冀教五上 教案 U2-L10

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冀教五上 教案 U2-L10

Unit 2 My country and English-speaking Countries Lesson 10 The U.K.‎ ‎【教学目标】‎ ‎1. 知识目标:学习“U.K.”以及关于英国的相关常识。‎ ‎2. 能力目标:可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.K.”,能用英语向他人介绍有关英国的知识。‎ ‎3. 情感目标:激发学生 对英语的持久兴趣,培养运用语言进行交际的能力,了解中西文化的差异。‎ ‎【教学重难点】‎ 重点:‎ 学习本课重点单词:here 难点:‎ 能用英语向其他人简单介绍英国这个国家。‎ ‎【课前准备】‎ 卡片,录音机,地图。‎ ‎【教学过程】‎ Class Opening ‎ ‎1. Greetings ‎2. Warming up ‎ Say the names of the countries quickly.‎ New Concept ‎1. Talk about the map ‎ ‎【设计意图:通过师生交流,辅以图片,让学生更有兴趣,且记忆深刻。】 ‎ This is a map of the U.K..‎ ‎2. Ask a question.‎ What is the capital city of the U.K.? ‎ Do you know about London?‎ ‎【设计意图:给学生机会请他们谈谈自己所了解的 London。学生对他们感兴趣的话题很乐于来表达。】‎ ‎3. Listen and answer the questions. ‎ ‎(1) What country is it?‎ ‎(2) What do they speak?‎ ‎(3) What is the capital city of the U.K.?‎ ‎(4) What colour is the map of the U.K.?‎ ‎4. Introduction.‎ How to say it in English? Do you want to know?‎ the U.K.'s flag, Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K. , Buckingham Palace, ect. ‎ 课件呈现 the U.K..'s flag, Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K., Buckingham Palace, ect.‎ ‎【设计意图:学生们对英国很好奇,很向往,利用这一契机,教给他们这些地方的英文,提高他们的学习积极性,同时扩大了学生的知识面。】‎ Practice ‎1. Pair work . Ask and answer, fill in the chart.‎ ‎2. Answer the questions.‎ What’s the capital city of the U.K.?‎ ‎____________________________‎ What do they speak in the U.K.?‎ ‎____________________________‎ What colour is the flag of the U. K.? ‎ ‎____________________________‎ ‎【设计意图:让学生们小组进行合作式练习,加深学生对国家介绍的词汇、句型的理解与记忆。回答问题,写出答案,笔头的练习更好地检验了学生的理解程度。】‎ Expand Introduce more knowledge of the U.K..‎ London Tower Bridge ‎ London bridge The stonehenge Class Closing ‎【课后作业】‎ ‎1. Draw the flag of the U.K.‎ ‎2. Introduce the U.K. to your friends.‎ ‎【板书设计】 ‎ Lesson10: The U.K.‎ Here is the U.K..‎ They speak English.‎ London is the capital city of the U.K.‎ The flag of the U.K. is red, white and blue. ‎

