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四川省宜宾市第四中学2020-2021学年高二上学期 开学考试英语试题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What does the man probably want to be?‎ A. An actor. B. An athlete. C. A scientist.‎ ‎2.What is the woman worried about?‎ A. Her books. B. Her friend Lisa. C. Her new dormitory.‎ ‎3.Which sport does the man like the best?‎ A. Football B. Volleyball C. Tennis ‎4.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?‎ A. colleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.‎ ‎5.Why didn't Mary sleep well?‎ A. She had a headache.‎ B. She had a stomachache.‎ C. She was troubled by the noise.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.Where will the woman go for her holiday?‎ A. To Dalian. B. To Lijiang. C. To Dali.‎ ‎7.How will the woman travel there?‎ A. By air. B. By train. C. By car.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。‎ ‎8.What does the man think of Tina?‎ A. Lazy. B. Forgetful. C. Careless.‎ ‎9.What happened to the man 's note?‎ A. Alice lost them. B. Tina lost them. C. Lily lost them.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.Which country will the man travel to?‎ A.Thailand. B.Singapore. C.Laos.‎ ‎11.What won’t the man do during the trip?‎ A.Do some hiking. B.Visit old villages. C.Take a boat trip.‎ ‎12.How much will the man pay in all?‎ A.$2,430 B.$2,730 C.$2,830‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. A weekend plan. B. A concert. C. A dance party.‎ ‎14.What day is it today?‎ A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Thursday.‎ ‎15.Why won’t the man go to the Cool Bar?‎ A. He dislikes the music. ‎ B. It is always too crowded. ‎ C. The food is too expensive.‎ ‎16.What is the woman’s problem?‎ A. She can’t understand Latin. ‎ B. She doesn’t like Latin music. ‎ C. She is not good at Latin dance.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.Why is the speaker going to Australia?‎ A. His sister just gave birth to a baby. ‎ B. His sister will get married.‎ C. His sister is terribly ill.‎ ‎18.What will the speaker do in Sydney?‎ A. See a show. B. Visit his friends. C. Do some scuba-diving.‎ ‎19.Where will the speaker go on the 10th?‎ A. Sydney. B. Melbourne. C. Canberra.‎ ‎20.When will the speaker arrive in London?‎ A. On the 10th. B. On the 11th. C. On the 12th.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Our Teen Summer Spanish Program is two weeks of fun, educational excitement that helps students learn Spanish fast. Our Spanish summer program allows our students to learn from highly trained, certified teachers and be absorbed in the language and the culture of Costa Rica.‎ Features include:‎ ‎* Intensive(强化的) daily Spanish classes ‎* Extracurricular classes in dance, cooking, music, and handiwork ‎* Outdoor activities including hiking, camping, rafting, and ziplining(高空滑索)‎ ‎* Homestay with a local Costa Rican family ‎* Volunteer work in needy neighborhoods Our Teaching Methods:‎ We are proud to use TPRS---Total Physical Response Storytelling---in our curriculum. This innovative method uses strange and amusing stories to teach new vocabulary, increase fluency, and get students involved by giving them the opportunity to alter the details themselves. Because of the silliness, creativity, and repetition involved, TPRS allows students to learn easily and remember information effortlessly Memorizing vocabulary and listening to lectures on grammar are slow, inefficient ways to learn a new language. The best way to truly learn and commit new material to memory is through conversation. In our Spanish classes, students can expect to speak up to 80% of each class. By speaking in the new language freely and consistently, students can see progress faster because they are using the new grammar and vocabulary that they have learned at the same time. This helps the brain remember the new words and grammar structures for future use, making it much ‎ easier to progress.‎ ‎21.What does the program do?‎ A.It offers weekly Spanish classes ‎ B.It focuses more on outdoor activities C.It gives teachers a chance to receive training ‎ D.It provides activities about the Spanish culture ‎22.What is the best way to learn a language according to the text?‎ A.Memorizing a larger vocabulary B.Speaking more in the new language.‎ C.Mastering more grammar structures D.Writing stories to share with others ‎23.What is the purpose of the text?‎ A.To employ experienced Spanish teacher ‎ B.To hire foreign volunteers for a program C.To attract teen foreigners to a program ‎ D.To introduce language learning methods B A boy who was nervous on his first day of school climbed onto a third-floor balcony (阳台) and put legs over the side. His mother and teachers tried their best to bring him down, but failed. However, a firefighter who dressed as "Spiderman" succeeded in saving him.