人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-A Lets try&Lets talk

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人教版PEP小学五年级下册英语教学课件-A Lets try&Lets talk

Part A try and talk Unit 2 My favourite season Spring, spring, windy and warm. Summer, summer, sunny and hot. Fall, fall, windy and cool. Winter, winter, windy and cold. Mr. Jones: Do you like music Children? Mike: Yes, it’s very beautiful. What is it? Mr. Jones: Four seasons. Today we’ll draw seasons. Which season do you like best, Mike? Mike: Winter. I like snow. Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan: Spring. It’s pretty. Mr. Jones: I like snow, too. Mr. Jones:Yes, it is. 同桌仿照Let’s talk中的对话内容,小组内各自询问对方的喜欢 的季 节。完成调查表。 1、抄写A Let’s talk 2、让学生制作表格,调查家庭成员以及好朋友最 喜欢的季节。 3、完成配套练习册。

