外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Moudle 8 Time off Unit 3 Language in use

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外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Moudle 8 Time off Unit 3 Language in use

1 My uncle __________ the monkey in the tree next to us. 2 We ate some cakes and I was ___ hungry _________. 3 I ________ in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep again. 4 The town is __________ its cheese. any more not pointed out woke up famous for It was early in the morning. The park was very (1) _____ and the only sound was the (2) _____ singing. There was no one (3) ________ nor were any dogs barking. quiet birds shouting The sun was very bright and the (4) ____ was very (5) ____ and fresh. We walked (6) _____ the lake, (7) _______ the small bridge and (8) _______ up the hill. We felt very happy at the top. air clear along crossed climbed 我们以前学过名词、代词、动词不定式或 动词的-ing形式作宾语。当一个句子跟在动词 后面作宾语时, 我们把该句子称为宾语从句。 宾语从句根据引导词的不同可分为三种类 型:that引导的宾语从句、whether / if引导的 宾语从句和疑问词引导的宾语从句。学习宾 语从句要注意三个方面:引导词、语序和时 态。 1. Peter will get on well with his classmates. Mother thinks. →Mother thinks (that) Peter will get on well with his classmates. 2. Sally was having breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday. Tom said. →Tom said (that) Sally was having breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday. 3. Susan visited the Great Wall. Betty believed. →Betty believed (that) Susan visited the Great Wall. 4. The earth moves around the sun. The teacher said. →The teacher said (that) the earth moves around the sun. 【结论】 1. 通过观察我们发现,用一个陈述句作宾 语时,宾语从句用that引导;that只起 连接作用,没有实际意义,也不在从句 中充当任何成分,因此常省略。 2. 通过观察我们还发现,that引导的宾语 从句都用________(陈述句/疑问句)语序。陈述句  3. 由例子1、2和3可知, 当主句的谓语动词是 一般现在时的时候, that引导的宾语从句的 谓语动词可根据需要使用适当的时态; 由例 子4和5可知, 当主句的谓语动词是一般过去 时的时候, that引导的宾语从句的谓语动词 常用相应的_______(现在/过去)时态;由例 子6可知, 当that引导的宾语从句表述的是客 观真理时, 不管主句的谓语动词是什么时态, 该从句的谓语动词必须用一般现在时。 过去 I want to go on a trip with my family in the summer holiday, but I do not think we (1) ________ (agree) on where to go. I think that we should (2) ___ (go) to the beach but Mum and Dad say they (3) _____ (want) to go to the countryside. will agree go want Danny is sure that the beach and the countryside (4) ___ (be) boring. He wants to go to a big city and do sightseeing. Milly doesn’t think that sightseeing (5) ___ (be) interesting. She wants to stay at home and watch TV or go swimming. I tell my family that we (6) _______ (have to) decide soon because the holiday starts next week! are is have to 3. Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. The teacher said. The teacher said (that) Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. 4. My aunt can speak French well. I believe. I believe (that) my aunt can speak French well. Holiday plan: Number of people: Things to take: Where to sleep: What to eat: go climbing in the mountains, camp out, cook food fifteen mobile phone, lots of warm clothing camp out food cooked by themselves 1 When do you come to the photo club? On Thursday evening. 2 What can you do on Tuesday night? Watch the latest films. 1 Welcome to our photo club! 2 Dance to the music of the world! 3 Film night 1 Welcome to our photo club! _____ 2 Dance to the music of the world! _____ 3 Film night _____ B A C Answer the questions. 1. Where is Lake District National Park? ____________________________ 2. What is England’s biggest national park? ____________________________ 3. Where is the highest mountain in England? ____________________________ In the north of England. Lake District National Park. In Lake District National Park. 4. Why do walkers have to be careful in Lake District National Park? ________________________________ ________________________________ 5. What kind of artists is the Lake District popular with? ________________________________ ______________________________ Because the weather can change suddenly, especially in the mountains. Artists who like to paint the beautiful countryside. • Where is it? • What can you do there? • When can you go? Work in pairs. Think about a holiday  trip to a place of interest and answer  the following questions. • How many people are there in each group? • How long will you stay? • What have people said about their trip to the place? Come to … for your holiday. You can … You will be in a group of … people. You will stay for … days. Many people have said that the trip is very enjoyable. Write a leaflet for the trip. Use your  answers to the questions in Activity 7 and  the language points below to help you. Write a passage about your favourite place (90 words).

