2019届一轮复习外研版必修二Module2 NoDrugs单元学案设计(26页word解析版)

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2019届一轮复习外研版必修二Module2 NoDrugs单元学案设计(26页word解析版)

‎2019届一轮复习外研版必修2Module 2No Drugs单元学案 ‎【课前基础知识回顾】‎ 一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.drug n.           毒品;药品 ‎2.bronchitis n. 支气管炎 ‎3.cancer n. 癌症 ‎4.cigarette n. 香烟 ‎5.tobacco n. 烟草;烟丝 ‎6.cannabis n. 大麻 ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎7.cocaine n.         可卡因 ‎8.needle n. (注射用的)针;针管 ‎9.burglary n. 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪 ‎10.shoplifting n. 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为 ‎11.café n. 咖啡馆;餐馆 ‎12.leaflet n. 传单;印刷品 ‎13.jogging n. 慢跑 Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎1.addictive adj.        (药物等)上瘾的 ‎2.danger n. 危险 ‎3.addict n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 ‎4.inject vt. 注射 ‎5.powerful adj. 有力的;(药等)有功效的 ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎6.reduce vt.         减少 ‎7.nearby adj. 附近的 ‎8.crime n. 罪行;犯罪行为 ‎9.criminal n.        罪犯 ‎10.connection 联系;关系;关联 ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎11.illegal adj.        违法的;不合法的 ‎12.ratio n. 比;比率 ‎13.treatment n. 治疗 ‎14.likely adj. 可能的 ‎15.adult n. 成人 ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎16.disagree vi.       不同意;意见不合 ‎17.ban vt. 禁止 ‎18.horrible adj. 令人不快的;极讨厌的 ‎19.affect vt. 影响;对……有坏影响 ‎20.participant n. 参与者;参加者 ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎21.recognise vt.       认识;认知;认出 ‎22.distraction n. 分心;分散注意力 ‎23.gymnastic adj. 体操的 ‎24.related_to 有关系的;有关联的 ‎25.break_into 破门而入;强行闯入 ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎26.belong_to         属于 ‎27.become_addicted_to 对……上瘾;沉迷于 ‎28.take_one's_advice 听某人的意见 ‎29.in_order_to 为了……‎ ‎30.so_as_to 为了……‎ ‎31.give_up 戒除;放弃 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 ‎(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识记单词写对 Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉) ‎ ‎1.drug n.   毒品;药品 ‎2.bronchitis n. 支气管炎 ‎3.cancer n. 癌症 ‎4.cigarette n. 香烟 ‎5.tobacco n. 烟草;烟丝 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英)‎ ‎1.crime n.   罪行;犯罪行为 ‎2.criminal n. 罪犯 ‎3.affect vt. 影响;对……有坏影响 ‎6.cannabis n. 大麻 ‎7.cocaine n.   可卡因 ‎8.needle n. (注射用的)针;针管 ‎9.burglary n. 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪 ‎10.shoplifting n. 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为 ‎11.café n. 咖啡馆;餐馆 ‎12.leaflet n. 传单;印刷品 ‎13.jogging n. 慢跑 ‎4.recognise vt. 认识;认知;认出 ‎5.gymnastic adj. 体操的 核心单词练通 ‎1.In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults (成人) are sitting on the carpet.‎ ‎2.He is not likely (可能的) to come at this time of the day.‎ ‎3.These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被), which reduced (减少) plant diversity in the park.‎ ‎4.We went out to have dinner in a nearby (附近的) restaurant.‎ ‎5.The bottom chart shows the ratio (比率) of personal debt to personal income.‎ ‎6.Do you advocate banning (禁止) cars in the city centre?‎ ‎7.The noises on the street led to great distraction (分心) from our lessons.‎ ‎8.Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible (极讨厌的) mistakes and conflict will occur.‎ 拓展单词用活 ‎[记全记牢]‎ ‎1.addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的→addict n ‎[用准用活]‎ ‎1.They said they disagreed with our view. As a matter of ‎ ‎.