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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 专题限时集训(十四) 阅读七选五 训练 2 A (2016·深圳市调研测试) Television is everywhere around us.Yet it is great for learning English.The pictures make it easier to understand than radio and because you can see who's talking,and get a better idea of what people mean.Just watch their “body language”! Watch programs that you find enjoyable and entertaining. 1 Here's the englishathome.com guide to learning as much as possible while watching English television: 2 Learning English should be fun—not something that you have to force yourself to do.If you have a passion for football,watch matches or the sports news. Keep a notebook near to your television. 3 This is especially useful.You can look for programs with subtitles in your own language. Try to watch English television regularly.Even if you can only watch 15 minutes a day,you'll be amazed how much you learn. Don't worry if you don't understand everything.English television is normally aimed at native English speakers. 4 If the programs that you're watching are full of unknown words,just concentrate on understanding the general meaning. Keep a note of television programs and presenters that you find easy to understand and try to watch them regularly. 5 Soon you will impress your friends with your English skills. A. Don't watch the programs too easy for you. B.Better watch programs that you find interesting. C.Programs often include many difficult words. D.English learning has little to do with watching TV. E.Whatever you watch will help you improve your English. F.Doing this will increase your confidence in learning English. G.You can take down any new words or expressions that you hear. 本文是一篇说明文。看英文电视节目有助于学好英语。那么,在看英文电视节目时,应 该注意些什么呢?本文就此提出了一些建议。 1.E [根据上文可知,你可以看一些自己认为有趣和喜欢的节目,接着下文提到通过 看英文电视节目来学习英语的一些指南。因此空格处应起到承上启下的作用。E 项意为“无 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 论你看什么内容,都会帮助你提高英语”,符合语境,能够总结上文内容并引起下文。故选 E。] 2.B [此处为该段主题句。根据本段内容尤其是最后一句可知,如果你对足球有热情, 那么你就看比赛或者体育新闻,学习英语应该是一个有趣的过程。B 项意为“最好看你感兴 趣的节目”,能够概括该段主旨,符合语境。故选 B。] 3.G [根据上下文内容可知,本段主要讲述在电视机旁放一个笔记本,目的是你可以 记下你听到的内容,这是相当有用的。G 项与上下文话题衔接密切,符合语境。故选 G。] 4.C [根据上下文内容可知,本段主要阐述如果没有完全理解所有意思也不要着急。 英语电视节目往往是播放给自己国家的人看的,节目中常常会有很多你不认识的词。C 项意 为“节目中通常含有一些难懂的词”,与本段内容呼应,且与上下文话题衔接紧密,符合语 境。故选 C。] 5.F [根据上文内容并结合语境可知,记住你认为容易理解的电视节目和主持人,并 尽可能定期收看。故 F 项“这样做可以使你在学习英语方面增加自信”承接上文话题,对上 文进行合理的解释,符合语境。故选 F。] B (2016·武汉市调研测试) How to Pick a Great Book to Read The world is full of great books,just waiting to be read.How can you pick one you'll really like? Here are some tips: ●What makes you happy? 6 Are you really into dinosaurs or dogs or a specific person? Are there a few careers you're interested in? You can find books about almost anything you like, and you're more likely to enjoy reading a book if you're already interested in its subject. ●Fact or fiction? Some books are entirely made up and imagined.Those are called fiction books.Novels,short stories are all examples of fiction.These books can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. Nonfiction books give you the who,what,when and why. 7 Nonfiction books can bring everything to life from the first trip to the moon to what it's like to explore the deepest oceans.Try both fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like better. ●Find a family favorite. What was your mother's favorite book when she was your age? Or your dad's? 8 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 Then you can talk about what they liked about it and share your thoughts.It's a fun way to get to know your family a little better,and to find a book you'll enjoy! ●Ask an expert. 