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上学期高二英语 11 月月考试题 03 I 听力(共 30 题,每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 第一节:听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who is the man probably? A. A taxi driver B. A hotel clerk C. The manager of the restaurant. 2. Where is Tom’s father probably? A. In the kitchen B. In the garden C. In the shop 3. What time is it now? A.6:00 p.m. B. 10:00 p.m. C. 11:00 p.m. 4. What’s wrong with the woman? A. She has a cold B. She is hungry C. She has a headache 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. The woman’ s boots B. Their favorite colors C. The woman’s dress 第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给 的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独 白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟 的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. Why is the man so happy? A. His sister has passed an important examination. B. His family will hold a party for him. C. He will run a five-star restaurant. 7. What relation is the woman to the man? A. His mother B. His girlfriend C. His sister 听第七段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Colleagues 9. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. See a doctor. B. Buy an exercise machine. C. Ride a bicycle. 10. What will the man do tomorrow? A. Jog together with the woman. B. Go to the gym. C. walk up and down the stairs. 听第八段材料,回答第 11 至 14 题。 11. How much has the man paid for his driving lessons? A.100 pounds. B.114 pounds C. 140 pounds 12. What does the teacher’s car look like? A. A little old. B. Small and new. C. New and big. 13. How did the man fail the driving test? A. He drove through the red lights. B. He made the wrong turn. C. He hit something. 14. Why will his father be his next teacher? A. He charged less than the school. B. He can take good care of him. C. He is more experienced. 听第九段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。 15. What are the speakers talking about? A. Unexpected phone calls. B. How to refuse telephone calls. C. How sell things on phone. 16. What was the woman like when she received the call yesterday? A. Interested B. Patient at first C. Angry from the start 17. What can we learn about the man? A. He entered a contest and won a free trip to the Bahamas. B. He would have to pay for all the expenses except the air fare. C. He was happy to hear the good news. 听第十段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18. What did Abraham find on his way home? A. A handbag B. A wallet C. A schoolbag 19. How did he do with it? A. He kept it for himself. B. He gave it to the owner. C. He gave it to the policeman. 20. Why was the young woman surprised? A. Abraham described her lost item. B. She had seen Abraham before. C. Abraham had her photo. 二.单选题:(15’) 1. ——Did Tom go to his uncle’s? ——__________. ——I asked whether Tom went to his uncle’s. A. Don’t ask me. B. What happened C. Of course D. Pardon 2. ---What do you think of the book? ----Oh, excellent. It’s worth ________ a second time. A. reading B. to be read C to read D. being read 3. The incomes of skilled workers went up. _______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. Otherwise B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. Moreover 4. No one has _____ anything better than the plan now under consideration. A. put up with B. come up C. put forward D. come up to 5. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and______. A.I was neither B. Neither was I C. I was either D. either was I 6. Her pale face suggested that she ______________ badly ill and I suggested she __________to hospital without delay. A. be; should be sent B. was; be sent C. be; was sent D. was; was sent 7. 0nly when I left my parents for Italy ___________ how much I loved them. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realized 8. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ___________, he gladly accepted it. A. finished B. having finished C. finishing D. was finished 9. To our great ______, his health has been improving since the operation. A. regret B. delight C. credit D. disappointment 10. Come and see whenever_____________. A. you are convenient B. it is convenient to you C. you will be convenient D. it will be convenient to you 11. ___________ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm. A. Attracting B. Attracted C. Having attracted D. To be attracted 12. I have had my bike______, and I’m going to have somebody_______ my radio tomorrow. A. repair; to repair B. repairing; to be repaired C. to repair; repairing D. repaired; repair 13. The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad _______on the employer. A. opinion B. experience C. expression D. impression 14. After the long journey, the three of them went back home,__________. A. hungrily and tiredly B. hungry and tiredly C. hungrily and tired D. hungry and tired 15. Jack has had no ______ experience of this kind of job, but he got the job offer just due to his honesty. A. obvious B. cautious C. previous D. precious 三.