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt.使入迷;使上瘾→addicted adj.上瘾的;成瘾的;有瘾的→addiction n.瘾;入迷;嗜好 ‎2.danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的→endanger vt.危及;危害;使遭受危险 ‎3.inject vt.注射→injection n.注射 ‎4.powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的;强大的→power n.能力;力量;权力→powerless adj.无权力的;没有能力的 ‎5.connection n.联系;关系;关联→connect v.联系;连接→connected adj.连接的;相连的 ‎6.illegal adj.违法的;不合法的→(反义词)legal adj.合法的 ‎7.treatment n.治疗;处理;对待→treat vt.治疗;对待 ‎8.disagree vi.不同意;意见不合→disagreement n.不同意 ‎9.participant n.参与者;参加者→participate v.参加;参与→participation n.参与 fact, their disagreement was due to a misunderstanding. (disagree)‎ ‎2.After he came to power,_everyone said he was a powerful leader, but now he feels so powerless that he even can't save his daughter.(power)‎ ‎3.People had to treat themselves in their own way before they received the treatment sent by the government.(treat)‎ ‎4.He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger. So I told him driving fast was dangerous and if he didn't slow down, he would endanger our lives.(danger)‎ ‎5.He liked playing online games so much that it didn't take him ‎ long to become addicted to them. The addiction to games is taking over his life. So he is really a game addict. (addict)‎ ‎6.They encouraged the participants to participate in the singing performance after the contest and their participation gave the students much delight. (participate)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.皆有“可能”‎ ‎①likely adj.   可能的 ‎②possible adj. 可能的 ‎③probable adj. 很可能的 ‎④perhaps adv. 可能,大概 ‎⑤maybe adv. 也许,大概 ‎2.ible结尾形容词一览 ‎①horrible 令人不快的 ‎②terrible 可怕的 ‎③accessible 易接近的 ‎④sensible 明智的 ‎⑤flexible 易弯曲的 ‎⑥digestible 可消化的 ‎3.“前缀en+adj./n.”构成的动词全扫描 ‎①danger→endanger 使……遭遇危险 ‎②able→enable 使能够 ‎③large→enlarge 使扩大 ‎④sure→ensure 确保;担保 ‎⑤rich→enrich 使充实 ‎⑥title→entitle 给……命名(或题名)‎ ‎ (二)语段串记短语——不枯燥·兴趣高 先 写 对 再 用 准 第一组 ‎1.look_up    向上看;查找 ‎2.break_into 破门而入;强行闯入 ‎3.belong_to 属于 ‎4.become_addicted_to 对……上瘾;沉迷于 ‎5.put_up 提高(价钱);举起 ‎6.break_the_law 犯法 Li Hua ①belongs_to Class Two, and he ②became_addicted_to computer games last year. He ③broke_into a house one day to get the money for games, and then he was arrested. Li Hua regretted he had ④broken_the_law and decided to get rid of the bad habit. Now he is a good student in our school.‎ 第二组 ‎1.give_up   戒除;放弃 ‎2.set_a_date 定下一个日期 ‎3.in_pain 处于痛苦中 ‎4.related_to 有关系的;有关联的 ‎5.in_danger 处于危险之中 ‎6.in_order_to/so_as_to 为了……‎ ‎7.take_one's_advice 听某人的意见 Mr Smith suffers from a serious disease. His disease is ①related_to smoking and his life is ②in_danger. The doctor says if he doesn't stop smoking, he is likely to lose his life. ③In_order_to/So_as_to live a healthy life, he ④takes_the_doctor's_advice and decides to ⑤give_up smoking.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.无被动语态的动词短语小结 ‎2.“be+v.ed+prep.”短语联想 ‎3.“连接,结合,关联”短语集合 ‎①belong to  属于 ‎②date from/back to 追溯到 ‎③consist of 由……组成 ‎④come true 变成现实 ‎⑤take place 发生 ‎⑥break out 爆发 ‎①be related to  与……有关系 ‎②be accustomed to 习惯于 ‎③be devoted to 致力于 ‎④be admitted to 接纳;录取 ‎⑤be absorbed in 全神贯注于 ‎⑥be concerned about 担忧 ‎⑦be opposed to 反对;对抗 ‎①relate to   有关系的;有关联的 ‎②coupled ... with ...‎ ‎ 把……与……连接起来 ‎③connect with/to ...