篮球,他跳了起来。 He _________ _________ to avoid the basketball. jumped up 7. 让我去为你拿梯子。 Let me _______ the ________ _________ you. 8. 我认为我够高了。 I think I’m __________ _________ . get ladder for tall enough 9. 他看见丹尼躺在地板上。 He sees Danny ________ ________ ______ ______ . 10. 我认为我的胳膊没摔断。 I ________ _________ my arm ________ _______ . lying on the floor   don't think is broken 1. We should be      when we cross the street. Many accidents happen because the drivers are _________ . So remember to walk ________ . (care) careful careless carefully 2. Please check your paper __________ (care) after you finish it. We hope you can get good grades. 【 中考 · 龙东 】 carefully   3. —How should we teenagers be _______ when crossing the road? —We mustn’t cross the red traffic lights. A. serious B. careful C. pleased D. popular B 4. Everyone should eat ________ food, because ________ comes first. (safe) safe safety 5. The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his _______ . 【 中考 · 苏州 】 A. attention B. safety C. action D. growth 【 点拨 】 这个男孩已经失踪 5 天了,他的父母担心他的安全。 attention 注意; safety 安全; action 行动; growth 成长。根据句意可知,这个男孩子失踪了,他的父母应是担心他的“安全”,故选 B 。 B 6. —Don’t you go to school by bike? —________ . I walk to school every day. 【 中考 · 天水 】 A. Yes, I don’t B. No, I do C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你没骑自行车上学吗? —— 是的,我没有。我每天步行去上学。事实上是肯定的用 yes 回答,事实上是否定的用 no 回答。根据答语可知,“我”不是骑自行车上学而是步行。故选 D 。 D 7. —_______ he your English teacher? —Yes. He has taught us for one year. A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Isn’t D. Aren’t C 8. —Listen! Who is singing? —It’s Betty. She has a sweet _______. 【 中考 · 宁夏 】 A. sound B. voice C. noise D. speech 【 点拨 】 本题运用词语辨析法。 sound 泛指自然界的一切声响; voice 嗓音; noise 噪音; speech 演讲,讲话。句意: —— 听!谁在唱歌? —— 是贝蒂。她有甜美的 ________ 。唱歌与嗓音相对应,故选 B 。 B 9. Don’t make any _______ . It’s not polite. A. sound B. voice C. action D. noise D 10. 26 路公共汽车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一 位老人正躺在路边。 Bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road ________ , the driver saw an old man _______ on the side of the road. when lying 11. On the bank _______ a small house. A. lie B. lies C. lying D. laid B 12. I don’t think the newly directed film by Zhang Yimou is as interesting as people say, ________ ? A. do I B. don’t I C. is it D. isn’t it 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。 think, believe, suppose, guess 等词后接否定宾语从句时,宾语从句的否定要转移到主句。但完成反意疑问句时,其后的简短问句应与宾语从句一致,且用肯定式。故选 C 。 C 13. I think Jenny knows the answer. ( 改为否定句 ) I ________ ________ Jenny ________ the answer. don't think knows 一、单项 选择 1. Linda has a beautiful ________ , She sings very well. 【 中考 · 甘孜 】 A. look    B. sound    C. voice C   2. The boss is so _______ that no one dares to play jokes on him. 【 中考 · 日照 】 A. friendly B. careful C. popular D. serious 【 点拨 】 句意:这个老板如此严肃以至于没有人敢和他开玩笑。 friendly 友好的; careful 仔细的; popular 受欢迎的; serious 严肃的。故选 D 。 D   3. I saw a dog ________ on the ground when I passed by. A. lying B. lay C. lie D. lies A   4. Please _______ the rubbish into different litter bins according to the signs. 【 中考 · 上海 】 A. puts B. put C. putting D. to put 【 点拨 】 句意:请根据标志把垃圾放入不同的垃圾桶里。分析句子结构可知此处是一个肯定的祈使句, Please 后面接动词的原形,故选 B 。 B 5. —Didn’t he go to school late yesterday? —________ , though it rained hard yesterday. 【 改编 · 鄂州 】 A. No, he didn’t B. Yes, he didn’t C. Yes, he did D. No, he did 【 点拨 】 本题运用语境法。根据答语 though it rained hard yesterday. 可知,尽管昨天雨下得很大,他上学还是没有迟到,应用否定回答。故选 A 。 A 二、用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 6. My father __________ his coat on the shelf. necessary, safe, careful, hang, jump up hung    7. Lucy____________ happily when I told her the good news. necessary, safe, careful, hang, jump up jumped up 8. Nowadays, everyone feels very________ and convenient in the streets of different cities in Xinjiang. 【 中考 · 乌鲁木齐 】 necessary, safe, careful, hang, jump up safe    9. It’s___________ for us to master a skill. necessary, safe, careful, hang, jump up necessary    10. Don’t forget to go over your test paper __________ before you hand it in. 【 中考 · 湖州 】 necessary, safe, careful, hang, jump up carefully 三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 11. 今天下午你没必要来了。 You ________ _________ _________ come this afternoon. don't need to 12. 没什么严重的。很快你就会好了。 ________ _________ . You will be OK soon. 13. 我们听见有人求救。 We heard someone cry _________ _________ . Nothing serious for help 14. 我的胳膊摔断了,我感觉痛。 My arm _________ ________ and I feel painful. 15. 我认为他不会来了。 I _________ _______ he ________ come. is broken don't think will Unit 3 Safety Lesson 14 Accidents Happen 冀教版 九年级 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 , 并背记相应英语词汇 1. The nearest ________( 城镇 ) is ten miles away. 2. There is a song named “I’m _______( 丑陋的 ) , but I’m gentle”. town     ugly     3. My brother put a bag of rice on his right _________ ( 肩膀 ) and left the shop. 