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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.helicopter n.          直升飞机 ‎2.motorbike n. 摩托车 ‎3.cassette n. 录音带 ‎4.diamond n. 钻石 ‎5.soil n. 土壤 ‎6.stadium n. 运动场;体育场 ‎7.kindergarten n. 幼儿园 ‎8.cartoon n. 卡通;漫画 ‎9.vacuum n. 真空;空白 ‎10.apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 ‎11.souvenir n. 纪念品 ‎12.rail n. 铁轨 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.midnight n. 半夜 ‎2.seaside n. 海滨 ‎3.track n. 轨道 ‎4.downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的 ‎5.expert n. 专家 ‎6.scenery n. [纵联1] 风景;景色 ‎7.journey n. [纵联2] 旅程 ‎8.event n. [纵联3] 事件 ‎9.ceremony n. [纵联4] 仪式 ‎10.desert n. 沙漠 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.distance n.距离→distant adj.遥远的 ‎2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的→abandon vt.遗弃;抛弃 ‎3.product n.产品→produce vt.生产 n.农产品→production n.生产;产量 ‎4.shoot vt.射杀→shot n.射击;枪声 ‎5.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓→frightening adj.令人害怕的→frightened adj.害怕的→fright n.惊吓;害怕[纵联5]‎ ‎6.interview n.&v.面试;面谈→interviewer n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者→interviewee n.参加面试者;接受采访者[纵联6]‎ ‎7.exhausted adj.疲惫不堪的→exhausting adj.令人疲惫不堪的→exhaust vt.使疲惫不堪→exhaustion n.疲惫 ‎8.train vt.训练n.火车→training n.训练;锻炼 纵联1.“风景”这边独好 ‎①scenery n.风景;景色    ②scene n.场景;景色 ‎③view n.景色,风景 ④sights n.风景,名胜 ‎⑤landscape n.风景,景色 ⑥outlook n.景色,风光 纵联2.带你去“旅行”‎ ‎①journey旅行;旅程 ②travel旅行;游记 ‎③trip(短途)旅行;远足 ④tour周游;参观访问 ‎⑤voyage航行;航海 ⑥sightseeing观光;游览 纵联3.大千世界“事情”真不少 ‎①event n. 重要的或不寻常的事件 ‎②thing n. 单一的事情 ‎③incident n. 不平常的事件 ‎④matter n. 事情;情况 ‎⑤accident n. 事故;意外事件 纵联4.“仪式”很多很重要 ‎①opening ceremony 开幕式 ‎②closing ceremony 闭幕式 ‎③wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 ‎④funeral (ceremony) 葬礼 ‎⑤celebration n. 庆祝 ‎⑥feast/banquet n. 宴会 纵联5.“名词加后缀en变为动词”词汇一览 ‎①fright→frighten 使吃惊 ‎②threat→threaten 恐吓;威胁 ‎③strength→strengthen 加强;巩固;使坚强 ‎④length→lengthen (使)变长 纵联6.inter开头高频词聚焦 ‎①interview n.&v.面试;面谈 ②Internet n.互联网 ‎③international adj.国际的 ④interval n.间隔,间歇 ‎⑤interpret v.解释,说明 ⑥interrupt v.打断……讲话 单元话题——交通方式 子话题1 水路交通 ‎ ①ferry n.渡船;渡口 ②port/harbor n.港口;码头 ‎③navigate v.导航;航行;横渡 ④customs n.海关;关税 ‎⑤voyage n.航海;航行 ⑥beach n.海滩;海滨 子话题2 陆路交通 ‎ ①traffic lights n.交通信号灯 ②highspeed train高速列车 ‎③freeway n.高速公路 ④cab n.出租车 ‎⑤seat belt安全带 ⑥behind schedule交通晚点 ‎⑦vehicle n.交通工具;车辆 ⑧lorry n.(英)货运汽车;卡车 ‎⑨carriage n.四轮马车;(火车的)客车厢 ‎⑩subway/underground n.地铁 子话题3 航天航空 ‎ ①aeroplane n.(英)飞机 ②spacecraft n.宇宙飞船 ‎③airliner n.班机 ④jet n.喷气式飞机 ‎⑤flight n.飞行;航班 ⑥non-stop flight直达航班 ‎⑦economic class经济舱 ⑧transfer v.转机 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2016·江苏高考阅读D) Not so long ago, most people didn't know who ShellyAnn FraserPryce was going to become.She was just an average high school athlete.There was every indication that she was just another Jamaican teenager without much of a future.However, one person wanted to change this.Stephen Francis observed then eighteenyearold ShellyAnn at a track❶ meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginnings of true greatness.Her times were not exactly impressive, but ‎ even so, he sensed there was something trying to get out, something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking.He decided to offer ShellyAnn a place in his very strict  ❷  (train) sessions.Their cooperation quickly produced❸ results, and a few years later at Jamaica's Olympic trials in early 2008, ShellyAnn, who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world, beat Jamaica's unchallenged queen of the sprint (短跑).