‎ ‎ 与……连接 ‎④combine with 与……联合 ‎⑤link to 连接到……‎ ‎⑥associate with 联合 ‎⑦join with 与……结合 ‎(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs. 现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助其他吸毒者戒毒。‎ 现在分词短语作伴随状语。‎ 他们高高兴兴地回家了,有说有笑。‎ They went home happily, talking_and_laughing.‎ ‎2.The government put up the price of cigarettes so as to stop people buying them. ‎ stop sb./sth. (from) doing“‎ 为了阻止人们购买香烟,政府提高了香烟价格。‎ 阻止……做……”。‎ 必须做些事情来阻止这家工厂排放有毒气体,这样可以让城市免遭污染。‎ Something must be done to_stop_the_factory_(from)_sending_out poisonous gases so as to keep_the_city_from_being_polluted.‎ ‎3.I couldn't agree more. ‎ 我完全同意。‎ ‎“否定词+adj./adv.的比较级”表示最高级的含义。‎ 我以前从未观看过比这更令人激动的比赛。‎ I have_never_watched_a_more_exciting_match before.‎ ‎4.Whatever you're doing when you want to smoke — do something else!当你想抽烟时,无论你在做什么,(停下来去)找点儿别的事做!‎ whatever引导让步状语从句。‎ 无论他说什么,他的老板都不相信。‎ Whatever_he_says,_his boss doesn't believe it.‎ ‎【课堂核心考点突破】‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  Tom formed a bad habit of drinking and smoking. His parents reduced his living cost and warned him that he was likely to be punished if he ‎1.①处短语缺一介词,应填入in,与vain组成短语意为“徒劳无益;枉费心机”。 ‎ ‎2.②‎ ‎ went on like this, but________ vain.❶ He even broke into a house to steal money. Now under the help of his teachers and classmates he has recognised that he should not have broken the school rules.❷ He has made up his mind to change himself, ________❸ makes all of us happy.‎ 句中有一处语言错误,请改正。under→with ‎3.③处应填引导词which。‎ ‎1.reduce vt.减少;降低;使处于 reduce ... to ...    把……减少到……‎ reduce ... by ... 把……减少了……‎ be reduced to (doing) 沦落为……;陷入某种状态 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①She takes exercise every day, and she has reduced her weight to 50 kilos.‎ ‎②Though the price of the house has been reduced by 10%, we can't afford it either.‎ 补全句子 ‎③His life in the big city was hard and finally he was_reduced_to_begging for a living.‎ 他在大城市的生活很艰难,最后他沦落到以乞讨为生。‎ ‎[名师指津] reduce“减少”的近义词是decrease,反义词是increase, rise(增加)。这三个词与reduce用法一样,后可接to ...‎ 表示增减的结果,接by ...表示增减的幅度。‎ ‎2.likely adj.可能的adv.很可能 be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事 It is likely that ...= Sb./Sth.be likely to do sth.‎ ‎ 很可能……‎ not likely (表示坚决不同意)决不可能;绝对不会 ‎[多角练透]‎ 句型转换 ‎①You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.‎ ‎→It_is_likely_that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.‎ 补全句子 ‎②I never said I'd give her my new books. Not_likely!‎ 我从没说过我会把我的新书给她。决不可能!‎ ‎[辨析比较] likely, possible, probable likely 表示较大的可能性;用于It is likely that ...; Sb./Sth. be likely to do sth.句型中,但不用于It is likely for sb. to do sth.句型中 possible 表示的可能性较likely, probable小;用于It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.;It is possible that ...句型中,但不用于Sb. be possible to do sth.句型中 probable 表示的可能性比likely略大;常用于It is probable that ...句型中 选用以上单词填空 ‎③It is possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn't seem probable. In that case, we are likely to go climbing this afternoon.‎ ‎3.recognise vt.认识;认知;认出 ‎(1)recognise sb./one's voice 认出某人/听出某人的声音 be recognised ... as/to be ...‎ ‎ 被认作……/被认为是……‎ It is recognised that ... 人们公认……‎ ‎(2)recognition n. 认出;认识 beyond recognition 不出来 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①It is_recognised (recognise) that every citizen should protect our environment.‎ ‎②I haven't seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond recognition (recognise).