【 中考 · 恩施 】 4. The nurse cleaned the ________ ( 伤口 ) . 5. Do you really _________ ( 期待 ) me to believe you? shoulder      wound    expect 二、根据提示完成句子 , 并背记英语句子 6. 她和她的哥哥詹姆斯正在去早间篮球训练的途中。 She and her brother, James, were ________ ________ _______ _______ an early basketball practice. on their way to 7. 我们不想训练迟到。 We didn’t want ______ _______ ______ ______ practice . 8. 另外街道是结冰 的 , 小汽车 没能及时停下来。 And the street was ________ — the car couldn’t stop _______ _______ . to be late for icy in time 9. 医生说她有望于大约一周以后回到学校。 Doctors say she can _______ ________ ________ to school ________ about a week. 10. 我想阻止她追着球 跑 , 但是 她没有听见我说话。 I wanted to ________ her _______ _____________ ________ the ball, but she didn’t ________ me . expect to return in stop from running after hear 1. —Could you tell me the way the railway ______ station? —Go along this road and soon you’ll find it. A. at B. to C. in D. between B 2. 学生们走在回家的路上。 The students are _______ _______ _______ _______ . on their way home   3. I will try my best to stop my son from _______ the same mistake. 【 中考 · 重庆 A】 A. make B . made C. makes D . making D 4. 明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 【 中考 · 广州 】 The heavy rain may ________________ us from ________ out tomorrow. stop/keep/prevent going 5. —Excuse me. Is it my turn now? —Not yet. Please wait outside _______ your name is called. 【 中考 · 恩施 】 A. until B . since C . so 【 点拨 】 until 直到 …… 为止; since 自从,因为; so 因此。句意: —— 打扰一下,现在轮到我了吗? —— 还没呢,请在外面等着,直到叫你名字的时候。根据句意故选 A 。 A 6. We don’t know the love of our parents _______ we become parents ourselves one day. 【 中考 · 云南 】 A. until B . after C . when D . since 【 点拨 】 句意:直到有一天我们为人父母,我们才懂得我们父母的爱。 until 直到 …… 才; after 在 …… 之后; when 当 …… 的时候; since 自从 …… 以来。表示“直到 …… 才 ……” ,应用 not …until … 。故选 A 。 A 7. The girl expected all her classmates _________ (come) to her party. 【 中考 · 白银 】 to come 8. She was ________ an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn’t come. 【 中考 · 抚顺 】 A. explaining B . expressing C. experiencing D . expecting 【 点拨 】 由下文“但是它 ( 电子邮件 ) 没有来”可知她整个早上在期待一封来自她的朋友的电子邮件。 explaining 解释; expressing 表达; experiencing 经历; expecting 期待。故选 D 。 D 9. —How soon will we get the offer from a new high school? — ________ about two months. 【 中考 · 广东 】 A. In B . For C . Among D . During 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 我们需要多久才能得到一所新高中的录取通知书? —— 大约两个月之后吧。在一般将来时态的句子中,用 in ,表示“ …… 之后”。故选 A 。 A 10. What good news! Xiaogan West Station _______ in Yunmeng in two years. 【 中考 · 孝感 】 A. builds B . will build C. is built D . will be built 【 点拨 】 根据主语 Xiaogan West Station 可知它是被建,应用 be built 。再根据后面 in two years 可知是将来时,所以用 will be built 。故选 D 。 D 一、单项 选择 1. What ________ ugly painting! I can’t believe it is the master’s work. 【 中考 · 乐山 】 A. a B . an C . / 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。句意:多么难看的绘画啊! 我认为它不可能是大师的作品。 ugly 是以元音音素开头的单词,用不定冠词 an 。故选 B 。 B   2. —Do you know where the last two pictures went? —A millionaire bought _______ of them. He thought they were worth. 【 中考 · 武汉 】 A. either B . each C. none D . both D   3. He can always think up a good idea ______ when others have problems. A. in time B . on time C . at times D . at no time A   4. My sister can speak ______ languages . She can speak English, Spanish and Japanese. 【 中考 · 自贡 】 A. several B . few C . all A 5. —You look sad. What has happened? — Everyone ______ us to win the match, but we lost. 【 中考 · 青岛 】 A. expects B . expected C . hopes D . hoped B 6. — Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? — Walk straight on _______ you see a white building. It’s right there. 【 中考 · 苏州 】 A. though B . since C. until D . if C 7. We should take steps( 采取措施 ) to _______ people _______ cutting down trees . A. stop; from B . keep; from C. prevent; from D . all the above D 8. Every morning, Tim sees groups of middle-aged women _______ in the square. A. dance B . to dance C . dances D . danced 【 点拨 】 句意:每天早上 Tim 看到许多中年妇女在广场上跳舞。 see sb. do sth. 表示“看见某人做某事”,故选 A 。 A    9. —I hear your father has gone to Beijing on business. —Yes. And he _______ in three weeks. A. will return B . has returned C. returned D . returns A    10. — I don’t know _______ . Can you give me some advice ? — How about Mo Yan’s? He is famous now. 【 中考 · 内江 】 A. whose novel I should buy B . whose novel should I buy C. where I can buy the novel D . Where can I buy the novel 【 点拨 】 宾语从句应该用陈述语序,因此排除 B 、 D ,根据“莫言的怎么样”可知询问应该买谁的小说。故选 A 。 A 二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 11. 孩子们走在上学的路上。 Children are ________ __________ _______ ________ school . on their/the way to 12 . 