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‎2018届人教版必修2一轮复习:Unit 4 Wildlife protection单元教案 第一部分 教学设计说明 About the topic and the structures 单元话题和结构 本单元的话题是Wildlife protection, 学生通过本单元的学习要清楚《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》规定:珍贵、濒危的陆生、水生野生动物和有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物受国家法律保护,所以滥食野生动物是违法行为。‎ 本单元句法项目是“现在完成被动式”。‎ 教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分”。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排等因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时,裁剪、拼接使用教案提供的材料,以便“物尽所用”,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以参照教 案提出的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。‎ Period 1‎ Reading ‎ 阅读课 Warming Up 部分教师可以选择“了解野生动物”、“讨论野生动物面临的威胁”和“讨论中国大熊猫”形式激发背景知识、为其后的阅读作好词语、结构和心理的准备。‎ Pre-reading与学生谈论“wildlife preservation”,让他们明白:中华人民共和国公民有保护野生动物资源的义务,对侵占或者破坏野生动物资源的行为有权检举和控告。‎ Reading是篇记叙文,记叙Daisy如何学会帮助动物、保护环境的。教师应当引导学生从形式和内容两方面阅读文章、理解文章、提高对野生动物保护的认识。教师还可以补充“食用野生动物极易传染疾病。”野生动物与人类共患的疾病有100多种,如狂犬病、结核、鼠疫、甲肝等。它们的内脏、血液乃至肌肉中均含有各种病毒、寄生虫,如B病毒、弓形虫、绦虫、旋毛虫等,有些即使在零下15℃的低温或100℃‎ 的高温下也不能被杀死或清除。稍有不慎,就会得出血热、鹦鹉热、兔热病、脑囊虫、肺吸虫、血吸虫、肠道寄生虫病等。‎ Period 2‎ Learning about language ‎ 知识课 Learning about language Learning about language和课本一样,也分两部分:词法和句法。第一部分是词法训练,强化学生对本单元重点词汇、短语的掌握和使用;第二部分是句法训练,学习和使用英语“将来被动式”。上课之初,教师安排改写26页学过的课文,让他们表演“课本剧”;然后学习“被动语态”,重点是“现在进行被动式”。‎ Period 3‎ Using language 运用课 Using language首先引导学生听、读一则有关“恐龙”的短文,其次是一个有关远dodo鸟的口语活动。在1581年葡萄牙人在模里西斯岛发现了Dodo鸟,该鸟生得肥钝样,不会飞更是跑不快,由于Dodo鸟被后续登陆该岛的欧洲殖民者大肆屠杀,不幸于十七世纪完全绝种。最后的写作活动要求学生发挥想象力,给“dodo”写一封信。学生可以参考教案提供的范例,以学到的词汇、短语、结构和话题进行写作。‎ 实际教学过程课时划分建议 Period 1‎ 将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。‎ Period 2‎ 将Learning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。‎ Period 3‎ 将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。‎ Period 4‎ 将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。‎ Period 5‎ 将Workbook 的LISTENING TASK、READING AND WRITING TASK和 SPEAKING TASK整合为一节“综合技能课(二)”。‎ 第二部分 教学资源说明 Section 1‎ Background ‎ 背景 围绕单元话题“野生动物保护”教案提供了若干实用性背景材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。‎ Section 2‎ Explanation 解析 重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,教案提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,并且以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。‎ Section 3‎ Vocabulary 词汇 按照课本单元词汇表顺序,教案重点提供动词、短语搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。‎ 第三部分 教学测评说明 围绕单元词法、句法项目,教案提供了长短不一的“单元教学测评”,并备有参考答案供教师使用。有些测评题目直接源于历年高考试卷,更具有说服力和实用性。‎ 教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“野生动物保护”。‎ I 教学内容分析 ‎ Warming Up 部分通过图文的形式展现了中国在野生动物保护上所作出的努力以及所取得的显著成效,从而让学生体会到野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫性。‎ ‎ Pre-reading 部分实际上包括两项任务。一是通过两个问题引导学生列举出除熊猫、麋鹿和华南虎以外的其它濒危动物,思考这些动物灭绝的原因,从而很自然地将学生从“热身”部分的讨论过渡到“阅读”部分的学习。二是通过看图和读标题预测正文部分的内容大意,然后迅速浏览全文来检验自己的预测是否准确。‎ ‎ Reading 部分通过讲述一个女孩的梦中经历,向读者介绍了三种野生动物在西藏、津巴布韦和热带雨林的境遇,引起学生保护野生动物的责任感。‎ ‎ Comprehending旨在通过对文中要点的设问和表格,使学生充分理解课文,进一步意识到野生动物的困境和加强对野生动物保护的重要性的认识。‎ ‎ Using Language 部分通过恐龙的灭绝使学生进一步意识到野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫性。通过听渡渡鸟的录音进一步加强学生保护野生动物的责任感。‎ ‎ Learning Tip部分向学生提供了词汇学习方面的建议——根据上下文推测词义,根据拼写猜测读音,最后通过查字典检查读音和意思的正确与否。‎ II 教学重点与难点 ‎1. 教学重点 :‎ ‎(1)本单元的生词和短语;‎ ‎(2)要求学生能表述野生动物保护的重要性;‎ ‎(3)要求学生掌握并能正确运用现在进行时的被动语态结构;‎ ‎(4)熟练运用英语来表达自己的意志和目的,并能恰当的表示歉意。‎ ‎2. 教学难点: ‎ ‎(1)指导学生按类别归纳整理词汇,让学生学会有效的记忆词汇的方法;‎ ‎(2)引导学生发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律, 培养他们的语感。‎ III 教学计划 ‎ 本单元分五课时:‎ ‎ 第一、二课时 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending ‎ 第三 课时 Learning about Language ‎ ‎ 第四课时 Using Language ‎ 第五课时 Speaking and Writing IV 教学步骤 Period 1 &2 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending Teaching Goals: 1. To talk about endangered species ‎ ‎2. To read about and understand wildlife protection Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Warming Up ‎ Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about endangered species.