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中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(C)‎ C cabbage[5kAbidV] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜:The kitchen smells of boiled cabbage. 厨房里有煮卷心菜的味道。‎ cafe[5kAfei] n. 咖啡厅:We went into the cafe for coffee and dessert. 我们到咖啡馆喝了咖啡,吃了些点心。‎ cage[keidV] n. 笼(子);鸟笼:The boy was locked up in a big cage. 那个男孩被关进了一个大笼子里。‎ cake[keik] n. 蛋糕,饼,糕:His mother brought in a cake covered with 12 candles. 他妈妈端进一块蛋糕,上面插了12支蜡烛。‎ call[kC:l] v. 称呼,叫喊;打电话给……:He called home almost every night. 他几乎每天晚上往家里打电话。n 电话:She is waiting for a long-distance call from New York. 她正在等一个纽约来的长途电话。‎ camera[5kAmErE] n. 照相机:We often take a camera when we go to travel. 旅行时我们常带着相机。‎ can[kEn] (could) v.aux. 能,可以,会:She can sing many English songs.她会唱许多首英文歌。/ Tom can write very fast.汤姆可以写得很快。‎ ‎【用法】情态动词can没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。‎ Canada‎[5kAnEdE] n. 加拿大:Canada is divided into ten provinces and two territories. 加拿大分为十个省和两个地区。‎ Canadian[kE5neidjEn] n. 加拿大人:Farming is important for Canadian. 农业对加拿大人来说很重要。‎ cancer[5kAnsE] n. 癌症:There are many forms of cancer. 有许多形式的癌症。/ It is difficult to cure some cancers.一些癌症很难治好。‎ candle[5kAndl] n. 蜡烛:There is a candle burning in my room. 我房间里点着一支蜡烛。‎ cap[kAp] n. 便帽,军帽:The white cap is worth 10 yuan. 这个白色的便帽值10元钱。‎ ‎【辨析】cap 和hat:前者指没有帽檐或仅在前面有帽檐的帽子;后者指四周有帽檐的帽子。‎ capital[5kAptl] n.首都:Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。/ At last they reached the capital city. 最后他们来到了首府。‎ captain[5kAptin] n. (足球队等)队长:John is captain of the tennis team. 约翰是这支网球队的队长。‎ car[kB:] n. 汽车,小汽车:He goes to work by car. 他坐小车上班。‎ card[kB:d] n. 纸牌;卡片:I beat him at cards. 我打牌赢了他。/ People often send cards to each other on Christmas Day. 在圣诞节人们互送贺卡。‎ care[keE] v. 介意,在乎,关心:I don’t care where we go , as long as we are together. 只要我们在一起,去哪儿我都无所谓。/ If you care to hear it, I will tell you. 如果你想听,我就告诉你。n.小心,照料,保护:Those sick children were placed under the care of the best nurse. 那些生病的小孩已经交给最好的护士照料了。‎ ‎【短语】take care of照料,照管:I’ll take good care of him. 我会好好照顾他的。‎ careful[5keEfl] adj. 小心的,仔细的:Be careful of your eyes. 你要注意保护眼睛。/ Be careful when crossing the street. 过马路要小心。‎ carefully[5keEfEli] adv. 小心地,仔细地:Please carefully carry that glass. 拿玻璃时请小心。/ I read his letter carefully. 我仔细读了他的来信。‎ careless[5keElis] adj. 粗心的,大意的:It was very careless of him. 他太粗心了。/ He is careless in everything. 他做什么事都很粗心。‎ carrot[5kArEt] n. 胡萝卜:In winter carrot is very expensive. 冬季胡萝卜很贵。/ Have some more carrots. 再吃一些胡萝卜。‎ carry[5kAri] vt. 携带,搬运,运送:He carried his luggage from the bus to the train. 他把行李从公共汽车上搬到火车上。/ I never carry much money with me. 我身上从不带太多的钱。‎ ‎【短语】 carry out实行,执行,进行:He decides to carry out his father’s dream. 他决定去实现他父亲的梦想。carry on 坚持下去,继续下去:We will carry on our conversation tomorrow. 我们明天继续谈。‎ cat[kAt] n. 猫:When the cats are away, the mice will play. 猫儿不在,老鼠横行。/ A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命。‎ catch[kAtF] (caught, caught) v. 捉,抓住:The early birds catch the worm. 