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Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage学案 基础自主回顾 Ⅰ.课标单词 1.__________(v.)保持;维持;保养 2.__________(v.)建议 3.__________(n.)估计;估算 4.__________(v.)(使)增大;(使)扩大 5.__________(n.)折中;妥协 6.__________(v.)许诺做某事;同意做某事 7.__________(v.)给予荣誉 ‎【答案】1.maintain 2.recommend 3.estimate 4.enlarge 5.compromise 6.undertake 7.honour 8.__________(v.)保护;保存→__________(n.)保存;贮藏 9.__________(n.)存在→__________(v.)存在 10.__________(n.)暴露;显露→__________(v.)使暴露 11.__________(v.)促成;捐助;贡献→__________(n.)捐助;贡献 12.__________(n.)帮助,援助→__________(v.)帮助;协助→__________(n.)助手 ‎【答案】8.reserve preservation 9.existence .exist 10.exposure expose 11.contribute contribution 12.assistance assist assistant 13.__________(n.)缺乏;没有→__________(adj.)缺席的 14.__________(n.)指导,引导,咨询→__________(v.)指导 15.__________(v.)忽视;不理;不管→__________(n.)无知;不知道 ‎【答案】13.absence absent 14. guidance guide 15.ignore ignorance Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________除……之外 2.____________获准;经过程度;经历 3.____________使某人想起…… 4.____________受……支配 5.____________因……而受到尊敬 6.____________作为回报;反过来 【答案】1.apart from 2. go through 3.remind sb. of sth. 4.at the mercy of 5.be honoured for 6.in return 7.____________对……有贡献,有助于 8.____________以防;万一 9.____________就……达成一致 10.____________只要;长达,和……一样长 ‎ ‎【答案】 7.contribute to 8.in case 9.agree on 10.as long as Ⅲ.重点句型 ‎1.Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds,________.‎ 有些地方几乎全部被杂草覆盖,造成严重破坏。‎ 答案:causing serious damage.‎ ‎2.They have recommended that the site ________and repaired.‎ 该组织提议关闭这个遗址并进行维修。‎ 答案:be closed 3.With more than 50 million Chinese ________________, the Mid-Autumn Festival reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the world.‎ 包括在海外工作和生活的五千多万中国人在内,中秋节使他们想到自己的中国血统并且有助于全世界的中国人团结一致。‎ 答案:living and working overseas Ⅳ.模块语法 ‎1. She insisted that she ________right and refused to apologize to me.‎ A. were        B. was C. had been D. should be 答案:B 2. I don't think I'll fail. But if I ________, I would try again.‎ A. should fail B. would fail C. have failed D. had failed 答案:A ‎3. I regret not having taken your advice. Otherwise I ________ this mistake.‎ A. didn't make B. wouldn't make C. hadn't make D. wouldn't have made 答案:D 4. The tourists didn't stop to rest at each station because it ________ them down.‎ A. would slow B. had slowed C. should have slowed D. would have slowed 答案:D ‎5. ________the punishment was unjust, he would accept it without complaint.‎ A. So long as B. Even though C. Since D. While 答案:D 6. —Didn't you buy a dress yesterday?‎ ‎—No, ________ I liked the colour, I didn't like its style.‎ A. since B. if C. when D. though 答案:D 7. —I have learned that a large new building will be set up ________ the Twin Towers once stood.‎ ‎—So have I. But the American people haven't yet got over the shock of September 11.‎ A. where B. when C. which D. that 答案:A 8. You may be allowed to watch TV ________ you ________ your homework.‎ A. even if; finish B. on condition that; have finished C. in case; finish D. in order that; will finish 答案:B ‎ 考点探究解密 考 点 解 读 1.preserve v.保护,保存;保留;贮存n.禁猎地;保护区 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①preserve...from...保护……免受……‎ ‎②preservation n.保护,维护,保存,保留 ‎③preservative adj.(用来)保护的,保存的 n.保护剂,防腐剂 ‎④preserver n.保护者,维护者 ‎⑤nature preserve自然保护区 误区警示:表示“保护……,阻止……,防止……”之意时,还常用以下结构:‎ stop/prevent sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人干某事 keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人干某事 free sb.from sth.