‎ ‎③Since 1958, they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)‎ 句型转换 ‎④We recognise Lisa as an outstanding tennis player.‎ ‎→We recognise Lisa to_be an outstanding tennis player.‎ ‎⑤Environmental pollution is recognised to have become one of the most serious problems that people face.‎ ‎→It_is_recognised_that environmental pollution has become one ‎ of the most serious problems that people face. ‎ ‎[联想发散] 除了recognized ... as/to be ...,表示“认为……是……”的短语还有:‎ ‎①regard ... as ...    ②consider ... as ...‎ ‎③see ... as ... ④view ... as ...‎ ‎⑤think of ... as ... ⑥look on ... as ... ‎ ‎⑦treat ... as ... ⑧think of ... to be ...‎ ‎4.break into破门而入;强行闯入;突然……起来 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎❶break away from  脱离;放弃;打破 ‎❷break in    打断;插嘴;闯入 ‎❸break through (在某领域)有进展或突破;冲破障碍 ‎❹break down (身体)垮掉;(机器)出故障;(化学)分解 ‎❺break up 打碎;拆散,解体;开始放假 ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①No sooner had he stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.‎ 他一登上舞台,观众就发出了雷鸣般的掌声。‎ ‎②Scientists hope to break through soon in their fighting against heart disease.‎ 科学家希望在治疗心脏病方面能很快有所突破。‎ ‎③Oldfashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.‎ 在灾难中,当无线网络出故障时,老式的电话就显得很重要了。‎ ‎[名师指津] break into中into为介词,其后须接宾语;而break in中in为副词,为不及物动词短语,表示“强行闯入;打断(谈话等)”。‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  Now more and more students are becoming addicted to the Internet. To give it up is hard for them.❶ Their parents and teachers did all that they can ________ (help)❷ them, but whatever they did, some students couldn't get away from it. Here are some useful tips. Firstly, set ________❸ limited time for computer use. Secondly, call people instead of sending instant messages or texts. Last but not least, use an alarm clock or timer.‎ ‎1.把句①改为it作形式主语。‎ It_is_hard_for_them_to_give_it_up.‎ ‎2.②处应填入单词的正确形式为to_help。‎ ‎3.③处填介词aside,与set构成的短语意思为“留出”。‎ ‎5.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt.使入迷;使上瘾 ‎(1)addict oneself to ... 沉溺于……;醉心于……‎ ‎(2)addicted adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;成瘾的 be/become/get addicted to ...‎ ‎ 沉迷于……;热爱……;迷上……‎ addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的 ‎(3)addiction n. 瘾;入迷;嗜好 have addiction to ... 对……上瘾 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Teenagers who are addicted (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.‎ ‎②Addicting himself to playing (play) the violin, he didn't notice a thief walk into his house.‎ ‎③Li Ming is a game addict,_and his father has been trying to prevent him from being addicted to playing computer games which are very addictive.(addict)‎ ‎④Some students are now fighting their addiction (addict) to computer games.‎ 句型转换 ‎⑤Many kids are addicted to surfing the Internet, so they have lost interest in study.‎ ‎→Addicting_themselves_to_surfing the Internet, many kids have lost interest in study.‎ ‎→Addicted_to_surfing the Internet, many kids have lost interest in study.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)addicted, addiction常与介词to连用,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。‎ ‎(2)addicted常修饰人;addictive“使人上瘾的”,常修饰物。