‎ 1. Leading-in The title of this unit is wildlife protection and we all know that there are many endangered species in the world. Now class, which animals are in danger? Name as many wild animals as you can.‎ ‎2. Introduction Look at the animals on page 25.We are very familiar with the giant panda,milu deer and south China tiger. The giant panda lives in mountainous regions, like Sichuan and Tibet. The giant panda is a symbol of the World Wildlife Fund, a conservation organization. Toward the latter half of the 20th century, the panda also became women what a national emblem for China, and is now used in Chinese gold coins. Milu deer has a long tail, wide hooves and branched antlers. Another Chinese name for it is "four unlikes" because the animals we seen as having the horns of a stag, the neck of a camel, the foot of a cow, and the tail of an ass. A tiger is a large cat famous for its beautiful fur of orange striped with black. Tigers lives in Asia and are becoming very rare. This is due to people hunting them for their fur and destroying the forests they live in.‎ Step 2. Pre-reading Purpose: Activate Ss’ interest about wildlife protection.‎ ‎1. From the form on Page 25, we can see their problems. Answer the following questions.‎ ‎(1)Why are they in danger, class?‎ Suggested Answer: ‎ Some wild animals are dying out because of the loss of food, their habitats being destroyed or over hunting.‎ ‎(2)What measures have been taken to protect these endangered species and what achievements have we achieved?‎ Suggested Answer: ‎ China has set up some National Natural Protection Zones, such as Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan for pandas, Nanhaizi Milu Park for Milu deer, and Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, Zhejiang for South China tigers. Things have changed greatly. The number of the wild animals in the protection zones has increased. The number of pandas, which nearly disappeared years ago, has now risen to about 70, the number of milu deer to about 500, and the number of South China tigers about 60.‎ ‎(3)Why should we protect wildlife?‎ Suggested Answer: ‎ Wildlife is our friends. They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful. To protect wildlife is to protect ourselves.‎ ‎(4)What do you think we should do to protect wildlife?‎ Suggested Answer: We should treat plants and animals the same as our friends and relatives. We shouldn’t cut or kill them freely. We should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions. We should collect money to protect the endangered animals, too.‎ ‎2. Let Ss talk as much about wildlife protection as possible.‎ Step 3. Reading Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit and understand more about wildlife protection.‎ ‎1. Listening ‎ Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text.‎ ‎ To train Ss’ listening ability. ‎ (1) Listen to the tape and try to keep pace with the native speaker in speed, in intonation and in pronunciation.‎ (2) Ask Ss to find the writing type and the main idea of the text ‎ Suggested Answers: ‎ The writing type: a piece of narrative writing.‎ The main idea: Daisy went by a flying chair to Tibet, Zimbabwe and a certain thick rain forest to visit endangered animals, which made her know a lot about some destructive as well as protection behaviors that people had done to wildlife.‎ ‎2. Scanning purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.‎ ‎⑴ Leading-in Since we know the importance of the wildlife protection, we should try our best to protect wildlife. Ok, let's see how a girl named Daisy learned to protect wildlife. Let's turn to page 26.Our reading part: How Daisy learned to help wildlife.‎ ‎ (2) Read the text and answer the following questions.‎ ‎① Which animal is being protected? (the elephant in Zimbabwe)‎ ‎ ② Which animal is likely to disappear altogether?(the antelope in Tibet)‎ ‎ ③ Which animal is unhappy with the way humans are dealing with environmental problems?