完形填空:(20) I filled my afternoon with small kindness today. It didn’t take much__36__or effort, but I hope it made a small difference to the people who__37__it.I stopped at the supermarket to buy some__38__for my daughter Rita. I also decided to get a few more for my husband and me. Armed with the hamburgers,I went on to my second__39__— a local bookshop. I wanted to see if it had any book on pets,since Rita__40__ them. While I was there , I__41__the lady at the counter. She said I was the second__42__to the shop that day with lovely smelling hamburgers. I jokingly replied that there were only__43__things she could do—either__44__them,if she was on a diet (节食) or go to the supermarket and get some. She replied she would prefer the second choice.“Even__45__” , I said , “I’ll give you mine.” With that , I placed them on the__46__ and walked straight out. I caught her surprise as I__47__:“I thought you were joking!” It had been__48__heavily so everyone looked quite wet. I noticed a homeless lady selling the “Big Issue” (a magazine that__49__homeless people) who looked particularly__50__so I gave her all my change ( 零 钱 ) but asked her to__51__the magazine. I then went back to my car. I had to pay for two hours of__52__instead of one because I didn’t have the correct change,so I__53__had an hour left on my parking. I waited until I saw a young couple__54__ in and gave it to them. They were a little surprised but quite__55__. Then I went home with a smile on my face. 36.A. knowledge B.information    D.time 37.A. carried B.collected C.received D.discovered 38.A. drinks B.hamburgers C.magazines 39.A. office B.factory C.stop D.station 40.A. loves B.improves C.misses D.understands 41.A. cared about B.talked with C.looked for D.dealt with 42.A. foreigner C.owner D.person 43.A. four B.three C.two D.five 44.A. avoid C.enjoy D.smell 45.A. busier B.better C. cleverer D.cleaner 46.A. counter B.bed D.floor 47.A. appeared B.refused C.entered D.left 48.A. snowing B.blowing C.raining D.smoking 49.A. protects B.likes C.introduces D.supports 50.A. warm B.cold C.angry 51.A. keep B.print 52.A. swimming B.waiting C.parking 53.A. also B.still C.never D.often 54.A. look C.walk 55.A. pleased B.interested C.worried D.disappointed 四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A When Han Duan started her professional career at 16, China’s national women’s football team was defeated in the final of the World Cup by the US. While she was asked to play in her first World Cup in 2003, she largely remained on the bench after the first match. But things have changed. Now, Han is one of the most important players in China’s team. “I can’t wait to play. Life is short. You must make the most out of it,” Han always says like that. Han wants every possible honor that a football player can get — an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal. She has always been good at sports, especially swimming and horizontal bars. At school, she was the fastest in the 60m and 100m. But the reason she picked football was that she wanted to get more compliments (称赞). “Football is for boys. But I feel more fulfilled when I can do better than them and win more compliments,” she said. Later, when she entered a football school, the coach always asked Han to show others what to do. However, nobody can be good at everything. Han described her singing as “howling” and the only school subject she was good at was Chinese. “I was very happy every time my essay was posted on the wall for my schoolmates to read.” But Han still has some regrets about her school years. Her handwriting was terrible at school. She ever wanted to improve her handwriting but didn’t achieve much. “My fans ask for my signature (签名), so I’d better practice and practice. It’s not too late,” she says. 56. In the World Cup in 2003, Han Duan was a(n) ______. A. member of the audience B. unimportant player C. team captain D. fan of a sports star 57. What does the underlined part in the second paragraph imply? A. Han Duan seizes every chance to learn more to fulfill herself. B. Han Duan never wastes any of her practicing time. C. Han Duan seizes every chance to take part in matches. D. Han Duan has become ill and she will die quite soon. 58. According to the passage, we know that Han Duan ________. A. has won an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal B. was good at sports when she was at school C. did very well in singing and Chinese when she was at school D. often gets compliments because of her beautiful handwriting 59. From the fourth paragraph, it can be inferred that Han Duan most probably ________. A. felt sad as the boys laughed at her B. felt proud as she got compliments from others C. felt sad as she was too strong as a girl D. hated herself as she couldn’t do anything else well 60. What’s the best title of this passage? A. Growth of a sports star. B. The World Cup. C. Honor of a football player. D. Star of tomorrow. B Here is the Nine O’clock News: 1. President AbsulKrim of Syria says that the danger of war in the Middle East is greater now than for the past two years. His country does not want war, he says, but the Syrian people have waited too long for an end to the troubles with their neighbors. If war comes, says Mr. Krim will be ready. 