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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 4 Films and film events Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Pre reading Song Joongki, born on September 19, 1985, is a Korean actor. He first became famous because of a historical drama in 2010. Song Joongki is not only handsome but also smart and hardworking. During his high school life, Song was good at skating. And he often competed in the national games and some other important games on behalf of his hometown. Unluckily, he got badly hurt in one game and had to give up the sport. Song then turned all his attention to his studies and got the highest grades for all his subjects in his school. At first, Song wanted to be a businessman. But during his second year at college, he decided to be an actor. Later he started to appear in music programs, TV shows and films. In 2013, Song joined the army. After serving in the army for about two years, Song Joongki returned to us and brought us a wonderful TV play DescendantsoftheSun. Have you watched it? We may lose a great athlete, or a successful businessman, but we get an excellent actor. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 Section_Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Prereading [原文呈现] Important film events around the world Host : Welcome to our weekly programme, MovieMagic. Our guests today are representatives① from six of the major international film festivals. These spokeswomen and spokesmen② will tell us about the festivals they represent. Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose③ from the Cannes Film Festival, Hanz Muller from the Berlin International Film Festival, Kathy Barnes from the Sundance Film Festival, Maria Bella from the Venice Film Festival, Mike Taylor from the Toronto International Film Festival and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival. Welcome, everyone! Maria, do tell④ us a little about the Venice Film Festival. [读文清障] ①representative/ˌreprI'zentətIv/n.代表 a union representative 工会代表 a sales representative 销售代表 ②spokesman/'spəʊksmən/n.发言人 spokeswoman n.女发言人 ③Joining us in the studio are ...是一个倒装语序的句子,为了平衡句子结构,避 免头重脚轻,多个并列的主语放在 are 后面。 ④do 用来强调动词 tell,以加强语气。作此用法时,只能用来强调谓语动词。 全球重要的电影节 [以上部分译文] 主持人:欢迎来到我们每周一期的节目《魅力电影》。我们今天的嘉宾是来自六个主要 国际电影节的代表,这些发言人将与我们聊聊他们各自代表的电影节。在演播室和我们一起 的嘉宾有:来自戛纳电影节的伊莎贝尔·罗丝,来自柏林国际电影节的汉茨·穆勒,来自圣 丹斯电影节的凯西·巴恩斯,来自威尼斯电影节的玛丽亚·贝拉,来自多伦多国际电影节的 迈克·泰勒,还有来自上海国际电影节的徐立。欢迎各位!玛丽亚,给我们谈谈威尼斯电影 节吧。 Maria:Well, I think it is rather appropriate for me to begin our discussion⑤. The Venice Film Festival is the oldest film festival in the world. It is an annual festival that began in 1932. Our festival is part of a larger festival which applauds⑥ 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 contemporary art⑦. We view film as⑧ a particular type of contemporary art. Host: Kathy, please tell us about the Sundance Film Festival. Kathy: Unlike⑨ the Venice Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival only includes small, independent films. That is, the main criterion⑩ for being included is that the film must not be financed⑪ by Hollywood studios. Maria: Kathy, I don't like to argue, but in defence of⑫ the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we don't just have Hollywood films. Our policy is to include highquality films, regardless of who makes them. We make no restrictions⑬ on the kinds of films we show⑭ — as long as a film's quality meets our standards, we include it. ⑤It is appropriate for sb. to do sth. 表示“做某事对某人来说是合适的”。 ⑥applaud v.鼓掌;称赞;赞许;赞赏 ⑦which applauds contemporary art 是 which 引 导的 定 语从 句 ,修 饰 a larger festival。 ⑧view ...as ...把……看作…… ⑨unlike prep. 不像 ⑩criterion/kraI'tIərIən/n.(评判的)标准,准则,原则,复数形式为 criteria。 ⑪finance/'faInæns/vt. 给……提供经费 n.财政,金融;资金 ⑫in defence of 为……辩护;防卫 ⑬restriction/rI'strIkʃn/n.限制,约束 make no restrictions on 对……不作限制 ⑭we show 是省略了引导词 that/which 的定语从句,修饰 films。[以上部分译文] 玛丽亚:好的,我想让我来开始我们的讨论再合适不过。威尼斯电影节是世界上历史最 悠久的电影节。它始于 1932 年,每年举办一次。我们的电影节是一个规模更大的赞赏当代 艺术的文化节的组成部分。我们认为电影是当代艺术的一种特殊形式。 主持人:凯西,请告诉我们有关圣丹斯电影节的情况吧。 凯西:与威尼斯电影节不同,圣丹斯电影节的入选影片只包括小型的独立制作的影片, 也就是说,影片入选的主要标准就是影片必须没有受到好莱坞电影公司的资助。 