(the monkey in thick rain forest)‎ ‎(3) Read the text again and answer the questions on Page 27.‎ Suggested Answers: ‎ ① Its fur is being used to make sweaters. As the sweaters become popular, more and more animals are killed. So very few antelopes are left.‎ ② The farmers stopped killing the elephants, so the numbers increased.‎ ③ The government helps the farmers. It makes sure that the tour companies pay the farmers when tourists come to visit and hunt a few animals.‎ ④ Looking after the rainforest helps protect plants and animals we know nothing about. They may make it possible for us to produce medicines and drugs that we don’t yet know about.‎ ⑤ Students’ answers vary.‎ ‎(4) Further reading Purpose: To get Ss to get more details about the text.‎ ‎1. Read paragraph one and answer the question.‎ Why are we humans part of this problem? ‎ Suggested Answer: ‎ People who buy sweaters made with Tibetan wool are encouraging more people to go out and kill the animals.‎ ‎2. Read paragraph two, three and answer the question How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe and how did it improve for the animals? Suggested Answer: ‎ The farmers got money when the government made sure that the tour companies had to pay them to visit and hunt the animals. And the animals were no longer killed by the farmers for destroying the crops.)‎ ‎3. Read paragraph four, five and answer the question In what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?‎ Suggested Answer: ‎ Looking after the rain forest helps wildlife protection because it is where wildlife lives. It also contains many medicines and drugs may yet save lives.‎ Step 4. Reading and underlining Purpose: To train Ss’ language capacity.‎ ‎1. Ss are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook.‎ ‎2. List the collocations from How Daisy learned to help wildlife.‎ Not long ago, wake up, find…by one’s side, a flying chair, get dressed, put on one’s jeans, fly away to, turn around, with a sad face, use …to make…, kill …for…, take…from under…, take one’s picture, become endangered, destroy the farm, take photos, apply to, hunt …for…, make money for…, as a result, in thick rain forest, protect…from…, rub…over…, a powerful drug, pay attention to, take…home.‎ Step 5. Summary Purpose: To train Ss’ summarizing ability.‎ ‎1. Let Ss read the text again and divide the text into three parts.‎ Suggested Answer: The first part: paragraph 1. The second part: paragraph 2 and 3. The third part: paragraph 4 and 5.‎ 1. Let Ss find the main idea for each part.‎ Suggested Answer:‎ Part 1: Daisy flew in a wonderful chair to Tibet and found that antelopes were in danger. They were killed for the fur to make sweater.‎ Part 2: Daisy flew to Zimbabwe and found that the wild animals were well protected by paying farmers to visit animals.‎ Part 3: Daisy flew to the rain forest. Talking with a monkey, she got to know that rain forests should be protected, for they are the source of many medicines and drugs. ‎ Step 6. Closing down ‎1. The teacher summarize the text.‎ One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelop in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their fur, which can be used to make sweater like hers. In three years they may all be gone. Later, she flew to Zimbabwe where she talked with an elephant and got to know the farmers there no longer hunted them. That’s because the government decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of money. At last she arrived at the thick rain forest where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.” Although finally everything was gone, she had learned so much. 2. Homework (1) Let Ss listen to the tape and follow in a low voice.‎ (2) Ask Ss to preview Learning about Language.