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Module 4 Planes,ships and trains Unit 1 第二课时 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1 . I don't know what his ________is because these two coats are both beautiful. 2 . Alice is in Class One and I am in Class One too.We are ___________ . 3 . The bus stop is _________with people at eight in the morning. 4 . Yesterday all the students went to the zoo ________Xiao Wei. 5 . —Two people died in the car ___________ . —I'm sorry to hear that. choice classmates crowded except accident 二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 . Yesterday was the _________day of the month.Because I worked from 5 am to 11 pm. 7 . Of all the students , who lives the___________ ? 8 . Lingling lives the __________to school , so she always walks. 9 . For Alice , going to the park by bike is the ______choice. 10 . I think the ___________________way to go to school is by taxi. busiest farthest closest best most comfortable 三、单项选择。 ( )11. — ________ the most expensive way to go to school? —Going by taxi. A . What       B . How       C . What's       D . How's ( )12. — Lingling has three pens.The other children have two pens each. —Oh , Lingling has ________ pens. A . the more B . the most C . the less D . the least C B ( )13.He often goes to school ________ a bike , but sometimes he goes ________ bus. A . by ; by B . on ; on C . on ; by D . by ; on ( )14.________ you should take the underground. A . May B . May be C . Be D . Maybe ( )15. — Peter is ________ than you , right? —Yes , but he is ________ runner in our class. A . heavier ; best B . heavy ; the best C . heavier ; the best D . heavy ; better C D C 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16 .我的书包和你的相同。 My schoolbag is ___________________ . 17 .我的假期很无聊,因为一直在下雨。 I had a boring holiday , because it rained ________________ . 18 .不用担心!她能照顾她自己。 ________________ ! She can look after herself. 19 .外面有点儿冷。请穿上你的外套! It's _______________cold outside.Please put on your coat! 20 .在我回家的路上,我看到了一起道路交通事故。 ___________________ , I saw a road accident. the same as yours all the time Don't worry a bit/little On my way home

