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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit2Robots单元学案 一单元基础词汇语法回顾 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.He has a strong d________for knowledge.‎ 答案:desire ‎2.Can you do me the f________to fetch some chalk?‎ 答案:favour ‎3.The girl has a t________for drawing and has won a national prize.‎ 答案:talent ‎4.She is the e________of the whole street.‎ 答案:envy ‎5.She never expressed any s________when he was iniured.‎ 答案:sympathy ‎6.The________(全体员工)of our company is excellent.‎ 答案:staff ‎7.The singer was________(伴随)by the piano.‎ 答案:accompanied ‎8.You must________(服从)the order and do as I told you.‎ 答案:obey ‎9.I ________(宣布)the meeting closed.‎ 答案:declared ‎10.What an________(荒唐的)suggestion!‎ 答案:absurd Ⅱ.选词填空 be bound to, set aside, leave alone, test out, turn around, in all, or rather, ring up ‎1.If________outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.‎ 答案:left alone ‎2.He heard a voice but when he________, he saw nobody.‎ 答案:turned around ‎3.This model had been________before it was put into production.‎ 答案:tested out ‎4.The department________the things they were doing and concentrated on a more urgent task.‎ 答案:set aside ‎5.The students' number is 3,000________.‎ 答案:in all ‎6.We missed the bus. We________be late.‎ 答案:are bound to ‎7.Sam________the office and asked to speak to the manager.‎ 答案:rang up ‎8.He worked till late last night,________, early in the morning.‎ 答案:or rather Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1. In September 1939, Britain__________________(对德国宣战)after Germany invaded Poland.‎ 答案:declared war on Germany ‎2. As a matter of fact,‎ ‎ everyone__________________(渴望健康和幸福).‎ 答案:desired health and happiness ‎3. To be honest, I__________________(不同情她), it's all her own fault.‎ 答案:have no sympathy for her ‎4. Those who are__________________(支持)the proposal are expected to discuss it in detail after the meeting.‎ 答案:in favour of ‎5. Ian had been sick too, so__________________(几乎可以肯定)that you caught it from him.‎ 答案:it's more than likely ‎6. As a teacher, I__________________(不允许你考试作弊).‎ 答案:won't have you cheating in the exam ‎7. Obama,__________________(美国总统),won the election in 2012.‎ 答案:American president ‎8. __________________(正是那美丽的景色) attracts the tourists from all over the world.‎ 答案:It is the beautiful scenery there that 单项填空 ‎1.The boy’s new bike was______envy of his friends.‎ A.a      B.the     ‎ C./      D.an 解析 考查冠词。本句中envy为of his friends所限制,表特指。‎ 答案 B ‎2.How I______him the pleasure he had during the vacation!‎ A.envy B.admire ‎ C.appreciate D.enjoy 解析 句意:我多么忌妒他在假期间的快乐。admire“羡慕”后接for;appreciate欣赏;enjoy喜欢。‎ 答案 A ‎3.I was about to______the phone when it was______.‎ A.reply;rung off B.receive;rung up C.answer;rung off D.answer;rung up 解析 answer the telephone“接电话”;ring off“挂断电话”。句意:我正要接电话,这时电话挂断了。‎ 答案 C ‎4.We feel sympathy______the deaths in the earthquake.‎ A.in B.for ‎ C.with D.on 解析 feel sympathy for“对某人深感同情”。‎ 答案 B ‎5.Out of______for the homeless children,he gave them shelter for the night.‎ A.pity B.shame ‎ C.sympathy D.mercy 解析 考查sympathy的用法。句意:出于对无家可归的孩子们的同情,他给他们提供了住处。out of sympathy for是固定短语,意为“出于对……的同情”,符合句意。pity“怜悯;惋惜”;shame“可惜;羞愧”;mercy“仁慈”;三者皆不合句意。‎ 答案 C ‎6.Many couples______to adopt the baby which survived the earthquake.‎ A.are desiring B.have been desiring C.have desired D.desire 解析 考查时态。desire“想要,渴望”,不用进行时,分析句子可知,此处不表示动作的先后,所以选项D合适。‎ 答案 D ‎7.Try to ______ at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.‎ A.set off B.set out C.set aside D.set down 解析 句意:争取每天至少抽出1小时时间学习新词汇。set aside为某种目的留出、拨出(金钱、时间)等,符合句意。