‎ ‎①选择track在句中的含义:__C__,在本单元中track的含义为:__B__‎ A.足迹  B.轨道  C.田径运动  D.小道,小径 ‎②用train的正确形式填空:training ‎③写出produced在本单元中的名词形式:product ‎2.(2016·江苏高考阅读D) ShellyAnn is a little woman with a big smile.She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance.Her journey❶ to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless.She grew up in one of Jamaica's toughest innercity communities known as Waterhouse, where she lived in a oneroom apartment❷, sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers.Waterhouse, one of the poorest communities in Jamaica, is a really violent and overpopulated place.Several of ShellyAnn's friends and family were caught up in the killings; one of her cousins was shot❸ dead only a few streets away❹ from where she lived.‎ ‎①选择journey在句中的含义:__C__;在本单元中journey的含义为__A__,其同义词还有trip, travel和tour等 A.旅行     B.行程      C.历程 ‎②写出apartment在句中的含义:公寓;单元住宅 ‎③写出shot的动词原形形式:shoot ‎④用distance的正确形式替换away:distant 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)我们每天训练两个小时,定期参加各种比赛,疲惫不堪的但很快乐。(exhausted)‎ We_train_for_two_hours_a_day_and_participate_in_various_competitions_regularly,_exhausted_but_happy.‎ ‎2.(2017·北京高考书面表达)长江沿岸的风景令人惊叹,有许多著名的观光景点。(scenery)‎ The_scenery_along_the_Yangtze_River_is_amazing,_with_many_wellknown_sightseeing_spots.‎ ‎3.(2017·浙江高考写作)很快,狼跑下山去消失在远方。(distance)‎ Soon,_the_wolf_ran_away_down_the_hill_and_disappeared_in_the_distance.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.distance n.距离;远方 vt.与……疏远 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)in the distance    在远处;在远方 at/from a distance 稍远处;隔一段距离 at a distance of 在距……的地方 keep one's distance from ...=keep ...at a distance ‎ 与……保持距离/疏远 ‎(2)distant adj. 遥远的;冷淡的 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recognized the car.‎ ‎②After the quarrel Sue remained cold and distant (distance).‎ ‎③Her father advised her to keep her distance from that fellow.‎ 补全句子 ‎④It was difficult to get along well with her because she always kept_everyone_at_a_distance.‎ 很难与她融洽相处,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。‎ ‎[用准] 对于distance的提问多用what,而不用how far或者how long。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑤不仅这个瀑布在远处就可以看到,而且它的声音可以在两英里外听到。(用not only引导的倒装句)‎ Not_only_can_the_waterfall_be_seen_in_the_distance,_but_also_its_sound_may_be_heard_at_a_distance_of_two_miles.‎ ‎2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的;被抛弃的;放纵的 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)abandon vt.        放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n. 放任;放纵 abandon oneself to/be abandoned to ‎ 沉湎于;纵情于……‎ abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事 ‎(2)with abandon 恣意地;放纵地;尽情地 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Wang collected more than 7 million abandoned (abandon) bricks of different ages.‎ ‎②After careful deliberation, they agreed to abandon carrying (carry) out the project.‎ ‎③The fans cheered with abandon when their football team won.‎ ‎[用准] (1)abandoned为形容词化的过去分词,在句中常作定语;(2)abandon后跟动词常用动名词形式,而不能跟动词不定式。‎ ‎[写美] 一句多译 他沉迷于网络游戏,没能通过考试。‎ ‎④He abandoned_himself_to_the_Internet_games and didn't pass the exam.‎ ‎⑤Abandoning_himself_to_the_Internet_games,_he didn't pass the exam.‎ ‎⑥Abandoned_to_the_Internet_games,_he didn't pass the exam.‎ ‎3.scenery n.