我们不想上课迟到。 We don’t want ________ _______ _______ _______ class . 13. 你知道这是谁的错误吗? Do you know __________ _______ _______ _______ ? to be late for whose fault it is/was 14. 人们在匆忙时经常丢东西。 People often lose things when they are ______ ______ _________ . 15. 没有人知道未来会发生什么。 No one knows what _______ _______ _______ _______ _________ . in a hurry will happen in the future Unit 3 Safety Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life! 冀教版 九年级 一、根据汉语提示完成 句子 , 并 背记相应英语 词汇 1. It was _________( 粗心 ) of me to leave the door open. 2. Danny had much __________( 血 ) on his head after the accident . careless      blood      3. She remained a _________( 陌生人 ) to me. 4. Don’t ________( 插入 ) your fingers through the bars of the cage. 5. What’s the matter with your left _________( 膝盖 ) ? stranger       stick     knee 二、根据提示完成 句子 , 并 背记英语 句子 6. 突然 , 砰 !我右侧着地重重地摔在了地上。 ________ _______ _______ _______ , WHAM! I ________ ________ hard _________ my right side. All of a sudden went down on 7. 我感觉如此 糟糕 , 又 躺下了。 I felt _________ terrible ________ I ______ ________ again . 8. 当我躺在那的 时候 , 我 摘下了我的头盔。 _______ I ________ there, I _______ _______ my _________ . so that lay down As lay took off helmet 9. 有一块尖的石头从它里边伸了出来。 There was a sharp ________ ________ _______ _______ it . 10. 谢天谢地 , 我 戴着头盔! _______ __________ I _______ my ________ ! rock sticking out of Thank goodness wore helmet 1. Because of the bad weather, there was a ________ change of our plan. (sudden) 【 中考 · 包头 】 sudden   2. 选词 填空 The earthquake happened ________________ , but luckily no one was injured in the village. 【 中考 · 贵阳 】 on weekends thanks to all of a sudden all of a sudden   3. If you have any spare milk, could you give me ______ ? 【 中考 · 通辽 】 A. a few B . few C . a little D . little 【 点拨 】 句意:如果你有多余的牛奶,你能给我点吗? a few 和 few 均可修饰可数名词复数,但前者表肯定,后者表否定; a little/little 均修饰不可数名词,但前者表肯定,后者表否定。 milk 是不可数名词,再根据句意“你能给我 ________ 吗?”可推知空白处表达肯定的意思。故选 C 。 C 4. I have _______ friends, so I feel sad. 【 中考 · 绥化 】 A. few B . a few C . little A 5. She was _______ excited at the news that she couldn’t say a word. 【 中考 · 湘潭 】 A. so B . very C . such 【 点拨 】 句意:听到这个消息她是那么的激动,以至于一句话也说不出来。“ so +形容词 / 副词+ that…” 固定短语,意为“如此 …… 以至于 ……” ; excited“ 激动的”为形容词,故用副词 so 。 A 6. — Harry Potter is _______ an interesting novel _______ I want to read it again. — I agree with you. 【 中考 · 咸宁 】 A. so ; that B . too; to C . such; that D. as; as 【 点拨 】 句意: ——《 哈利波特 》 是如此有趣的一部小说以至于我想再看一遍。 —— 我同意你的说法。根据修饰名词可知应用 such 。故选 C 。 C 【 点拨 】 本题运用词语辨析法。 Put away 收起; Put on 穿上; Take off 脱下; Take away 拿走。句意: —— 珍妮,外面很冷。当你出去时穿上你的外套。 —— 好的,爸爸。故选 B 。 7. — Jenny, it’s cold outside. ______ your coat when you go out. — OK, Dad. 【 中考 · 铜仁 】 A. Put away B. Put on C. Take off D. Take away B 8. It’s getting hot. You can _______ your coat. 【 中考 · 河池 】 A. put off B . take off C . set off D . get off B 9. There are some people ______ soccer in the park. A. play B . plays C . playing D.to play 【 点拨 】 句意:一些人正在公园里踢英式足球。根据语境可知,表示正在进行的动作。 There be sb. doing sth. 表示“有某人正在做某事”,故选 C 。   C 10. Look! This is our class photo. There _______ 45 students in my class. 【 中考 · 攀枝花 】 A. has B . have C . is D . are D 11. Bob dislikes coffee, so he almost ______ drinks it. A. often B . always C . never D. ever C 12. —I have some trouble in learning maths. —Take it easy, because we can _______ avoid meeting problems in study. 【 中考 · 葫芦岛 】 A. always B . usually C . often D . hardly 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 我在学习数学方面有困难。 —— 别着急,因为在学习中我们 ________ 避免遇到问题。结合语境可知此处指“难以”避免遇到问题,需用否定副词 hardly 。故选 D 。 D 一、单项 选择 1. All of _______ sudden, I heard someone calling me. A. a B . an C . the D . / A   2. We’ll have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will _______ forget the days we spent together. 【 中考 · 重庆 A】 A. always B . often C . never D . usually C   3. In our school _______ students like English, but _______ of them can speak English smoothly. A. a little; a few B . a few; few C. a few; little D . a little; few B   4. — It’s too hot today. —Yes. Why don’t you ________ your jacket? A. put on B . put up C . take off D . take after C 5. The TV play Journey to the West is ______ interesting _______ I would like to watch it again. 【 中考 · 龙东 】 A. such; that B . too; to C . so; that C 二、按要求完成下列各题 6. I go to school by bike .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ________ _______ you go to school? How do 7. The dog lay on the ground .( 改为 一般 疑问句 ) _______ the dog ________ on the ground? 8. I think he will come this afternoon .( 改为 否定 句 ) I _______ _______ he _______ come this afternoon. Did lie don't think will    9. Both you and I have the chance .( 改为 否定 句 ) ________ you _______ I have the chance. 