‎ 答案 C ‎8.Tomorrow the mayor is to______a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.‎ A.coordinate B.accompany C.cooperate D.associate 解析 从“a tour of the city”,“the mayor”和“Canadian businessmen”可确定答案为accompany陪伴,陪同。coordinate调和,协调;cooperate合作;associate联合。句意:明天市长将陪同加拿大商人游览本市。‎ 答案 B ‎9.At 3:30 p.m.the chairman______the meeting closed.‎ A.decided B.declared C.announced D.informed 解析 考查动词的基本意思。根据句子意思,应该为“宣布”会议闭幕。‎ 答案 B ‎10.Gathering clouds______the coming storm.‎ A.declared B.turned out C.connected D.announced 解析 announce此处表示“显示,预告”。‎ 答案 D ‎11.______that______;you might break it.‎ A.Leave;off B.Leave;out C.Leave;alone D.Leave;over 解析 leave off“停止,结束”;leave out“忘掉,漏掉”;leave alone“不管,不打扰”;leave over “留下;剩下”。句意:别动它,否则你会把它弄坏的。‎ 答案 C ‎12.It’s unnatural for a mother to leave her child______to enjoy herself.‎ A.alone B.lonely ‎ C.lone D.loneliness 解析 leave...alone表示“丢下……不管”,是一个固定短语。‎ 答案 A ‎13.The escaped prisoner,______,looked up and stared in the direction where the noise came from.‎ A.alarming B.alarmed C.having alarmed D.to be alarmed 解析 由语境可知,这里描述的是越狱的囚犯听到声音的样子,所以应该用alarmed,意思是“惊恐的”。‎ 答案 B ‎14.If asked,I ______ his opinion of going abroad for further study.After all,it is a good chance to train himself.‎ A.declared for B.declared against C.agreed on D.protected against 解析 考查短语辨析。由下文的After all,it is a good chance to train himself可推知,“我”是赞成他出国留学的,故选择declare for,其意为“宣布赞成”。declare against表态反对,声称反对;protect against“使……免受……”。‎ 答案 A ‎15.At the bad news,she was so sad ______ I had to stay here keeping her ______.‎ A.that;companion B.then;companies C.that;company D.and;accompany 解析 考查结果状语从句及固定搭配。句意:听到这个不好的消息,她如此悲伤以至于我得留下来陪她。此句采用了“so...that”结构,that引导的是结果状语从句;keep sb.company为固定表达,意思是“陪伴某人”或“为某人作伴”。‎ 答案 C 单元综合知识检测 阅读理解 A Deputy (副职) Head Teacher Wanted Position:Deputy head teacher Employer:Bracknell Forest Council Published:10∶00 A.M.Mon.Dec.12,2011‎ Closing date:10∶00 A.M.Mon.Jan.16,2012‎ Working pattern:Fulltime Salary:£20,000-£34,999 per year Location:Jennett’s Park Primary School,Bracknell,Berkshire The governors are seeking to employ an enthusiastic deputy head teacher to be a key partner in founding and leading our brandnew primary school in Bracknell.‎ We offer:‎ ‎●a brandnew school building ‎● the opportunity to work in close partnership with the head teacher and governors to create and develop a new staff team ‎ ‎●a growing community looking forward to their new school opening ‎●the opportunity for further professional development which will support you through the next stage of your career ‎●the opportunity to lead key projects across the school You will be:‎ ‎●an excellent classroom practitioner (从业人员),who will enjoy shaping and delivering a broad,balanced and creative curriculum in class ‎●able to lead the staff by focusing on teamwork ‎●committed to working in partnership with parents and the nearby community For further information,you can contact the head teacher,Ms Maria Soulsby,by dialing 32899918 or you can send an email to maria,soulsby @bracknellforest.gov.uk. You can also come to visit our school in person.‎ If you have not heard from us two weeks after the closing date,that means your application has not been accepted.Apply using Bracknell Forest Council application forms only;CVs (简历) will not be accepted.‎ This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare ‎ of children and expects all staff to share this commitment.‎ All staff employed in the school must be aware that a check on the criminal record will be done.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 这是一则招聘副校长的广告。‎ ‎1.According to the passage,the deputy head teacher________.