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‎2019高考英语一轮阅读理解选练(5)‎ A If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.‎ Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and non-joggers for 12 years. The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die. The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour. The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over ‎7 mph die at the same rate as non-joggers. The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause serious injuries.‎ Peter Schnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,“If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy. Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may be harmful.”‎ The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi,yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than “iron man” events,triathlons and long-distance running and cycling. According to Jacob Louis Marott,another researcher involved in the study,“You don’t actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health. And perhaps you shouldn’t actually do too much”.‎ ‎1.The underlined word “strenuous” in Paragraph l is closest in meaning to“___________”.‎ A. hard B. regular ‎ C. practical D. flexible ‎2.The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to ___________.‎ A. suggest giving up jogging B. show risks of doing sports C. provide supportive evidence D. introduce the research process ‎3.According to the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?‎ A. It may injure the heart and arteries. B. It can make the body tired out.‎ C. It will bring much pressure. D. It consumes too much energy.‎ ‎4.What can be inferred from the text?‎ A. No exercise at all is the best choice.‎ B. More exercise means a healthier life.‎ C. Marathons runners are least likely to die.‎ D. Proper exercise contributes to good health.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文主要讲述了做运动过多或过少都对身体有害,只有做适量的运动才对身体有益。‎ ‎1.A 【解析】考查词义推测。hard耗费体力的;regular有规律的;practical实际的;flexible灵活的。由第一段最后一句“According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.”可知,一点不做运动的人和非常艰苦锻炼的人都极有可能死,故应选A。‎ ‎3.A 【解析】考查细节理解。由第二段倒数第二句“The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).”可知,做过多的运动有害是因为它可能伤害心脏和动脉,故应选A。‎ ‎4.D 【解析】考查推理判断。根据第三段可知,做运动过多或过少都对身体有害,只有做适量的运动才对身体有益,故应选D。‎ B ‎(2015·甘肃第一次诊断)‎ Recommended Delft Hotels Bridges House Hotel Bridges House Hotel is a hotel in the centre of Delft and has shops and museums next door.There are many restaurants in the area where you can eat a lovely dinner ‎ in the evening.The market square is within easy walking distance.The comfortable rooms are all uniquely decorated and have a splendid bathroom.Air conditioning and free WiFi are available.There are extra long beds for your convenience.‎ Breakfast is served in the hotel lounge.In the evenings, guests can have a drink here as well.‎ Hotel Juliana Just a 5minute walk from the centre of Delft, this friendly family hotel is close to everything and offers comfortable rooms at an affordable price.The main priority is to provide you with quality service through personal attention and by creating a pleasant atmosphere.‎ This hotel is also conveniently located near the Technical University of Delft.Other cultural spots and a series of bars and restaurants are just a stroll away.‎ Shanghai Hotel This unique hotel features Chinesestyle decoration and an elegant bar.Shanghai Hotel is located next to the A13 highway, only a 10minute drive from Delft city centre.It offers free onsite parking.‎ Each of the rooms at Shanghai Hotel includes flatscreen cable TV, a desk and tea/coffee making facilities plus a refrigerator.The comfortable modern bathrooms have a shower, a hairdryer and free makeup.‎ Hotel de Koophandel Located on the central Beesten Market,Hotel de Koophandel is surrounded by cafes and restaurants in the heart of Delft.In the breakfast room, you can enjoy various ‎ breads, toasts,cereals, eggs and fruits in the morning.‎ The comfortable and uniquely decorated rooms are equipped with a private bathroom and free WiFi.Coffee and tea facilities are available.Because of the perfect location, you can easily walk around the city centre and visit the main places of interest.‎ For more detailed information, please click here www.booking. com/hotel/nl.‎ ‎1.Which hotel is the best choice if someone is extremely tall?‎ A.Bridges House Hotel.B.Hotel Juliana.‎ C.Shanghai Hotel. D.Hotel de Koophandel.‎ ‎2.If someone chooses Shanghai Hotel, he ________.‎ A.can enjoy various breads and eggs B.can go to the Technical University of Delft C.may be interested in Chinesestyle decoration D.may visit some parks for free ‎3.What do all the hotels in the passage have in common?‎ A.They offer free WiFi.‎ B.They are at Delft city centre.‎ C.They offer free onsite parking.‎ D.They offer comfortable rooms.‎ ‎4.Where can you probably see the passage?‎ A.In a magazine. B.In a newspaper. ‎ C.On the Internet. D.In a TV program.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一则广告,主要是为荷兰的一个城市——Delft的四家宾馆做广告,简要介绍了它们的地理位置和相关特色。‎ ‎1.解析:选A。细节理解题。根据Bridges House Hotel部分第一段最后一句“There are extra long beds for your convenience.”可知,如果房客很高的话,他最好选Bridges House Hotel。故答案选A。‎ ‎2.解析:选C。推理判断题。