‎ Firefighter David Smith was called in after the 6-year-old’s teachers and mother had failed to get him down from the balcony. "He was asking for his mother, "Smith said. "He was crying, and wouldn’t let any of us get near him." After hearing a conversation between the boy’s mother and his teachers about his love of superheroes, Smith hurried home to get his Spiderman clothes.‎ ‎"I told him 'Spiderman is here to save you. No one will hurt you now,’" Smith said. "Then I told him to walk slowly toward me. I was really nervous that he might fall if he got too excited and started running." Then the crying boy broke into a smile and walked into the fireman’s arms.‎ The fictional (虚构的) superhero was created by writer Stan Lee in the early 1960s. It has recently become popular again through a series of movies made about him. In them he is acted by superstar Tobey Maguire, who acted with Kirsten Dunst and James Franco.‎ ‎24.Which would be the best title for this passage?‎ A.Spiderman Is Back B."Spiderman" Saved a Boy C.Spiderman Is Popular D.A Boy’s Love of Spiderman ‎25.How did the fireman succeed in saving the boy?‎ A.By showing he had the same interest as the boy.‎ B.By bringing the boy’s mother to his side.‎ C.By dressing up as a superhero.‎ D.By making friends with him.‎ ‎26.What do we learn from the passage?‎ A.The boy had been forced to go to school.‎ B.The mother did not love her son.‎ C.Spiderman is a superhero in a series of movies.‎ D.Spiderman became popular again in the 1960s.‎ ‎27.What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?‎ A.To tell us something about Spiderman. B.To introduce some famous actors.‎ C.To get readers interested in Spiderman. D.To introduce another superhero story.‎ C Scientists in Britain have managed to teach bees to pull strings (线) to get to food and then pass on what they have learned to others in their colony (群体) — showing a high level of intelligence despite their tiny brains.‎ Researchers at Queen Mary University of London said the experiments, often used to test the intelligence of apes (猿) and birds, showed for the first time that some insects are up to the task, and can also pass skills on through several generations.‎ The findings add to the evidence suggesting the ability for “culture spread”— the ability to learn and pass on knowledge and skills — may not be exclusive to humans.‎ In the research, published in the journal PLOS Biology on Tuesday, the scientists were able to train 23 out of a group of 40 bees to pull strings with their legs and feet.‎ The strings were attached to discs — or artificial “flowers”— containing food at their center but placed under a transparent (透明的) screen. The bees, spotting the food beneath the screen, learned to pull the “flowers” out by pulling the string with their legs and feet to be able to get to it.‎ From another group of bees given the chance to solve the task without any training, only two of 110 were successful.‎ Another group of bees was then allowed to observe the trained bees pulling the strings, and 60 percent of them successfully learned the skill. Finally, trained bees were put in colonies, and the scientists found the technique spread successfully to a majority of the colony's worker bees.‎ Lars Chittka, a Queen Mary University professor who guided the project, said the team is interested in figuring out the brain processes behind the bees' learning and teaching skills.‎ ‎28.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exclusive” in Paragraph 3?‎ A.Ordinary. B.Limited. C.Beneficial. D.Widespread.‎ ‎29.What did the researchers find about bees?‎ A.Bees learn best in insects. B.Bees are as clever as birds.‎ C.Bees are born good learners. D.Bees can be trained to learn skills.‎ ‎30.What may the research team focus on next?‎ A.What else bees can do. B.Where bees learn skills.‎ C.How bees teach others. D.How bees' brains work.‎ ‎31.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.Small Bees, Great Abilities B.Bees Can Learn and Teach C.Bees Are Smarter D.Let Bees Learn D Benjamin Franklin clearly knew how to get things done. After scanning the long list of Benjamin Franklin’s achievements, one can only come to one conclusion that the American man probably never had a wasted day in his life. When he was 84 years old, he became a successful author, printer, politician, postmaster, inventor, musician, and diplomat.‎ There's much we can learn from Benjarin Frankin's work habits and opinions on life that can increase our own productivity. Here are some ways Franklin overcame lazy, wasted days.‎ Start a group and share knowledge. When Franklin was 21, he was a struggling printer in Philadelphia. To increase his connections and to learn more about his industry, he created a group. The group was in great need of books, but books were expensive. Franklin helped start a library where books were bought and lent to members. This sharing of knowledge, experience, and connections helped Franklin become a famous and respected printer in Philadelphia.