10. I want to know. What’s her name ?( 连 成 一句话 ) _______________________________________ Neither nor    I want to know what her name is. 三、连词成句 11. wrong, there, the, is, TV set, something, with _____________________________________ . There is something wrong with the TV set 12 . for, important, running, health, is ________________________________________ . 13. stranger, on the street, I, a, met ________________________________________ _________________________________________. Running is important for health On the street I met a stranger/I met a stranger on the street 14. got to, he, the, quickly, hospital ___________________________________ . 15. drives, to, my, school, father, me ___________________________________. He got to the hospital quickly My father drives me to school Unit 3 Safety Lesson 16 How Safe Is Your Home ? 冀教版 九年级 一、根据汉语提示完成 句子 , 并 背记相应英语 词汇 1. Pass me the _______ ( 盐 ) , please. I need it for my soup . 2. It’s easy to use the ________ ( 剪刀 ) . Let me show you. salt       scissors       3. Stay away from the fire, or you will ________ ( 烧伤 ) yourself. 4. He didn’t go to school for a ________ ( 某个 ) reason. 5. They seemed to be enjoying ___________ ( 他们自己 ) . burn        certain      themselves 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语 句子 6. 什么地方让你感到最舒服? What place makes you ______ _______ ______ ____________ ? feel the most comfortable 7. 很多人从椅子上掉下来,伤到了他们自己。 Many people hurt ____________ by _________ _______ chairs . 8. 当你在做饭时,使用火源和热源时要当心。 _______ _________ _______ fire and heat when you cook . themselves falling off Be careful with 9. 在湿地板上很容易滑倒。 _______ is easy _______ _______ and fall on a wet floor . 10. 不要用水扑灭厨房里的火。而是用小苏打或盐代替。 _______ use water to ______ ______ kitchen fires . Use ________ _______ or salt _________ . It to slip Don't put out baking soda instead 1. Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be _______ for me . 【 中考 · 凉山 】 A. difficult B . too difficult C. more difficult D . the most difficult 【 点拨 】 根据 Of all the subjects 可知科目至少三门以上,由此可知要用最高级,故选 D 。 D   2. Bill and Craig are _______ boys , and Craig is ______ of the two. 【 中考 · 恩施 】 A . taller; tallest B . tall; taller C. tall; the taller C   3. Children should learn how to protect _______ in the face of danger. 【 中考 · 葫芦岛 】 A. himself B . yourself C. ourselves D . themselves D 4.— Mom, I plan to wash clothes by _______ this summer vacation . — Good girl! Go for it. 【 中考 · 辽阳 】 A. me B . my C . mine D . myself D 5. — Have you heard of the big fire that broke out at Hao Yixing Clothes Market on June 2nd? — Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen immediately drove there and ______ the fire . 【 中考 · 达州 】 A. put off B . put away C . put down D . put out D 【 点拨 】 put off 推迟; put away 放好,收起来; put down 放下; put out 扑灭。句意: —— 你听说了 6 月 2 日发生在好宜兴服装市场的大火了吗? —— 是的。幸运的是,数百名消防员立刻开车赶到那里 ________ 大火。根据语境可知,消防员及时赶来,扑灭了大火。故选 D 。 6. —Mom, can I leave the chores till tomorrow? —I’m afraid not. You can’t _______ today’s work till tomorrow . 【 中考 · 襄阳 】 A. put off B . turn down C. give away D . look up A 7. I don’t want to go shopping. ________ , I want to stay at home . 【 改编 · 绵阳 】 A. Then B . However C . Besides D . Instead D 8. 老师没有惩罚那些调皮的男孩,而是耐心地 对待他们 。 【 中考 · 烟台 】 The teacher treated the naughty boys patiently ______________________________________ . instead of punishing them 9. —I always hate being late for school. —________ 【 中考 · 潍坊 】 A. So am I. B . So do I. C . So I am. D . So I do. 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 我总是讨厌上学迟到。 —— 我也是。下文是指“另一人”也怎样, so 引导倒装句,要构成完全倒装,表示“ …… 也怎样”,上文行为动词 hate 提示用助动词 do 。构成“ so +助动词 do +主语 I” 结构。故选 B 。   B 10. —I don’t like horror films. They’re terrible. —________ . A. Either I do B . Neither I do C. Either do I D . Neither do I 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 我不喜欢恐怖电影。他们太可怕。 —— 我也不喜欢。承接上文,用 neither 或 nor 引导倒装句,表示“也不”,要构成完全倒装句。上文行为动词 like 提示用助动词 do ,构成“ neither + do +主语 I” 结构。故选 D 。  D 一、单项 选择 1. Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by _______ next Sunday. 【 中考 · 南京 】 A. they B . them C . their D . themselves D   2. —Betty, pass me the ______ . I will cut the cake. —OK, Mom. Here you are. 【 中考 · 丽水 】 A. sugar B . scarf C . knife D. note C   3. — What’s _______ time you’re willing to wait for Waimai food? — Ten minutes at most. 【 中考 · 盐城 】 A. long B . longer C. the longer D. the longest D   4. It took the firemen an hour to ______ the fire. A. put out B . put on C. put down D . put off A 5. — Sandy likes English best. She reads the texts every day. — ________ . 【 中考 · 黔东南 】 A. So does Jim B . So Jim does C. So Jim is D . So is Jim A 二、用所给词的适当形式 填空 6. John has made progress by __________ (work) hard . 