- 2021-05-19 发布 |
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毕业照邀请函怎么写 毕业的小伙伴毕业了要拍毕业照想请同学朋友参加,但是不知道邀请函怎么写的话,可以参考下面整理关于毕业照邀请函,欢迎阅读! 毕业照邀请函范文一: 尊敬的_______: Dear _____, 您好!我班于20xx年11月19日(星期二)中午12点在校门口/下午3点在图书馆门口拍毕业照,诚邀您与我班一齐合影留念。希望您能在百忙之中抽空参加合影。 It would be our great pleasure to have your presence to have graduation photos with us at 12:00 p.m. on the front of the School Gate, or 15:00 p.m. on the front of the Library on November 19th (Tuesday), 20xx. We will highly appreciate if you can spend your precious time taking photos with us. 期待您的到场! We all look forward to your presence. 您可爱的 Yours, 毕业照邀请函范文二: Dear Mr./ Ms. : I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for you. All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been your students in the past three years. Thanks to your patience and devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, it s time to say goodbye. Despite the near departing, we would like to invite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 o clock on July 18th in order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are looking forward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come. Best regards. Yours, 10 class C 毕业照邀请函范文三: 亲爱的毕业生家长、各界朋友、全校师生: 四年,他们从懵懂稚嫩到睿智成熟,从青涩羞怯到自信坚强,一路走来,也许一直都有您默默的关怀:因您的呵护而荫蔽风雨,因您的资助而学途坦荡,因您的教诲而破茧成蝶 如今,他们即将身披学士服,接受隆重的学位授予,从大学殿堂扬帆启航,怀感恩之心,承责任之重,以激情之志,寻梦想之途。诚邀您共同参加我校___届本科生毕业典礼,见证这一庄重的盛大仪式,分享他们人生中的珍贵时刻,定格为永恒的美好记忆。 一段难忘的岁月,一份难舍的情怀,一场难得的相聚,让我们共同祝福:___届校友,前程似锦! 时间:____________________ 地点:____________________ 附:1、毕业典礼会场交通路线图 2、参会嘉宾观礼席位置安排 毕业照邀请函怎么写查看更多