‎ ‎6.give up戒除;放弃;让给;停止 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎❶give up sth. to   把……让给/献给……‎ ‎❷give away 泄露(机密);暴露;分发;捐赠 ‎❸give in 投降;屈服;让步 ‎❹give in to 屈服于,向……让步 ‎❺give off 发出(光、热、气味等);发散(光线)‎ ‎❻give out 用完,用尽;分发;分布 ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model fulltime.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)‎ 她的父亲,44岁的彼得想要她放弃学业,做全职模特。‎ ‎②That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there.(2016·北京高考书面表达)‎ 那个周末,我们去了附近的一个社区并把它们捐赠给那里的人们。‎ ‎③My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found.‎ 我的钱快用光了,工作也没有找到。‎ ‎7.whatever引导让步状语从句 Whatever_you're_doing when you want to smoke — do something else!‎ 不管你正在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧!‎ whatever引导让步状语从句,并在从句中作宾语。‎ 引导让步状语从句 ‎(2)whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句 ‎(3)no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)只引导让步状语从句 ‎①Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a ‎ prize in the Kite Festival.(2017·北京高考单选)‎ 每年,在风筝节上风筝做的最漂亮的人会赢得奖品。‎ ‎②Whichever/No_matter_which road you take, it will lead you to the station.‎ 无论你走哪一条路都会到车站。‎ ‎③Whenever/No_matter_when I'm unhappy, it is my friends who cheer me up.‎ 不管什么时候我不高兴了,总是我的朋友们让我振作起来。‎ ‎【课后综合知识运用】‎ ‎[单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is generally considered that terrorism is a danger to society.‎ ‎2.It's good manners to give up your seat to the old when on the bus.‎ ‎3.The train was delayed because of the heavy fog. Mr Smith is likely to_arrive (arrive) a bit late.‎ ‎4.Considering their age,they couldn't have done it better (good).‎ ‎5.Addicted (addict) to computer games, he lost interest in his study.‎ ‎6.They were so angry that they broke into a quarrel.‎ ‎7.This girl was reduced to becoming (become) a beggar to earn a living. ‎ ‎8.It is illegal (legal) to sell cigarettes to someone under 18.‎ ‎9.—Is the new job a real challenge for him?‎ ‎—Well, whatever difficulties he meets, I believe he will never lose heart.‎ ‎10.To_be_recognised (recognise) among the crowd by Mike, her net friend, she was wearing a bright blue skirt in particular.‎ ‎11.He was banned from driving for three years because of the accident he caused.‎ ‎12.While I disagree with you on this matter, I respect your choice.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.This dictionary belonged to me is worth 20 dollars.belonged→belonging ‎2.Eventually he was reduced to give it up. give→giving ‎3.Deeply affect, the audience applauded warmly for a long time.affect→affected ‎4.The operation was a success and she is now out of the danger.去掉the ‎5.They were discussing something important when a man broke into.into→in ‎6.Addicting to Chinese culture, he decided to learn Chinese in a night school.Addicting→Addicted Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全句子 ‎1.这不妨碍我们按期动工。(stop ... from ...)‎ This won't_stop_us_from_starting_the_work on the project on time. ‎ ‎2.身体活跃的孩子更有可能成长为积极健康的成年人。(be likely ‎ to do sth.)‎ Physically active children are_more_likely_to_become active and healthy adults.‎ ‎3.无论结果怎样,我们都应该微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。(whatever引导让步状语从句)‎ Whatever_the_result_is,_we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best. ‎ ‎4.这条狗跟着主人进了屋。(现在分词短语作伴随状语)‎ The dog entered the room, following_its_master.‎ ‎5.如果我们期望人们放弃开车的习惯,我们必须给他们可以依赖的替代品。(give up)‎ If_we_expect_people_to_give_up_the_habit_of_driving,_we must give them an alternative they can rely on.