7. Many accidents happen for the drivers are ________ (care) . working   careless   8. Use your head _________ (think) it over. 9. Keep these ________ (poison) out of the reach of children. 10. It is _________ (danger) to play with fire. to think   poisons   dangerous 三、根据句意及汉语提示完成 句子 11. 我更愿在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友在外闲逛。 _________ _______ hanging out with friends, I prefer to watch TV at home. Instead of 12. 在公园里应阻止游客踩踏草地。 Visitors should _______ ___________ _________ _________________ on the grass in the park. 13. 别去烦她!此事与她无关。 【 改编 · 无锡 】 _________ her _______ ! It has nothing to do with her. be prevented from walking/stepping Leave alone 14. 短时间内学好英语不是件容易的事。 It’s not easy ________ ________ English well in a short time. 15. 这里有一些安全建议。 Here ________ some ________ tips . to learn are safety 四、 根据短文内容或所给提示,补全文中单词或用所 给单词的正确形式填空 Do you have _______16 experience when you are at home alone? A ________17 (certainly) morning last year, my parents were away. When it was time _______18 lunch, I wanted to cook a meal for myself in the k 19. an     certain     for     itchen   I used __________ 20 (scissor) to cut some things. I (turn) _________ 21 on the stove. I was _______ 22(care) so that I didn’t burn myself. I knew that things caught fire _________ 23 (easy) . So I made sure t 24 everything was away from the stove. My lunch wasn’t so delicious, but I _________ 25 (learn) a lot. scissors   turned    careful    easily   hat    learned   五、补全对话,在对话的空白处填入适当的话语 ( 话语可以是句子、短语或词 ) ,使对话完整 【 中考 · 铁岭 】 A: Hi, Li Ming! B: Hi, Wang Dong! A: I hear that we are going to have a class meeting. ____________________________________26 ? When will it be   B: Tomorrow. Our teacher asked me to host ( 主持 ) the class meeting. A: I think you can do it. _____________________27 ? B: It’s about safety. We know safety is important to every student. A: _____________________________________ 28 ? What is it about What will we do at the meeting B: We are going to watch a video about safety first, and then have a discussion. A: Why not ask a policeman to teach us how to avoid accidents? B: ________________ 29. It may help a lot. Thank you. A: ________________________________________ 30. That's a good idea You are welcome Unit 3 Safety Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an Earthquake 冀教版 九年级 一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语 词汇 1. Who can tell me the name of this ________ ( 物体 ) ? I have never seen it before. 2. The ________ ( 系统 ) wastes a large amount of water. object     system     3. It is important to keep ________ ( 冷静 ) in an emergency. 4. For the disabled, __________ ( 生存 ) is a big problem. 5. The ____________ ( 地震 ) lasted for three days. calm      survival    earthquake 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语 句子 6. 在你周围需要有一些结实的东西来保护你免受 降落物体 的伤害。 You need to have __________ ________ around you to ________ you ________ _______ objects . something strong protect from falling 7. 如果你在车里,就把车停靠在没有树木或高大 建筑物 的地方并待在车内。 If you are in a car, ________ ________ to a place _______ there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car . pull over where 8 . 密切注意可能落到你身上的东西。 ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ things ________ can fall on you. Keep an eye out for that 9. 太多的电话会使电话系统瘫痪。 _______ ________ calls will ______ _______ the phone system. 10. 保持冷静不容易,但却能挽救你的生命。 ________ _______ is not easy, but it can ________ your life. Too many bring down Staying calm save 1. He was punished without any ________ (warn) . warning 2. The policeman warned the man ______ after drinking. 【 中考 · 海南 】 A. not to drive B. to drive C. driving 【 点拨 】 本题运用常识法。 warn sb.(not)to do sth. 警告某人 ( 不要 ) 做某事。根据常识酒后不能驾驶,所以此处应该是 warn sb. not to do sth. 结构。故选 A 。 A   3. ______ you must go and play football, at least wait until school is over. 【 中考 · 呼和浩特 】 A. If B . Whether C . Unless D. So that A 4. I don’t know _______ he will come or not this afternoon. 【 中考 · 绥化 】 A. if B. when C. whether C 5. — It is said that children in South Korea have to hike and walk through mountains at night ______ their military( 军事的 ) training . — Really? So their training is much harder than ours. A. after B . since C . during D . before 【 点拨 】 after 在 …… 之后; since 自从 …… 以来; during 在 …… 期间; before 在 …… 之前。句意: —— 据说韩国的孩子们在晚上不得不徒步旅行,穿过高山在他们的军事训练 ______ 。 —— 真的吗?这么说他们的训练要比我们的要艰苦得多。根据“ their training is much harder…” 可知是“在军训期间艰苦行军”。故选 C 。 C 6. —Do you know the student ______ David and Jack? —Yeah. It’s Jim. 【 中考 · 随州 】 A. among B . in C . between D . around C 7. 为了避免浪费资源,我们必须尽可能多地循环利用。 【 改编 · 烟台 】 In order to avoid wasting resources, we must recycle them ______ _______ ________ _________ . as much as possible 8. Reading books _______ a bridge between our lives and the unknown world. 