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实例 大学生职业生涯发展规划书 为了在日趋激烈的竞争环境中,不断地提高就业竞争能力,使自己自身条件适合所从事的工作,在工作发挥自己的优势,提高自己工作的愉悦程度,就需要根据自己和社会的条件做好职业生涯的规划。合理的职业生涯规划对实现职业生涯成功、满足人生需求和实现人生价值具有重要的意义。 第一部分 自我认知 认识自我是职业生涯规划的基础。只有全面、客观地了解自我,才能进行合理的职业定位,进而规划个人职业生涯行动方案。我将通过自我、家庭、他人的评估和专业职业测评综合分析,以认识自我。 一、自我评估 ㈠自我评价 生理的我 女性,21岁,身高160cm,五官端正,身体健康,能胜任教育类的工作。 心理的我 ⒈心思缜密、有耐心,丰富的想象力,接收新思想快,善于寻找新方法,理解能力强;但缺乏表现力、行事不够果断。 ⒉喜欢与人交往,不喜欢单纯的做事情。 ⒊向往成功,希望在帮助别人的同时获得自我价值的肯定。 社会的我 ××学院 电子工程学院 应用电子技术教育专业(职师) 09级学生 家庭的我 家庭背景与社会资源 父母是普通工人,经济收入状况中等,社会资源较少。 家庭文化 父母敬重教师这个职业,使我从小就崇敬老师,感恩老师。他们艰苦朴素的作风、踏踏实实、以及母亲善良的好品质一直影响着我,让我乐于服务他人。 家人期待 父母期望我选择教师职业,认为这一职业稳定,有一定的社会地位。 优势的我 专业优势 本专业以“宽口径、厚基础、高素质、能力强”为总体指导思想,培养具有扎实的电子技术和信息系统的基础知识、基本理论、基本实验技能,能在高(中)等职业技术院校和普通中小学从事应用电子技术、计算机应用和信息技术教育等方面的教学和研究,以及能在电子与信息、计算机及相关领域从事科学研究、教学、技术开发与推广的复合型人才。 ⑴专业培养体现“教学型”人才与“应用型”人才的专通结合、电工技术与电子技术结合、电子技术与计算机技术相结合。 ⑵经历由初级到高级平台的专业基础实验。培养了良好的专业操作能力。 实习实践 的经历 2010.05——南宁××职业技术学校实习 2011.05——南宁××电子科技公司实习 ㈡他人评价 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 评价 优点 缺点 老师评价 学习能力强、责任心强 不够大胆、不擅于大型社交活动 朋友评价 有主见,组织能力好 固执、倔强 同学评价 待人热情、开朗乐观 创新能力不强 其他社会关系评价 乐于助人 害羞、敏感 二、工具测评 ㈠职业性格 通过职业性格测评,我的性格类型:外向+直觉+情感+知觉。 这一类型职业性格的特点: 对周围的人和事物观察得相当透彻,能够洞察现在和未来。 崇尚和谐善意、情感丰富、热情、友好、体贴、情绪强烈。总是避免矛盾,更在意维护人际关系,愿意花费很多心思,结交各种各样的人,而不是做事。 富有活力,待人宽厚,有同情心,有风度,喜欢让人高兴。我倾向于运用情感作出判断,决策时通常考虑他人的感受。 有丰富的想象力,善于创新,自信,富有灵感和新思想,善于寻找新方法,更注重理解,而不是判断。 ㈡职业兴趣 根据《RCCP通用人职匹配测试量表》测出我的职业兴趣类型: 测试项目 得分 R(现实)型 25 I(研究)型 36 A(艺术)型 36 S(社会)型 44 E(管理)型 36 C(常规)型 30 可得我所适合的职业类型为: 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) SEI:大学校长、学院院长、医院行政管理人员、历史学家、财政经济学家、职业学校教师、资料员。 SIA:社会学家、心理咨询者、心理学家、政治科学家、大学或学院的系主任、大学或学院的教育学教师、大学农学教师、大学工程和建筑课程教师、大学法律教师、大学数学(医学、物理、社会科学、生物科学)教师、研究生助教、成人教育教师。 SAI:图书馆管理员、小学教师、幼儿园教师、学前儿童教师、中学教师、师范学院的教师、盲人教师、智力障碍者教师、聋哑人教师、学校护士、牙科助理、飞行指导员。 ㈢职业能力 能力决定工作的效率。通过职业能力测评,得到如下结果: 能力类型 得分 基本智能 8 数理能力 7 言语能力 8 推理能力 9 人文素质 8 信息分析能力 9 测评结果显示:我的推理能力和信息分析能力较强,具有比较清晰的逻辑思维能力,善于思考分析,迅速地掌握问题的核心。 同时,在人际交往中,能关注他人的反应,从中理解他们的想法,能较好地指导或示范别人如何做某事。 ㈣职业价值观 价值观决定着工作的满意度。通过职业价值观测评,得到如下结果: 测评结果显示:在职业价值观测评中,我把“注重关系”视为自己重要的职业价值观,希望的工作是:能够拥有与同事和谐的关系,并且与上下级也能够融洽相处;具有团队协作性质的,能够以团体共同努力的方式进行工作;能够接触到不同类型、群体、层次的人;合乎社会道德,或者是能够在道德的原则下行事的。我非常希望获得有充分保障的工作。 适合从事的工作:教育、管理类工作 自我认知小结 职业测评工具显示的结果与自我评估基本吻合。结合自我评估与工具测评结果,我对自己有了更全面、更客观的认识。首先,无论是生理的、心理的、社会的我以及我的优势,都显示我适合从事教育类的工作。其次,选择教师这一职业也符合我的价值观。再次,父母支持我选择教师职业,为我职业的发展提供的一个有力的支持。 