‎ A.will work for the school as a parttime teacher B.will have the opportunity to work with governors C.doesn’t have to work with parents D.must be aware of his criminal record 解析 细节理解题。根据“We offer”中的第二点“the opportunity to work in close partnership with the head teacher and governors to create and develop a new staff team”可知,副校长有机会同校长及董事一起工作。‎ 答案 B ‎2.From the passage we can know that Jennett’s Park Primary School________.‎ A.has a long and old history B.uses an old building C.has a woman head teacher D.wants to have a male deputy head teacher 解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的“you can contact the head teacher,Ms Maria Soulsby”可知,该校有一名女校长。‎ 答案 C ‎3.Whose application is likely to be accepted?‎ A.A person who sends the required application form on January 13,2012.‎ B.A person who sends a specially designed CV on January 15,2012.‎ C.A person who used to be a professional head teacher.‎ D.A person who is able to create a curriculum with his team members.‎ 解析 推理判断题。根据“Closing date:10∶00 A.M.Mon.Jan.16,2012”可知,在2012年1月13日发出的按要求做的申请表有可能被接受,故A项当选。根据倒数第三段最后一句可排除B项;原文没有涉及C项内容;D项与“You will be”中第一点的表述不符,享受塑造和提供一个广泛的、平衡的和有创意的课程是培养目标,而不是求职要求。‎ 答案 A B ‎ “One City One Book” is a generic name (通称) for a community reading program that attempts to get everyone in a city to read and discuss the same book.Popular book picks have been Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird,Ernest Gaines’s A Lesson Before Dying,and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.‎ ‎“One City One Book” programs take the idea of a localized book discussion club and expand it to cover a whole city.The first such program was “If All of Seattle Read the Same Book” in 1998,started by Nancy Pearl at Seattle Public Library’s Washington Center for the Book.The book chosen for the program was The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks,written in 1991.Other cities copied the idea,and the Library of Congress listed 404 programs occurring in 2007.‎ Each city’s program has its own goals;these typically include building a sense of community and promoting literacy.Nancy Pearl warns against expecting too much from a program:“Keep in mind that this is a ‎ library program,it’s not an exercise in civics,and that it’s not intended to have literature cure the racial divide.This is about a work of literature.” ‎ Programs typically involve more than having everyone read the same book.Some other activities that have been included are:book discussion sessions,scholarly lectures on the book or related topics,a visit by the author,exhibits,related arts programming (especially showing a movie of the book if there is one),and integration into school curricula.In Boston the “One City One Story” program used shorter stories and distributed tens of thousands of free copies of the story over the course of a month.‎ American Library Association puts out a detailed stepbystep guide on how to organize a local program,including the critical step of picking the one book.The Center for the Book at the Library of Congress tracks all known programs and the books they have used.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,介绍了美国开展的“一个城市,一本书”的读书活动。‎ ‎4.“One City One Book” programs________.‎ A.ask everyone in a city to donate one book ‎ B.can rid a city of racial divide through reading C.choose short stories for people to read ‎ D.encourage everyone in a city to read and discuss the same book 解析 细节理解题。从文章第一段第一句可知,这个活动旨在让同一个城市的人们读同一本书并共同评论这本书。‎ 答案 D ‎5.We know from the second paragraph that “One City One Book” programs________.