人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 1-Section B(1a-1d)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 1-Section B(1a-1d)

Section B (1a-1d) To learn to talk about accident injuries and their proper treatments e.g. He cut his knee, so I washed the cut and put some medicine on it. Then I put a bandage on it. ① ② ③ What happened to them? The person accidentally ______________with a knife. The boy ________ on the road. The girl had a ___________. cut his finger fell down nosebleed A: _________________? B: The boy fell down and cut his knee. A: Should he lie down and have a rest? B: ______________. What’s the matter Yes, he should A: What’s the matter (with her)? B: The girl has a nosebleed. A: __________________? B: She should ___________________ _______________. What should she do put her head down to stop bleeding A: What’s the matter? B: The boy ______________. A: Does he take good care of himself? B: ______________. He should _____________________. No, he doesn’t cut his finger put some medicine on it 1a When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order. __ Go to the hospital. __ Get an X-ray. __ Rest for a few days. __ Put a bandage on it. __ Run it under water. __ Put some medicine on it. __ Press the sides of your nose. __ Put your head down. __ Clean your face. 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 Now try to describe each picture using first, next and then. First, the boy should ________________. Next, _________________________. Then, ___________________________. __ Go to the hospital. __ Get an X-ray. __ Rest for a few days. 1 2 3 go to the hospital he should get an X-ray he should rest for a few days First, ... Next, ... Then, ... For example: __ Press the sides of your nose. __ Put your head down. __ Clean your face. 2 1 3 __ Put a bandage on it. __ Run it under water. __ Put some medicine on it. 3 1 2 First, ... Next, ... Then, ... 1b Listen to the school nurse. Check ( ) the problems you hear. √ Problems Someone felt sick. Someone cut his knee. Someone had a fever. Someone had a nosebleed. Someone hurt his back. Someone got hit on the head. √ √ √ √ 策略:应对播放两遍的录音材料时,每 遍应有所侧重:第一遍利用关键词或词 频抓住主题,第二遍提取具体细节等 Can you find the key words? 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above. Problems Treatments Someone felt sick. Someone cut his knee. Someone had a fever. Someone had a nosebleed. Someone hurt his back. Someone got hit on the head. b, c √ √ √ √ a, d f e 听力原文 1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c. A: Who came to your office today? B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class. A: What happened? B: … Pair work For example: It is more complicated to deal with the accident injuries, so we should give others advice step by step. A:What happened? 发生什么事了? B:I hurt my leg. What should I do? 我腿受伤了。我该怎么办? A:First, you should go to the hospital. Second/Then, you should get an X-ray. Finally, you should rest for a few days. 首先,你应该去医院。 其次,你应该照X片。 最后,你应该好好休息几天。 How to give advice in an accident? 注:可通过使用first (首先)和 second(其次/第二)等序数词来表达 动作的先后顺序。 也可用then (然后), finally (最后)等 来说明具体的步骤。 常见的事故伤害处理方法 1. 用绷带包扎一下 6. 洗脸 2. 用水冲洗 7. 去医院 3. 上药 8. 照X片 4. 把头低下 9. 休息几天 5. 按压鼻侧 put a bandage on it clean one’s face run it/sth under water go to the hospital put some medicine on it get an X-ray put one’s head down rest for a few days press the sides of one’s nose 1. --杰克在体育课上割伤了他的膝盖。 -- 他应该用绷带包扎一下。 2. – 莉莉头上受伤了。 -- 你应该带他去医院照个X光。 翻译下列句子。 -- Jack cut his knee in P.E. class. -- He should put a bandage on it. -- Lily got hit on her head. -- You should take her to the hospital to get an X-ray. 1. feel sick 2. cut one’s knee 3. have a fever 4. have a nosebleed 5. hurt one’s back 6. get hit on the head 7. put some medicine on … 8. take one’s temperature 9. put one’s head down Now 1 minute to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese bandage, knee, nosebleed 2. Chinese-English 按压;生病的/有病的;用绷带包扎; 她自己 When finishing, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 1. Review the new words and expressions. 2. Write a short passage about the accidents happening in your P.E. class. 3. Preview the new words and expressions. 4. Preview the article He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing on page 6. 5. Bring your English dictionary next class.