2. Ben Kitson,a writer of stories and plays for children, has died at his home in California. Mr. Kitson was 82. His most famous book of stories,“The Gentleman’s House” sells all over the world, in more than twenty-five languages. 3. Policemen in New York have gone on strike. Their leader Mr. Paul Angeli says that they will return to work only when they receive more money for working long hours and doing what Mr. Angeli calls “the most dangerous job in the city”。 4. It has been a good year on the farm. The warm, wet spring and the fine summer have been very good for all kinds of food plants. This means that fruits and vegetables will cost less in the shops this year. 5. MORE than 1,100 people committed suicide(自杀)in Beijing last year, and experts have been encouraging the capital to set up a mental health care system as soon as possible, local media reported last week. About 20 per cent of the people of Beijing live in unhealthy conditions, with 3 per cent of these suffering from affective disorder and 5 per cent reporting symptoms(症状)of depression, according to the Beijing Mental Health Service Centre. 61. The Syrian people _______. A. are ready and waiting for war B. are ready to wait another two years for war C. do not want war, but will be ready if it comes D. are a great danger of peace in the Middle East 62. Mr. Kitson wrote _______. A. plays and stories for children B. 82 stories about his home in California C. in more than twenty-five languages D. books, and then sold them all over the world 63. It can be inferred from the third piece of news that _________. A. policemen in New York hate their dangerous jobs B. policemen in New York love their important jobs C. the government will refuse to raise the policemen’s salary and the policemen will never return to work D. the government will be forced to raise the policemen’s salary and the policemen will return to work 64. As food plants have grown well, _______. A. fruit and vegetables will be cheaper this year B. there will be a warm,wet spring and a fine summer C. food will be cheaper than it was in the spring D. plants will be cheaper in the shops this year 65. What is the best title for the last pieces of news? A. MORE than 1,100 people committed suicide(自杀) in Beijing last year. B. About 20 per cent of the people of Beijing live in unhealthy conditions. C. Beijing needs mental health care D. People living in Beijing suffer a lot. C It seems that great artists and scientists often suffer from mental ( 精 神 的 ) problems. Both Einstein and Dickens had mental illness. Now scientists have started to look at whether mental illness and genius are linked. Dr. Adele Juda studied 5,000 creative people in Germany. She found there were more people with mental illness in this group than in the general population. Poets had the highest rate (比例) of mental illness, followed by musicians, with lower numbers for painters and architects. Other scientists did research which also showed a strong link between mental problems and creativity. But, it did nothing to explain it. Dr. Ruth Richards of Harvard University made a breakthrough. Instead of studying creative people, she took a group of psychiatric (精神病的) patients and tested them for creativity. The patients got much higher scores than a normal group. Also, the patients' close relatives were much more creative than the patients and a normal group. This suggests that the key to the link between creativity and mental illness is in our genes. But this is a problem. According to Darwinism, harmful genes should be removed. Some scientists believe that evolution (进化) has created a balance, where the madness of a few people leads to the development of the whole human race. Geniuses may be mad, bad or just difficult to understand, but their discoveries have improved the world we live in. It seems that a little creative madness is good for us all. 66. According to Dr. Adele Juda, which of the following has the lowest rate _____of mental illness? A. Painters. B. Musicians. C. Poets. D. Bus drivers. 67. The underlined phrase "made a breakthrough" in the 4th paragraph means "_____". A. discover or find something new and important B. make a way through using force C .(of the sun or moon ) appear from behind (clouds) D. suddenly change (from a slower to a faster pace) 68. Based on the research of Dr. Ruth Richards of Harvard University, we can conclude that _____. A. great artists and scientists often suffer from mental problems B. the patients' close relatives were much more creative than the patients and a normal group C. psychiatric patients have more creativity than the average people D. it is our genes that determine the link between creativity and mental illness 69.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Among the 5,000 creative people in Germany,more people suffer from mental diseases than the general population. B. There is a strong link between mental problems and creativity. C. Psychiatric patients make greater contributions than common people. D. The key to the link between creativity and mental illness is in our genes. 