捷足者先登。/ The police caught the thief as he ran. 警察抓住了乘机逃跑的小偷。‎ ‎【短语】 catch up with 赶上:If you want to catch up with him, you must work harder. 如果你想赶上他,你必须更加努力工作。‎ cause[kC:z] v. 引起:What cause the pain on earth, Dr. Bill? 比尔大夫,究竟是什么引起这种疼痛?/ You have caused me enough problems!你给我造成的问题已经够多了。‎ CD[5si:5di:] n. 激光唱片:The CDs are in the drawer. 那些激光唱片在抽屉里。‎ ‎【短语】CD player 激光唱机:His new CD player is beautiful and convenient. 他的新激光唱机既漂亮又方便。‎ celebrate[5selibreit] v. 庆祝:We celebrated the Spring Festival with a party at school. 在学校我们举行宴会庆祝春节。/ We decided to celebrate (her birthday) with a party. 我们决定举行一个晚会来庆祝一下(她的生日)。‎ cent[sent] n. (货币)分:I have got a good idea. It will not cost us a cent. 我有一个好主意,我们一分钱也不用花。/ There are one hundred cents in a dollar. 1美元合100美分。‎ center[5sentE] n. 中心:There is a coin in the center of the table. 桌子的中央有一枚硬币。/ Beijing is the cultural center of China. 北京是中国的文化中心。‎ century[5sentFEri] n. 世纪,百年:We live in the 20th century. 我们生活在20世纪。/ There have been two World Wars during this century. 本世纪发生了两次世界大战。‎ ‎【注意】century指的是耶稣基督出生之前或之后每一百年的期间。国际通用的公历纪元(即公元)就是从耶稣诞生那一年算起的, 每过一百年或每往前一百年即为一个century。‎ certainly[5sE:tnli] adv. 当然:The glass will certainly break if you drop it. 如果你把玻璃丢在地上它肯定会破。/ —May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗? —Certainly. 当然可以。‎ chair[tFeE] n. 椅子:He sat down in a white chair beside my bed. 他坐在我床边的一把白色椅子里。/ There are enough chairs in the classroom for us. 教室里的椅子足够了。‎ challenge[5tFAlindV] n. 提议,挑战:He accepted his friend’s challenge to swim across the river. 他接受了朋友要和他比赛游泳过河的提议。/ This examination is a real challenge. 这次考试是一次真正的挑战。‎ chance[tFB:ns] n. 机会:Do you really think I have another chance? 你真的认为我还有一次机会吗?/ What are our chances in the final? 我们决赛获胜的希望有多大?/ You have a good chance of success. 你成功的机会很大。‎ ‎【短语】by chance偶然地,意外地无意中地:It happened by chance. 这是偶然发生的。/ I met him by chance. 我意外地碰到了他。‎ change[tFeindV] v. 变换,变更,改变:We will change the date to June 1st. 我们将把日期改到6月1号。/ His speech changes my whole life. 他的话改变了我的一生。‎ channel[5tFAnl] n. 海峡,航道;(广播的)频道:He tried to remember how long it took to cross the Channel. 他设法回忆起度过海峡需要多长时间。/ There is an interesting program on Channel 4 tonight. 今晚第4频道有精彩节目。‎ Chart [tFB:t] n. 图表:Let’s watch the weather chart carefully. 让我们仔细观察这张气象图。/ I will teach you chow to make a chart with Auto CAD 2000.我将教你们如何用Auto CAD 2000制图。‎ cheap[tFi:p] adj. 便宜的:The pair of shoes are cheap at 50 yuan. 这双鞋子定价50元算便宜的了。/ Please show me a cheap one. 请拿个便宜的给我看看。‎ check[tFek] v. 检查;核对:After final exam, teachers are busy checking the examination papers. 期末考试后老师正在忙着阅卷。/ Please check and see if the money is right. 请你把钱数一数。‎ ‎【短语】check up(on) 检查;核对;检验:I will check up on the mater. 我将核实这件事。‎ check-out[5tFekaut] n. (购货时的)结帐台;收银台:She paid her bill at the check-out and left. 她在收银台结了账就离开了。‎ cheese[tFi:z] n. 奶酪:Cheese is made of milk. 奶酪是牛奶做的。/ She gave the little boy a cheese. 她给这个小男孩一块乳酪。‎ chemistry[5kemistri] n. 化学:This is the beginning of the science of organic chemistry. 这是有机化学的开始。‎ chicken[5tFikin] n. 