【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习课后达标检测北师大版:必修3Unit9 Wheels作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习课后达标检测北师大版:必修3Unit9 Wheels作业

课时练1 2篇阅读+1篇完形 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·合肥高三联考)Two deer jumped out in front of 16yearold Amanda Floyd’s car. She put on the brake, stopping the car just in time. But later, she started texting. Distracted, Amanda turned left and right, then crashed into another car. Luckily, she wasn’t in a real car—she was in a driving simulator(模拟器) at Roosevelt High School, Ohio, US. “I never really realized that cars made a turn that much,” Amanda, a junior, said. She added that she wouldn’t text while driving anymore.‎ The Ohio Department of Transportation(ODOT) and Ohio State Highway Patrol brought the simulator to the school. They said they wanted to help students learn about the danger of driving while drunk, texting, or talking on the phone.‎ According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed 3,450 lives in 2016 alone. Experts believe the actual figure is probably higher.‎ The simulator is basically a computer program. Like many computer games, it was a hit with the students. They lined up and crowded around to watch each other take turns. The simulator has a steering wheel(方向盘), brake and gas pedal(油门). It is made up of three large computer screens on a table.‎ Students choose a distraction, such as driving while drunk or texting. They always crash, of course. Then, they are pulled over by the police to be taught the bad results of their driving:how much damage they’ve caused, what their fine is, if anyone died in the accident, and if they’re going to go to prison.‎ ‎“It teaches how to drive without being on the road,” said Shante Thompson, 16. She had just crashed into a deer.‎ ODOT spokesman Justin Chesnic said hundreds of kids have gone behind the wheel so far. He said even more have benefited from watching their classmates.‎ ‎“Driving is such a major responsibility, so take it seriously,” he said. “Put away your cellphone. A lot of the accidents out there are because of distracted driving. It can not only change your life, but change someone else’s life forever. The results are serious.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一个驾驶模拟器,学生通过操作这个驾驶模拟器可以增强交通安全意识。‎ ‎1.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 1?‎ A.Introduce the topic of the text.‎ B.Illustrate the author’s point of view.‎ C.Provide some advice for the readers.‎ D.Offer some background information.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章第一段讲述了一个事例,然后通过这个事例引出了本文的话题,即driving simulator。由此可推知,作者写第一段的目的是引出文章的主题,故选A。‎ ‎2.Why is the driving simulator project introduced to Roosevelt High School?‎ A.It tests the students’ ability to stay focused.‎ B.It gets students to have fun between classes.‎ C.It teaches students how to deal with traffic accidents.‎ D.It makes students aware of the dangers of distracted driving.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They said they wanted to help students learn about the danger of driving while drunk, texting, or talking on the phone.”可知,他们想要帮助学生们了解醉酒、发短信或者打电话时驾车的危害,故选D。‎ ‎3.What can we know about the driving simulator?‎ A.It is connected to the local police station.‎ B.It is a real car but has large computer screens.‎ C.It attracts the students’ interest as a computer program.‎ D.It benefits the students who use it more than those who only watch.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的描述,尤其是“The simulator is basically a computer program. Like many computer games, it was a hit with the students.”可知,这个模拟器实质上是一个电脑程序,和许多电脑游戏一样,它很受学生们的欢迎,引起了学生们的兴趣,故选C。‎ ‎4.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.Traffic rules in Ohio, US.‎ B.Dangers of distracted driving.‎ C.Simulated driving for students.‎ D.Advantages of computer games.‎ C 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一个驾驶模拟器,学生通过操作它可以增强交通安全意识,故选C。