9 Tell a librarian about your interests—rock stars,sports teams,historical events,whatever you're into—and the names of some books you already like.Your librarian can help you find other books that you're sure to love. ●Launch a book swap. 10 It's always fun to see what your friends are reading.Even if they're not exactly bookworms,you can all encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like.You also can look for book swaps in your area.It's a great way to build your personal library for free! A.Ask them and give it a read. B.Many of them read novels from start to finish. C.Why not get some friends together and trade favorite books? D.If you have a favorite hobby,look for books about that activity. E.They tell stories using facts—but that doesn't mean they're boring. F.Read the passage and decide for yourself whether it seems knowledgeable. G.Your local library is a great place to find books that you'll love,and you don't have to search all by yourself. 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了选择课外书的方法,如根据兴趣爱好选择、找到家庭成 员的共同爱好等。 6.D [根据本段最后一句和标题“What makes you happy?”可知,本段主要介绍要 根据自己的兴趣爱好选择喜欢的书;空处为该段总起句,反映该段主题,故 D 项符合文意。] 7.E [根据该部分标题“Fact or fiction?”可知,该部分主要介绍纪实类书籍和虚 构类书籍;该部分第一段介绍了虚构类书籍;据此可以判断,第二段将介绍纪实类书籍,故 E 项符合文意。] 8.A [根据空处前两句可知,当你的父母在你的年纪时,他们喜欢哪些书?据此可以 判断,空处建议向父母询问并阅读父母喜欢的书,故 A 项正确。] 9.G [根据空处后的“Tell a librarian about your interests”可知,作者建议告 诉图书管理员你的兴趣;据此可以判断,空处与图书馆相关,故 G 项正确。G 项的“you don't have to search all by yourself”与本段的“Your librarian can help you find”相呼 应。] 10.C [根据空后的“It's always fun to see what your friends are reading.” 以及“encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like”可知, 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 看朋友正在阅读的书是很有趣的事情,要互相鼓励去阅读和分享书;据此可以判断,C 项正 确。] 【导学号:85602062】 C (2016·湖北七市(州)教科研协作体联考) Everyone wants to become a better person,but many of us don't know what to do. 11 But I think everyone deserves respect and can become a better person.If you really want it,you can change yourself and your habits by taking a few little steps described below. ● Pursue your passion.It's important to find yourself and pursue your passion.Learn to listen to your inner self,even when someone is trying to bring you down.Some people try to bring you down because they're too weak and cowardly to pursue their passions and they don't think you should pursue yours.Don't listen to them.Spend time with yourself and think about the thing that brings you joy. 12 ● 13 Another important thing to do to be a better person is to learn how to keep your dignity.Keep in mind that only you're responsible for your choices and decision in life and never get down on yourself when you do something wrong.Don't let anyone or anything bring you down and remind yourself that your life is unique, special and really worthwhile. ● Share your time,energy and talents. 14 You might not get aware of them, but you have them.Sharing your time,energy and talents can help become a better person,so learn to share more of your precious time with others and help people in need and you will feel much better about yourself. ●Learn something new.You should never stop learning something new.That you are in your 30s or 40s,or even 60s,doesn't mean you can't learn a new language or other interesting things.Knowledge is always great. 