根据Hotel de Koophandel部分第一段中的“you can enjoy various breads...eggs...”和Hotel Juliana部分第二段第一句“This hotel is...located near the Technical University of Delft.”可知,A、B两项不符合题意;根据Shanghai Hotel部分第一段最后一句“It offers free onsite parking.”可知,这家宾馆的房客可享受到免费的停车服务,而不是免费到公园游玩,因此D项错误。根据Shanghai Hotel部分第一段第一句“This unique hotel features Chinesestyle decoration...”可知,C项符合题意。故答案选C。‎ ‎3.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据Bridges House Hotel 部分第一段第四句“The comfortable rooms...”、Hotel Juliana部分第一段第一句“...offers comfortable rooms...”、Shanghai Hotel部分第二段“Each of the rooms at Shanghai Hotel includes flatscreen cable TV...The comfortable modern bathrooms...”和Hotel de Koophandel部分第二段第一句中的“The comfortable and uniquely decorated rooms”可推知,这四家宾馆的共同之处在于它们都提供舒服的房间。故答案选D。‎ ‎4.解析:选C。文章出处题。根据最后一段“For more detailed information, please click here www.booking. com/hotel/nl.”可知,最有可能在网上看到这篇文章。故答案选C。‎ C Since 1984 ,Philadelphia has been cleaning up its act. One by one,graffiticovered walls are being changed into outdoor art. So far,more than 1,800 murals (壁画) have been painted. Philadelphia now has more murals than any other American city.‎ ‎ The walls that were once ugly with graffiti (涂鸦) are now covered with beautiful pictures of historical heroes and modern art, thanks to the Mural Arts Program (MAP). Its work makes schools and public places attractive, and its citizens very proud. The program began as part of Philadelphia's AntiGraffiti Network. Jane Golden is the MAP's ‎ artistic director. “When people ask me what our program is about, ”she says,“I answer them with one word: hope.” Each year, the MAP offers youth art programs and workshops. Some onetime graffiti writers even help paint MAP murals.‎ The MAP's work, says Golden, is all about developing a sense of community (社区). When a neighborhood requests a mural,the MAP works with the people there to develop a message. Some messages have been “Safe Streets,”“Love and Care, ”and “Peace Walk.”‎ The MAP receives up to 50 requests for murals each week. Last year,the workers painted 140 murals.‎ ‎“The making of a mural enters people's collective memory as an extraordinary,pleasant moment in neighborhood history,”says Golden,who began as a muralist in Los Angeles. ‎ 本文论述了费城通过MAP这一项目逐步地将墙体上的涂鸦变成了一种室外艺术形式——壁画,从而给人们带来了新的希望。‎ ‎1. What can be the best title for the text?‎ A. Love,from Graffiti Writers to Muralists B. MAP, a New Company in ‎Philadelphia C. Jane,an Excellent Mural Artist D. Hope,One Wall at a Time 答案:D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍费城通过MAP这一项目逐步地将墙体上的涂鸦变成了一种室外艺术形式——壁画,从而给人们带来了新的希望。‎ ‎2. What is the Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia aimed at?‎ A. Helping the young find jobs. B. Protecting the neighborhood.‎ C. Fighting against graffiti. D. Attracting more visitors.‎ 答案:C。细节理解题。由第二段的“the program began as part of philadelphia's AntiGraffiti Network.”可知C项正确。‎ ‎3. How does the MAP decide on the message for a mural?‎ A. By having discussions with people in the community.‎ B. By seeking advice from the city government.‎ C. By learning from the young graffiti writers.‎ D. By studying the history of the city.‎ 答案:A。细节理解题。由第三段第二句可知答案为A项。‎ ‎4.Which of the following words best describes the work of the MAP?‎ A. Difficult. B. Dangerous.‎ C. Experimental. D. Successful.‎ 答案:D。推理判断题。由文章第四段可知the MAP每周会收到很多的邀请,每年会画很多的壁画,故可推出工作很成功,答案为D项。‎ D ‎(2015·石家庄二中一模)‎ We have a problem, and the strange thing is that we not only know about it, but also celebrate it.Just today, someone boasted to me that she was so busy that she’s averaged four hours of sleep a night for the last two weeks.She wasn’t complaining; she was proud of the fact.She is not alone.‎ Why are typically rational people so irrational in their behavior? The answer is that we’re in the midst of a bubble.I call it “The More Bubble”.‎ The nature of bubbles is that something is absurdly overvalued until—eventually—the bubble bursts, and we’re left wondering why we were so irrationally animated in the first place.The thing we are overvaluing now is the opinion of doing it all, having it all, achieving it all.‎ This bubble is being enabled by a combination of three powerful trends: smart phones, social media, and extreme consumerism.The result is not just information overload, but opinion overload.We are more aware than at any time in history of what everyone else is doing and,therefore, what we should be doing.In the process, we have been sold a bill of goods: that success means being supermen and superwomen who can get it all done.Of course, we boasted about being busy—it’s code for being successful and important.‎ And our answer to the problem of more is always more.We need more technology to help us create more technologies.We need to shift our workload to free up our own time ‎ to do yet even more.‎ Luckily, there is a solution to the pursuit of more: the pursuit of less, but better, a growing number of people are making this change.I call these people Essentialists.‎ These people are designing their lives around what is essential and removing everything else.These people arrange to have actual weekends (during which they are not working).They created technologyfree zones in their homes.They trade time on Facebook with calling those few friends who really matter to them.Instead of running to different meetings, they put space on their calendars to get important work done.