使某人免受……‎ protect sb.from/against sth.保护某人免受…… 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I think these traditional customs should be preserved.‎ 我认为应该保存这些传统习俗。‎ ‎②They were determined to preserve their leader from humiliation.‎ 他们决心保护他们的领导人免受侮辱。 词语辨析:preserve,defend,guard与protect ‎①preserve指“防护,保存……,使之存留下去”。‎ ‎②defend“保卫,防御”,应用范围较广,对象可具体,可抽象。‎ ‎③guard指“注意观察、戒备,以免受可能的攻击或伤害”。‎ ‎④protect指“保护……以免遭危险或受伤害”。‎ The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.‎ 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危动物不致灭绝。 There is a perfectly preserved 14th-century house in the centre of the city.‎ 市中心有一座保存完好的14世纪宅第。‎ The soldiers were fighting hard to defend their country.‎ 战士们为了保卫祖国而英勇战斗。‎ The dog was guarding its owner's luggage.‎ 狗守护着主人的行李。‎ He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.‎ 他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。 命题方向:preserve作名词和动词的用法,以及与defend,protect,guard等的词义辨析,有可能在高考单项填空和完形填空中考查。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(1)Policemen ________(维持)order in the streets.‎ ‎(2)Salt ________(保护)food from decay.‎ ‎(3)Few of the early manuscripts have been ________(保存).‎ ‎(4)The calm courage of the pilot ________(保住)the lives of the passengers. 【答案】(1)preserve (2)preserves (3)preserved (4)preserved 2.contribute v.促成;捐献,捐助,贡献;(给杂志、报纸)撰稿、供稿 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①contribute to+n./v.-ing为……做出贡献,把时间投入……;对……有促进作用,促成某事 ‎②contribution n.捐献物,贡献物;捐款;稿件 make a contribution to/make great contributions to对……做出了贡献 ‎③contributor n.撰稿者;捐助者;起作用的人或因素 误区警示:contribute to及make a contribution/contributions to中的to为介词,其后要跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①Most people contributed something towards/to the new church buildings.‎ 大部分人都为教堂的新建筑捐献了点钱。‎ ‎②Various factors contributed to his downfall.‎ 各种因素导致了他的倒台。‎ ‎③Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.‎ 爱因斯坦对量子理论的贡献而被授予诺贝尔奖。 命题方向:make a contribution/contributions to...句型常在单项填空或完形填空中考查;也经常在书面表达中应用。 活学巧练:完成句子 ‎(1)They __________ food and clothing for the refugees.‎ 他们为灾民们捐献了吃的和穿的。‎ ‎(2)A proper amount of exercise ________ ________ good health.‎ 适度的运动对健康有利。‎ ‎【答案】(1)contributed (2)contributes to (3)Rubbishy commercials and harmful programs ________ ________ the rise in violence and crime in the street.‎ 不良的电视广告和有害的电视节目造成了街头暴力和犯罪的上升。‎ ‎【答案】contribute to (4)I'm sure your suggestions will ________ the problem.‎ A. contribute to solving B. contribute to solve C. be contributed to solve D. be contributed to solving 答案与解析:A 句意:我确信你的建议会有助于解决这个问题。contribute to有助于,促使,作此意讲时不用于被动语态,而且to为介词,故选A项。 3.recommend v.推荐,介绍;建议;劝告 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①recommend sth. to sb.=recommend sb. sth.向某人推荐/介绍……‎ recommend sb. as推荐某人当……‎ ‎②recommend doing sth.建议做……‎ recommend sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 recommend that...(should) do建议……‎ It is/was+recommended that...有人建议…… 误区警示:‎ 英语中表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的动词(suggest,propose,require,demand,desire,advise,order,insist...)后的宾语从句,以及它们所对应的名词(suggestion,proposal,requirement,demand,desire,advice,order,insistence...)后的表语从句或同位语从句,再加上它们的过去分词所在的“It is/was+过去分词+主语从句”中,都需用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。注意这种句型中的虚拟语气形式不受主句动词时态的影响。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I recommended a good dentist to her.‎ 我给她推荐了一个好牙医。