风景;景色 ‎[辨清] scenery, scene, sight, view scenery 不可数名词,指某地(总的)自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色 scene 可数名词,指展现在眼前的或某一特定环境中的情景,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内;也可以指现场或戏剧中的一幕 sight 特指眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物;表示“名胜,风景”时,必须要用复数sights view 常指从远处或高处看到的景色 ‎[练通] 选用上面单词完成下面语段 Every year, plenty of people go to see the ①sights of Beijing.This summer vacation my parents also decided to take me there.On the way to Beijing, we stopped our car again and again to enjoy the ②scenery.After arriving in Beijing, we lived at the 13th floor of a hotel from whose window we had a better ③view of the city.We did have a good time in ‎ Beijing.But on the way back home, we saw the ④scene of an accident, so my mother and I kept reminding my father to drive with caution.‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑤(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)星期天早晨我们将在人民公园见面,那儿空气清新并且风景美丽。‎ We_are_to_meet_on_Sunday_morning_in_the_People's_Park,_where_the_air_is_fresh_and_the_scenery_is_beautiful.‎ ‎4.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.‎ ‎ 吓得某人做/不敢做某事 frighten sb.to death 把某人吓得要死 frighten ...away/off 吓走/跑……‎ ‎(2)frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的 frightened adj. 感到害怕的;受到惊吓的 be frightened of 害怕……‎ ‎(3)fright n. 惊吓;害怕 with fright 害怕地 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2016·浙江高考) A sudden stop can be a very frightening (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed.‎ ‎②News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.‎ ‎③He frightened the dog away/off with a stick.‎ ‎④Whenever she thought of it, she was trembling with fright.‎ 补全句子 ‎⑤I was_frightened_to_death.You mustn't play these practical jokes any more.‎ 我被吓得要死。你以后再也不能这样恶作剧了。‎ ‎⑥Some people are_frightened_of_thunder,_others of snake.‎ 有些人害怕雷声,而有些人则害怕蛇。‎ ‎[用准] frightened “感到害怕的”,常用来修饰人;frightening “令人害怕的”,常用来修饰物。‎ ‎[写美] 一句多译 一想到即将到来的考试,我心里就害怕。‎ ‎⑦The thought of my coming exam frightened_me.‎ ‎⑧What_frightened_me was the thought of my coming exam.‎ ‎⑨I was_frightened at the thought of my coming exam.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练]  ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Children should be trained (训练) from an early age in table manners.‎ ‎2.When the rains come in spring, the desert (沙漠) will turn green and a variety of flowers will also blossom there.‎ ‎3.One of the experts (专家) in children's health says the overuse of technology causes lots of problems.‎ ‎4.Its beautiful scenery (景色) and pleasant climate make Beidaihe a worldfamous summer resort.‎ ‎5.In her diary, Jane has set down some important historic events (事件) as well as a series of facts.‎ ‎6.If you go downtown (商业区) tomorrow, could you give me a lift?‎ ‎7.The professor, together with his students, was invited to the opening ceremony (仪式) last weekend.‎ ‎8.Stella could hardly wait to see her family after such a long and tiring journey (旅程).‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.After the conflict, there was a growing distance (distant) between the two sides of the family.‎ ‎2.The Browns are so kindhearted that they have taken in more than ten abandoned (abandon) cats and dogs.‎ ‎3.When I passed by, I saw the kids shooting (shoot) arrows at a target.‎ ‎4.It's reported that trained (train) dogs have been used to hunt for criminals.‎ ‎5.At that time, Mr Green was too frightened (frighten) to escape from the danger.‎ ‎6.One of the interviewers (interview) asked me a question, “What do you think of the TV program Sing! China?”‎ ‎7.Most of us feel exhausted (exhaust) after working for at least eight hours a day, five days a week.‎ ‎8.In Dali, I bought some local souvenirs (souvenir) for my family and friends, including some tea.