‎ B ‎(2020·济南模拟)‎ New York Walking Tours ‎◆Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour Start this exciting guided 4hour tour by getting early Reserve Line Access boarding on the ferry to Liberty Island. Once there, go inside the base of the statue and head to the observation decks for an awesome view of New York City and its surroundings. Then come back on the ferry to Ellis Island to learn about the history of immigration(移民入境) to America that took place here between 1892 and 1954.‎ ‎◆Central Park Walking Tour Walk through Central Park’s most picturesque highlights on a 2hour tour with a professional photographer. Remember your New York City adventure with unforgettable images of you with family or friends as you circle the towers at Belvedere Castle, and walk through paths with flowers in the Conservatory Garden, or feed the swans by the Loeb Boathouse.‎ ‎◆New York City Architecture Walking Tour Learn about the history of the buildings that define the New York City skyline on a 3hour walking architecture tour. Walk down the famous 42nd Street corridor with a longtime New York resident(居民) and architectural expert, stopping along the way to learn about Midtown Manhattan’s most iconic structures like the Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station and the New York Public Library.‎ ‎◆Greenwich Village Walking Tour Greenwich Village is one of New York City’s most beautiful and famous neighborhoods. Take a guided 2hour walking tour of this legendary Lower Manhattan space. Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others. Walk the winding streets and visit popular Washington Square Park, reliving more than 200 years of history.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了四个在纽约进行徒步旅行的项目。‎ ‎5.Why do tourists visit Ellis Island?‎ A.To know about American immigration history.‎ B.To explore the surroundings of the island.‎ C.To get a whole view of New York City.‎ D.To observe Statue of Liberty closely.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour部分的最后一句“Then come back on the ferry to Ellis Island to learn about the history of immigration(移民入境) to America that took place here between 1892 and 1954.”可知,旅游者参观埃利斯岛的目的是了解移民美国的历史。故选A。‎ ‎6.Who will go with tourists on Central Park Walking Tour?‎ A.An experienced guide.‎ B.An architectural expert.‎ C.A professional photographer.‎ D.A longtime New York resident.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据Central Park Walking Tour部分的第一句“Walk through Central Park’s most picturesque highlights on a 2hour tour with a professional photographer.”可知,在中央公园的徒步旅行中会有一个专业摄影师和旅游者在一起。故选C。‎ ‎7.Which tour takes the longest time?‎ A.Central Park Walking Tour.‎ B.Greenwich Village Walking Tour.‎ C.New York City Architecture Walking Tour.‎ D.Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour部分第一句中的“Start this exciting guided 4hour tour”可知,这个徒步旅行需要4个小时。而其他三个徒步旅行需要的时间分别是:A:2个小时,B:2个小时,C:3个小时。故选D。‎ ‎8.What can tourists do on Greenwich Village Walking Tour?‎ A.Take unforgettable pictures.‎ B.Come across Bob Dylan.‎ C.Visit New York Public Library.‎ D.Learn about famous artists.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句“Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others.”可知,游客可以通过Greenwich Village Walking Tour这个徒步旅行项目去了解著名的艺术家。故选D。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2020·大连一模)Being jobless for the last three months, I am upset nowadays. My son has lost his __1__ from a good school and he might have to go to a less qualified school. I have moved from a spacious(宽敞的) apartment to a small one in order to __2__ my living expenses. My wife has built extra stress. On top of that, my fatherinlaw __3__ a week ago, which has added fuel to fire, __4__ our family into a more terrible state.‎ In these circumstances I have two mental __5__: either to feel upset and keep losing my peace of mind, or __6__ my negative thoughts with super mental powers about selfconfidence and consistency, and __7__ applying for new jobs with positive attitude.