‎ A.became popular very quickly B.have been held more than 400 times in Seattle C.were sponsored by the Library of Congress D.reached its peak in 2007‎ 解析 推理判断题。从文章第二段可知,当西雅图在1998年首先推出这个活动以后,其他城市也纷纷效仿,到2007年这个活动已经在400多个城市推出,可见这个活动流行得非常迅速。‎ 答案 A ‎6.We can infer from the third paragraph that Nancy Pearl________.‎ A.expects much from the programs ‎ B.didn’t expect that the programs would run so well C.has a practical attitude towards the programs ‎ D.believes the programs will push forward community building 解析 推理判断题。从文章第三段中Nancy Pearl的话可知,她警告人们不要对这个活动期望太多,说明她对这个活动持有十分务实的态度。‎ 答案 C ‎7.What kind of role does American Library Association play in the programs?‎ A.It picks out the city which runs the programs well.‎ B.It gives free books to the host city.‎ C.It gives a practical guide to the programs.‎ D.It keeps a record of all known programs.‎ 解析 细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知,美国图书馆协会负责具体指导活动的开展。‎ 答案 C ‎ C ‎(2018·云南玉溪一中期中)‎ Book 1:Diary of a Fly—By Doreen Cronin ‎40 pages,US 15.99‎ This is the diary of a fly.The fly,when she’s not landing on your head or swimming in your soup,is trying to escape her 327 siblings who are driving her crazy.Even though she’s little—just like her best friends,Worm and Spider—she wants to be a superhero.This is the story of a little fly who’s unafraid to dream big.‎ Book 2:Iggy Peck,Architect—By Andrea Beaty ‎32 pages,US 15.95‎ This book is a story about a kid whose head teacher doesn’t recognize his great talent (though he makes buildings out of anything at hand,including table cloths,fruit and chalk) until it saves her life.With Andrea Beaty’s rhyming text and David Roberts’s interesting illustrations(插图),it will charm creative kids everywhere.‎ Book 3:The ChickenChasing Queen of Lamar County—By Janice N.Harrington ‎40 pages,US 16.00‎ Our character here loves to run after chickens,particularly Miss Hen,who’s very fat.But,as all farming folks know,this is not a good way to produce happy,productive chickens.What will make her change her ways?The author is a professional storyteller and this book is full of fun,and has great illustrations.‎ Book 4:Cherry and Olive—By Benjamin Lacombe ‎32 pages,US 16.95‎ Children’s books can quickly take little readers into new worlds,such as the big city,1930s Georgia,or outer space.This book takes us on a little trip to some European capitals.Cherry is fat and likes books,and she has few friends until she meets a SharPei puppy(沙皮狗).She names it Olive.Through it she finds confidence and friendship.But what will happen when its owner returns?‎ ‎21.What do we know about the fly in Book 1?‎ A.She is honest but stubborn.‎ B.She is stupid but interesting.‎ C.She is loyal and courageous.‎ D.She is brave and ambitious.‎ ‎22.What can we learn from the text?‎ A.The fly in Book 1 enjoys staying with her siblings.‎ B.The head teacher in Book 2 thinks highly of the kid.‎ C.Both Book 2 and Book 3 contain many pictures.‎ D.Book 4 is the cheapest of the four books.‎ ‎23.The books mentioned above are intended for .‎ A.parents B.animal lovers C.children D.Architects ‎21.D [推理判断题。根据第一本书的介绍“Even though she’s little—just like her best friends,Worm and Spider—she wants to be a superhero.This is the story of a little fly who’s unafraid to dream big.”可知这只小苍蝇是brave(勇敢的)和ambitious(有雄心的)。故选D。]‎ ‎22.C [细节理解题。根据Book 2中的“With Andrea Beaty’s rhyming text and David Roberts’s interesting illustrations”及Book 3中的“has ‎ great illustrations”可知第二本书和第三本书都有很多图片。故选C。]‎ ‎23.C [推理判断题。由四本书的介绍可知上面提到的书是为孩子们准备的。故选C。]