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第 2 课时 Units 5—8(七上) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 1. tooth n. →     (复数) 2. sheep n. →     (复数) 3. potato n. →     (复数) 4. child n. →     (复数) 5. woman n. →     (复数) 6. comfortable adj. →       (形容词的反义词) →     (adv.) 7. health n. →      (adj.) →      (形容词的反义词) 8. half n. →      (复数) *           切成两半 9. love n. →      (adj.) 10. celebrate v. →        (n.) teeth sheep potatoes children women uncomfortable comfortably healthy unhealthy halves cut into halves lovely celebration 词 汇 拓 展 11. different adj. →      (adv.) →      (n.) *    与……不同 12. important adj. →      (n.) 13. taste v.& n. →      (adj.) *    个人口味/品味 14. keep v. →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) 15. collect v. →      (n.)收藏品 16. dark adj. →      (n.) *    深蓝/棕色 17. energy n. →      (adj.) (be) different from personal taste differently difference importance tasty kept kept collection darkness dark blue/brown energetic 词 汇 拓 展 18. lie v. →     (现在分词) →     (过去式)说谎 →     (过去分词)说谎 →     (过去式)躺 →     (过去分词)躺 19. scarf n. →      (复数) 20.include vt. →      (prep.) lying lied lied lay lain scarves including dress up play a trick on sb. give sb. some candy as a treat be on holiday take photos find out at night let off/set off be good for our health need to exercise more less than more than be interested in you're welcome 短 语 归 纳 1.        装扮,乔装打扮 2.         捉弄某人 3. 用一些糖果招待某人 4.         在度假 5.        拍照 6.      发现;查明;弄清楚 7.      在夜里;在晚上 8.         使(炸弹等)爆炸 9.         对我们的健康有益 10.       少于 11.       多于 12. 需要多锻炼 13. 对……感兴趣 14.         不客气;不用谢 短 语 归 纳 15.        想到;认为;考虑 16.        ……和……都 17.        去参加;去从事 (某项活动或运动) 18.        适合于 19.        使……远离 20.         服装店 21.          运动服 22.          看一看 23.         给某人买个礼物 24.       试穿 25.       由……做成 think of both…and… go for sth. be fit for keep…away a clothes shop buy sb. a present/ buy a present for sb. try on be made of sports clothes take/have a look 句 型 再 现 1. 在10月31日晚上我们总会举办一场晚会,享用美味的食物和饮料。 We always October 31 and enjoy nice food and drinks. 2. 它们含糖太多,对我的牙齿有害。 They have       sugar and            . 3. 你每晚睡多长时间? every night? 4. 我午饭吃米饭或面条。 I       or noodles . 5. 我们店里有不同种类的发卡。   hair clips in our shop. have a party on the evening of too much are bad for my teeth How long do you sleep have rice for lunch There are different kinds of 句 型 再 现 6. 我想买些和埃米买的不一样的礼物。 I want to . 7. 我正在考虑穿什么。 I‘m thinking about         . 8. 它们(红手套)是什么制成的?        they       ? 9. 我可以试穿一下它们(鞋子)吗? Can I     them    ? 10. 你多久散步一次?        do you take a walk? 11. 我们敲门并大声喊“不招待,就使坏”。 We         their doors and shout “trick or treat”. buy some presents different from Amy's what to wear What are made of try on How often knock at/on 句 型 再 现 12. 那么我能在床上再睡十分钟。 I can spend           in bed then. 13. 他们两个都穿着蓝色的牛仔裤。       them      blue jeans. 14. 在北京你们做什么来庆祝中国的新年? What do you do        ?the Chinese New Year in Beijing 15. 我的设计包括一条蓝色牛仔裤。 My design blue jeans. ten more minutes Both of are wearing to celebrate includes a pair of 句 型 再 现 16. 一天一苹果,不用去诊所。             17. 他们值多少钱?        do they     ? /          they? 18. 你穿多大码? ? 19. 你认为我的红手套怎么样?      do you   my red gloves? /     do you   my red gloves? 20. 今天的演出到此结束。             show. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. How much cost How much are What's your size What think of How like/find That's all for today's 语 法 链 接 1. 特殊疑问句。[详见P110,专题(十三)] 2. 区分可数名词和不可数名词。[详见P080,专题(一)] 3. 用some和any表示数量。[详见P088,专题(四)] 4. 学会使用there be 结构。 5. 掌握现在进行时的用法。[详见P103,专题(十)] 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❶ keep vt. 保持 【点拨】keep 的用法: 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【拓展】keep构成的短语: keep a record 保持纪录 keep in touch (with…) (与……)保持联系 keep in mind 牢记 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】(1)As we all know, it is impolite to keep others (wait) for a long time. (2)My grandma's memory is getting worse. She keeps (forget) things and people's names. (3)—What do you think of your English teacher? —I like him. He knows how to keep us (interest) in English. (4)Serious illness never kept Hawking from (live) a meaningful and colourful life. waiting forgetting interested living 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❷ plan vt. 