玛丽亚:凯西,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我得指出的是我们有的 不只是好莱坞电影。我们的政策是选择高质量的影片,而不管是谁制作了它们。我们对展映 的影片种类没有限制——只要一部影片的质量符合了我们的标准,我们就会选中它。 Kathy: The Sundance Film Festival deliberately⑮boycotts⑯ all Hollywood films, and we don't foresee ever including them. The initial idea for our festival was 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 hatched⑰ back in 1978, when it was known as the Utah/US Film Festival⑱. However, it was not well known until 1981. It was then that Robert Redford became its sponsor ⑲ and changed the focus to independent films⑳,often made on very modest○21 budgets○22. It was given its new name — the Sundance Film Festival — in 1991. Redford has acted in and directed many big Hollywood films, but wanted to expose○23 the public to films ○24made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise○25. Nowadays, if a film wins an award at Sundance, there is a good chance it will become famous○26! Isabel: Cannes is another festival that can make films famous. Many films are first shown to the public at the Cannes Film Festival, and if a film wins, everyone will hear about it. I think it is fair to say that○27 Cannes is the most famous and exciting festival. Hanz: I hate to contradict○28 you, but in recent years, the Cannes Film Festival has shown special favour to○29 American films. Some people remark○30 that it has taken a step○31 backwards, and is beginning to resemble○32 the Academy Awards in Hollywood too much. ⑮deliberately/dI'lIbərətlI/adv. 故意地 ⑯boycott/'bɔIkɒt/vt.拒绝购买(或使用、参加),抵制 ⑰hatch/hætʃ/vt.&vi.策划,(尤指)密谋;孵化,孵出 ⑱when 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 in 1978。 ⑲sponsor/'spɒnsə (r)/n.赞助者,赞助商 vt.赞助;主办,举办 ⑳It was then that ...是强调句式,强调 then。 ○21modest/'mɒdIst/adj.不太大的,不太贵的;谦虚的 ○22过去分词短语 often made ...作后置定语修饰 films。 ○23expose/Ik'spəʊz/vt.使接触,使面临;暴露 expose sb. to ...使某人暴露在……之下 ○24过去分词短语 made outside of ...作后置定语修饰 films。 that 引导定语从句,修饰 films,在从句中作介词 to 的宾语。 ○25otherwise adv.否则,要不然 ○26it will become famous 是 chance 的同位语从句。 ○27it is fair to say that ...公平地说…… ○28contradict/ˌkɒntrə'dIkt/vt.&vi.反驳,驳斥;与……相矛盾,相反 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 ○29show special favour to 对……情有独钟 ○30remark v.评论,议论 ○31take a step 迈出一步,采取措施 ○32resemble/rI'zembl/vt.看起来像,类似 [以上部分译文] 凯西:圣丹斯电影节一贯刻意抵制所有的好莱坞影片,我们预期今后也不会让它们参展。 我们电影节的最早想法诞生于 1978 年,当时它被称为犹他州/美国电影节。但是它直到 1981 年才广为人知。那时罗伯特·雷德福成为电影节的赞助商,他将电影节的重点转移到独立制 作的影片,这些影片往往依靠非常有限的预算制作。1991 年,电影节被重新命名为圣丹斯 电影节。雷德福曾出演并执导过许多好莱坞大片,但是他希望能让大众接触好莱坞之外的影 片,否则一般人可能看不到这些影片。现在,如果一部电影在圣丹斯电影节上获奖,那么它 就很有可能出名! 伊莎贝尔:戛纳电影节是另一个可以让电影成名的电影节。许多电影都是在戛纳电影节 上首次向公众放映,如果一部影片在戛纳电影节上获奖,那么人人都会知道它。我认为可以 公平地说,戛纳电影节是知名度最高、最激动人心的电影节。 汉茨:我并不想反驳你,但是近几年,戛纳电影节对美国影片情有独钟。一些人评论说 它在退步,而且开始太多地模仿好莱坞奥斯卡金像奖。 Isabel: Well, yes, films shown at Cannes are often made with large budgets○33, and have wellknown actors and directors. Many of them are American, but we reject the idea that we have lost our edge○34 as the best international film festival in the world○35. We always show a broad○36 range of films from many different countries. In fact, the Cannes Film Festival was started in 1939 because many people felt the Venice Film Festival was giving awards to only German and Italian films. Hanz: Well, in my opinion, the Berlin International Film Festival is one of the most international of all the film festivals. Since it began in 1951, we have given awards to films from all around the globe. At our festival, Hollywood films are in the minority○37, while○38 films that are likely to be○39overlooked○40 at other festivals○41, for example at Cannes, have a real chance of becoming champions. ○33with large budgets 有很大的预算 a family budget 家庭预算 ○34edge/edʒ/n.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 on the edge of 在……的边缘 ○35that we have lost our edge ...是 that 引导的同位语从句,解释说明 idea 的具体 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 内容。 ○36broad/brɔːd/adj.各种各样的,广泛的;宽阔的,广阔的;概括的 board n.董事会,委员会;木板 ○37in the minority 占少数 ○38while 在此处作并列连词,表示对比,意思是“然而”。 ○39be likely to do ...很可能做…… It is likely that ...很可能…… ○40overlook/ˌəʊvə'lʊk/vt.忽略,未注意到;不予理会;俯视 ○41that are likely to be overlooked ...是 that 引导的定语从句,修饰 films,其 中 that 在从句中作主语。 [以上部分译文] 伊莎贝尔:嗯,是这样的,戛纳电影节展出的电影通常都有大预算,有知名演员和导演。 其中许多都是美国影片,但我们反对这种观点:我们已经在世界上丧失了我们作为最佳国际 电影节的优势。我们一直都在展映来自许多不同国家风格迥异的影片。事实上,戛纳电影节 创立于 1939 年,就是因为当时许多人觉得威尼斯电影节只给德国和意大利电影颁奖。 汉茨:嗯,我认为,柏林国际电影节是所有电影节中最国际化的电影节之一。自从 1951 年创办以来,我们已为来自全球各地的影片颁奖。在我们的电影节上,好莱坞电影只占少数, 而在其他电影节上,比如戛纳电影节,可能被忽视的影片,却大有夺魁的机会。 Mike: I'm the spokesman for the Toronto International Film Festival, which began in 1976 and soon became one of the major film festivals around the world○42. Each year, famous actors, actresses and directors come to Toronto, and the entire film world pays attention to who wins. It is the second largest festival in the world — only Cannes is bigger. We show films from many countries, though we do give○43 some special awards to Canadian films. Xu Li: I represent the Shanghai International Film Festival. Our festival was founded in 1993, so we are perhaps the youngest festival. Even though we have only existed a short time, our festival has a good reputation○44 worldwide. We have entries○45 from many different countries and give the ‘Jinjue’ Award, or Golden Cup Award, to the film that we think is the best○46 .,○42which began in 1976 and ... 是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰 the Toronto International Film Festival。 ○43do 强调了谓语动词 give。 ○44have a good reputation 有好的声誉 earn a reputation 赢得声誉 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 live up to one's reputation 名副其实 ○45entry/'entrI/n.参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词条 ○46that we think is the best 是 that 引导的定语从句,修饰 the film,其中 we think 是插入语。 [以上部分译文] 迈克:我是多伦多国际电影节的发言人。多伦多国际电影节创立于 1976 年,很快就成 为了世界最重要的电影节之一。每年,著名的演员和导演汇集多伦多,整个电影界都会关注 谁得奖。它是世界上第二大电影节——仅次于戛纳电影节。我们的电影节展播许多国家的影 片,不过我们的确颁发一些特别奖给加拿大电影。 徐立:我代表上海国际电影节。我们的电影节创立于 1993 年,因此我们可能是最年轻 的电影节。尽管存在的时间短,我们的电影节却在全世界享有很好的声誉。我们有许多不同 的国家送展的影片,并为我们认为是最佳的影片颁发金爵奖或金杯奖。 Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.representative A.to show something that is usually covered 2.criterion B.be contrary to something 3.restriction C.be like or similar to 4.boycott D.a person who has been chosen to speak 5.sponsor E.quick or rapid 6.expose F.a standard 7.contradict G.liking for sth. more than sth. else 8.resemble H.a rule or system that limits something 9.preference I.to refuse to buy something 10.swift J.a person or company that pays for a show 答案:1~5 DFHIJ 6~10 ABCGE Leadin Have you seen or heard of the following films? Can you match the directors of the films with the pictures? A.Steven Spielberg B.Ang Lee C.James Cameron D.Peter Jackson E.Chris Columbus F.Robert Zemeckis 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 答案:1~6 ECADFB Whilereading Fastreading 1.What's the main idea of the text? The main idea of the text is the_introduction_to_some_important_Film_Festivals. 2.Skim the text and list the famous film festivals introduced by the order. ①The_Venice_Film_Festival ②The_Sundance_Film_Festival ③The_Cannes_Film_Festival ④The_Berlin_International_Film_Festival ⑤The_Toronto_International_Film_Festival ⑥The_Shanghai_International_Film_Festival Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Choose the best answer according to the text. 1.According to the host, ________. A.Isabel Rose is from the Berlin International Film Festival B.Hanz Muller is from the Cannes Film Festival C.Mike Taylor is from the Venice Film Festival D.Kathy Barnes is from the Sundance Film Festival 2.All of the following statements are right except that ________. A.the Venice Film Festival is the oldest film festival in the world B.no film is first shown to the public at the Cannes Film Festival 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 C.the Sundance Film Festival only includes small, independent films D.the Venice Film Festival began in 1932 3.All of the following statements are the reasons why the Cannes Film Festival has shown special favour to American films except that ________. A.films shown at Cannes are often made with large budgets B.films shown at Cannes have wellknown actors and directors C.many of the films shown at Cannes are American films D.the Venice Film Festival gave awards to only German and Italian films 4.When it comes to the time when the film festival began, which one is wrong? A.The Toronto International Film Festival began in 1975. B.The Berlin International Film Festival began in 1951. C.The Cannes Film Festival was started in 1939. D.The Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1993. 