人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 1 A Lets talk(1)

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人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 1 A Lets talk(1)

Unit 1 Welcome back to school Part A Let’s talk boy boys girl 更多精彩内容,敬请关注微信公众号:我是好教师 扫描二维码关注即可下载 girls boys and girls class friends friends We have two new friends today. Let’s read friend friends new friends two new friends have two new friends We have two new friends. We have two new friends today. UK the United Kingdom Hi, I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. Hi, I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong. Hi, I’m … I’m from… Let’s talk Let’s practice A: Hi, I’m … I’m from…What about you, B? B: Hi, I’m … I’m from…What about you, C? C: Hi, I’m … I’m from…What about you, D? D: Hi, I’m … I’m from… Did you know? Canada CAN USA US America