‎ Period 3 Learning about language Teaching Goals: 1.To learn about The Present Progressive Passive voice ‎ 2. To discover useful words and expressions ‎ 3. To discover useful structures Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Practice Turn to Page 28 and do Ex1, Ex2 and Ex3. You can simply write your answers in the blanks on the book.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ Ex1: (1)distant (2) decrease (3) powerful (4) affect (5) appreciate (6) hunt ‎ (7) protect… from (8) respond (9)relief Ex2: wild, reserve, hunt, species, powerful, appreciated, relief, protecting…from Ex3: ‎ Places: habitat protection zone reserve animal park nature park safari park Endangered species: South China tiger panda tropical rainforest wildlife Milu deer ‎ Tibetan antelope African elephants Situation: die out extinct extinction appreciate the importance ‎ ‎ Pay attention to wildlife protection punish the hunters in relief ‎ In peace decrease decline threaten protect…from ‎ Protection increase loss endanger hunted killed ‎ ‎ Threatened do harm to … affect Step 2. Grammar ‎1. The introduction about the passive voice and the present progressive passive voice The passive voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action. The passive voice is formed: passive subject +to be + past participle. It is often used in business and in other areas where the object of the action is more important than those who perform the action. For example, We have produced over 20 different models in the past two years.→Over20 different models have been produced in the past two years.‎ If the agent (the performer of the action) is important, use “by”. ‎ For example, Tim Wilson wrote The Flight To Brunswick in 1987.→The Flight To Brunswick was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.‎ Only verbs that take an object can be used in the passive.‎ The present progressive passive voice is formed: is/are/am +being done.‎ ‎2. Let Ss find some sentences of the above kind in the text and do some exercises.‎ Purpose: To make Ss further understand the structure of the sentence pattern.‎ ‎(1) Suggested sentences Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.‎ Daisy turned round and saw she was being watched by an excited elephant.‎ ‎(2) Exercise ‎① The Tibetan antelope ____________(hunt) by people who wish to take the fur from under their stomachs.‎ ‎② The rhino __________________(study)Beijing University students.‎ ‎③ The African elephant _________________(protect)by the WWF.‎ ‎④ The panda ____________________(photograph) by Daisy.‎ ‎⑤ The whales _________________ (kill)by Japanese fishermen.‎ ‎⑥ The mice ___________________(attack)by the cat.‎ Suggested Answers: ① is being hunted ② is being studied by ③ is being protected ④ is being photographed ⑤ are being killed ⑥ are being attacked.‎ ‎3. Consolidation The following chart includes sentences changed from the active voice to the passive voice. Ask Ss to read the chart carefully and ask if they have any questions.‎ Active Passive Time Reference They make Fords in Cologne Fords are made in Cologne.‎ Present Simple Susan is cooking dinner Dinner is being cooked by Present Continuous ‎ Susan.‎ James Joy wrote Dubliners.‎ Dubliners was written by James Joyces.‎ Past Simple They were painting the house when I arrived.‎ The house was being painted when I arrived.‎ Past Continuous They have produced over 20 models in the past two years.‎ Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years.‎ Present Perfect They are going to build a new factory in Portland.‎ A new factory is being built in Portland.‎ Future Intention with Going to I will finish it tomorrow.‎ It will be finished tomorrow.‎ Future Simple Step 3. Passive Verb Formation Purpose: To make Ss further understand the passive forms of a verb in various tenses ‎1. Introduction The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the “to be verb” with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs are also sometimes present: “The measure could have been killed in committee.” The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. ‎ ‎2. Consolidation Ask Ss to take a look at the passive forms of “design”.