‎ I choose the second option because I believe that the pain I am __8__ today will build up my __9__. My strengths will then increase my confidence and make me a(n) __10__ man one day. I understand that good and bad stages are parts of __11__. While good times make me happy, bad times __12__ the “inner” me.‎ Two months later, __13__, I have finally landed a job which is very exciting and offers a nice salary. Time has healed my wife’s mental stress __14__ the death of her father. My son has ‎ already been accepted by another good school because the admissions for new academic year were still __15__!‎ As I am back on the track of normal life, I can __16__ say that the most important things that helped me __17__ the crisis(危机) were my consistent character of patience, and __18__ attitude towards life. So, while I wish you all the best life can __19__ you, I would highly recommend taking the same attitude towards life __20__ you are trapped in any of such situations.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要通过讲述作者成功应对困境的故事从而启迪读者要一直保持积极的生活态度。‎ ‎1.A.admission B.benefit C.diploma D.permission A 解析:根据该句中的“he might have to go to a less qualified school”可推知,作者的儿子失去了进入好学校的资格,与下文中的“My son has already been accepted by another good school because the admissions for new academic year were still ______!”呼应。‎ ‎2.A.share B.reduce C.break D.raise B 解析:根据上文可知,作者失业三个月,为了缩减生活开支作者从宽敞的公寓搬到了较小的公寓。‎ ‎3.A.showed up B.set off C.fell down D.passed away D 解析:根据下文中的“Time has healed my wife’s mental stress ______ the death of her father.”可知,作者妻子的父亲过世了。pass away“去世”。‎ ‎4.A.putting B.finding C.forming D.lifting A 解析:根据语境可知,作者的岳父一周前去世了,这使作者一家处于更糟糕的状态,put“使处于(某状态或情况)”符合语境。‎ ‎5.A.problems B.concerns C.choices D.activities C 解析:根据空后的“either to feel upset...or ______ my negative thoughts”可推知,作者面对这种困境,有两种心理选择(choices),与下文中的“I choose the second option”相呼应。‎ ‎6.A.link B.replace C.mix D.exchange B 解析:固定搭配replace...with...意为“用……替代……”,与空前的“keep”形成对比,故选B。‎ ‎7.A.regret B.stop C.keep D.risk C 解析:根据下文中的“I have finally landed a job”可推知,作者也可以保持积极的态度,继续申请新的工作。keep“继续”。‎ ‎8.A.practicing B.suffering C.producing D.relieving B 解析:根据语境可知,作者选择以积极的态度继续申请新的工作,因为作者相信他现在遭受的(suffering)痛苦将增强他的毅力(character)。‎ ‎9.A.intelligence B.body C.character D.reputation C 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎10.A.careful B.hardworking C.easygoing D.successful D 解析:根据上文作者失去工作,儿子不能进入好的学校,岳父去世等一堆糟心的事,并结合该句“My strengths will then increase my confidence and make me a(n) ______ man one day.”可推知,作者相信自己有一天会成功。‎ ‎11.A.life B.wealth C.time D.health A 解析:根据语境并结合常识可知,作者明白好的阶段和坏的阶段都是生活的一部分,与下文中的“As I am back on the track of normal life”呼应。‎ ‎12.A.hide B.destroy C.strengthen D.kill C 解析:根据该段第一句并结合语境可推知,艰难的时光会让作者韬光养晦,积蓄力量。‎ ‎13.A.desperately B.unwillingly C.hopefully D.fortunately D 解析:根据语境可知,两个月后,作者幸运地(fortunately)找到了一份称心的工作。‎ ‎14.A.regardless of B.due to C.instead of D.apart from B 解析:根据语境可知,前后句表示逻辑上的因果关系,前果后因。due to“由于”符合语境。‎ ‎15.A.occupied B.empty C.open D.closed C 解析:根据语境可知,新学年入学申请依然开放(open),因此作者的儿子被另一所好学校录取。‎ ‎16.A.disappointedly B.surprisedly C.deliberately D.confidently D 解析:根据上文中的“My strengths will then increase my confidence”可推知,当生活回到正轨时,作者信心满满(confidently)。‎ ‎17.A.fight B.meet C.change D.delay A 解析:根据上文可知,作者战胜了(fight)危机,生活重新步入正轨。‎ ‎18.A.general B.positive C.friendly D.honest B 解析:根据上文中的“applying for new jobs with positive attitude”并结合语境可推知,作者始终如一的坚毅性格和积极的(positive)生活态度帮助作者战胜了生活中的危机。‎ ‎19.A.offer B.expect C.manage D.send A 解析:根据语境可知,作者祝愿人们万事如意。offer“给予”符合语境。‎ ‎20.A.as if B.in that C.now that D.in case D 解析:根据语境可知,作者极力建议人们如果陷入像这样的境地,也以相同的态度面对生活。in case“如果,假使”。‎ 课时练2 1篇阅读+1篇七选五+‎ ‎1篇改错+1篇书面表达 Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎(2020·河南六市高三联考)Being stuck behind crowds of slow walkers when you’re in a hurry is one of the most annoying things. But now, Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex, one of the UK’s largest shopping malls, has introduced its very own fast lane for shoppers in a hurry, aiming to help impatient shoppers avoid slow walkers and the anger that goes with them.