鸡;鸡肉:He keeps chickens on his farm. 他在他的农场上还养鸡。/ Do you like boiled or roast chicken? 你喜欢吃煮鸡还是烤鸡?‎ child[tFaild] n. 小孩:He has been very brave since he was a child. 他还是个孩子时就很勇敢。‎ children[5tFildrEn] n. 小孩:June 1st is Children’s Day. ‎6月1日是儿童节。/ He read most children’s books. 大部分儿童读物他都读了。‎ ‎【说明】children是child的复数形式。‎ chimney[5tFimni] n. 烟囱,烟道:The factory chimneys poured smoke into the air. 那些工厂的烟筒向空中排放废气。/ The thief escaped from their chimney. 小偷从他家的烟囱里逃跑了。‎ China‎[5tFainE] n. 中国:China’s population is by far the largest of any country.中国目前是世界上人口最多的国家。‎ Chinese[tFai5niz] adj. 中国的,中国人的: Chinese silk is famous in the world.中国的丝绸全世界都很出名。n. 中国人;汉语:Most people living there are Chinese. 住在那里的人大部分是中国人。‎ chocolate[5tFCkElit] n. 巧克力,巧克力糖:I asked a cup of chocolate in McDonald. 我在麦当劳要了一杯巧克力饮料。/ Never eat chocolates before dinner. 饭前决不要吃巧克力糖。‎ choose[tFU:z] (chose, chosen) v. 选择,挑选:He was chosen as monitor. 他被选为班长。/ Choose me a good one. 给我挑一个好的。‎ chopsticks[5tFCpstiks](pl.) n.筷子:Both Chinese and Japanese use chopsticks. 中国人和日本人都用筷子。/ Chopsticks can be made of wood and bamboo. 筷子可以用木材和竹子做。‎ Christmas[5krismEs] n. 圣诞节:I hope we have a white Christmas. 我多么希望我们有一个下雪的圣诞节呀。/ Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!‎ church[tFE:tF] n. 教堂;教会:She has never enter this church. 这座教堂她从没进过。‎ cinema[5sinEmE] n. 电影院;电影:There are three famous cinemas in the city. 在这个城市里有3家有名的电影院。/ Let’s go to the cinema now. 去看电影吧。‎ circle[5sE:kl] n. 圈子;圆:Let’s put our desks in a circle. 咱们把桌子摆成一圈儿吧。v. 环绕,绕行:I saw the bird circling in the sky. 我看到那只鸟在上空盘旋。‎ city[5siti] n. 城市:We have lived in the city for three years. 我们已经在这个城市住了3年了。/ This is an industrial city. 这是个工业城。‎ class[5klB:s] n. (学校里的)班级;等级:We were both in the same class. 那时我们在同一个班。‎ classmate[5klB:smeit] n. 同班同学:I am his classmate in the college. 我是他大学的同班同学。‎ classroom[5klB:srum] n. 教室:We often study by ourselves in the classroom at night. 晚上我们经常在教室里自习。‎ clean[klI:n] v. 把……弄干净,擦干净:She helped me clean my desks. 她帮我把桌子擦干净了。 adj.干净的,清洁的:This shirt is dirty, please wash it clean. 这件衬衣是脏的,请把它洗干净。‎ ‎【短语】 clean up 清除,收拾干净:My mother has help me clean up my room. 妈妈已经帮我把房间收拾干净了。‎ clearly[5kliEli] adv. 清楚地:Please speak more clearly, we can’t hear you. 请说得再清楚点儿,我们听不到。‎ clever[5klevE] adj. 聪明的,机灵的:How clever of him to do that! 他那样做简直太聪明了。‎ climb[klaim] v. 爬;攀登:We plan to climb a mountain tomorrow. 明天我们打算去爬山。/ The girl is good at climbing trees. 这个小女孩擅长爬树。‎ clock[klCk] n. 钟:He glanced at the clock again. 他又看了看钟。‎ ‎【注意】 只能用在整点钟之后。如:He gets to school at eight o’clock. 他8点钟到达学校。‎ close[klEuz] v. 关,闭:It is a little cold, would you please close the window? 有点儿冷, 把窗户关一下好吗? / He closed the door and locked it. 他把门关上并上了锁。‎ closed[klEuzd] adj. 关着的:Keep your mouth closed. 别吵。‎ clothes[5klEuTz] (pl.) n. 衣服:He has two suits of school clothes. 他有两套校服。/ He spends a lot of money on clothes. 他在衣着上的花费很大。‎ cloud[klaud] n. 云:The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳躲进云朵里去了。/ The airplane flew above the clouds. 飞机在云层上飞行。‎ cloudy[5klaudi] adj. 