‎ D ‎(2018·山东德州期中)‎ When I was 5,my father worked the night shift as a nurse in a hospital.He was always carrying his stethoscope(听诊器) so naturally,so I called him “Dr Saldivar” while I pressed his stethoscope against his chest.But my father,as a humble man,was always correcting me:“I am not a doctor,son,but you can be one.” I grew up feeling like I had no limits because of moments like this,which has helped me take risks personally and professionally in spite of the hardships I had to endure.‎ Being born to Mexican immigrants meant that my parents had to work very hard to provide for my family and I had to learn to struggle through school paperwork on my own,because my parents’ English was limited and they couldn’t always be there motivating us through the process.If I wanted to succeed academically,my perseverance,and strength would be tested.‎ Perseverance,strength and good education are the gateway to success.And this is especially true when you look at the obstacles that Latinos have to overcome to succeed in public schools.For instance,while the national high school dropout(辍学) rate has decreased significantly,we still have the highest dropout rate in the country.We are more likely to live in poverty and attend racially separated schools.These issues create many other problems for Latinos.‎ To help relieve my family burden,I found my first job when I was 14 at a local hotel.Despite the long hours on my new job,I worked hard.Meanwhile,I continually stressed the importance of getting a respectable education and did everything possible to get one step closer to making my dream a reality.‎ Nearly a decade later,I became the first in my family to graduate from the University of Southern California.Knowing the social,economic,and political struggles that a community faces,I began to pursue journalism to give the disadvantaged minorities a voice.‎ ‎24.What inspired the author when he was a child?‎ A.The encouraging words from his father.‎ B.A nurse in his father’s hospital.‎ C.His curiosity about the stethoscope.‎ D.The hardships he suffered.‎ ‎25.The example in the third paragraph given by the author suggests .‎ A.more Latinos are receiving higher education in America B.Latino immigrants are still facing many problems C.American education system is better constructed D.racial separation has long been forbidden in America ‎26.The author chose to become a journalist,hoping to .‎ A.show his success as a Latino B.enjoy a different life C.speak for the disadvantaged Latinos D.repay the sacrifice his parents made ‎27.What does the author try to tell us with his own experience?‎ A.Immigration is an approach to personal success.‎ B.Good education is a way to successful life.‎ C.Disadvantaged Latinos are facing fewer challenges.‎ D.American Dream is inaccessible to the Latinos.‎ ‎24.A [细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“I grew up feeling like I had no limits because of moments like this,which has helped me take risks personally and professionally in spite of the hardships I had to endure.”可知从小是父亲的话激励着我。故选A。]‎ ‎25.B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后三句可知,Latino移民仍然面临很多问题。故选B。]‎ ‎26.C [细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“...I began to pursue journalism to give the disadvantaged minorities a voice.”可知我做记者是为了为弱势群体说话。故选C。]‎ ‎27.B [推理判断题。由作者对自己通过受教育使家庭得到改变可以推测出好的教育是通向成功的道路。故选B。]‎ 七选五 ‎(2018·广东阳春一中月考)‎ Stop Negative Talk ‎“I’m so fat,” one of your friends says.The girl next to her joins in.“Well,I hate my hair today.” Without thinking,you respond,“No,you are not fat!I am fat.And my hair is flat and boring.” 