‎ Ⅳ.句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.The car which belongs to me is much newer than yours.‎ ‎→The car belonging_to me is much newer than yours. ‎ ‎2.Whatever he did, his parents supported him.‎ ‎→No_matter_what_he_did,_his parents supported him.‎ ‎3.白天这个时候他不可能来了。‎ ‎①He_is_not_likely_to_come at this time of the day. (be likely to)‎ ‎②It_is_not_possible_for_him_to_come at this time of the day. (It's possible ...)‎ ‎③It_is_not_likely/possible_that_he_will_come at this time of the day. (It's likely/possible that ...)‎ ‎[高考拆组训练]‎ 语言知识运用组块专练——练准度 ‎(限时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 I'm sure many of you are familiar with the New Year's resolution (决心) — “get __1__”. After a Christmas of staying __2__, watching television and eating far too much chocolate, I decided enough was enough. January was going to be __3__. January was going to be the start of the new, healthy me — less chocolate, more __4__, an allround healthier lifestyle. But __5__ was I going to do this? As I browsed the Internet looking for __6__, I realised just how little I knew about ways to get fit. In terms of exercise, I had always __7__ you either played a team sport like __8__ or went to the gym. And with the arrival of January snow, playing football outside didn't seem like the best option, and as I have a deeprooted __9__ of falling off running machines, the gym wasn't going to work out either. Plus I've never quite understood the concept of __10__ to run inside when you could run outside for free!‎ ‎__11__, I knew that I needed to research my options further. The first thing I found was the world of YouTube exercise videos. There are videos for __12__ about everything. The good thing about YouTube videos is that they are free, they are __13__ (you can do them whenever you want) and you don't have to __14__your nice warm house to do them. But __15__ you do them with a friend it's __16__ to motivate yourself to keep going, and without an instructor there with you it's sometimes hard to know if you're doing the move __17__.‎ I then researched local fitness classes and found my small town to be absolutely swimming with __18__! I quickly signed up to the ‎ overall sports club, had a look at the weekly timetable and __19__ to try them all out. So far I have tried out most of them. My __20__ ones are by far the dancebased ones that take place to music, because it makes exercise so much more fun!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己探索适合自己的运动方式的经历。‎ ‎1.A.rich           B.fit C.busy D.ready 解析:选B 由下文的“the new”“healthy me”及“ways to get fit”可知,作者的新年打算是变得“健康(fit)”。‎ ‎2.A.alone B.abroad C.indoors D.outside 解析:选C 圣诞节期间天气寒冷,作者应该是一直“在室内(indoors)”,看电视、吃东西,过着很不健康的生活。‎ ‎3.A.hard B.similar C.relaxing D.different 解析:选D 由下文的“January was going to be the start of the new, healthy me”可知,作者打算用“不同的(different)”方式过新年的第一个月。‎ ‎4.A.exercise B.food C.fun D.work 解析:选A 由下文的“healthier lifestyle”及“In terms of exercise”可推断,作者打算以后少吃巧克力,多做“运动(exercise)”。‎ ‎5.A.when B.how C.whether D.why 解析:选B 由下文的“ways to get fit”可知,作者在考虑“‎ 如何(how)”才能健康生活。‎ ‎6.A.impression B.preparation C.inspiration D.permission 解析:选C 作者浏览网上的信息以获得关于健康生活的“灵感(inspiration)”。‎ ‎7.A.allowed B.admitted C.assumed D.promised 解析:选C 关于运动,作者原来一直“以为(assumed)”只有两种方式:做团体性运动或去健身房。