‎ Tense Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Singular Plural designed.‎ Present The car/cars is are designed.‎ Present perfect The car/cars has been have been designed.‎ Past The car/cars was were designed.‎ Past perfect The car/cars had been had been designed.‎ Future The car/cars will be will be designed.‎ Future perfect The car/cars will have been will have been designed.‎ Present Progressive The car/cars is being are being designed.‎ Past progressive The car/cars was being were being designed.‎ ‎3. Exercise Try to put the following sentences into the present progressive passive voice.‎ (1) They are producing this new drug.‎ (2) Antelope is looking at her.‎ (3) They are killing us for the wool.‎ (4) They are destroying the farm.‎ Suggested Answers:‎ (1) This new drug is being produced.‎ (1) She is being looked by the antelope.‎ (2) We are being killed for the wool.‎ (3) The farm is being destroyed by them.‎ Period 4 Reading and Listening (Using Language)‎ Teaching Goals: 1. To read and listen about dinosaurs.‎ ‎ 2. To talk about helping the dodo.‎ ‎ 3. To write to the dodo.‎ Teaching Procedures Step 1. Warming Up ‎ Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text.‎ ‎ To improve Ss’ listening ability. ‎ ‎1. Listening ‎ Let’s warm up by reading the text about dinosaurs on page 30 and find the main idea of the text. ‎ Suggested Answer:‎ Main idea: The development of dinosaurs.‎ ‎2. Group work Divide Ss into 4 groups and ask each group to talk about what they know about dinosaurs.‎ ‎3. In formation about Dinosaur Dinosaur means terrible lizard in Latin. They were called that because people used to think dinosaurs were lizards, but they were not. Dinosaurs first appeared about 200 million years ago. 65 million years ago, many kinds of dinosaurs became extinct. Birds are a special type of dinosaur and they were the only kind to live until today.‎ There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some ate plants and some ate meat. The largest dinosaurs were plant-eaters like apatosaurus and brachiosaurus. They were the largest animals to ever walk on dry land.‎ Other plant-eaters had special weapons to help them fight off the meat-eaters. For example, triceratops had three horns on its face, ankylosaurus was covered in boney plates, and stegosaurus had spikes on its tail.‎ The meat-eaters all ran around on their back legs like people do. Some were very large, like tyrannosaurus, and some were small, like compsognathus. It was the smaller sized meat-eaters that evolved into birds. One of the first birds was archaeopteryx, but it looked half like a dinosaur.‎ There were large flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs called pterosaurs, but they were not closely related to dinosaurs. There were also many kinds of large reptiles that could swim, like ichthyosaurs and pleisiosaurs, but they weren’t closely related to dinosaurs either.‎ Step 2. Reading ‎ Purpose: To increase students’ vocabulary and expressions ‎ To help Ss get a further understanding about the whole story.‎ ‎1. Read the questions in the table below and scan the text to answer them.‎ When did dinosaurs live on earth?‎ When did dinosaurs die out?‎ How did dinosaurs die out?‎ ‎2. Read the text again and copy the useful words and expressions into your notebook.‎ Useful words and expressions During the history of the earth, live on the earth, tens of millions of years ago, came into being, eggs of five species, a rare new species, a bird-like dinosaur, climb tree, tell…from…, die out, hit the earth, put…into the air, get hot, live on, know for sure, in the same way, listen to the story about…, disappear from… ‎ ‎3. Ask Ss to read the text again and repeat the text.