15 When you are a welleducated person,everyone respects you and your knowledge. A. Generally speaking,a better person must be a talented person. B.The more you learn about the new things,the better you will feel about yourself. C.Life is so tough that we often make mistakes we don't want to do. D.Every person has talents,including you. E.Learn to keep your dignity. F.Be responsible for your choices and decision. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 G.You'll soon discover your passion and start pursuing it. 本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何让自己成为一个更好的人提出了一些建议。 11.C [上文提到,人人都想成为一个更好的人,但很多人又不知该如何去做。而空格 后讲人人都应该得到尊重而且可以成为一个更好的人。根据“But”可知,空格处与下文构 成转折,故 C 项“生活如此艰难以至于我们经常犯我们不想犯的错误”即承接上文话题,又 与下文构成转折关系,符合语境。故 C 项正确。] 12.G [根据该段主题句和内容可知,该段主要讲述发现自我和追逐激情是非常重要的。 因此不要被别人的言行所诱惑,花点时间考虑一下带给你快乐的那些事。G 项“你很快就会 发现你的热情并开始追寻它”承接上文中的“passion”,并照应该段主题,符合语境。故 G 项正确。] 13.E [根据文章结构可知,空格处是该段的主题句。根据下文中的“to learn how to keep your dignity”可知,该段主要讲述要学会保持你的尊严,这也是成为一个更好的人 需要做的另一件重要的事情。E 项概括了这一主题,适合做该段主题句。故 E 项正确。] 14.D [主题句讲,要分享你的时间、精力和天赋。联系下文可知,你也许并不清楚自 己的天赋,但你一定具备。由此可知,D 项“包括你在内,人人都有自己的天赋”与下文话 题联系密切,符合语境。故 D 项正确。] 15.B [根据该段主题句和内容可知,该段主要讲述人要一直学习新的东西。故 B 项“当 你学得越多,你就会感觉越好”照应该段主题句承接上文话题“Knowledge is always great.”,符合语境。故 B 项正确。] D (2016·济南模拟) “Helicopter parenting” describes a style of raising children where parents are overprotective and do too much.It describes parents who watch over their kids at home and on the playground like a helicopter.Today,modern technology allows these helicopter parents to watch over from even far away. 16 Julie Lythcott wrote a book titled Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kids for Success. In her book,she gives readers a closer look at this parenting style. 17 Julie Lythcott says she experienced the effects of“Helicopter parenting”first hand when she worked as dean of first year students. 18 But many were unable to take care of themselves.They were turning to parents constantly for guidance, for problem solving,to have them make the choice about something. So what can parents do if they want to break the overparenting “helicopter” cycle? 19 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 ◆Stop saying “we” when you mean your son or your daughter.All too often a parent would say “we are on the travel soccer team”.Well,no,your son is or your daughter is. ◆ Stop arguing with all of the adults in our kids' lives.You need to teach your kids to advocate for themselves. ◆ Stop doing your kids' homework. ◆ 20 Teach them to cross the street,make a meal,and remember to put their own items in their backpacks,which becomes a briefcase one day. When kids have all the skills to take care of themselves,they will be prepared for adulthood. A. Four ways are offered to stop watching over your children. B.She also explains why parents should stop it. C.It's a good idea to encourage your kid to do the things he can by himself. D.They can give their children directions at any moment from anywhere. E.Build your kids' skills. F.The freshmen were very smart and accomplished on paper. G.Your kid is eager for more freedom,but should you give it to him? 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了当今社会的一种典型的教育方式——“直升机养育法”,即 父母过度保护孩子。作者在文中提出了解决这个问题的四个方法。 