5.The following information about the Toronto International Film Festival and the Shanghai International Film Festival is right except that ________. A.the Toronto International Film Festival in the second largest festival in the world B.the Shanghai International Film Festival is perhaps the youngest festival in the world C.the Toronto International Film Festival does give some special awards to Canadian films D.the Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1989 答案:1~5 DBDAD (Ⅱ)Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text. Important film events around the world Film 1.Festivals 2.Represent atives Features The Venice Film Festival Maria Bella ·It is the oldest film festival in the world, which began in 1932. ·It applauds contemporary art, making no 3.restrictions on the kinds of films. The Sund ance Film Kathy Barnes ·It began in 1978, when it was 4.known as the Utah/US Film Festival. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 Festival ·It only includes small, independent films, often made on very modest budgets. ·It 5.boycotts the films financed by Hollywood studios. The Can nes Film Festival Isabel Rose ·It began in 1939. It 6.shows a broad range of films from many different countries. ·It has received complaints because of 7.favouring American films and resembling the Academy Awards. The Berlin Internati onal Film Festival Hanz Muller ·It is one of the most international of all the film festivals. ·Films that are likely to be overlooked at other festivals have great 8.possibility of becoming champions at the Berlin International Film Festival. The Toro nto International Film Fes tival Mike Taylor ·As the second largest film festival in the world, it shows films from many countries and 9.gives some special awards to Canadian films. The Shan ghai Inte rnational Film Festival Xu Li ·10.Founded in 1993, it is perhaps the youngest film festival. ·It has a good reputation worldwide and has entries from many different countries. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text. 1.Kathy, I don't like to argue, but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we don't just have Hollywood films. [句式分析] 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 [尝试翻译] 凯西,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我得指出我们有的 不只是好莱坞电影。 2.Many films are first shown to the public at the Cannes Film Festival, and if a film wins, everyone will hear about it. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 许多电影在戛纳电影节上都是首次向公众放映。如果一部影片在戛纳电影 节上获奖,那么人人都会知道它。 3.At our festival, Hollywood films are in the minority, while films that are likely to be overlooked at other festivals, for example at Cannes, have a real chance of becoming champions. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 在我们的电影节上,好莱坞电影只占少数,而在其他电影节上,比如戛纳 电影节,可能被忽视的影片却大有夺魁的机会。 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A If you never read the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel TheGreatGatsby, now is your chance to catch up — by watching the latest film adaptation. Because if there's one sentence to sum up the film, it would be, as Fox News says in its review, 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 “It's just like the book.” Director Baz Luhrmann's main challenge was “either to find a visual equivalent (相等物) for Fitzgerald's elegant essay — the open secret of the book's staying power — or to bend the material to his own exotic (异国的) strengths,” a Time magazine review says. He tries it both ways, with varying degrees of success. Considered to be Fitzgerald's representative work, TheGreatGatsby explores themes of idealism, resistance to change, social change, and excess, creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream. Nick, the narrator, moves to New York for the summer to visit his cousin Daisy. His nextdoor neighbor is Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), who rarely contacts with others and is rumored to be a hero of the Great War. Gatsby claims to have attended Oxford University, but the evidence is suspect. As Nick learns more about Gatsby, every detail about him seems questionable, except his love for Daisy. Though Daisy is married, Gatsby still adores her as his “golden girl”. They first met when she was a young lady from a wealthy family and he was a workingclass military officer. Daisy promised to wait for his return from the war. However, she married Tom, a classmate of Nick. Having obtained a great fortune, Gatsby sets out to win her back again. “All of Fitzgerald's original creation finds its way into this film, even going as far as to include quite a bit of the original dialogue,” US film critic Justin Taroli writes in his review. “The cast is beautiful as is the script, and the scenes are a visual feast,” Taroli adds. DiCaprio does a good and professional job as the socialite by recreating Fitzgerald's description of Gatsby's charm. “He can look at someone for an instant and understand how perfectly he or she wants to be seen,” David Denby, a film critic for TheNewYorker, says in his review. The use of music is almost reason enough to see the film. “Luhrmann is at his best mixing visual and musical styles together to create something wholly original,” the Fox News review says. For example, in one of the most outstanding scenes in the film, the first party scene, Nick walks quickly from one party guest to another party guest trying to explain all the gossip about Gatsby until he is finally introduced to the man himself, while the most stirring version of RhapsodyinBlue (composed by American musician 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 George Gershwin in 1924) is played in the background. 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了 Baz Luhrmann 巴兹·鲁赫曼 导演的电影《了不起的盖茨比》,它改编自弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的同名小说。 1.What did Baz Luhrmann do to make the film a success? A.He adapted the story in the novel as he wished. B.He made the film more powerful than the book. C.He mixed his style with the elegance of the essay. D.He showed the elegance of the pictures in the film. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“to find a visual equivalent (相等物) for Fitzgerald's elegant essay ... or to bend the material to his own exotic (异国的) strengths”和“He tries it both ways, with varying degrees of success.”可知,他 把自己的风格和原著结合起来从而获得了成功,故选 C。 2.What is Taroli's attitude towards the film? A.Favorable. B.Sceptical. C.Amazed. D.Unconcerned. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第五段的“The cast is beautiful as is the script, and the scenes are a visual feast”可知,Taroli 对这部电影是支持的,故选 A。 3.What are the characteristics of Gatsby? A.Faithful and warmhearted. B.Charming and professional. C.Selfish and stubborn. D.Mysterious and devoted. 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,对于盖茨比的一切都是令人怀疑的, 除了他对 Daisy 的爱,因此他是神秘且忠诚的,故选 D。 4.Why does the author give the example of the first party scene in the last paragraph? A.Unfold the fact that Nick wants to know more about Gatsby. B.Show the version of RhapsodyinBlue matches the film well. C.Prove that the director is good at combining visual and music. D.Convince us that the first scene is perfectly shot by the director. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二句中的“Luhrmann is at his best mixing visual and musical styles together”可知,导演擅长把视觉和音乐相结合,而最后一段 则是举例子说明,故选 C。 B Today our guest Ms. AhernDodson will continue our series of expert suggestions 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 14 for academic writing. She starts a conversation with both students and professors planning to write a paper or an essay. She asks about their earlier writing experiences. Were they negative or positive? She says that you are not alone if you have had problems with your writing. “Writing is hard. All writers struggle at some point. And even if writing has come easily to you, at some point in your work as a student, eventually you're going to hit a roadblock. So part of what I like to