打算,计划 【点拨】 plan 用作动词时,其现在分词、过去式和过去分词需双写“n”再加 “-ing”或“-ed”,即planning, planned, planned。 【搭配】plan to do sth. 计划做某事。 【拓展】plan也可作名词,意为“计划”。常见搭配:make a plan for 为…… 制订计划。 【典例】[2019·苏州]—Please stay with me this weekend. —I'm sorry, but my father and I planned     Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited C 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❸ enough det.& pron. 足够(的),充分(的) 【点拨】enough作代词时,既可指代可数名词,也可指代不可数名词。 —Do you need more chairs? 你需要更多的椅子吗? —No. I think there are enough to go round. 不要了。我想够用了。 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【拓展】enough作形容词和副词的用法如下: The basket is light enough for the little girl to carry. 这个篮子很轻,那个小女孩能拎动。 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】(1)—I'll be away for a long time. —Don't worry. She can look after your pet     . A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully (2)The little boy was careful enough      (come) first in the exam. C to come 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❹ another/other/others/the other/the others 词条 用法 another 泛指三者或三者以上不定数目中的另一个,可作主语、宾语或定语 other 作前置定语,表示泛指,常用来修饰可数名词复数,不可单独使用 others some…others…意为“一些……另一些……”,泛指别的,others= other+名词复数 the other 表示两者中的“另外那个”。常用短语:one…the other…意为 “(两者中的)一个……另一个……”  the others 指一个整体中除去一部分后的其余全部。常用短语:some…, the others…意为“一些……,其余的……”, the others=the rest 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【注意】another有“再、又”的意思。 another ten minutes=ten more minutes 另外十分钟。 【典例】选用方框内的单词或短语填空。 [another  the others  others  other  the other] (1)There are fifty students in Class One. Twenty of them are boys; are girls. (2)—Shall we meet at 8 o'clock next Sunday morning? —I won't be free then. Let's make it day. (3)The twins are in different classes. One is in Class One and is in Class Two. the others another the other 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 (4)Many Asian elephants live in India but you can find them in countries as well. (5)Don't tell about it. It's a secret between us. (6)Some boys are playing basketball on the playground. are running. other others Others 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❺ look for/find/find out/discover 词条 含义 用法 look for 寻找 强调“找”的动作 find 找到,发现 指对某事物的寻找,也指找到丢失的事物。强调“找”的结果 find out 发现 强调经过研究、调查而得知 discover 发现 表示“偶然或经过努力发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误” 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】选用方框内的单词或短语填空。 [find  find out  looking for  discovered] (1)We need to do some research to        the answer. (2)I'm        my pen everywhere, but I can't     it. (3)Columbus        the New World in 1492. find out looking for find discovered 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❻ among/between 【典例】[2019·东营]A recent study in Australia shows that parents are     the top five world's hardest jobs. A. between B. among C. from D. above 词条 含义 用法 among 在……之间 表示“在三者或三者以上之间” between 表示“在两者(指时间、地点、顺序)之间” B 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❼ take/spend/cost/buy/pay 词条 含义 用法 take 花费(时间) 主语为事或物。常用句型: It takes sb. some time to do sth. (其中it作形式主语) spend 花费(金钱/时间) 主语为人。常用句型: sb. spend(s) money/time on sth./(in) doing sth. cost 花费(金钱) 主语为事或物。常用句型:sth. cost(s) sb. money buy 买(某物) 主语为人。常用结构:buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. pay 付(钱) 主语为人。常用句型:sb. pay(s) money for sth. 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】(1)[2019·大庆] How long will it     you to fly to Beijing from your hometown? A. spend B. take C. pay D. use (2)—His coat     more than 1,000 yuan. —Really? But I don't think he should     so much money on a coat. A. costs; take B. spends; cost C. costs; spend D. spends; take B C 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❽ how often/how long/how soon/how much/how many/ how far/how old 词条 含义 用法 how often 多久一次 用于对频率提问 how long 多长;多长时间 用于对物体的长度或时间段提问 how soon 多久之后 用于对 “in+一段时间”提问 how much 多少;多少钱 用于对不可数名词的数量或商品的价格提问 how many 多少 用于对可数名词的数量提问 how far 多远 用于对距离提问 how old 多大 用于对年龄提问 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】选用方框内的短语填空。 [how old how far how much how many how soon  how long how often] (1)—          do you do outdoor activities, Tom? —Twice a week. (2)—          will the discussion last? —Until we reach an agreement. (3)—I went from a school desk to a ship in my teens. —          days would you be at sea? Homesick? How often How long How many 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 (4)—          is it from your home to your school? —It is about 10 minutes' ride. (5)—          will you finish writing the review of the movie Green Book(《绿皮书》)? —In two days. (6)—Do you know          a 5-day trip to Hong Kong costs? —I guess it's about ¥4,000. (7)—          are the students in your class? —Most of them are only fourteen. How far How soon how much How old 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❾ I need you to carry all the bags. 我需要你拎所有的包。 【点拨】need在本句中作实义动词,意为“需要”。它常用于以下结构: 【拓展】(1)need作情态动词,常用于否定句或疑问句。 (2)need 还可作名词,意为“需要”。常用搭配: in need (of )…意为“需 要……”。 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【典例】(1)My computer needs     . I think I need     to ask Mr Zhang for help. A. fixing; going B. to fix; going C. fixing; to go D. to fix; to go (2)[2019·苏州一模]—Must I go to Nanyang Square this afternoon to see him? —No, you     . You can wait for his call. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't C C 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 ❿ You look great in your purple shirt… 你穿紫色的衬衫看起来很棒…… 【点拨】(1)look great意为“看上去很棒”。look 为系动词,后接形容词作表 语,构成系表结构。 (2)介词in后面常跟表示衣服或颜色的词;介词on后面常跟sb.。 Amy looks beautiful in the blue dress. =The blue dress looks beautiful on Amy. 埃米穿那条蓝色连衣裙看起来很漂亮。 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 【归纳】 【典例】[2018·宿迁]—It's reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around. —That sounds    . A. bad B. badly C. great D. greatly C 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅰ.根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填 一词。 1. [2019·宿迁]The school will hold many activities to      (庆祝) our country's 70th birthday. 2. Tomorrow is the twins' birthday. I am going to buy them     (围 巾). 3. This book       (包含) eight units and it has eight topics as well. 4. Parents always d     up their children on Children's Day. 5. She tries to keep    (strong and healthy) by jogging every day. celebrate scarves includes dress fit 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅱ.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. [2018·宿迁]—Can I help you, sir? —A box of        (tomato), please. 2. Thanks for       (help) me with my poor Maths, Daniel. 3. There   (be) a pair of glasses on the teacher's desk. 4. —Bob missed his train to London, but he didn't seem      (care) at all. —Well, there is another one in 15 minutes. 5. He doesn't spend much time   (do) his homework. tomatoes helping is to care doing 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 6. At Halloween, children often knock on      (people) doors and shout “trick or treat” for sweets. 7. Don't drink too much cola because it is not good for your  (tooth). 8. The new chairs in our school look nice and they're also  (comfort) to sit on. 9. The young trees need      (water) every day. 10. Please dont make so much noise. The baby       (sleep) now. people's teeth  comfortable watering is sleeping 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅲ.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 你认为这本书怎么样? What do you      this book? 2. 充足的睡眠对我们的健康有益。 Enough sleep        our health. 3. 桑迪对音乐感兴趣。她经常听音乐。 Sandy          music. She often listens to it. think of is good for 热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 is interested in 4. 你不应该捉弄你的同学。 You shouldn‘t         your classmates. 5. 在中秋节中国人聚在一起并吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。 Chinese people        and have a big dinner on the Mid- Autumn Festival. play tricks on get together  热 点 实 验 梳 理 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测