16.D [根据上文可知,“直升机养育法”描述的是一种教育孩子的方式,父母对孩子 过度保护并为孩子做得过多。现代的技术允许这些“直升机父母”在更远的距离也能监控他 们的孩子。D 项意为“他们能在任何时间任何地点引领孩子”,能够承接上文,并补充说明 上文提到的父母可以在远处监控孩子,符合题意。故选 D 项。] 17.B [根据本段内容可知,Julie Lythcott 写了一本名叫《挣脱溺爱陷阱和为你的 孩子的成功做准备》的书。在书中,Julie 让读者更深入地了解这种直升机式的教育模式。 B 项“她也解释了为什么父母要停止这种溺爱”承接上文,符合题意。故选 B 项。] 18.F [根据上文可知,当 Julie 作为一年级学生的教务长时,她亲身体会到了“直升 机养育法”带来的影响。下文又说到但是很多人却无法照顾自己。F 项“这些新生非常聪明 而且能按时完成作业”能够联系上下文,并与下文形成合理的转折关系,符合语境。故选 F 项。] 19.A [根据下文可知,作者提出了四个解决“直升机养育法”问题的方法。A 项“有 四个可以让你不再过度保护孩子的方法”能够引出下文,符合题意。故选 A 项。] 20.E [根据本段内容可知,要教会孩子过马路、做饭、记得把自己的东西放在背包里。 E 项“培养孩子的技能”能概括本段内容,符合题意。故选 E 项。] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 E (2016·西安市质量检测) Each year,many animal species die out.They join the countless species that have gone extinct(灭绝的) over the course of the earth's history and many people believe they disappear forever. 21 Now some scientists are focusing on the ability to bring back extinct species.This doesn't mean the plot of Jurassic Park is going to become a reality.The researchers need DNA to clone a species. 22 Dinosaurs have been gone too long for any of their DNA to remain in fossils(化石). But there's a very real chance that we will be able to bring back more recently extinct species. 23 In 2003,a team of Spanish and French scientists recreated the Pyrenean ibex,which had gone extinct three years' earlier.The new animal didn't survive long,but scientific advances could improve the success rate.In January, Australian scientists announced that they were on their way to bringing back the gastric brooding frog. That we can bring species back doesn't mean that we should do that.There may be much benefit of reviving(使复生) a species,but there's no way to know how it will turn out. 24 Or might it crowd out existing species? Environmentalists worry that our ability to bring species back might cut down support for the hard work of traditional conservation. 25 If we can correct our mistake,why not use the chance to do that? As Stewart Brand,a businessman and environmentalist,recently said,“Humans have made a huge hole in nature.We have the ability now to repair some of that damage.” A. However,some people argue that the extinction of some animals is really our mistake. B.In addition,most people think that the extinction of some animals is really human's mistake. C.This could even include Ice Age animals like the woolly mammoth. D.However,you might need to redefine(重新定义) “forever”. E.For example,would a passenger pigeon fit into its old habitat(栖息地)? F.This could even be true to dinosaurs that have been extinct long ago. G.DNA is the chemical that carries the structure of a living thing. 本文是一篇议论文。主要讲述了我们可以用克隆手段来使灭绝的动物重新回到世界上, 但这并不意味着我们应该那样去做。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 21.D [空格前指出“许多人认为一些动物物种会永远消失”;第二段首句指出“现在 一些科学家正致力于恢复这些灭绝物种的研究”;由此可知,D 项“然而,你也许需要重新 定义‘永远’这个词的含义”与上文中的“forever”呼应,且引出下文内容,符合语境。 故选 D。] 22.G [根据上文可知,研究人员需要 DNA 来克隆一个物种;根据下文可知,恐龙已经 消失太久了,它们的 DNA 存在于它们的化石当中;由此可知,此处应是对 DNA 进行介绍,G 项“DNA 是一种携带了生物结构的化学物质”承上启下,符合语境。故选 G。] 23.C [根据上文可知,我们真的有机会能够恢复更接近现代的灭绝物种;根据下文可 知,空格后主要讲述的是研究例证;由此可知,C 项“这甚至包括冰川时期的动物如猛犸象” 承接上文,下文的例子则对其进行了进一步论证,符合语境。故选 C。] 24.E [根据空格后的“or”表并列可知,此处与下文应是对称的一般疑问句。E 项“例 如,旅鸽能够适应之前的栖息地吗”与下文衔接密切,符合语境。故选 E。] 25.A [根据第四段内容可知,恢复物种也许会有很多好处,但“我们”无法知道结果 如何。环保人士担心恢复物种的能力也许会对传统的保护物种的艰辛工作产生不良影响;空 格后句意:如果“我们”能纠正自己的错误,为什么不利用这次机会呢?由此可知,上下文 之间构成转折关系。A 项中的“However...our mistake.”照应下文,符合语境。故选 A。] 【导学号:85602063】