get folks thinking about is — besides writing is hard for everybody — to really take a moment to think about their past writing experiences. And when the writing was going well, what happened? When the writing wasn't going well, what happened?” She says most people's negative writing experiences happened because a very specific formula was required for a paper including an exact length. “And so they primarily focus on and worry about what the final product has to look like, like how many pages for a research essay, whether it is in the second or third language, whether it gets communicated in the right language. So focusing on the end makes it really hard to get started.” “Another problem can arise when the need to do well on a paper is extremely important. Like a timed essay exam, or a college application essay, or a research paper that is at the end of the semester, it's tied to the entire grade for the class. So worrying about what will happen if they don't do well — get bad grades and don't get into college — creates, of course, significant anxiety. And that can make it harder to get the writing done.” Then she and the people she's helping move to more positive projects. She says usually when writing comes easily, the writers feel they have something important to say. 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了 AhernDodson 女士对写论文出现的问题的分析及给出的建议。 5.Which of the following is the closest in the meaning of “formula” in the passage? A.Style. B.Pattern. C.Theme. D.Image. 解析:选 B 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“including an exact length”(包括确切 的长度),再结合选项可知,formula 在此的词义与 pattern“模式”最接近。 6.Who benefits most from this lecture after attending it? A.Parents. B.Writers. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 15 C.Students. D.Journalists. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的“academic writing”“She starts a conversation with both students and professors planning to write a paper or an essay.”可推断,学生和讲师参加这次讲座后受益最大。故选 C。 7.According to AhernDodson, all the following are true EXCEPT ________. A.every writer has negative writing experiences B.it is very common to meet troubles while writing C.students should recall their past writing experiences D.it is rather harder to get the writing started than to get it finished 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“She says that you are not alone if you have had problems with your writing.”和“Writing is hard. All writers struggle at some point.”可知,A 项和 B 项符合她的观点;根据第二段中的“So part of what I like ...their past writing experiences.”可知,C 项符合她的观点。根据第三段的“So focusing on the end makes it really hard to get started”可知,D 项不符合她的观 点。故选 D。 8.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.Tips for better academic writing. B.Problems arising from paper writing. C.How to become a fulltime writer. D.How to get rid of negative projects. 解析:选 A 主旨大意题。根据第一段的第一句并结合全文的内容可知,本文主要介绍 了对论文写作的建议。故选 A。 C The moment a college student arrives on campus, he or she is_bombarded_with credit card offers. Advertisements for student credit cards are everywhere: in bags at the bookstore, in the campus newspaper, in your regular mailbox, in the residence halls. With so many college students graduating with large amounts of credit card debt (figures vary, but most are at least in the thousands), learning how to manage a student credit card can be an important lesson for any students. While using a card wisely can be an important part of building credit and making it through a difficult time, knowing how to use a card wisely can be the hard part. Stick to the following rules when, and if, you need to use a credit card: ·You can repay the charges within the card's next billing cycle. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 16 ·You must meet your basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter, but set rules and be aware that you will need to repay those charges at the end of the month. ·You can talk to the financial aid office in your school for an alternative in “emergency” situations. If you do want a credit card, just be smart about it. (They let you into that school because of your brain, right?) Don't automatically get the first one you find. Shop around for a card that has the lowest interest rate possible, and consider places that may not be advertising on campus. Additionally, be aware of any card's repayment options: When will payments be due? How much will they be? A credit card is not like a loan that comes with a grace period (宽限期) after you graduate and waits until you are done with school. That new sweater and nice dinner out will need to be paid back right away. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了大一新生开学面临的问题之一——信用卡的 选用,并就此给出了建议。 9.What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 mean? A.Be confused by. B.Be terribly hurt by. C.Be attracted by. D.Be surrounded by. 解析:选 D 词义猜测题。由下文的“Advertisements for student credit cards are everywhere: in bags at the bookstore, in the campus newspaper, in your regular mailbox, in the residence halls.”可知,大一新生一入校就会被兜售信用卡的人包围, 接二连三收到过多信息。故选 D 项。 10.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.A college freshman should be careful when choosing a credit card. B.Students should take a lesson about how to use a credit card wisely. C.A credit card will be the only help for students in emergency situations. D.The author doesn't appreciate the idea of having a credit card on campus. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“If you do want a credit card, just be smart about it.”和下文的内容可知,大一新生选用信用卡时要慎重。故选 A 项。 11.What's the best title for this passage? A.Economic Tips for College Students B.Dos and Don'ts in Using Student Credit Cards C.Mistakes about Student Credit Cards Use in College D.Student Credit Cards — What You Need to Know 解析:选 D 标题归纳题。本文主要就大一新生使用信用卡需要注意的事项进行了简单 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 17 介绍,并给出了具体的建议。 12.If this is a passage of a college newspaper, in which column can we read it? A.Entertainment. B.Advertisement. C.Economy. D.Education. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。本文主要讲的是关于大一新生使用信用卡的一些注意事项和 一些具体的建议,是关于经济方面的知识,可能出现在经济这一栏目中。故选 C 项。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Here are some simple rules to write an effective resume. Violation of these rules can cause you lose the interview chance for the job you want! ·__1__: Too many people worry whether their resume is 1 page, or 2 pages etc. A resume is as long as it needs to be to get the point across. ·This is not an art project: The color purple should never appear on a resume unless you are Barney the Dinosaur. __2__ unless you are looking for a job in the Philippines; for some reason, every resume I have ever seen from there has the candidate's picture on it. ·Your resume is a marketing tool: __3__. It should be accurate but does not have to include every detail of your life especially if it makes you look strange or stupid. ·It should read like a book: Title at the top (name, address, email, phone, etc.), outline underneath (accomplishments or skills), chapters below (job history, education etc.). __4__. ·The Summary and Accomplishments are critical to getting someone to read your resume: __5__. If you can get a “WOW!” out of someone's mouth when they read your accomplishments, you have done your job. The Summary and. Accomplishments should change depending on the job you are applying for. A.Length is even less important B.A passport is necessary C.It's of great importance to catch every detail D.No pictures are needed E.It is meant to represent you at your best F.They need to be strong and attractive G.Chapters are read in time order and make sense 语篇解读:本文为我们介绍了几条可以让简历变得有效的建议。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 18 1.选 A 根据下文内容可知,有太多人担心他们的简历到底是一页还是两页等,其实 一份简历只要把要点讲清楚就可以了。由此可知,本段的中心为:简历的长度并不重要。故 选 A。 2.选 D 根据下文中的“for some reason, every resume I have ever seen from there has the candidate's picture on it”可知,不要附上你的照片。故选 D。 3.选 E 根据空前的“Your resume is a marketing tool(你的简历是一种营销工具)” 和下文内容可知,应选 E,简历的目的是展现出你最好的一面。选项 C 与下文的“does not have to include every detail of your life”矛盾。 4.选 G 由空前的“chapters below (job history, education etc.)”可知,下文 应围绕中心词 chapter 做进一步的分析和指导,故选 G。 5.选 F 根据空前的“综述和取得的成绩对于吸引别人看你的简历来说至关重要”, 由此可推断出选 F,综述和取得的成绩需要写得引人入胜。

