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译林版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、单选题 1.你把 Peter 介绍给大家时说: A. Hi! This is Peter. B. Hi! My name is Peter. 2.— Is it warm today? —_____ A. No, she isn't. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is. 3.当你想表达今天的天气又冷又潮湿时,应该说: A. The weather is cold and wet today. B. It's sunny today. C. The weather was cold and wet yesterday. 4.— —Good morning. A. Good afternoon. B. Good evening. C. Good morning. 5.I like funny teachers. A. B. 6.当你想打断别人的话时,你可以说: A. Sorry. B. Excuse me. 7.—碗热气腾腾的牛肉面端到饥饿的你面前,你会想到: A. healthy B. hot C. delicious 8.What colour is it? A. It's an orange. B. It's orange. 9.Teachers' Day is in . A. September B. October C. August 10.—________ you go hiking last Saturday? —Yes, I did. A. Did B. did C. Do 11.That is ______arm. A. he B. his C. they 12.你想说:这是你的球,可以说: A. This is my ball. B. This is your ball. C. This is her ball 13.How you do? A. do B. old C. are 14.I like winter, because I love ________. A. Children's Day B. the Spring Festival C. the Mid-Autumn Festival 15. Giant. A. Your are B. You're 16.Do you have grapes? A. any B. some C. a 二、单词拼写(词汇运用) 17.Tim can't fly kites. He is ________(难过的). 18.Pass ________(我)the ball. 19.My sister is a ________. 20.x, t, i, a ________ 21.Good morning, ________(同学们). 三、选词填空(词汇运用) 22.选词填空 many What's crayons beautiful have (1)I have fifteen ________. I like drawing with them. (2)How ________ books do you see? (3)My school is big and ________. (4)________ in your hand? (5)Do you ________ any toy cars? 四、补全对话 23.如图,将所给句子的编号填在横线上,使对话完整。 A. This is Miss Liu. B. Good morning, Mr Yang. C. Nice to meet you too. A: Good morning, Mrs Gao. B:________ A:This is Mrs Gao. ________ B: Nice to meet you, Mrs Gao. C:________ , Miss Liu. 24.根据情景, 选句子完成对话。 (下午, Sarah 带同学 Mike 回家, 把他介绍给妈妈, 然后两人相约一起画画。) Sarah:Mum, this is Mike. ________ Sarah's mum: ________ Mike:Good afternoon. ________ Sarah's mum: ________ Sarah: ________ Mike: ________ A. OK! B. Mike, this is my mum. C. Good afternoon, Mike. D. Nice to meet you. E. Let's paint. F. Nice to meet you, too. 25.从方框中选出下列各旬的最佳应答语。 A.It was good.Thank you. B.Yes.I could see many stars. C.I rode a bike yesterday. D.We went there by plane. E.I'm 34 kg. (1)—What did you do yesterday? —________ (2)—How heavy are you? —________ (3)—How was your weekend? —________ (4)—How did you go there? —________ (5)—Could you see stars at night? —________ 五、连词成句 26.don't like I strawberries (.)(连词成句) 27.many, how, know, you, do, animals (?) ________ 28.the is in flying sky the bird ( . ) ________ 29.going, where, you, tomorrow, are ? 30.in, a, and, there, the, picture, is, table, a, bedroom (.) ________ 31.name, is, My, Tommy, .