8 ‎ It is easy for people to engage in selfcritical conversations,and once it starts there is often pressure for you to join in. 9 Maybe it is because “just talking” feels harmless.But before you know it,those opinions flow out of your conversations and into your life,where they start eating away at your selfrespect.‎ ‎ 10 When you start talking about yourself in a negative way,you are not only affecting your selfrespect,but your friends’!When you criticize yourself,your friends might think you have the same standards for them.You have heard that it is important to treat others the way you want to be treated,but there is also value in treating yourself like you treat your friends.If you wouldn’t criticize your friend for the same thing,chances are that you are being too hard on yourself.So,don’t start it.‎ But what if someone else starts?For example,your friend feels insecure about how well he played in his soccer game,so he puts himself down.“I suck at soccer.” 11 Ask him,“Do you really think that?Why?” Maybe he is actually upset about a comment someone made,or is just getting down on himself over one bad play.Whatever it is,talking through the real issue will help him more than slipping into another negative talk.‎ It is important to talk to your friend about your insecurities,but make sure you are not talking about them just to put yourself down. 12 Instead of just focusing on the negative,talk about what makes you and your friends beautiful and unique—including what you love about your ‎ body and what you have accomplished.When you show yourself love,you set yourself as an example,and everyone benefits from you positively.‎ A.Negative talk affects selfrespect.‎ B.Criticizing yourself helps nobody.‎ C.But why do we hesitate to praise ourselves?‎ D.But why is it acceptable to talk so negatively?‎ E.All it takes is just one comment and the negative talk starts.‎ F.It is better to resist negative conversations and create more balanced ones.‎ G.Before everyone puts himself down,see if you can get to the root of the problem.‎ 语篇解读 自我否定的谈话“损己”也不“利人”,所以停止这样的谈话,积极地评价自己和朋友。‎ ‎8.E [根据前文内容可知,一句负面的自我评价引发了一场负面的谈话。故选E。]‎ ‎9.D [由“Maybe it is because‘just talking’ feels harmless.”可知,前文应该是一个问题,故选D项。]‎ ‎10.B [根据“When you start talking about yourself in a negative way,you are not only affecting your selfrespect,but your friends’!”自我否定的谈话不光影响自己,也影响朋友的自尊,故选B。]‎ ‎11.G [根据该空前后几句可知,当你的朋友对他在足球赛中的表现表示不安,说自己很讨厌足球时,你应该刨根问底找出原因。故选G。]‎ ‎12.F [根据“Instead of just focusing on the negative,talk about what ‎ makes you and your friends beautiful and unique...”。Instead of后面的行为应与前句内容相反,故选F。]‎ 完形填空 ‎(2017·浙江省温州市十校高三上学期期末联考)‎ When passing through an airport one morning, I caught one of those trains that take travelers from the main terminal(终点站)to their__1__gates. Free and clean, the trains run__2__all day long.Not many people consider them__3__, but this Saturday I heard laughter.‎ At the front of the first car,a man and his son were looking out of the window at the__4__. The train had just stopped and the passengers__5__. As the doors closed again, the father said excitedly,“Here we go! Hold on to me__6__! Look!” the father said to his son. “See that pilot? I__7__he's walking to his plane.”The son craned his neck to look.‎ As I got off,I saw that man and his son were back at the platform, too.‎ ‎“Do you want to go home now?”the father asked.‎ ‎“I want to__8__some more!”‎ ‎“More?”the father said. “You're not tried?”‎ ‎“This is fun!”his son said.‎ ‎“All right,”the father replied, and when a door opened, we all got on.‎ I then realized that they had not been__9__a flight at all,but had just been riding the shuttle for fun.‎ ‎“Where are all these people going, Daddy?”th son asked.