‎ Step 3. Listening ‎ Purpose: To comprehend the details of the text ‎ To strengthen students’ sense of wildlife protection ‎1. Information about the dodo The Mauritius Dodo (Raphus cucullatus, called Didus ineptus by Linnaeus), more commonly just Dodo, is one-metre-high flightless bird of the island of Mauritius. The Dodo, which is now extinct, lives on fruit and nests on the ground.‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and do Ex3 and Ex4on page 30.‎ Ex3: No 2 is correct.‎ No 1 is wrong. It is not fair to blame the dodo for his disappearance.‎ No 3 only explain half the story. The dodo and man did become friends but only because man wanted to kill all the dodos as easily as possible.‎ No 4 is wrong because the other animals and birds did not do much to save the dodo. They warned him but did not help him.‎ Ex 4: Read the whole text silently and carefully and finish the following questions:‎ (1) The dodo is _________.‎ A. fierce B. unkind C. friendly D. foolish (2) He wants to believe that Man is telling the truth because___________.‎ A. Man is friendly B. he thinks Man is friendly ‎ C. he thinks the bears and monkeys lie D. Man is his best friend (1) He didn’t realize who had killed many of his friends until ________.‎ A. man told him the truth B. the other birds told him ‎ C. he saw how his friend was being killed by man D. the monkeys told him Suggested Answers: (1) C (2) B (3) C ‎ Period 5 Speaking and Writing (Using Language)‎ Teaching Goals: 1. To learn more about wildlife protection.‎ ‎ 2. To practise expressing opinions and willingness.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1. Speaking ‎ Purpose: To lead Ss into protecting wildlife ‎ To train Ss to solve problems by themselves and strengthen their sense of responsibility.‎ ‎1. Ask Ss to read the chart in the Speaking part (P31) and try to keep the phrases in mind.‎ ‎2. Let Ss talk in pairs about how to help the animal which they plan to save. Remind them to use as many phrases in the chart as possible.‎ Step 2. Writing ‎ Purpose: To improve Ss’ writing ability ‎ To lead Ss into making friends with animals ‎1. Ask students to work in pairs and brainstorm with their partner to get ideas. Make it clear that no idea is too mad or too weird at this stage. For example, take the dodo to the moon, attack man , ask the dodo to hide, teach the dodo to swim to another island, etc..‎ ‎2. Ask Ss to choose the ideas that they like best and put them under the headings. Make a plan.‎ ‎3. Ask students to work on their first draft. When they finish, ask them to swap with their partner and get some advice from him/her.‎ ‎4. Ask them to write a second draft which includes their partner’s suggestions.‎ ‎5. Ask as many students as possible to read their writings to the class.‎ One possible version:‎ Dear WWF,‎ ‎ My friend, Chen Ting, and I have been doing some research on endangered animals. We found that the habitat of polar bears is disappearing because the ice at the ‎ North Pole is getting warmer. I worry that when it disappears altogether, there will be nowhere for the polar bears to live.‎ ‎ First, I suggest we are very careful with the energy we use. Global warming happens because we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. One of the ways we do this is by driving everywhere by car. So I suggest we think carefully before using our cars unnecessarily.‎ ‎ Second, instead of using our cars we should think about traveling by bus or by train. These forms of transport are more environmentally friendly and do not put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.‎ ‎ Third, we can join WWF which is fighting to save the habitat of the polar bear. We can raise money to help them by making and selling cakes, selling crafts or giving talent shows and charging money for our parents to watch.‎ ‎ I hope you will support us in our fight to save the home of the Polar Bears.‎ ‎ Yours sincerely, ‎ ‎ Wu Xiaoxin Step 3. Homework Ask Ss to finish the exercises in the Workbook.‎