‎ ‎②His father strongly recommended sending him to school in England.‎ 他父亲极力建议把他送到英国上学。‎ ‎③He recommended that I (should) buy new tyres.‎ 他建议我买新车胎。‎ 命题方向:recommend与其动词的辨析及其与虚拟语气的搭配用法。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(1)噢,那本书吗?是玛丽推荐给我的。‎ Oh, that book?Mary recommended ________.‎ ‎(2)我们的英语老师建议我们买英英词典。‎ Our English teacher recommends that _____________ an English-English dictionary.‎ ‎(3)我推荐他当经理。‎ I recommended him ________ a manager.‎ ‎(4)我劝他坐船去。‎ I recommended him ________ by ship.‎ ‎【答案】(1)it to me (2)we (should) buy (3)as (4)to go 4.in return反过来,作为回报;作为交换 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①in return for作为对……的回报/交换 ‎②many happy returns生日快乐;长命百岁 ‎③return ticket往返车票 ‎④never to return一去不复返 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I'd like to buy you a meal in return for all your hospitality.‎ 我想请你吃饭来报答你的盛情好客。‎ ‎②She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.‎ 她给了我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报。‎ 误区警示:return不可与back搭配使用。 命题方向:in return曾以词义辨析的形式在2006年山东卷单项填空中考查(考查其与in nature,in turn和in fact的区别)。该短语中介词in的搭配也是高考的重点。 活学巧练:汉译英/选择 ‎(1)感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? (2)我征求她的意见,她却只是反问了我一句。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(2)I asked for her opinion,but she just asked me a question in return. (3)Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give __________ oxygen to us.‎ A.in case         B.in turn C.in return D.in addition 答案与解析:C 句意:有些植物能够吸收我们呼出的二氧化碳,作为回报,向我们提供氧气。故选C项。 5.apart from除去,除了;只是;除了……以外 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①set sb./sth.apart使……显得孤独 ‎②joking apart说正经的 ‎③two miles apart相距两英里 ‎④tell A and B apart分辨出A和B 误区警示:apart from具有双重含义,既可以相当于except/but(除……以外没有),又相当于besides(除……以外还有)。其他表示类似含义的词组还有:in addition to,despite of,in spite of。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①This essay is good apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.‎ 除了有些拼写错误,这篇文章写得不错。‎ ‎②Apart from the occasional visit,what does Alan do for his kids?‎ 阿伦除了偶尔去探望一下,还为他的孩子们做些什么?‎ 命题方向:apart from短语中介词from的搭配。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(2009·河南平顶山模拟)—________busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time.‎ ‎—I wonder what they will become.‎ A. Rather than B. But for C. Thanks to D. Apart from 答案与解析:D apart from除……以外,相当于besides。A项为而不是;B项为要不是;C项为多亏,由于。结合句意:孩子们除了做作业,还要在业余时间学习美术、音乐、体育等科目。故选D项。 6.go through(经历困难,痛苦等);仔细检查,顺利完成,被通过;用完,耗尽 go through hardships遭受苦难 go through the accounts审查账目 go through a plan仔细研究一项计划 The deal didn't go through.这笔交易未谈成。‎ The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.‎ 这些男孩把整整两长条面包吃得精光。 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①go over复习;仔细检查,核对;将某物弄干净 ‎②go out熄灭;外出 ‎③go with伴随;与……相配 ‎④go without忍受某事物的缺乏;没有某事物也可应付 ‎⑤go after sb.,追逐或追踪某人 ‎⑥go by(指时间)过去,消逝 ⑦go down倒在地上;(船等)沉没;(日、月)落下;(价格、温度)减低,下降 ‎⑧go round到处走动;走弯路;(传言、故事)流传,传播 ‎⑨go ahead走到前面;继续前进;进展;干吧,说吧 活学巧练:‎ ‎—The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.‎ ‎—Oh, dear! She________a lot of difficulties!‎ A.may go through B.might go through C.ought to have gone through D.must have gone through 答案与解析:D “她一定经历了很多困难”,故选D项。A、B项表示“可能经历了……”,C项表示“本应该经历”。 7.of+名词 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①of+(much/great/little/no...)+抽象名词(use,good,help,value,importance等)相当于这些现象名词相对应的形容词,在句中作表语、定语或补足语,说明中心名词的特性。‎ 例:Your advice is of great help to us.‎ 你的建议对我们来说很有用。 ②of后还可以加其他的名词,用来表示某人或某物所具有的特征或性质,在句中作表语、后置定语或补足语。如:‎ We soon found that the car we bought was of poor quality.‎ 我们很快发现我们买的那辆车质量很差。 ③of a/an+名词(age,color,size,height,weight,shape,kind,type,price,ect.)相当于of+the same+名词。如:‎ The two boys are of a height.=The two boys are of the same height.‎ 这两个男孩子一样高。 误区警示:①通常of+名词等构成的介词短语只能跟在名词后作定语。‎ He is a teacher of English.‎ 他是一个英语老师。(of English作后置定语)‎ You could hear the noise of the desks being opened and closed out on the street.‎ 你在大街上就能听到课桌打开又关上的声音。(of短语作后置定语,修饰the noise) ②这里所介绍的of短语还常常作表语和补语,并且往往可以用of后名词的形容词形式改写句子,而句子意思不变。‎ The meeting is of great importance.‎ ‎=The meeting is very important.这场会议很重要。‎ The necklace was of little value.‎ ‎=The necklace was not very valuable.‎ 这条项链不是多么值钱。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①a matter of no importance无关紧要的事 ‎②a woman of tremendous spirit 一位具有惊人勇气的妇女 命题方向:of后接抽象名词作表语或补语是非常重要的用法,高考单项填空或完形填空可能会进行考查。 活学巧练:句型转换 ‎(1)I think his advice is very important.→‎ I think his advice ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ ‎(2)The coats they bought were of a color.→‎ The coats they bought were of ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:(1)is of great importance (2)the same color 8.Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage.‎ 有些地方几乎全部被杂草覆盖,造成严重破坏。‎ 精讲拓展:‎ ‎(1)causing serious damage是现在分词作结果状语,表示分词的动作发生在谓语动词之后,与句子的主干之间含有逻辑上的因果关系,往往带有必然性。它须放在句子之后,用逗号隔开。 (2)现在分词作结果状语,表示一种必然的结果。‎ 不定式作结果状语,往往表示主语未曾预料到的结果,尤其是不愉快的结果。不定式前往往有only提示。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①This kind of fish can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only the bones.‎ 这种鱼能在两分钟内吃掉一个人,只留下一堆骨头。‎ ‎②He dropped the glass,breaking it into pieces.‎ 他把杯子弄掉了,结果摔得粉碎。‎ ‎③He hurried to the station only to be told the train had already left.‎ 他匆忙赶往车站,结果被告知火车已经开走了。 活学巧练:用括号中单词的to do或doing形式填空 ‎(1)He hurried to school without breakfast, only ________(find) it was Sunday.‎ ‎(2)Cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time, ________ (make) it difficult for the body to function properly.‎ ‎(3)He picked up a big stone, only ________(drop)it on his own feet.‎ ‎(4)His parents died in the accident when he was only five, ________(leave) him an orphan. ‎ ‎【答案】(1) to find (2)making (3)to drop (4)leaving 9.地点状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句 ‎(1)地点状语从句 在句中作地点状语的从句称为地点状语从句,可置于句首、句中或句尾。引导地点状语从句的引导词有:where,wherever等。‎ We live where the road crosses the river.‎ 我们住在河流与街道交叉的地方。‎ Make marks where you have questions.‎ 在有问题的地方作出标记。 (2)条件状语从句 在句子中作条件状语的从句称为条件状语从句。条件状语从句可置于句首,也可置于句尾。引导条件状语从句的连词为:if,unless,as/so long as,once,in case,on condition that,supposing(that),providing(that),provided(that),given(that)等。‎ If it snows tomorrow,we will build a snowman.‎ 如果明天下雪,我们就堆雪人。 You'll be late again unless you hurry.‎ 若不快点你又要迟到了。‎ As/So long as you promise to come,I'll wait for you until you come.‎ 只要你答应,我就等到你来。‎ In case it rains,do not expect me.‎ 如若下雨,就不要等我了。‎ I will do it on condition that you help me.‎ 只要你肯帮助我,我就愿意做此事。 Providing/Supposing/Given/provided(that)you promise not to tell anyone else,I'll explain the secret.‎ 只要你保证不告诉任何人,我就把这个秘密讲给你听。 (3)让步状语从句 在句子中作让步状语的从句称为让步状语从句。让步状语从句可置于句首,也可置于句尾,有时可置于句中。让步状语从句通常由下列词或短语引导:though,although,even though,even if,as,whether...or not...,whether or not,whatever,whichever,whoever,whomever,whosever,whenever,wherever,however。 ①though/although,这两个词基本相同,though比although通俗,但不如although那么正式,although引导的从句通常位于句首。