‎ ‎“All over the world,”the father replied. The other people in the airport were leaving for places or arriving at the ends of their journeys. The father and the son.__10__,were just riding this shuttle together,__11__it exciting. The father and his son shared each other's __12__.‎ There are parents who can__13__to send their children to Europe or Disneyland, yet many of those children rurn out rotten and cause social problems. There are parents who live in__14__and cannot give their children cars or__15__,but their kids grow up to be happy and successful. There are a number of__16__over possible solutions. Yet, the__17__these problems is simple: if parents care enough to__18__time with and pay attention to their kids,these problems will not happen. Here was a father who just cared about spending the day with his son and__19__this plan for a Saturday morning, It costs nothing,yet it is the most__20__thing in the world.‎ ‎【文章大意】 作者有次去机场看到一对父子不是来乘飞机,而是特意来坐区间列车的。这对父子在乘坐区间列车时,享受着父子间的亲情与陪伴。作者通过这件事告诉我们:父母只要愿意花时间,愿意尽心尽职,即使不花一分钱,可却是世间无价之宝。‎ ‎1. A. front B. boarded ‎ C. back D. boarding 解析:区间列车是免费送旅客到机场的“登机门(boarding gate)”的。‎ 答案:D ‎2. A. right and left B. in and out ‎ C. up and down D. back and forth 解析:区间列车每天都是“来回(back and forth)”运送旅客的。A项“左右”;B项意为“进进出出”;C项意为“上上下下”。‎ 答案:D ‎3. A. surprise B. interest ‎ C. fun D. miracle 解析:根据后半句中“laughter”可知许多人不认为乘坐这样的列车是“有趣(fun)”的。‎ 答案:C ‎4. A. avenue B. street ‎ C. track D. road 解析:在列车中透过窗户观赏着一直往前延伸的“铁道(track)”。‎ 答案:C ‎5. A. went off B. gave off ‎ C. took off D. put off 解析:列车到站乘客当然是“下车(go off)”。‎ 答案:A ‎6. A. tight B. light ‎ C. right D. fight 解析:列车启动时大人总会叮嘱小孩要“抓牢(tight)”自己,所以A项符合语境。‎ 答案:A ‎7. A. doubt B. convince ‎ C. wonder D. bet 解析:I bet...意为“我确信……”符合语境。‎ 答案:D ‎8. A. drive B. pilot ‎ C. ride D. steer 解析:根据下文中这对父子又重新上车可判断儿子还想“坐车”。“坐车”用ride。‎ 答案:C ‎9. A. going for B. heading for ‎ C. looking for D. setting for 解析:根据上下文可看出这对父子并不是去坐飞机,而是坐区间列车享受乐趣的。go for“喜爱,主张”;head for“前往,出发”;look for“寻找”;set for“动身去”。‎ 答案:B ‎10. A. although B. but ‎ C. despite D. though 解析:though在此作副词,意为“虽然,不过,可是”。其他选项都是连词,不可作副词用。‎ 答案:D ‎11. A. having made B. making C. made D. being made 解析:Ving形式在此作状语,表意料之中的结果。A项表示发生在谓语动词之前的动作。‎ 答案:B ‎12. A. companies B. company ‎ C. accompany D. companion 解析:这对父子一起乘坐火车,享受彼此的“陪伴”。company意为“陪伴”,彼此是对方的陪伴,所以用单数。accompany是动词,不可作名词用;companion作名词是“同伴”的意思。‎ 答案:B ‎13. A. provide B. affect ‎ C. afford D. produce 解析:有些父母是因为有钱才能将孩子送到欧洲或迪士尼乐园。afford to do sth.意为“负担得起做某事”。‎ 答案:C ‎14. A. horror B. poverty ‎ C. surprise D. miracle 解析:根据后半句“cannot give their children cars”可知这些父母生活得“贫困”。‎ 答案:B ‎15. A. interesting books B. hiking equipment C. badminton rackets D. swimming pools 解析:由前半句可知这些父母贫困给不了孩子汽车和游泳池,所以选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎16. A. conflict B. debates ‎ C. opinions D. books 解析:对于解决这些问题的办法有些“争论(debate)”。‎ 答案:B ‎17. A. aim of B. result of ‎ C. process of D. key to 解析:后半句是解决这些问题的“关键办法”。‎ 答案:D ‎18. A. pay B. cost ‎ C. spend D. take 解析:表示“花时间”用动词spend。此处不可用take,take表示“花时间”需用it作主语。‎ 答案:C ‎19. A. put up with B. came up with C. made up with D. picked up with 解析:“想出”在周六陪孩子的计划。A项意为“忍受”;C项意为“与……和好”;D项意为“偶然认识”。‎ 答案:B ‎20. A. worthless B. priceless ‎ C. penniless D. valueless 解析:这位父亲用乘火车陪孩子的方法不用花钱,但是是“无价的(priceless)”。‎ 答案:B 语法填空 ‎(2018·广东百所高中高三联合考试)‎ Tony and I are good friends. We tried to walk across the United States of America. We're not exactly sure__1__we were doing it. Part of it was to test ourselves; to see if we could face the challenges. When I was__2__teenager I often daydreamed that I was going to walk across the United States__3__I graduated from high school.