【 中考 · 贵阳 】 A. built B . build C . builds 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。读书为我们的生活架起了一座通往未知世界的桥梁。用一般现在时表达客观事实;动名词短语作主语表达的是一件事情,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选 C 。 C 9. 习近平总书记说过:“我们现在比历史上任何时候 都更 接近实现中国梦。” 【 中考 · 乌鲁木齐 】 “ __________________________ Chinese Dream is now getting _________ to us than any time in the history.” said President Xi Jinping . Achieving/Realizing/Reaching closer 一、单项 选择 1. We’ll put on an English play Snow White _______ this year’s art festival. A. into B . out C . during D . among C   2. ______ vegetable juice is a good habit, which helps you eat a balanced diet . 【 中考 · 曲靖 】 A. Drink B . Drank C. Drunk D . Drinking D   3. This sign is used ______ tourists to stay away from the lion in the zoo. 【 中考 · 南通 】 A. to warn B . to warning C. to make D . to making 【 点拨 】 本题运用词语应用法。 be used to 被用来; warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事; make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。根据句子结构可知选 A 。 A   4. We’re not sure if it ______ tomorrow . If it ______ , we won’t climb the South Hill. 【 中考 · 天水 】 A. will rain; rains B . will rain; will rain C. rains; rains D . rains; will rain 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。 if 引导的条件状语从句遵从“主将从现”的原则,故选 A 。 A 5. My maths teacher lives an active life. She looks as ______ as she was ten years ago. 【 中考 · 重庆 B】 A. young B . younger C. the youngest D. youngest A 二、用所给词的适当形式完成句子 6. A helmet can protect us from _________ (hurt) when we are riding a bike. 7. ____________ (remember) to keep in touch! being hurt    Remember   8. There _______ (be) plenty of grass on the ground. 9. He always does what he can _________ (save) others. 10. It is ___________ (danger) to play football on the street. is     to save    dangerous 三、连词成 句 11. gets home, usually, late, he _____________________________________ _____________________________________. He usually gets home late/Usually he gets home late 12. brought, the shop, price, its, down ___________________________________. 13. away, buildings, stay, old, from ___________________________________. The shop brought down its price Stay away from old buildings 14. objects, you, how, see, many, can _________________________________ ? 15. is, people, for, survival, some, hard _________________________________ . How many objects can you see Survival is hard for some people Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 冀教版九年级 Unit 3 Safety 一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇 1. She managed to ______ ( 接住 ) the keys as they fell. 2. Few candidates had received any ________( 训练 ) in management. catch      training       3. Can you explain the second ______ ( 规则 ) to me? 4. He broke off a ________ ( 树枝 ) of the tree. 5. I’m sorry. I can’t _______ ( 参加 ) your party. rule         branch         attend 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语 句子 6. 你建议他用一把梯子,但是他没听。 You ________ him ______ ______ a ladder, but he didn’t _______ . advised to use listen 7. 她看着我爬得越来越高。 She watched me climb ________ ______ ________ . 8. 我的腿有点儿不对劲。 There was ___________ _________ ______ my leg. higher and higher something wrong with 9. 康复花了我三个月的时间。 _______ ______ me three months ______ _______ . 10. 顺便问一下,你喜欢我寄给你的礼物吗? _______ ______ ______ , do you like the _________ I _______ you ? It took to recover By the way gift sent 1. Can you give me some ________ (advise) on learning English? advice 2. Evans had a sore throat. His friend advised him _______ some hot water. 【 中考 · 盘锦 】 A. drinking B . to drink C. drink D . drank 【 点拨 】 句意: Evans 咽喉痛。他的朋友建议他喝些热水。 advise sb. to do sth. 意为“建议某人做某事”。故选 B 。 B   3. Never _______ too much time on games. A. spend B . spends C . spending D . to spend A   4. David _______ make trouble at school. 【 中考 · 永州 】 A. can’t B . don’t C . doesn’t B   5. It often takes me two hours ______ my homework in the evening. 【 中考 · 桂林 】 A. do B . doing C. to do C 6. 这个事故已经发生了,我们将尽力帮助他。 The accident ______________________ and we will do our best to help him . (take) 【 中考 · 荆州 】 has (already) taken place 7. ______ ! What can you ______ ? A. Listen; hear B . Hear; listen C. Listen to; hear D . Sound; listen A 8. —Do you like the songs by Taylor? —Yes . Country music _______ nice and full of feelings. 【 中考 · 阜康 】 A. sounds B . listens C . hears D . looks 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你喜欢泰勒唱的歌吗? —— 是的。乡村音乐听起来很优美,充满了感情。 sounds 听起来; listens 听; hears 听说; looks 看起来。根据句意选 A 。 A 9. —If someone is _______ your way, what will you do? —I will wait until he or she moves instead of pushing past. 【 中考 · 泰州 】 A. in B . on C. by D . along 【 点拨 】 本题运用语境法。句意: —— 如果有人挡了你的路,你会怎么做? —— 我会等到他或她走过去而不是抢道。