‎ Although/Though she works very hard,(yet)she makes very slow progress.‎ 尽管她尽了力,但还是进步不快。‎ ‎②even though/even if,这两个短语表示语气更强的让步,常常译为“即使”。‎ Even though/Even if you say so,I do not believe it.‎ 即使你这么说,我也不信。 ③as表示“让步”时常用倒装。倒装时如若有带冠词的名词,冠词需要省去。‎ Pop star as she is,she still needs to improve.‎ 尽管已是流行歌手,她仍需要努力。‎ ‎④whether(...)or not/whether...or...的用法 All the nations should be equal,whether they are strong or not.‎ 所有国家都应平等,不管它们是否强大。 Sports will be of great value to people,whether they are men or women,old or young.‎ 体育对于人们来说是很有价值的,不管他们是男是女,是老人还是小孩。 ⑤wh-ever类词在引导让步状语从句时常可换成no matter+相应的wh-词。‎ Whenever I'm unhappy,it is my friend who cheers me up.(=No matter when I'm unhappy,it is my friend who cheers me up.)‎ 不管什么时候我不高兴,我的朋友总是给我鼓励。‎ I'll wait for you however late it is.(=I'll wait for you no matter how late it is.)‎ 不管有多晚我都会等着你。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(1) ________ I really don't like art,I find his work impressive.‎ A.As B.Since C.If D.While 答案:D (2) ________ he had not hurt his leg,John would have won the race.‎ A.If B.Since C.Though D.When 答案:A (3) ________,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.‎ A.Strange as might it sound B.As it might sound strange C.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound 答案:D (4)Don't leave the building ________ I tell you to.‎ A.why B.how C.unless D.where 答案:C 考 题 演 练 1. This printer is of good quality, If it ________ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.‎ A. would B. should C. could D. might 答案与解析:B should表示假如,万一。如:If you should need any help, here's my ‎ number.万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。 2.Owen wouldn't eat anything ________ he cooked it himself.‎ A. until B. since C. unless D. while 答案与解析:C 句意:欧文不会吃任何东西,除非是他自己做的。A项意为“直到”;B项意为“从……以来”,C项意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句;D项意为“当……的时候”。 3. Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn't answer ________ of them.‎ A. other B. any C. none D. some 答案与解析:B 句意:他们问了简很多问题,但这些问题简一个也没有回答。此处any用于否定句,意为“任何一个”。 4.A small car is big enough for a family of three ________ you need more space for baggage.‎ A. once B. because C. if D. unless 答案与解析:D 本题考查连词的用法。句意:一辆小汽车对于一个三口之家足够大了,除非你需要更多的空间放行李。unless相当于if not。 5.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students ________ financial aid.‎ A. in favour of B. in honour of C. in face of D. in need of 答案与解析:D 句意:许多中国大学向那些需要经济帮助的学生提供奖学金。in favour of支持;in honour of为了纪念;in face of面对;in need of需要。 6.The young man made a ________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.‎ A. prediction B. promise C. plan D. contribution 答案与解析:B 句意:这位年轻人向他的父母许诺说毕业之后他将努力自食其力。make a promise许诺,答应,其后的that众句为同位语从句,补充说明先行词promise的内容,其他选项不合句意。 7.—When did you last hear ________ Jay?‎ ‎—He phoned me this morning, and we agreed ________ a time and place to meet.‎ A. of;to B. about;with C. from;with D. from;on 答案与解析:D 句意:——你最后一次得知Jay的消息是什么时候?——今天早上他给我打电话,我们约定了见面的时间和地点。hear about/of听到有关……,听说;hear from收到……的来信;得知某人的消息;agree on sth.在……方面取得一致意见;agree to do sth.同意做某事;agree to sth.同意计划、安排、方案等;agree with sth./sb.同意某人(的意见)。 8. He was busy writing a story, only ________ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.‎ A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped 答案与解析:B 句意:他在忙着写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。此处应为现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示与write伴随的动作。A项通常作目的状语和结果状语。 ‎