‎ So we have two choices:We can be among the last people caught up in “The More Bubble”,or we can join the growing community of Essentialists and get more of what matters in our one precious life.‎ ‎1.When the woman said for two weeks she only slept for four hours a night,________.‎ A.she was unsatisfied with her lifestyle B.she was asking for suggestions C.she took pride in doing so D.she knew few people were like her ‎2.What is Paragraph 4 mainly for?‎ A.The cause and result of “The More Bubble”.‎ B.The advantages of “The More Bubble”.‎ C.The solutions to “The More Bubble”.‎ D.The new trends of “The More Bubble”.‎ ‎3.According to the article, Essentialists are those who ________.‎ A.give up certain things for what matters in life B.prefer to change frequently C.are tired of information and opinions D.are eager to become successful and important ‎4.We can infer from the article that the author________“The More Bubble”.‎ A.is supportive of     B.is undecided about C.disapproves of D.wonders about ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文,主要讨论了一种在人们行为表现中出现的不正常现象——“The More Bubble”——的成因及解决方法。‎ ‎1.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“she was proud of the fact”可知,她对于自己的这种做法感到自豪。故答案选C。‎ ‎2.解析:选A。段落大意题。根据第四段第一句可知,本段主要讨论了这种现象形成的原因和结果。故答案选A。‎ ‎3.解析:选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“These people are designing their lives around what is essential and removing everything else.”可知,“These people”指的是上文提到的“Essentialists”,他们围绕重要的事物设计他们的生活,将其余不重要的部分删去。故答案选A。‎ ‎4.解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为我们要么被“The More Bubble”束缚,要么成为Essentialist,在我们珍贵的生命中得到重要的东西;由此可推知,作者对“The More Bubble”这种现象是不赞成的。故答案选C。‎ E Deception (骗术) is something that people do all the time, and it plays an important role in military (军事的) strategy. Now some researchers are trying to figure out how to get robots to do it, by looking at the behavior of squirrels and birds.‎ At Georgia Tech, a team led by Ronald Arkin, a professor at the School of Interactive Computing, studied the literature on squirrels hiding their acorns (橡果). Squirrels will hide their food in a certain place, but when they see other squirrels trying to steal from them, they attempt to fool the thieves by running to a false location.‎ Ronald Arkin and his Ph. D. student Jaeeun Shim used that as a model for robot behavior. They programmed the robot into tricking a “predator (捕食者)” machine by doing what a squirrel does: showing the enemy a false location for an important resource.‎ The team also looked at how other animals—in this case, a species of bird called Arabian babbler—drive off predators. A babbler will make an alarm call when they see a predator and other babblers will join the bird and make more calls. They then surround the predator, all the while flapping (拍打) wings and making noises. The babblers don't ever actually fight the animal they want to drive off; they just make enough noises and flaps around enough so that it seems that attacking a babbler isn't worth it.‎ They found that the deception works when the group reaches a certain size—essentially, when enough birds arrive to convince the enemy that it's best to back off. Davis modeled that behavior in software using a military scene and found that it worked even if the group didn't have the firepower to confront the enemy directly.‎ The military is interested in this because a robot that can fool an opponent is a valuable tool. It could lead an enemy down a false trail or make itself look more dangerous than it actually is.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章主要介绍了骗术在军事策略中起着重要的作用,一些研究人员正在通过研究松鼠和鸟类的活动,希望机器人能模仿这些行为,以便能有效地应用于军事中。‎ ‎1.Why does the military want to take advantage of squirrels' trick?‎ A.It can reduce the use of firepower to confront the enemy.‎ B.It can fool the enemy into believing it is more dangerous.‎ C.It can lead the enemy in a wrong direction to avoid losing resources.‎ D.It can scare the enemy away who wants to destroy the acorns.‎ 答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句“... they attempt to fool the thieves by running to a false location.”可知,松鼠为了保护自己的橡果不被其他松鼠吃掉,会朝别的方向奔跑,由此可推知,C项正确。‎ ‎2.Which of the following is NOT the way Arabian babblers drive off predators?‎ A.One bird makes an alarm call and other birds will join it.‎ B.They fight the enemy bravely face to face.‎ C.They make noises and flaps around the predator.‎ D.They force the predator aware that it isn't worthwhile to attack.‎ 答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段中Arabian babbler赶走predator的过程可知,B项不是Arabian babbler赶走掠夺者的方法。故B项正确。‎ ‎3.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.Animals' behaviors are researched to be applied to the study of military robots.‎ B.Robots' fooling tricks are applied to the study of animals' behaviors.‎ C.Birds and squirrels are the animals that are good at deception.‎ D.Researchers are interested in animals' militaryrelated behaviors.‎ 答案:A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了松鼠和Arabian babbler在生存中如何利用骗术击退敌人保护自己的过程,研究人员希望机器人也能模仿这些行为,从而有效地运用于军事战略当中。故A项正确。‎

