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外研版六年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 听力部分(50 分) 一、 听单词,选出你所听到的单词,并把答案标号写在题前括号内,每个单词读两 遍。(10 分) ( )1. A. please B. pleased C. pen D. pen ( )2 .A. Chinatown B.China C. Chinese D. country ( )3. A. rice B.race C. right D. frightened ( )4. A. something B.sound C. sometimes D. strong ( )5. A. word B. work C. world D.what ( )6. A.hobby B. hang C. believe D. happy ( )7 .A. dancing B. dance C. drink D. driver ( )8. A.meat B. meal C. miss D. my ( )9. A.pencil B. postcard C. picture D. fork ( )10. A.here B. where C. there D. hear 二、 听录音,判断所给图片与所听内容是否一致,一致的写 T, 不一致的写 F。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子,并把答案标号写在题前括号内,每个句子读两遍。 (10 分) ( )1.A. I can’t speak French. B.I can’t speak English. C. I can speak English. ( )2.A. I’m your friend. B. I want a pen friend. C. I can be your pen friend. ( )3.A.Please be my pen friend. B. Pleased to meet you. C.Please sit down. ( )4. A.Have you got a book about the US? B. Have you got a book theUK? C. Have you got a book about the world? ( )5.A.I believe it. B. I don’t believe it. C . I don’t think so. 四、 听录音,给下面的图片排顺序,并把序号写在图片下面的括号内,每个图片内容 读两遍。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、 听问句,选答语,并把答案标号写在提前括号内,每个问句读两遍。(10分) ( )1. A. Yes,he has. B. Yes, he have. C. Yes.,he hasn’t. ( )2.A.No, I can’t. B. No, I don’t. CYes, I do. ( )3.A.My favourite festival is the Lantern Festival. B. The Spring Festival is your favourite festival. C.Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival. ( )4 A.Painting is your hobby. B. Playing games is my hobby. C.Drawing is his hobby. ( )5. A. It’s in the west of the US . B. It’s in the south of the US. C. It’s in the north of the US. 笔试部分(50 分) 六、选出不同类的单词,并把答案标号写在题前括号内。(5分) ( )1、A. Chinese B.England C. America D.China ( )2. A. east B. north C. well D. west ( )3. A. map B.right C. shop D. doll ( )4. A.what B.now C. where D. how ( )5. A. lucky B. candy C. Japanese D. Chinese 七、根据汉语或图片提示填充单词,请注意单词形式的变换呦!(5分) 1.There are lots of _____________ 2.I can write__________(故 事 ) in English. 3.Have you got a ____and______. 4.I (经 常)read books. 八、根据例句仿写句子。(10 分) Collecting stmaps is my hobby. Where’s the West Lake? It’s in the east of China. (Beijing) (New York) 九、连词成句,并翻译。(10分) 1. says ,can’t, it, snakes, hear(.) 翻译:_____________________________________________ 2. got, kite, Daming, Chinese, has, a, dragon(.) 翻译:——————————————————————— 3. the US, got, you, have, book, a , about(?) 翻译:______________________________________________ 4. you, Chinese, be ,my, friend, can, pen(?) 翻译:______________________________________________ 5. Thanksgiving Day ,do, what, on, you, do(?) 翻译:_____________________________________________ 十、阅读短文内容判断正误,正确的写(T)错误的写(F).(10 分) Sally is eleven years old. She comes from America. Now she studies in a primary school(小学)in Nanjing. She can speak English and a little Chinese.She has a good friend named Judy. Judy is one year younger than Sally. Judy is from Australia. She can speak Chinese well. She can help Sally with Chinese. They have different hobbies. Judy likes playing the violin. But Sally doesn’t like playing any instruments(乐 器). She doesn’t like music at all. She likes reading novels(小 说)。 Harry Polly(哈利 波 特) is her favourite novel. She would like to read it again. 1. Now Sally studies in China.( ) 2. Sally can speak English,but she can’t speak Chinese.( ) 3. Judy is ten years old. ( ) 4. Judy and Sally don’t have different hobbies.( ) 5. Harry Polly is Judy’s favourite novel.( ) 十一、征友启示(10 分) 假如你想要交一位笔友,现在你把自己的一些情况写一写吧(如年龄、爱好、能力等), 姓名已经给出,不用写自己的名字了。看谁能给你写信交笔友!至少写出五句话。加 油! I’m Bob.