多云的,阴天的:The sky looks a bit cloudy now but I think it will clear up. 天空现在看来有点云,但我想会放晴。‎ club[5klQb] n. 俱乐部;社团:They are all members of our book club.他们都是我们读书会的成员。/ The social club meets every Friday. 社交俱乐部每星期五聚会。‎ coat[kEut] n. 外套,上衣:Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套。/ She is wearing a fur coat. 她穿着一件皮大衣。‎ code[kEud] n. 密码;符号:You should learn to recognize this code. 你应该识别这些符号。/ That’s a sort of code name I’ve given to the man. 这是我给那人的一种代码。‎ coin[kCin] n. 硬币:He is collecting foreign coins. 他正在收集外国硬币。‎ cold[kEuld] adj. 冷的,寒冷的:I find the water too cold. 我觉得水太凉了。/ You must be cold, come to the fire. 你一定冷了,到火跟前来。‎ collect[kE5lekt] v. 收集,搜集:He likes collecting stamps. 他喜欢集邮。/ He collects books for the library. 他为图书馆收集书籍。‎ college[5kClidV] n. 学校;高等专科学校:I want to go to the teachers’ college. 我想上师范学院。/ We are good friends in college. 我们上大学时是好朋友。‎ color[5kQlE] n. 颜色:The color of leaves is yellow in autumn. 秋天树叶是黄色的。v. 给……着色:She colored her hair yellow. 她把头发染成了黄色。‎ colorful[5kQlEfl] adj. 颜色艳丽的:It is a very colorful picture. 这是一张色彩丰富的画。/ There is a bird with colorful wings on the tree. 树上有一只翅膀色彩艳丽的鸟。‎ ‎ come[kQm] (came, come) v. 来:I come from Hubei‎ ‎Province. 我是湖北人。/ Here comes the bus. 公交车来了。‎ ‎【短语】come along 来,随同:Take every chance that comes along.抓住到来的每一个机会。come down 下来:Has your temperature down? 你热度降下来了吗?/ I hope they will soon come down in price. 我希望他们不久会降价。come in 进来,进入:May I come in? 我可以进来吗?come on 来吧:Come on, Lily, give me a favor. 李丽过来帮个忙吧。come out 出来;(花)开:Some flowers have begun to come out. 一些花已经开始开放了。/ The game came out as we had hoped. 比赛结果正是我们所希望的。come over 过来;顺便来访:They come over from the North to see us. 他们从北方过来看我们。/ Come over when you have time. 有空过来玩。come true 实现:What he has hoped came true at last. 他的愿望最后实现了。come up with 找到;提出(答案,解决办法等):He came up with a new suggestion. 他提出了一个新的建议。‎ comfortable[5kQmftEbl] adj. 舒适的,舒服的:I feel comfortable at his home. 在他家我感到很舒服。/ The room is hot and comfortable. 这个房间既暖和又舒适。‎ competition[7kCmpE5tiFn] n. 比赛,竞争:She came first in a writing competition. 她书法比赛得了第一名。/ So competition will be tough. 因此竞争会很激烈。‎ complain[kEm5plein] v. 抱怨,发牢骚:She complained his carelessness. 她抱怨他的粗枝大叶。/ He complained to her about the food. 他向她抱怨伙食不好。‎ composition[7kCmpE5ziFn] n. 作文,作品:The teacher asked his students to write 10 compositions in summer holiday. 暑假老师给学生布置了10篇作文。‎ computer[kEm5pju:tE] n. 电脑,电子计算机:Computer plays an important role in the office. 在办公室里电脑发挥了重要的作用。‎ concert[5kCnsEt] n. 音乐会,演奏会:Have you ever been to a concert before?你以前听过音乐会吗?‎ conductor[kEn5dQktE] n. (汽车、电子上的)售票员;(火车上的)列车员:The conductor said she would tell me when to get off. 售票员说她将告诉我在哪里下车。‎ confident[5kCnfidEnt] adj. 有自信的;确信的:They were confident in everything they did. 他们对所做的一切都充满信心。/ I’m confident that I can beat him. 我确信我可以打败他。‎ congratulations[kEn7grAtFu5leiFnz](pl.)n. 祝贺,庆祝:Congratulations on winning the race. 祝贺你比赛获胜。‎ ‎【注意】常跟介词on搭配。‎ conversation[7kEnvE5seiFn] n. 会话,谈话:Their conversation lasted several hours. 他们的谈话持续了好几个小时。