‎ ‎9.It is reported that this nation's imports of consumer products (produce) increased by 33% this year.‎ ‎10.It was at midnight that the teacher finished grading papers.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.由于恶劣的天气,他们只能放弃再向山顶更高处攀爬。(abandon)‎ They had to abandon_climbing_further to the top of the mountain because of the extreme weather.‎ ‎2.当你睡觉时把手机放在至少50厘米远的地方。(distance)‎ Place the phone at_a_distance_of at least 50 centimeters while you are sleeping.‎ ‎3.看到这场惨烈的车祸,这个女孩几乎被吓得要死。(frighten)‎ Seeing the terrible accident, the girl was almost frightened_to_death.‎ ‎4.你愿意和我一起欣赏这个美丽地区的风景吗?(scenery)‎ Would you like to enjoy_the_scenery in this beautiful district with me?‎ ‎5.感到疲惫不堪的,我爬上床很快就睡着了。(exhaust)‎ Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ ‎(一)课前自主学习 ‎1.get_on/off        上/下(车、船等)‎ ‎2.take_off   [串记1] (飞机)起飞;脱掉;休假;开始成功 ‎3.at_a_speed_of 以……的速度 ‎4.out_of_date [串记2] 过时 ‎5.for_the_first_time 首次;第一次 ‎6.more_than [串记3] 多于,不仅仅 ‎7.be_short_for 是……的缩写/简称 ‎8.refer_to 指的是;查阅;涉及 ‎9.get_into 上(车);进入;陷入 ‎10.get_out_of 下(车);出去;逃避 ‎11.not_...any_more 不再 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.“v.+off”短语聚会 ‎①take off(飞机)起飞 ②cut off切断;断绝 ‎③give off放出 ④put off推迟,拖延 ‎⑤pay off偿清;回报 ⑥show off炫耀 串记2.“out of+n.”短语集锦 ‎①out of date过时 ②out of order出故障 ‎③out of danger脱离危险 ④out of work失业 ‎⑤out of control失控 ⑥out of shape变形 串记3.than短语集合 ‎①more than多于,不仅仅 ②no more than不超过;仅仅 ‎③other than除了;不同于 ④rather than与其;不愿 ‎1.in the 1930s         在20世纪30年代 ‎2.on the coast 在岸上,沿岸;在海岸线上 ‎3.pass a law 通过法律 ‎4.ride a bicycle 骑自行车 ‎5.at midnight 在午夜 ‎6.attend the opening ceremony 出席开幕式 ‎7.means of transport 交通方式 ‎1.What do_you_think the central part of the country is like?‎ 你认为这个国家的中心部分是什么样子的?‎ ‎2.And what_a_ride!多么奇妙的一次乘车旅行啊!‎ ‎3.Would_you_mind_showing me your ticket?/Would_you_mind_if I saw your ticket?请出示你的票好吗?‎ ‎4.I remember the day my father tried to teach me how_to_ride_a_bicycle.‎ 我记得我父亲努力教我学骑自行车的那一天。‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 完形中的短语和句式(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ完形填空) I took_off (脱掉) my Tshirt and dived into the water.‎ ‎2.(2012·湖北高考完形填空) Happy as a child, I got_on (骑上) the bicycle and headed out onto the streets.‎ ‎3.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ完形填空) What_a_blessing (多么幸运的事) this young man was to our family! He was so sweet and kind to do this.‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的短语和句式(翻译句子/词汇升级)‎ ‎1.(2018·北京高考书面表达)然后我教他们如何沏茶。(疑问词+to do)‎ Then_I_showed_them_how_to_make_tea.‎ ‎2.(2015·湖南高考写作) Hearing what the head teacher said, I was very glad and my heart beat wildly.(用本单元短语替换加黑词) more_than ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎[短语集释]‎ ‎1.take off (飞机)起飞;开始成功;脱去(衣服等);摘掉;匆匆离开;休假 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中take off的含义 ‎①Three planes were standing on the runway, waiting to take off.‎ 起飞 ‎②I wish you'd take off that hat when you are in the classroom.摘掉 ‎③Congratulations, Paulo! Now maybe you can take a few days off.休假 ‎④After his third film, his career of film performance took off.开始成功 ‎⑤The six boys got into the car and took off for the drugstore.匆匆离开 ‎[记牢]‎ take away      拿走;夺走 take back 收回;带回;使回忆起 take down 写下,记下;拆卸 take in 吸收;理解;欺骗;收留 take on 具有,呈现;担任,承担;雇用 take up 举(拿、捡、拔)起;占据;从事 take over 接管;接任;控制 ‎[练通] 介词填空 ‎⑥I know I was completely a fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally takes me in.‎ ‎⑦No other organisation was able or willing to take on the job.‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑧虽然科技是用来帮助我们的,但我们不应该让它来控制我们的生活。‎ Though_technology_is_used_to_help_us,_we_should_not_allow_it_to_take_over_our_lives.‎ ‎2.get on 上(车、船等);进展,进行;相处;继续进行下去 ‎[记牢]‎ get off         下(车、船等)‎ get into 上(车);进入;陷入 get on/along (well) with 进展(顺利);与……相处(得好)‎ get across 讲清楚;被……理解 get around 四处走动(旅行);(消息等)传播 get through 通过;完成;接通(电话)‎ ‎[练通] 介(副)词填空 ‎①I had created a way to get my message across while using as few words as possible.‎ ‎②Because Anna made good preparations for the job interview, she finally got through with it.‎ ‎③News soon got around that he had resigned.‎ ‎④After getting off the train, we got into the car and headed for the airport.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎⑤(2017·天津高考书面表达)我很高兴地告诉你,我和我所有的老师和同学相处得很好。我在学习上取得了很大的进步,尤其是在英语方面。‎ I'm pleased to tell you I'm_getting_along_well_with_all_my_teachers_and_classmates.And I have made great progress in my study, especially in my English.‎ ‎3.refer to 指的是;提到;涉及;参考;查阅 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中refer to的含义 ‎①When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. 查阅 ‎②(2018·浙江高考)What does the underlined word “headwinds” in Paragraph 2 refer to?指的是 ‎③Jim insisted that the book Mr Black referred to was worth reading.提到 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)refer ...to ...      把……提交……处理 refer to ...as ... 把……称作……‎ ‎(2)reference n. 提及;参考;查阅 in/with reference to 关于 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎④Some people refer to the color of Apple's goldcolored iPhone as “tuhao gold”.‎ ‎⑤You'd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future reference (refer).‎ ‎⑥You may refer the matter to him if necessary.‎ ‎[用准] (1)refer的过去式、过去分词和现在分词都要先双写“r”,再加上“ed”或“ing”。类似的词还有prefer。‎ ‎(2)refer to表示“查阅”时,后接词典、参考书等;而look up表示“查阅”时,后接要查阅的具体内容。‎ Don't always refer to the dictionary when coming across new words.Only if a word is very important can you look it up in your dictionary.当遇到生词时不要总是查词典,只有当一个单词非常重要时,你才可以在词典中查阅。‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎⑦(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)关于餐桌礼仪,我想给你一些建议,希望对你有帮助。‎ In/With_reference_to_table_manners,_I want to give you some suggestions and hope that they will be helpful to you.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ ‎1.感叹句 ‎[教材原句] And what_a_ride!‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)What_a_good_time we had on the beach yesterday!‎ 昨天我们在海滩上玩得多开心呀!‎ ‎(2)What_fun_it_is to have a cool drink in summer!‎ 夏天喝冷饮多么惬意啊!‎ ‎(3)How_excited we were at the news that Chinese Women national volleyball team had won the gold medal in the Olympic Games!听到中国女排获得了奥运会的金牌时,我们多么激动啊!‎ ‎(4)How_pleasant_a_surprise it is to know that our school English paper is undergoing some reform!‎ 知道我们学校的英文报正在改版,真是又惊又喜!‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)What+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(2)What+adj.+不可数名词或可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(3)How+adj./adv.(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(4)How+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!‎ 注意事项 what与名词连用构成感叹句, how与形容词或副词连用构成感叹句。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达) How delighted I am to know you are ‎ invited to a dinner party by your Chinese friend.(开头句)‎ ‎(2)(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达) Amazed at how skilful they were, I was determined to learn papercutting.(要点句)‎ ‎2.Would you mind ...?‎ ‎[教材原句] Would_you_mind_showing me your ticket?/Would_you_mind_if I saw your ticket?‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)Would you mind if I used (use) your computer?‎ ‎(2)Do you mind if I open (open)the window?‎ ‎(3)Would you mind telling (tell) me what the climate is like in California?‎ ‎(4)I can't hear the news clearly.Would you mind my/me turning (turn) up the radio?‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)Would you mind if ...did ...?某人做……你介意吗?‎ ‎(2)Do you mind if ...do ...?某人做……你介意吗?‎ ‎(3)Would/Do you mind doing ...?请你做……好吗?‎ ‎(4)Would/Do you mind (sb./one's) doing ...?某人做……你反对吗?‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)表示“不介意”的答语通常有:No, of course not./Certainly not./Not at all./Go ahead./Do as you like./Not in the least.等。‎ ‎(2)表示“介意”或“不同意”时则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。例如:I'm sorry but I do./Sorry, you'd better not./I'm afraid you can't./I'd rather you didn't./I'm ‎ sorry, but it's not allowed.等。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)Would you mind if I was later than the fixed time?(要点句)‎ ‎(2)Would you mind explaining that again?(要点句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 get on, take off, be short for, out of date, refer to, at a speed of, not ...any more, for the first time ‎1.When the plane took_off,_the elderly woman was so nervous that she couldn't help screaming.‎ ‎2.A middleaged woman with a baby in her arms got_on the crowded subway, and a young man stood up and gave his seat to her.‎ ‎3.Mary was a shy girl when I met her for_the_first_time.‎ ‎4.When I said that someone didn't finish their homework, I referred_to Johnson.‎ ‎5.I regret saying that we were not going to be friends any_more when we had a quarrel.‎ ‎6.My mother's cell phone is out_of_date,_but she doesn't agree to buy a new one.‎ ‎7.Today, these kind of activities are called STEM, which is_short_for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.‎ ‎8.It's dangerous for a green hand like you to drive at_a_speed_of 120 kilometers an hour.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.你认为当我遇到这种事时应该做什么?(do you think)‎ What do_you_think_I_should_do when I meet something like this?‎ ‎2.在炎热的夏季跳进河里洗澡是多么开心的事情啊!(what引导的感叹句)‎ What_fun_it_is to jump into a river on a hot summer day!‎ ‎3.你介意我在这儿拉小提琴吗?(would you mind ...)‎ Would_you_mind_if I played the violin here?‎ ‎4.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)除此之外,有著名的艺术家将当场表演如何剪纸。(how to do)‎ In addition, there are famous artists who will perform how_to_cut_paper on the spot.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom来信询问你上周六去湖南张家界旅游的经历,请根据下列要点给他写一封回信:‎ ‎1.登机时间;‎ ‎2.飞机起飞时你的心情;‎ ‎3.到达机场后;‎ ‎4.你对此次旅行的评价。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本文属于应用文中的回复信,时态为一般过去时,人称为第一人称。文章应分三个层次:开头应导入写信的目的,为介绍去张家界旅游的情况做铺垫。主体部分应依据题目所给的4个要点进行构思,题目所给的4个要点比较宽泛(属于半开放作文),写作时应细化处理,如谈及飞机起飞时的心情,可表达为“紧张害怕”‎ ‎,到达机场后可介绍乘坐公共汽车前往张家界;对此次旅行的评价考生可自由发挥。结尾应表达希望或请求。‎ 开头语:收到你的来信我非常高兴,在信中你询问我到张家界旅行的情况。‎ I'm_more_than_delighted_to_receive_a_letter_from_you,_in_which_you_asked_me_about_my_trip_to_Zhangjiajie.‎ 要点1:我在午夜登上了飞往湖南的飞机。(midnight, get into)‎ I_got_into_the_plane_flying_to_Hunan_at_midnight.‎ 要点2:我感到紧张害怕。(frightened)‎ I_felt_nervous_and_frightened.‎ 要点3:一到达,我就上了公共汽车动身前往张家界。(get on)‎ On_arrival,_I_got_on_a_bus_and_set_off_for_Zhangjiajie.‎ 要点4: 尽管累得疲惫不堪,但我感到放松和兴奋。(exhausted)‎ Though_tired_and_exhausted,_I_felt_relaxed_and_excited.‎ 结尾语:我期待尽快收到你的回信。‎ I'm_looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为了丰富文章的内容,我们需要对要点进行必要的拓展,让要点在内容和形式上更丰满。要点1可升级为强调句型。要点2的表达显得单调空洞,可以用时间状语从句指出其发生的时间,并且添加“过了一会儿我不再害怕”来丰富要点。