‎ ‎8.A.tennis B.basketball C.badminton D.football 解析:选D 由上文的“a team sport like”及下文的“playing football”可知,作者把踢“足球(football)”作为团体性运动的例子。‎ ‎9.A.surprise B.anger C.sadness D.fear 解析:选D 由下文的“falling off running machines, the gym wasn't going work out”可推断,作者很“害怕(fear)”从跑步机上摔下来。‎ ‎10.A.paying B.planning C.practicing D.playing 解析:选A 此处是相对于下文的“for free”而言。即作者无法理解人们为什么明明可以免费在室外跑步却偏要“花钱(paying)”在室内跑步。‎ ‎11.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Otherwise 解析:选A 由上段可知,作者发现她所了解的两种运动方式都不可行,“因此(Therefore)”,她知道自己需要多做一些研究。‎ ‎12.A.only B.also C.just D.still 解析:选C 作者发现YouTube上面有关于几乎所有运动方式的视频。just about“几乎”。‎ ‎13.A.cheap B.flexible C.useful D.safe 解析:选B 由下文括号中的解释“you can do them whenever you want”可知,跟着YouTube上面的视频做运动在时间方面比较“灵活(flexible)”。‎ ‎14.A.clean B.leave C.build D.buy 解析:选B 跟着网上视频做运动不必“离开(leave)”家,在家里就可以做。‎ ‎15.A.if B.though C.since D.unless 解析:选D 虽然跟着网上视频做运动有诸多好处,但是“除非(unless)”你和朋友一起做,否则你“很难(difficult)”激励自己坚持下去。‎ ‎16.A.boring B.important C.possible D.difficult 解析:选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎17.A.smartly B.quickly C.correctly D.beautifully 解析:选C 没有教练在身边,有时你很难知道自己的动作是否“正确(correctly)”。‎ ‎18.A.opportunity B.danger C.pressure D.patience 解析:选A 由下文的感叹号及“I quickly signed up to the overall sports club”可推断,作者惊喜地发现自己所在的城镇里充满了关于运动的“机会(opportunity)”。‎ ‎19.A.agreed B.decided C.believed D.advised 解析:选B 作者“决定(decided)”尝试运动俱乐部里的所有运动项目。‎ ‎20.A.regular B.creative C.ordinary D.favourite 解析:选D 由下文的“because it makes exercise so much more fun”可推断,作者“最喜欢的(favourite)”运动是那些可以跟着音乐跳舞的类型。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 Charles Dickens was born in 1812. When he was only 12 years old, he had to get a job in a factory __1__ (work) 12hour days, because his family, except himself, moved into a debtor's prison. He hardly made enough __2__ (buy) bread and rent a bed in an old room.‎ Desperate, Charles' father studied shorthand. When he received some money from a relative, he paid his debts __3__ got out of prison. He then got a job as a court reporter.‎ Charles quit his job and went to school. Charles studied hard ‎ and learned __4__ (speed). He also studied people, paying attention __5__ what they did and why they did it. After two years, he got a job as a reporter at England's Houses of Parliament. Even though he found it __6__ (fascinate), he wondered why they didn't adopt laws to help poor people.‎ Then one day Dickens decided to wrote a story of __7__ (he) own. Every character seemed to be a little like someone __8__ he had known. Finally, one evening he published his story, under the pseudonym (笔名) Boz, at The Monthly Magazine office.‎ The magazine __9__ (want) more and more stories by Boz, so Dickens wrote many stories about people such as David Copperfield and Oliver Twist. Folks around the world were fascinated by the people his __10__ (imagine) brought to life.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了狄更斯的生平和自我奋斗的历史。‎ ‎1.working he与work之间是逻辑上的主动关系,且表示伴随状况,故填working。‎ ‎2.to buy 设空处作目的状语,故填to buy。‎ ‎3.and 设空处前后为并列关系,故填and。‎ ‎4.speedily 设空处修饰动词learned,需用副词形式,故填speedily。‎ ‎5.to pay attention to意为“关心,注意”。‎ ‎6.fascinating 设空处表示“极有吸引力的,迷人的”,故填fascinating。‎ ‎7.his 设空处与own意为“他自己的”。‎ ‎8.who ‎/that 设空处引导定语从句修饰someone,且在从句中作宾语,故填who/that。‎ ‎9.wanted 该句描述的是过去的事情,需用一般过去时,故填wanted。‎ ‎10.imagination 设空处由物主代词his修饰,需用名词形式,故填imagination。‎