/ I had an interesting conversation with him. 我和他进行了一次有趣的谈话。‎ cook[kuk] v. 烹调,煮:She cooked us some potatoes. 她给我们煮了些土豆。n. 厨师:Are you a good cook? 你饭做得好吗?‎ cookie[5kuki] n. 小甜饼:He taught me to do this kind of cookie. 他教会我做这种小甜饼。‎ cool[ku:l] adj. 凉的;(俚语)了不起的:I want to get some cool. 我想乘乘凉。/ In her eyes he is the coolest boy. 在她眼里他是最酷的男孩。‎ ‎【说明】 当今年轻人常说的“酷”的谐音。‎ copy[5kCpi] v. 抄写,誉写:I copy the text into my book. 我把这篇课文抄到本子上。/ Please copy my actions. 请按我的动作做。‎ corn[kC:n] n. (美)玉米;谷类庄稼:Corn is the largest crop in the United states. 玉米是美国最重要的农作物。/ I often gathered corn when I was young. 小时候我经常拾谷物。‎ corner[5kC:nE] n. 角落;(街道)拐角:There is a bookshop at the corner of the road. 路的拐角处有一家书店。/ Two sat down in a corner. 两人在一个角落坐下。‎ correct[kE5rekt] v. 改正:Please correct my pronunciation. 请纠正我的发音。/ You’d better correct your mistake seriously. 你最好认真改正错误。‎ cost[kCst] (cost, cost ) v. 花费(金钱,时间等):The pair of shoes cost me 50 yuan. 这双鞋子花了我50块钱。/ It cost me one hour to recite the poem. 我花了一个小时去背这首诗。‎ cotton[5kCtn] n. 棉花:His coat is made of cotton in the seed. 他的外套是用棉絮做的。/ Where is cotton grown? 哪里种植棉花?‎ cough[kCf] v. 咳嗽:He coughed day and night. 他日夜不停地咳嗽。/ The smoke made me cough. 烟呛得我直咳嗽。‎ could[kEd] v.aux. 会,能:Could I possibly borrow your car? 我可否借用你的车?/ Could you open the door for me? 请你替我开门行吗?‎ ‎【说明】 could是can的过去式形式,通常用来表许可或请求。‎ country[5kQntri] n. 国家;乡村,农村:He was ready to die for his country. 他准备为祖国献出生命。/ My uncle has a farm in the country. 我叔叔在乡下有个农场。‎ countryside[5kQntrisaid] n. 乡下,农村:In spring, the English countryside is green. 春天,英国农村一片绿色。‎ cousin[5kQzn] n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹:He is a cousin of mine. 他是我的堂(表)兄弟。‎ cover[5kQvE] v. 覆盖:Please cover the bowl with a piece of paper. 请用纸把碗盖上。/ Flood covers our fields. 洪水淹没了我们的田地。‎ cow[kau] n. 奶牛:There is a black cow in the meadow. 草地上有头黑奶牛。/ The Frenchman said,“I want something for my cow. ” 这个法国人说:“我要给我的奶牛买点东西。”‎ crash[krAF] v. 坠落;冲撞:The building crashed to the ground. 那楼倒坍了。‎ crop[krCp] n. 庄稼;收成:The crops have failed this year. 今年庄稼歉收。/ Snow promises a rich crop. 瑞雪兆丰年。‎ cross[krCs] n. 十字形记号:The cross on the map shows where our house is. 地图上的十字形记号显示我们房子的位置。v. 越过,穿过:You can’t cross here, there’s too much traffic. 不能在这里过马路,车太多了。‎ crossing[5krCsiN] n. 十字路口,交叉点:Be careful when you get to the railway crossing. 到铁路道口时要小心。/ Turn right at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口向右拐。‎ crowd[kraud] v. 拥挤:Many people crowded around a speaker. 许多人围着一个演讲的人。/ They crowded into the hall. 他们挤进了大厅。‎ cry[krai] v. 哭,喊叫:The man in the river was crying for help. 掉在河里的人在呼救。/ The little boy was crying because he had lost his way. 小男孩在哭,因为他迷了路。‎ cup[kQp] n. 杯子:The empty cup stands on the table. 空杯子在桌上。/ Will you have another cup of tea? 请再喝一杯茶,好吗?‎ cupboard[5kQbEd] n. 碗橱;小橱(柜):Put the bowl back into the cupboard. 把这个碗放回柜内。‎ cut[kQt](cut, cut ) v. 割,砍,切:Please cut this piece of string. 请剪断这根绳子。/ I cut my finger. 我把手指割破了。‎ ‎【短语】cut down 砍倒:They are cutting down trees. 他们正在伐木。/ Seven trees have been cut down. 有7棵树给砍倒了。‎