‎ The Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex has introduced a 720foot “fast lane” reserved for fast walkers only, just in time for the festive rush. The centre’s management team said, “The lane will help the shoppers who know where they want to go quickly and don’t want to get caught in behind unhurried shoppers at the busiest time of the year.”‎ The fast lane was introduced after a MasterCard survey found that 80 percent of consumers found slow walkers their biggest annoyance while shopping. The research also found that the average walking speed slowed down by 21 percent during the festive shopping period, as most shoppers spent more time window shopping during this period.‎ Gary Mortimer, an expert from the Queensland University of Technology, said he wasn’t ‎ surprised by the promotion about the launch of the fast lane, and thought the concept would appeal to shoppers all over the world.‎ ‎“Crowded parking lots and busy shopping centres tend to be two of the biggest complaints of shoppers over the festive season,” he said. “I think the fast lanes are a new approach. However, I suspect it will be a bit like fast lanes on the highway, so it might end up being more trouble than its worth.”‎ The MasterCard survey also identified the four most common types of shoppers. They include “Skaters” who try and make their way through crowds politely, “Dodgers” who move down the paths to avoid slow walkers, “Bulldozers” who push their way through crowds, and “Tutters” who express their frustrations to slow walkers.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了英国一家大型购物中心在节日高峰期引进快速通道一事。‎ ‎1.The fast lane is intended for the shoppers who________.‎ A.can’t move quickly because of physical disabilities B.buy things on their shopping lists quickly C.take their time to do window shopping D.want to leave the mall quickly B 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“But now, Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex, one of the UK’s largest shopping malls, has introduced its very own fast lane for shoppers in a hurry, aiming to help impatient shoppers avoid slow walkers and the anger that goes with them.”和第二段最后一句“The centre’s management team said, ‘The lane will help the shoppers who know where they want to go quickly and don’t want to get caught in behind unhurried shoppers at the busiest time of the year.’”可推知,快速通道是为那些想迅速购物的人而设计的,故选B。‎ ‎2.What is Gary Mortimer’s attitude to the fast lane?‎ A.Supportive. B.Indifferent.‎ C.Critical. D.Objective.‎ D 解析:观点态度题。根据对第四段及第五段的整体理解可知,Gary Mortimer对快速通道进行了全面的评论,既肯定了快速通道的优点,又看到了其潜在的劣势,因此他的态度是客观的,故选D。‎ ‎3.Who may patiently move behind a slow crowd?‎ A.Skaters. B.Dodgers.‎ C.Bulldozers. D.Tutters.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句中的“‘Skaters’ who try and make their way through crowds politely”可推知,Skaters在购物时会耐心地跟在缓慢的人群后,故选A。‎ ‎4.What is the main idea of the text?‎ A.Shopping can be annoying sometimes.‎ B.How to avoid slow walkers when shopping.‎ C.The problems that shopping centres face during busy holidays.‎ D.The shopping mall creates the fast lane to avoid slow walkers.‎ D 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段开篇点题,并结合对全文的整体理解可知,本文主要介绍了英国一家大型购物中心引进快速通道,从而在节日高峰期使购物迅速的人避开购物缓慢的人的新闻,故选D。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2020·商丘高三模拟)Are you happy with your appearance? 1.________‎ ‎“Almost all the girls with singlefold eyelids(单眼皮) in our class have had double eyelid operations,” Zeng, a Senior 2 student from Chengdu, told Xinhua. Zeng had the same surgery done this summer. 2.________‎ From popular photoediting apps to plastic surgery(整形手术), it seems that large eyes, pale skin and a skinny body are the only standard for beauty these days. But can following this standard really make us feel good about ourselves?‎ ‎3.________ According to Huxiu News, over six in ten girls choose not to take part in certain daily activities, such as attending school, because they feel bad about their looks. As much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.