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第二课时 Section A (3a~3c) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? few wonderful someone diary hens 1 Ⅰ myself fed to be bored shopping 2 3 4 5 3 4 1-4 1 2 5 Ⅱ Ⅲ D B B D B 5 3 4 1 2 Ⅳ Ⅴ 1-5 6-10 DABAC CDBAA 1 CBDB 11-15 DCCBD Ⅰ.根据句意用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.There are ______ cars or people on the street,so it's very quiet. 2.—I hear you just have finished making a flash mob(快闪) My People,My Country? —That's true.It is really a _____________way to show our love for our country. few wonderful wonder,someone,diary,few,hens 3.—Dad,_____________ called you just now.I told him to phone again 20 minutes later. —OK.Thanks,Mary. 4.My grandmother keeps many _______ .They lay many eggs for her. 5.—Lisa keeps an English _________ every day. —Really?That's why her English writing is so good. someone hens diary Ⅱ.根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.—Jack,you swam very well.Who taught you? —Nobody.I taught _________ (I). 2.—What did you do on the farm? —We picked some strawberries and ______ (feed) the hens. myself fed 3.—Sam seems ________ (be) different today. —So he is.He had a haircut yesterday. 4.Mostly,men like to watch sports games at home while women like to go __________ (shop). 5.After watching the movie for some minutes,I felt _______(bore) and left. to be shopping bored Ⅲ.单项填空。 ( )1.(2019-2020•宜春市八上期末)—I wonder how Tom and Nick became good friends because they have ______ in common. —Me,too. A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing D ( )2.(2019•河南中考)When times are difficult, tell ______ that pain is part of growing. A.you B.yourself C.your D.yours B ( )3.—Is ______ at school today? —No.Jenny is ill and she went to the hospital. A.someone B.everyone C.anyone D.nobody B ( )4.—What do you think of the new movie, Mary? —It's so ______.I don't like it at all. A.bored B.boring C.interested D.interesting B ( )5.—Can you give me a hand? —______!You are my best friend. A.That's right B.I'm sorry C.Go ahead D.Of course D Ⅳ.完形填空。 Last summer holiday,some students from China had a great vacation in different countries.Here is what they said about their 1 . ( )1.A. subjects B.differences C.dreams D.vacations D Liu Na,a middle school student,spent her holiday in Thailand.She worked 2 an elephant helper. She 3 two weeks in the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai.She said the founder(建立者) ( ) 2.A. as B.for C.in D.at ( ) 3.A. paid B.spent C.cost D.took A B of the park saved 28 elephants 4 the last ten years.The elephants can now live freely in the Nature Park.“Some foreign students like me come to 5 them, take them for a bath in the river ( ) 4. A. in B.at C.on D.to ( ) 5. A. watch B.save C.feed D.buy A C and play 6 them.With our 7 ,the elephants don't do hard work every day.We are so proud(自豪的) of that,” she said. Wang Jiao, 8 college student from China, stayed in America for a year.When he first got there, ( ) 6. A.for B.to C.with D.of ( ) 7. A.way B.luck C.age D.help ( ) 8. A.other B.another C.the other D.others C D B he was 9 to see many children die just 10 they had no money to see a doctor. ( ) 9.A. sad B.bored C.lucky D.strict ( ) 10.A. because B.but C.so D.if A A Then he 11 to help them out.“When you see children with 12 faces,you will forget your ( ) 11.A. asked B.Disliked C.missed D.decided ( ) 12.A. big B.small C.happy D.boring D C 13 ,” Wang Jiao said. If you want to have a wonderful life in other 14 and if you want to help the rest of the world,why not give yourself a chance(机会) and have a 15 ? ( )13.A. money B.height C.problems D.doctor ( )14.A. houses B.countries C.rooms D.cities ( )15.A. bird B.bicycle C.talk D.try C B D Ⅴ.阅读理解。 One day in the last summer vacation,Dave, Bob,Alice and Ann had a trip on the island(岛) not far from their house. Dave rode his bike to the river with his guitar at eight first.Then Alice got there.She took No.5 bus to go there.But why didn't Bob and Ann come?They decided to meet at eight.At ten past eight,Ann came.She said,“I'm sorry I'm late.I have to walk here because my bike doesn't work.” Ann could play the violin very well.She took it with her.Another twenty minutes passed.Bob arrived there.“Bob,you're late,” Dave said.“Hmm…On my way,I helped a boy find his parents,”said Bob.“Oh,Bob,you're great.You're a good boy,”all the other children said. At twenty to nine,they came to a boat and took the boat to the island.The boat ride took them about twenty minutes.Wow,the island is green everywhere.It's really great.They did something interesting there.First,they enjoyed the wonderful sights(景象).Then,they had some fruit and drinks.At last,they had a show.Dave played the guitar.Ann played the violin.Alice danced and Bob sang.They had a great time. ( )1.What time did Bob arrive at the river? A.At 8:00. B.At 8:10. C.At 8:30. D.At 9:00. C ( )2.How did Ann get to the river? A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By bike. D.By boat. B ( )3.What did Alice do on the island? A.Played the guitar. B.Sang. C.Played the violin. D.Danced. D ( )4.Which is NOT true according to the passage? A.Four children had a trip in the last summer vacation. B.Dave is good at playing the violin. C.The island is very wonderful. D.Ann got to the river at 8:10. B 谢 谢 观 看 Thank you for watching!