根据答语提示上文用 in one's way ,表示“挡道”。故选 A 。 A 【 点拨 】 本题运用词语辨析法。 By the way 顺便说一下; On the way 在途中; In the way 妨碍,挡路; All the way 一直。句意: —— 你想陈先生了吗? —— 是的,我想了。 ________ 自从他离开之后,你听说过他吗?只有 A 符合句意。 10. —Do you miss Mr. Chen? —Yes , I do ._______ , have you ever heard of him since he left? A. By the way B . On the way C. In the way D . All the way A 11. ______ ! A car is running quickly. It’s too dangerous . A. Take care B . Look at C. What a pity D . Look out of A 12. The little girl has to take care of her grandmother and grandfather when her parents are out. ______ 【 中考 · 黔东南 】 A. look into B . look for C. look up D . look after 【 点拨 】 take care of 意为“照顾”,相当于 look after 。故选 D 。 D 一、单项 选择 1. —I talked with my little uncle on the computer last night. —The Internet makes the world ______. 【 中考 · 铜仁 】 A. small and small B . smaller and smaller C. small and smaller D . smaller and small 【 点拨 】 —— 昨晚我和我的小叔叔用电脑聊天了。 —— 互联网使世界越来越小。比较级+ and +比较级,意为“越来越”,故选 B 。 B   2. I like to ______ music in my free time. A. listen B . listen to C . hear D . hear from B   3. It only _______ me half an hour ______ to school every day last term. 【 中考 · 平凉 】 A. takes; riding B . spent; to ride C. cost; walk D . took; to walk D   4. —You’d better advise him ______ anything out of the window while driving. —I will. He has to know it’s dangerous. 【 中考 · 宜昌 】 A. not throwing B . no throwing C. not to throw D . don’t throw C   5 . ( 易 错 题 ) Take care ! A bus is coming . ______ A. Look after B . Look out C. Take after D . Take care of 【 点拨 】 本题运用替代法。 take care 当心; look after 照顾; look out 当心; take after 长得像; take care of 照顾。故选 B 。 B 二、语法专 练 6. —Jack , don’t always copy what others do. ______ your head, please. —Thanks for telling me. A. Using B . Used C . Uses D . Use D     7. —What are the rules at your school? —Don’t run in the hallways and ______ arrive late for class . A. not to B . won’t C . don’t D . no C     8. _______ to turn off all the lights when you go out. 【 中考 · 湘潭 】 A. Remember B . To remember C . Remembering A     9. _____ throwing those stones, please . A. Stop B . Stops C . Stopping D . Stopped A    10. ______ play with fire. _______ with fire is dangerous. A. Don’t; Playing B . Not; Playing C. Don’t; Play D . Not to; To play 【 点拨 】 本题运用语法判定法。否定祈使句用“ Don‘t +动词原形”构成;动名词 Playing 或不定式 To play 可作主语,故选 A 。 A 【 点拨 】 细节理解题。根据文中“ One day, little Roy was ill. So his mother took him to the clinic( 诊 所 ) .”可知罗伊病了,妈妈带他去门诊看病。故该题叙述正确。 三、 阅读理解,根据文章内容,判断文后句子的正确 (T) 与错误 (F) 【 中考 · 乌鲁木齐 】 11. Roy’s mother took him to the clinic because of his illness. _______ 请同学们看 《 典中点 》 第 40 页短文。 T   12. The doctor told Roy he needed to get injections twice a day. _______ 【 点拨 】 推理判断题。根据第一段医生说的话“ …I'm afraid you need to get injections( 输液 ) twice a day.… ” 可知该题叙述正确。 T 13. Roy thought the doctor would hurt him so he was afraid. _______ 【 点拨 】 推理判断题。根据第一段“ Roy thought it would hurt so he was afraid.” 可知罗伊认为注射会疼,而不是医生会伤害他。 F    14. His mother promised to take him to the zoo on weekdays. ________ 【 点拨 】 细节理解题。根据第二段中“ If you‘re brave, I’ll take you to the zoo on weekends. I promise! ” 可知妈妈答应他周末带他去动物园,而不是工作日去。故该项陈述错误。 F    15. Finally, the nurse gave the injection on her left arm. _______ 【 点拨 】 推理判断题。罗伊因为害怕选择让护士在她自己的胳膊上打一针,这种情况是不可能发生的。故该项陈述错误。 F 用本单元所学单词的适当形式填空 We all know danger is everywhere in life, and _______1 (safe) is the first. So it’s necessary to know some _______2 (rule) to protect us. Here are some tips for ___________3 (prevent) accidents. Don’t let children play in the k 4 at home; they may burn _____________5. safety     rules    preventing      itchen      themselves Don’t use water ________ 6 (put) out kitchen fires. You can use baking soda or salt i 7 . Be careful with ________8 (knife) , or you may cut yourself. It’s easy _______ 9 (slip) and fall on a wet floor. Be sure to keep the bathroom floor dry _______10 having a shower or bath. to put        nstead        knives       to slip    after 单元整合与拔高 冀教版 九年级 Unit 3 Safety 一、语法整 合真 题 练 1. Please ______ here earlier! We don’t want to miss the last bus to the library. 【 中考 · 吉林 】 A. arrive B . to arrive C . arriving A 2. _______ me a chance and I’ll bring you a surprise . 【 中考 · 重庆 A】 A. Give B . Giving C. Gives D . To give 【 点拨 】 句意:给我一次机会,我将会带给你一个惊喜。祈使句的句首是动词原形。故选 A 。 A 3. —_______ run in the hallways, Mike. —Sorry. Ms. Clark. 【 中考 · 湘西 】 A. Don’t B . Please C . No 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 不要在走廊里跑,迈克。 —— 对不起,克拉克老师。分析句子结构知,第一句为祈使句,祈使句是用动词原形开头的,否定句用 don't… 。故选 A 。  A 4. Tommy, _______ play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car. 【 中考 · 广东 】 A.do B . don’t C. must D . mustn’t B 5. You shouldn’t shout back to your parents !