‎ Attack opportunities. "To succeed," Franklin wrote,” jump as quickly at opportunities as you can." We can all agree, but when an opportunity comes we often look the other way. It's because ‎ the opportunity isn't dressed the way we expect. We often think that the opportunity was only in the form of a golden egg or a million-dollar lottery ticket or a new job offer. But more often than not, the opportunity comes in smaller, less beautiful packages.‎ Time is something in short supply. Franklin wrote “Lost time is never found again." This may sound like it came from the pen of a poet, but it's really an inspirational call to action. Franklin worked, created, and lived knowing that time is scarce. He never put off his work.‎ While Franklin was an able inventor we can be sure that his notebook contained a few unsuccessful ideas . Franklin wrote,“ Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.'‎ ‎32.Benjamin Franklin succeeded in many ways mainly because______.‎ A.he was very clever and popular. B.he could make good use of his time.‎ C.he often shared knowledge with others. D.he could do many things at the same time.‎ ‎33.The underlined word “ industry” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to_____.‎ A.writing. B.invention.‎ C.music. D.printing.‎ ‎34.For many people who want to succeed,opportunities_____.‎ A.are easy to catch hold of. B.are difficult to see and attack.‎ C.are often dressed the way we expect. D.always come in the form of a golden egg.‎ ‎35.From the last paragraph we can learn_____.‎ A.Franklin wrote a lot of famous poems. B.Franklin sometimes wasted time.‎ C.Franklin never met with failures. D.Franklin learned from failures.‎ ‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Five Ways to Make People Like You ‎●Be a good listener Encourage others to talk about themselves. The easiest way to become a good conversationalist(健谈的人)is to become a good listener. To be a good listener,we must actually care about what people have to say.36..Instead,they just want someone who will listen to them.‎ ‎●Smile ‎37.. Smiles are free to give and have an amazing ability to make others feel wonderful. Smile in everything that you do.‎ ‎●Remember a person's name To any person,his/her name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.38. People love their names so much that they will often donate large amounts of money just to have a building named after them. We can make people feel extremely valued and important by remembering their names.‎ ‎● 39.‎ You can make more friends in two months by giving attention to them than by making them curious about you in two years. The only way to make quality,lasting friendships is to learn to be genuinely interested in them and their interests.‎ ‎●Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely The golden rule is to treat other people how we would like to be treated. 40. People will talk to us for hours if we allow them to talk about themselves. If we can make people feel important in a sincere and appreciative way,then we will win all the friends we could ever dream of.‎ A. Become genuinely interested in other people B. Share your interests with other people around you C. We love to feel important and so does everyone else D. Many times people don't want an entertaining conversation partner E. You should make other people feel confident whenever and wherever possible F. Happiness does not depend on outside circumstances,but rather on inward attitudes G. The average people are more interested in their own names than in all the other names ‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When my teenaged son became seriously ill, terrible times for my family began. Our once-happy home became tense and ____41__. My husband and I were exhausted under the great stress of ____42__ my son. It was as if we forgot how to communicate—we couldn’t have a simple ___43___ without a fighting. Our marriage was on the point of breaking up.‎ One evening, my son and I were talking about ____44___ I recalled my first Valentine’s present from my husband, a kazoo (卡祖笛). I was ___45___ when I received it because I couldn’t get it to make a sound __46____ I am a professional saxophone(萨克斯) player. However hard I tried, it just never ___47___ . The kazoo eventually got ___48___ and forgotten. But My son was interested and insisted on seeing it. After some ___49___, I found it.‎ ‎“You couldn’t get a sound? What’s so ____50__ about it?” my husband asked, amazed. He grabbed the kazoo and ____51__. Nothing happened. Surprised, he tried again. Still there was no sound. Frustrated. he tried again,____52__ to produce a funny sound like an angry bumblebee(大黄峰) ___53___ in the mouth of a bear. We burst into laughter. My son took a ____54__ to play the kazoo. He did no better than us, causing more __55____.‎ Seeing his face light up, we felt as if the gloom(黑暗) had ____56__ and a ray of sunshine was let in. It was the best ten ___57___ of the past couple of years. The mood stayed ___58___ for the rest of the evening. It didn’t solve anything. But this ___59___ with the kazoo proved to be a turning point that always __60____ us that there are still things to laugh at and enjoy, and that we can still connect as a family.