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期末检测卷 第一部分 听力 一、听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听问句,选择最佳答语。 ( ) 1. A. I like singing. B. Certainly. C. We have two. ( ) 2. A. It’s a boat. B. Good idea! C. It’s twenty yuan. ( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s over there. C. I am eleven. ( ) 4. A. I have a bad cold. B. Here you are. C. They are cats. ( ) 5. A. He’s looking at the sun. B. Oh, they are playing badminton. C. Yes, they are playing baseball. 三、判断下列句子与你所听到的句子意思是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的 打“×”。 ( ) 1. We often borrow books from the library. ( ) 2. Can I help you? ( ) 3. Don’t spit on the ground. ( ) 4. How do you feel today? ( ) 5. My favourite sport is tennis. 四、听短文,根据听到的内容填空。 It is (1) __________ morning. My parents and I are at (2) __________. We are all very busy. Look! My dad is writing an (3) __________ on the computer. My mum is (4) __________ the clothes. What am I doing now? I’m cleaning my (5) __________. 第二部分 笔试 一、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. —What’s wrong with you? —I have a __________ (感冒). 2. —__________ (欢迎) to our school. —Thank you. 3. —What should we do at home? —We should help our parents do __________ (家务). 4. —What’s your __________ (最喜欢的) sport? —Baseball. 5. —Can I help you? —I want to buy a toy __________ (火车). 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. We will __________ (have) a meeting on Monday afternoon. 2. —How much __________ (be) these short pants? —They’re sixty-five yuan. 3. I am __________ (play) volleyball with my friends. 4. Be quiet! __________ (not) make noise. 5. Would you please show __________ (I) that coat? 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Hello! This is Lily ________. A. speak B. speaking C. to speak ( ) 2. The light is red. You mustn’t ________ the street now. A. crossing B. crosses C. cross ( ) 3. We’ll show ________ around ________ school. A. me; our B. you; our C. our; you ( ) 4. We will have a meeting in it ________ this afternoon. A. in B. on C. / ( ) 5. ________ beautiful song! We all like it. A. What a B. What C. How ( ) 6. Gao Wei is a good student. He ________ to school early. A. comes B. come C. coming ( ) 7. —________ you often come to the library? —Yes. We often borrow books ________ the library. A. Are; from B. Do; on C. Do; from ( ) 8. Let’s ________ these boys. They’re ________ the high jump. A. look at; doing B. look out; doing C. look at; do ( ) 9. ________ late for school, David! A. Don’t B. Don’t be C. Please be ( ) 10. —You do it very well. —________. A. Thank you B. Sorry, I can’t. C. You’re welcome 四、选择合适的答语,将其序号写在括号里。 A. Sure. B. It’s over there. C. Yes. I like singing. D. I feel much better. E. It’s eighty-five yuan ( ) (1) Where is the hospital? ( ) (2) Do you like music? ( ) (3) Dad, can I have a toy train? ( ) (4) How much is it? ( ) (5) How do you feel today? 五、按要求完成下列各题。 1. I have a bad stomachache. (对划线部分提问) __________ wrong __________ you? 2. The girls are doing the long jumping. (改为一般疑问句) __________ the girls __________ the long jump? 3. We shouldn’t eat in class. (改为否定祈使句) __________ __________ in class. 4. Can I help you? (改为同义句) __________ can I do __________ you? 5. He’s looking at the sun. (对划线部分提问) __________ is he __________? 六、连词成句。 1. want, toy, I, a, ship (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. green, for, wait, must, you, light, the (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. for, get-well, you, is, here, a card (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. watching, are, we, the, games (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. our, school, to, welcome (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 七、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 来欧洲杯足球赛举办地观看比赛的小明想到当地的商店买纪念品,售货 员这样问他: A. What can I do for you? B. How much is it? ( ) 2. 你看到几个男孩在草地上玩耍,你这样说: A. We mustn’t keep off the grass. B. We must keep off the grass. ( ) 3. 你希望 Kate 快点好起来时,你会说: A. I hope Kate will get well soon. B. Where are my swimming trunks? ( ) 4. 你想知道音乐俱乐部在哪,你这样问路人: A. Where is the music club? B. Here is the music club. ( ) 5. 有人问你一星期有几节科学课,你这样回答: A. How many science classes do you have in a week? B. We have four. 八、补全对话。 A. We’re watching the games. B. Let’s go and watch the games in the playground. C. They’re playing very well. D. What are they doing? E. They are playing football. Gao Wei: Hello, everyone! (1) ________ Students: OK. Let’s go. Gao Wei: Look at those boys. (2) ________ Li Yan: How about the teachers? (3) ________ Peter: Look! They are playing basketball. Students: Wow! (4) ________ PE teacher: What are you doing? Students: Oh, (5) ________ 九、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正(√)误(×)。 It is Friday today. We are going on a sports meeting on the playground. It’s a fine day. The students and teachers are watching the games. Look at these young girls. They are running. They are all good runners. Look at those boys over there. What are they doing? Let me see. Oh, some boys are doing the long jump. Some boys are doing the high jump. Let’s cheer (加油) for them together! ( ) (1) Today is Friday. We are going on a sports meeting. ( ) (2) Those young girls are running. They can run fast. ( ) (3) Some boys are doing the long jump. Some boys are also going to run. ( ) (4) The students and teachers are watching the games. ( ) (5) The sports meet is exciting. Let’s cheer for them. 参考答案 听力部分 听力材料: 一、 1. You mustn’t play on the street. 2. The boy is playing the guitar. 3. I want a toy ship. 4. We often draw pictures in our art club. 5. I have a bad toothache. 二、 1. Can you sing and dance for us? 2. How much is the teddy bear? 3. Where is the Green Hospital? 4. What’s wrong with you? 5. What are they doing? 三、 1. We often read books in the library. 2. What can I do for you? 3. No spitting on the ground. 4. How are you feeling today? 5. I like playing ping-pong. 四、 It is Saturday morning. My parents and I are at home. We are all very busy. Look! My dad is writing an email on the computer. My mum is washing clothes. What am I doing now? I’m cleaning my room. 听力答案: 一、 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 二、 1-5 BCBAB 三、 1-5 ×√√√× 四、 (1) Saturday (2) home (3) email (4) washing (5) room 笔试部分 一、 1. cold 2. Welcome 3. housework 4. favourite 5. train 二、 1. have 2. are 3. playing 4. Don’t 5. me 三、 1-5 BCBCA 6-10 ACABA 四、 (1)-(5) BCAED 五、 1. What’s; with 2. Are; doing 3. Don’t eat 4. What; for 5. What; doing 六、 1. I want a toy ship. 2. You must wait for the green light. 3. Here is a get-well card for you. 4. We are watching the games. 5. Welcome to our school. 七、 1-5 ABAAB 八、 (1)-(5) BEDCA 九、 (1)-(5) √√×√√