‎ ‎“Many teenagers are upset about their appearance because they believe in unrealistic standards of beauty,” experts say. 4.________ Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they’re too dark, too fat, too short, or too tall.‎ However, trying to live up to strict standards can make us feel anxious. What troubles us is not just our “imperfect” looks, but the fact that we criticize ourselves too much.‎ ‎5.________ Plussize models are being featured in some fashion shows. All of us should be just as confident as they are.‎ A.Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.‎ B.Some teenagers might feel negative about their appearance.‎ C.Body image anxiety is common among teenagers.‎ D.Guys care just as much as girls do about their body image.‎ E.She and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes look more beautiful.‎ F.It’s common for teenagers to feel confident about their appearance.‎ G.Perfect faces and bodies are everywhere in advertising, TV shows and social media.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要讨论了青少年如何看待自己的外貌,‎ 鼓励青少年要对自己的外貌有信心,美的形式各有不同。‎ ‎1.B 解析:承接上文“Are you happy with your appearance?”,并结合选项可知,选项B对此问题作出了回应,所以选B项。‎ ‎2.E 解析:根据语境及空前一句“Zeng had the same surgery done this summer.”可知,Zeng也做了双眼皮手术,故E项“她和她的许多同学认为大眼睛看起来更漂亮”符合语境,承接上文。‎ ‎3.C 解析:本段主要讲的是很多青少年对自己的外貌不满意,甚至感到焦虑,故C项“外貌焦虑在青少年中很普遍”适合作本段主题句。‎ ‎4.G 解析:根据空后的“Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they’re too dark, too fat, too short, or too tall.”,并结合上文“unrealistic standards of beauty”可推知,通过与非现实的审美标准形成对比,许多青少年对自己的外貌有自卑感,与选项G的内容联系紧密,所以选G项。‎ ‎5.A 解析:根据下文“All of us should be just as confident as they are.”可知,本段主要讲的是要对自己的外貌有信心,美的形式多种多样,而不是只有一个标准,所以选A项。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2020·济南模拟)‎ Dear Mr. Brown,‎ We have learned that you were going back to America for the summer vacation. To express our thank for your excellent teaching in our school, we have decided have a party for you. The party which will start at 6:30 on Friday evening in the lecture hall. It will possible last an hour. To start with, our monitor will give a speech on behalf of a whole class. Then we would like to invite you to join us and singing some English songs. In the end of the party, we will present you with some gifts and cards, mostly making by ourselves. I believe you will have a good time together.‎ Looking forward to your coming.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Frank 答案:‎ Dear Mr. Brown,‎ We have learned that you going back to America for the summer vacation. To express our for your excellent teaching in our school, we have decided have a party for you. The party   will start at 6:30 on Friday evening in the lecture hall. It will last an hour. To start with, our monitor will give a speech on behalf of whole class. Then we would ‎ like to invite you to join us and some English songs. the end of the party, we will present you with some gifts and cards, mostly by ourselves. I believe will have a good time together.‎ Looking forward to your coming.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Frank Ⅳ.书面表达 ‎(2020·安徽五校质检)假定你是高三学生李华,你班的交换生Jim对中华传统文化感兴趣,准备下学期选修一门相关课程,向你征询建议。请给Jim写一封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.推荐一门选修课;‎ ‎2.说明推荐的理由;‎ ‎3.提出学习这门课程的建议。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Jim,‎ I am glad that you are interested in Chinese culture and eager to explore more.‎ I think the Ancient Poetry is your best choice. By learning Chinese ancient poems, you can have an extensive knowledge of history and culture in ancient China. Furthermore, you can feel the charm of the language by reading poems, which helps to improve your Chinese. To follow the course well, you’d better read and recite as many poems as possible. Besides, it is a good idea to search for related background knowledge so that you will fully understand the conception of poetry.‎ What do you think of the course? I am sure you will have a lot of fun from it.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