‎ ‎41.A.content B.depressed C.puzzled D.excited ‎42.A.looking for B.suffering from C.caring for D.moving off ‎43.A.conversation B.meal C.vacation D.party ‎44.A.diseases B.relationships C.festivals D.gifts ‎45.A.moved B.satisfied C.disappointed D.embarrassed ‎46.A.although B.if C.so D.but ‎47.A.made B.worked C.mattered D.served ‎48.A.picked out B.cut of C.packed away D.thrown away ‎49.A.argument B.research C.treatment D.trouble ‎50.A.happy B.useful C.hard D.funny ‎51.A.blew B.observed C.cleaned D.shook ‎52.A.never B.only C.hardly D.even ‎53.A.chewed B.lost C.rooted D.trapped ‎54.A.risk B.seat C.turn D.rest ‎55.A.laughing B.damaging C.complaining D.fighting ‎56.A.fallen B.filled C.lifted D.approached ‎57.A.minutes B.days C.weeks D.months ‎58.A.calm B.light C.bad D.confident ‎59.A.connection B.experiment C.share D.experience ‎60.A.recommend B.reminds C.warms D.promises 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Three-quarters of the world's coffee farms destroy forest habitat to grow coffee in the sun and usually use harmful pesticides(杀虫剂) and 61. (chemical) that poison the environment. When forests disappear, migratory (迁徙的)songbirds disappear, too. In order to deal with increasing population and habitat 62. (lose),Smithsonian scientists created the Bird Friendly certification (证书).‎ Bird Friendly coffees are shade-grown, meaning the coffee is planted under trees, rather than on the land that 63. (clear) of all other plants. Coffee experts say shade-grown coffees taste 64. (good), because the beans ripen slower than coffee grown in the full sun, 65. (result) in a richer, more complex flavor (味道). Bird Friendly certified coffees grow under bio-diverse shade that provides habitat for migratory songbirds and other wildlife, stores carbon 66. fights climate change. Bird Friendly coffees are also certified organic, meaning they are grown without pesticides, 67. is better for people and for the planet.‎ Bird Friendly producers can also earn more for their crops. The wood and fruit trees on shade coffee farms provide additional income 68. farmers. Every cup of Bird Friendly coffee bought rewards these farmers with a little more money for taking good care of the environment and encourages them to continue 69.(protect) Bird Friendly habitat.‎ You can buy Bird Friendly certified coffees throughout the world and protect wildlife and habitat with every cup. Find a store or cafe near you, or better yet, have it 70. (deliver) to your door when you order online.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Last week, I went to a painting exhibition. Upon enter the gallery, I put on the earphones which would give me informations of all the paintings. Suddenly, I noticed that the elderly woman who didn’t know how to use the earphones stood anxiously in front of a painting. I rushed to her with hesitation but helped her put on the earphones. The woman thanks me for my kindness. I realized that was reaching out to others that could really bring a great moment of happiness, which was benefit to me so much. That day when I appreciated lots of breathtaking paintings. What’s more, I learned a valuable lesson from the grateful smile giving by the elderly woman.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是红星中学高一年级学生李华。你校正在举办倡导良好饮食习惯的英语演讲比赛。请根据下列提示写一篇英文发言稿。‎ Bad eating habits of some students Good eating habits My opinions ‎● not have breakfast ‎● prefer snacks ‎● be particular about food ‎● have various healthy diets ‎● have meals at a regular time and proper amount ‎……‎ 注意:1. 发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;‎ ‎2. 发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;‎ ‎3. 词数:不少于100词;‎ Dear friends,‎ As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ That's all. Thank you!‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 一.听力 ‎1-5:BAABC 6-10:BACBC 11-15:ABABA 16-20:CAABC 二.阅读理解 ‎21-23:DBC 24-27:BCCA 28-31:BDDB 32-35:BDBD 36-40:DEGAC 三.完形填空 ‎41-45:BCADD 46-50:ABCDC 51-55:ABDCA 56-60:CABDB 四.语法填空 ‎61.chemicals 62.loss 63.has been cleared/is cleared 64.better 65.resulting ‎66.and 67.which 68.for 69.protecting/to protect 70.delivered 五.短文改错 ‎.1.enter→entering 2.informations→information 3.the →an 4.with→without 5.but→and 6.thanks→thanked 7.was 前面加it 8.benefit→beneficial 9. 去掉when 10.giving→given 六.书面表达 Dear friends,‎ As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some don't have breakfast. Some prefer snacks. Some are particular about food and some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.‎ To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. Besides, we'd better have meals at a regular time and proper amount. If we get into good habits of eating meals, it will benefit us a lot. In addition, good eating habits can protect us from all kinds of illnesses.‎ In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. After all, health is the most important in our life. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.‎ That's all. Thank you!‎