__4__, I didn't do that.Before I knew it I was in my thirties, married,__5__(have) a job, yet still had this idea in my mind with each__6__(pass) year. I figured I was too old and my opportunity had passed. Then, a few years ago, I met Tony,__7__was in his thirties and quit his job as a civil engineer in New York City to walk across the United States. He wasn't doing it for a ‎ cause__8__as part of an organization, He was doing it__9__(simple)because he loved to walk and discover. The idea was back and I no longer had an excuse. We planned on averaging 20 miles a day and taking some days off to rest, so we expected the walk to take about 6 months realizing it could take__10__(long). We were in no hurry:The total distance would have been about 3,100 miles.‎ ‎1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________‎ ‎5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________‎ ‎9.________ 10.________‎ ‎【文章大意】 本题讲述了托尼和我历尽彷惶,最终在二人都已三十而立之时勇敢追逐梦想,要穿越美国的一些情况。‎ ‎1.解析:考查连词。根据下面一句话“Part of it was to test ourselves;to see if we would face the challenges.”得知,此处意为“我们并不十分清楚我们为什么要这样做”。‎ 答案:why ‎2.解析:考察冠词。句意:“当我是一个青少年的时候,我经常梦想我要穿越美国”得知,此处为泛指。‎ 答案:a ‎3.解析:考察连词。同意,“在高中毕业之后,我梦想要去穿越美国。”‎ 答案:after ‎4.解析:考查副词。根据后文“I didn't do that”可知与前文存在转折关系。此处有“,”需要一个副词而非连词,所以用“However”。‎ 答案:However ‎5.解析:考察动词时态。与句中was,married,yet still had this idea,并列作谓语。‎ 答案:had ‎6.解析:考察形容词。意为“过去的每一年,我的穿越美国的念头在心中没有改变”。‎ 答案:passing ‎7.解析:考察定语从句。先行词Tony为人用who引导。‎ 答案:who ‎8.解析:考察连词。根据句意“他穿越美国并不是由于某个原因,或者是作为某组织所要求的一部分。”可知前后为选择关系。‎ 答案:or ‎9.解析:考查副词。意为“仅仅;只”。‎ 答案:simply ‎10.解析:考察形容词比较级。句意为“也许会花费比6个月时间更长的时间”。故用比较级longer。‎ 答案:longer Ⅶ.短文改错 ‎(2018·辽宁沈阳高三教学质量监测)‎ One day I saw an advertisement in a local newspaper. I ring up the company, and I was given the job immediately. They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning. The manager just told me to say anything which I could imagine about the city. My first tour was terribly. The old bus was not airconditioned,but it was in the middle of summer, so that was really uncomfortable to be inside the bus. The tourist soon became very hot and badtempered. I had a very hard time calm them down. This was because I stayed there only for a few weeks. Then I left and joined in a better company.‎ 答案:One day I saw an advertisement in a local newspaper. I ‎ up the company, and I was given the job immediately. They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning. The manager just told me to say anything I could imagine about the city. My first tour was . The old bus was not airconditioned, it was in the middle of summer, so was really uncomfortable to be inside the bus. The soon became very hot and badtempered. I had a very hard time them down. This was I stayed there only for a few weeks. Then I left and joined in a better company.‎ 某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动。请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容应包括:‎ ‎1.你最喜欢的季节;‎ ‎2.你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受……)。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考范文 The Season I Like Best Summer is my favorite season of the year.(1)The reasons are as follows(原因如下).Firstly,there is plenty of fun for teenagers in summer,(2)including going camping,going to the beach,going swimming at public pools and travelling locally with friends(包括去野营、去海边、到公共泳池游泳、和朋友在当地旅行).Secondly,summer vacation is the longest of the year.As far as I’m concerned,every summer I stay at my ‎ uncle’s house in the country for three weeks and enjoy a wonderful life there.I can also catch worms that are not found in winter.In addition,I can see different kinds of beautiful birds.(3)I think summer is certainly more fun than the other three seasons(我认为夏季当然比其他三个季节更好玩).I like summer best.‎