( 改为 祈使句 ) 【 中考 · 乌鲁木齐 】 ________ _______ back to your parents! Don't shout 6. If you don’t work hard, you will fall behind . ( 改为同义句 ) 【 中考 · 天水 】 __________________ , or you will fall behind. Work hard 7. 周末不要独自外出 。 (go) 【 中考 · 荆州 】 Don’t ________________ alone on weekends. 8. 不要忘了提醒我日期和地点 。 【 中考 · 重庆渝北 】 Don’t _________ _________ remind me of the date and place. go out forget to 二、高频考点真题练 9. To achieve our dreams, we must take every life choice _________ (serious) . 【 中考 · 贵阳 】 seriously    10. Teenagers should learn how to protect __________ (they) from all kinds of danger. 【 中考 · 莱芜 】 11. Tom was so __________( 粗心的 ) that he made many mistakes in this maths test. 【 中考 · 德阳 】 themselves    careless    12 . Whenever I go out, my mother is always worried about my _______( 安全 ) . 【 中考 · 德阳 】 13. Some parents tell their kids not to speak to , __________( 陌生人 ) . 【 中考 · 日照 】 safety strangers   14. It _______ about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth. 【 中考 · 泸州 】 A. pays B . costs C . spends D . takes D 15. It’s ________ for you to keep secrets for your friends. In this way, you can win their trust. 【 中考 · 泰州 】 A. strange B . necessary C . possible D . lucky B 16. 仔细记笔记,这对你的学习有帮助 。 【 中考 · 葫芦岛 】 ____________________________________________________________ , and it is helpful for your study. Be careful with your notes/ Write down your notes carefully 17. Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, had a strong will ( 意志 ) . His serious illness never _______ him _______ living a meaningful and colourful life. 【 中考 · 昆明 】 A. learned; from B . protected; from C. saved; from D . stopped; from 【 点拨 】 learn from 向 …… 学习; protect…from 保护某人 ( 某物 ) 免受伤害; save from 从 …… 拯救; stop from 阻止 ( 某人 ) 做某事。句意:史蒂芬 • 霍金,是个杰出的科学家,他有着顽强的意志。他严重的疾病从来不会阻止他过着有意义的丰富多彩的生活。结合句意故选 D 。 D 阅读文章,回答问题。 1. Why don’t we go outside immediately in earthquakes ? _________________________________________ _________________________________________. 请同学们看 《 典中点 》 第 42 页短文。 【 点拨 】 根据原文 : Do NOT go outside immediately. You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings. 可知答案。 Because we could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings.   2. What should we keep away from in earthquakes ? (List at least three points) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We should keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, and anything else that could fall and hurt you. Also keep away from a fire. ( 列举出 3 种即可 ) 【 点拨 】 原文第四段便是答案,整体讲的都是地震的时候我们应该远离什么。 3. What should we do if driving a car in earthquakes ? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据原文第三段的最后一句 : Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. 可知答案。 Stop the car if it's safe. Stay inside the car until the earthquake stops. 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是 Safety( 安全 ), 安全问题关系到我们每一个人,我们应该时刻提高警惕,注意安全! 二、写作方法 “三步法”写安全类话题作文 第一步:开篇点题,简明扼要 第二步:提出建议,详略得当 第三步:总结概括,首尾呼应 三、素材积累 1. “ 安全 类 ” 作文 常用词汇: safe/safety, dangerous, protect...from ..., careful/careless, stay calm 2. “ 安全类 ” 作文 常用句型: It is necessary/ important (for us) to do... Here are some suggestions for you. We all need to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger. Safety must come first. 四、写作任务 【 中考 · 十堰 】 3 月 26 日是第二十三个全国中小学生安全教育日。 今年安全教育日的主题是“普及安全知识,确保生命 安全”。暑假即将来临,为了进一步增强中小学生的 安全意识,提高自我保护能力,学校将举行以安全为 主题的征文活动。请你根据下列表格内容写一篇题为 “How can we make ourselves safe?” 的英语短文。 提示词: be careful( 小心 ) go bad( 变质 ) 要点 内容 饮食安全 不吃变质食物,少吃或不吃垃圾食品。 交友安全 网上慎重交友,不和陌生人交谈。 旅行安全 照看好私人物品,遇险及时报警。 游泳安全 不独自游泳,不到河、湖里游泳。 …… …… 要求: 1. 必须包含所给的全部要点及内容,可适当发挥。 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。 3. 字数 80-100 ,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 How can we make ourselves safe? As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially important._______________________________ ________________________________________________ 五、写作模板 六、满分作文 How can we make ourselves safe? As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially important.________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are some of my suggestions. First, we are supposed to be careful when making friends online, which may bring us unnecessary troubles. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Second, remember never to go swimming on our own in the river or the lake because doing that will probably put ourselves into dangerous situations. Besides, in order to eat healthily and safely, we'd better eat less junk food and not eat food that goes bad, for they will do harm to our health. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At last, when traveling outside, take care of our personal things and call the police for help in time if we are in danger. In short, safety must come first!