70.What is the writer's attitude toward madness? A. Madness is harmful to the whole society. B. A little creative madness is good for us all. C. All the talented people are mad. D. Only the people with mental illness have more creativity. 第二卷 第一节:选词填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 词组的形式已给出,直接填入相应的句中。 absorbed in , concentrate on , depend on, apart from , lost sight of, left out , was accused of , suffered from, consists of, as though 71. There was no problem in your paper___________ the one I mentioned before. 72. Mary looked at me, _________________________ she had something to say. 73. The children were so __________________________ their game that they did not feel hungry. 74. Many places in South China _______________________ drought this year. 75. The old men leads a simple life; his breakfast ________________dry bread and a cup of tea. 76. The woman _________________________ having beaten her four-year-old daughter. 77. The man stood at the bank waving to his friends until he ___________ their boat. 78. This word is wrongly spelt; you’ve _______________________ a letter. 79. I can’t ____________________ my studies with all that noise going on. 80. The young birds ____________________ their parents for food for several weeks 二完成句子:( 10) 81. We made further investigations and soon ___________________(得出结论). 82. _________________________ ( 每次我遇见他), I always think of the things that happened us. 83. 然而, 爱尔兰的南部却不愿意, 分离出去了, 并建立了自己的政府. However, the southern part of Ireland _________________________from its own government. 84. 很遗憾, 这些建于 19 世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力. ________________________ that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century ____________________ visitors. 85. 我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。 I still cannot ____________ that I __________________ that I won last year. 86. 我从来没有给地震中失去双腿的这些孩子照过相。 Never _______________________________the children who had lost their legs in the earthquake. 87. 只有他们评价了这些改变的效果,我们才能采取进一步的措施。 Only if they assess the effects of these changes_____________________. 三 短文填词 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1) 汉语提示, 2) 首字母提示, 3) 语境提示,在每个 空格内填入一个适当的英语单词, 并将该词完整地写在右边标号为 88-97 相对应 的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 I went by air a great deal ____ I was still a young boy as 88. _______ both my father and mother l______ South America and I flew 89. _______ there from Britain for my ____ (假日). An air hostess took 90. _______ good c___ of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. 91._______ I am used to ___(旅行)by air and only on one occasion have 92. _____ ever felt f____. After taking off, we were flying low over city 93. ______ and slowly gaining ___ (高度), when the plane suddenly turned 94. ______ round and flew back to the ______ ( 机场). While we were 95. ______ waiting to land, an air hostess told us to keep c____ and get 96._______ ______ the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. 97._______ 四 写作(满分 25 分) 在英语口语课上,你班同学围绕 Life in the Future 这一主题展开了讨论。请你根据 自己设想的未来生活图景并根据以下要点写一篇英语短文。要点如下: 1. 学生可以在家通过电视,广播节目好网络资源等接受教育。 2. 机器人代替人类做家务,人们有更多的时间享受生活。 3. 人们可以选择居住在海底,可以乘坐宇宙飞船到太空旅游。 4. …… 5. …… 要求: 1. 词数: 120 左右 2. 可适当增加内容,以使行文连贯。 词汇提示:robot (机器人), enjoy one’s life (享受生活), education(教育), radio programs(广播节目), internet resource(网络资源)spacecraft(宇宙飞船) With the development of society, our lives will change a great deal in the future.__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 参考答案 听力理解(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分) ACBCA ABBCC CBAAA BBBCA 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) DABCB BDABB BDDDC 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) DCBCA BDCAB ADCDB ACBDA 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) BCBBA CADAC DADCB 选词填空(共 9 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 9 分) apart from, 71 as though, 73 absorbed in, 74 suffered from, 75 consists of, 76 was accused of, 77 lost sight of, 78 left out, 79 concentrate on, 80 depend on 完成句子(共 16 空;每空 1 分,满分 16 分) 81. drew a conclusion, 82. Every time I meet him, 83. was unwilling and broke away to, 84. It’s a pity, do not attract, 85. believe, am taking up this prize, 86. have I photographed, 87. can we take further measures 短文填词:  88. when 89. lived 90. holidays (vacation) 92.travelling 93. frightened 94.height 95. airport 96.calm 书面表达(满分 25 分) With the development of the society, our lives will change a great deal in the future. Firstly, each family will have robots which will help will all the house work. So people will have more time to enjoy their lives. As for education, students can study at home through TV and radio programs and using resources on the Internet, and they even can ask questions through the Internet. Thirdly, people can choose to live in the sea and travel in space by spacecraft. Last but not least, science and technology will be used widely in all kinds of work and the working hours will be lessened.