要点3可增加定语从句说明在张家界做了什么事情;在要点4后可以补充一个感叹句来表达对此次旅行的感受。在结尾语前增加细节“你能告诉我你最近的一次旅行吗?”,以使语意表达更完整。‎ 升级要点1:午夜我上了飞往湖南的飞机。(强调句型)‎ It_was_at_midnight_that_I_got_into_the_plane_flying_to_Hunan.‎ 拓展要点2:飞机起飞时我感到紧张害怕,但过了一会儿我不再害怕了。 (用immediately引导的时间状语从句)‎ I_felt_nervous_and_frightened_immediately_the_plane_took_off,_but_after_a_while_I_was_not_scared_any_more.‎ 拓展要点3:一到达,我就上了公共汽车动身前往张家界,在那儿我欣赏了令人惊叹的风景。(用where引导的定语从句)‎ On_arrival,_I_got_on_a_bus_and_set_off_for_Zhangjiajie,_where_I_appreciated_its_amazing_scenery.‎ 补充衔接句:多么令人愉悦的旅行啊!(感叹句)‎ What_a_pleasant_journey_it_was!‎ 拓展结尾语:你能告诉我你最近的一次旅行吗?我期待尽快收到你的回信。‎ Could_you_please_tell_me_your_recent_trip?_I'm_looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 本写作可采用“三段式”结构组织全文。首段开门见山点明写信的目的,用“Now I will tell you about it.”与主体部分作好衔接过渡。‎ Dear_Tom,‎ I'm_more_than_delighted_to_receive_a_letter_from_you,_in_which_you_asked_me_about_my_trip_to_Zhangjiajie.Now_I_will_tell_you_about_it.‎ It_was_at_midnight_that_I_got_into_the_plane_flying_to_Hunan.I_felt_nervous_and_frightened_immediately_the_plane_took_off,_but_after_a_while_I_was_not_scared_any_more.On_arrival,_I_got_on_a_bus_and_set_off_for_Zhangjiajie,_where_I_appreciated_its_amazing_scenery.Though_tired_and_exhausted,_I_felt_relaxed_and_excited.What_a_pleasant_journey_it_was!‎ Could_you_please_tell_me_your_recent_trip?_I'm_looking_forward ‎_to_your_early_reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li_Hua 理清文体结构之(三) 应用文之人物介绍——抓主题析人物特征,比对定答案 不同的几个人物,依靠某一个特定的主题放置在一起,考查考生读文的各种技巧,这是高考语篇中人物介绍类应用文的命题特点。此类文章的破解关键在于:首先要抓住把几位人物链接在一起的纽带,即文章主题;其次要抓住每个人物自身的特点;然后迅速浏览题干,依据题干中的关键词到文中寻找与之相关的“信息区间”,比对即可得出答案。‎ ‎[高考典例] 2016·全国卷Ⅰ·A篇 ‎[抓文章主题,析不同人物特征]‎ ‎[读文解题技法]‎ 首段点明主题 ‎ 人物1 ◄‎ 职业 ‎ ‎ You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?‎ Jane Addams (18601935)‎ Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and ‎ ‎1.读首段,明主题 通读第一段,可知本文主题应是介绍几位优秀女性。‎ ‎2.关注不同人物特征 ‎   ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎   人物2 ◄‎ 成就  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ 人物3 ◄‎ ‎ ‎ 事件 成就 人物4 ◄‎ 事件 成就 ‎   ‎ worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community (社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.‎ Rachel Carson (19071964)‎ If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans.‎ Sandra Day O’Connor (1930present)‎ When Sandra Day O’Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator (参议员) and, in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.‎ Rosa Parks (19132005)‎ On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give 从下面4位人物介绍中知晓发生在她们身上的事及她们取得的成就。‎ ‎3.题文比对得出答案 抓住题干中的关键词,然后到文中寻找相应人物的特征,比对即可得出答案。‎ ‎ up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civilrights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.‎ ‎[由不同人物特征,定位比对归纳出答案]‎ ‎21.What is noted for in history?‎ A.Her social work.‎ B.Her teaching skills.‎ C.Her efforts to win a prize.‎ D.Her community background.‎ ‎22.What was the reason for being rejected by the law firm?‎ A.Her lack of proper training in law.‎ B.Her little work experience in court.‎ C.The discrimination against women.‎ D.The poor financial conditions.‎ ‎23.Who made a great contribution to in the U.S.?‎ A.Jane Addams.       B.Rachel Carson.‎ C.Sandra Day O’Connor. D.Rosa Parks.‎ ‎24.What can we infer about in the text?‎ A.They are highly educated. B.They are truly creative.‎ C.They are pioneers. D.They are peacelovers.‎ ‎[答案] 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.C ‎21.题中人物文中人物1的“职业”及“成就”,得出答案 ‎22.题中人物文中人物3的“事件”,得出答案 ‎23.题中事件文中人物4的“成就”,得出答案 ‎24.总结特征得出4位人物的共性