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 从本科学历和专业特点这一现实出发,我决定对中等职业学校教师这一职位作进一步探索。 第二部分 职业认知 一、行业环境分析 ㈠国家对职业教育高度重视 温家宝总理在《政府工作报告》中强调,“要把发展职业教育放在更加突出的位置,使教育真正成为面向社会的教育,这是一项重大变革和历史任务”。胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中提出,要“大力发展职业教育”。“十一五”期间,中央财政对职业教育将投入100亿元,重点用于支持职业教育实训基地建设,充实教学设备,资助贫困生家庭学生接受职业教育。2007年到2008年,中央财政重点支持了465个县级职教中心、785个职业教育实训基地和483所示范性中等职业学校的建设。 根据“十一五”经济社会发展规划与2020年发展设想,广西到2020年实现城镇人口2850万人,城镇化水平达到50%左右。而要实现这些城镇化发展目标,不仅需要广西经济的快速发展,更需要加快发展职业教育,快速培养高素质的劳动者和技能型人才队伍,支撑城镇化的进程。 从业人数从190万人增加到300万人 五年自减人员 合计 需要补充工程技术人员(10%) 需要补充管理营销人员(20%) 需要补充技术工人(55%) 需要补充普通工人和其他人员(15%) 增110万 减20万 130万 13万 26万 71.5万 19.5万 “十一五”期间重点工业产业需要增加的就业人数 ㈡广西中等职业学校发展现状 ⒈中等职业教育攻坚效果显著 从2007年12月到2010年底,广西投入60亿元全面实施了职业教育攻坚计划,重点是建设100所自治区级示范性职业院校,使广西职业教育办学条件居于全国平均水平,构建完善的职业教育政策体系。2009年,广西中等职业学校共招生31.95万人,与高中阶段普招比例达到1.2:1,到2009年底,中职在校生人数为73万人。同时,加强对中职学校领导和教师的培训力度。自治区积极推进中职教学改革,累计安排300所职业学校实施了近1000个教改项目,其中对187项优秀成果进行了表彰。全区2010年共有上万名学生参加了中等职业教育技能比赛。通过三年攻坚,广西中等职业学校毕业生就业率均保持在95%以上,为地方经济的发展提供了人力资源。2011年普通高等学校面向中等职业学校毕业生对口招生考试等4项考试将于4月举行,约有6000人报名参加中职对口招生考试。其中对部分技能突出、学习优秀的中职毕业生,可以免试入学,实现中职升高职的“直通”。 ⒉办学条件显著改善 广西自治区职业学校办学条件得到较大的改善。教学设备日趋齐全,实训基地日渐改善,办学条件日益提升。目前,职业学校校均校园占地面积为181.4亩,校均校舍建筑面积22114.37平方米。 ⒊办学形式趋于多样 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 就业为导向,加强校企合作,广泛推进订单办学、工学结合、产学研一体等培养模式;优势互补,加强校合作办学;加强与行业协会的交流与合作;管理体制有新突破;办学特色初步显现;服务能力不断增强。 ㈢广西中等职业学校人才需求分析 ⒈职校教师总量少 2009年,自治区职业学校在校教职工总数为6453人,其中专任教师为5056人,生师比为20.1:1,与教育部要求达到的16:1有一定的差距。 ⒉专业教师紧缺,“双师型”教师匮乏 专业教师特别是“双师型”教师的紧缺,致使职业教育的实用性和职业性得不到充分体现。近年来各中职学校加大了对专业教师的培训力度,但由于教师多为普通中学的转岗教师,缺少专业技术知识和实践操作能力,以文化课教师居多,所以培训效果并不好。目前,广西自治区职校专业课教师和文化课教师均为2528人,各占专任教师中一半的比例;实习指导教师比例偏低,仅为477人,仅占专任教师的9.4%;“双师型”教师为1182人,只占专任教师的23.4%。专任教师结构不合理,专业课教师、实习指导教师、“双师型”教师不足,无法满足正常的教学需要,难以培养出实践能力强、高质量的学生。 ⒊教师学历水平有待提高 2009年,广西自治区职业学校以本科学历教师为主,占68%;具有硕士学历的教师仅为21人,在专任教师中仅占0.4%,比重偏低;大专及以下学历的教师仍占近32%的比例。 二、目标城市行业分析 ⒈目标城市概况 近年来,南宁市大力开展城市建设,加强生态建设和环境保护,着力打造中国绿城、中国水城,努力将南宁建设成为适宜人居住的绿色城市。南宁市是5个首批获得全国城市建设最高奖“中国人居环境奖”的城市之一,还先后获得“国家园林城市”、“中国优秀旅游城市”、“全国生态环境建设十佳城市”等荣誉称号。 我家位于南宁市区附近的县城;我适应南宁的语言习惯、气候特点、生活节奏,能很快投入工作。 ⒉南宁市职业教育的发展状况 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 近年来,南宁职业教育的办学规模逐年扩大。从2005年开始,南宁市中等职业教育连续4年扩大招生,在校生从2005年的3.4万人增加到2008年的6.8万人。按照发展计划,到2010年,南宁市中等职业学校在校生规模达到8.56万人,初中毕业生就读中等职业学校的升学率达到45%。在职业教育攻坚阶段,南宁市将大力加强职业院校的基础能力建设。南宁市将重点建设南宁职业技术学院、市一职校、市三职校、市四职校、市六职校、横县职业教育中心、广西南宁高级技工学校和南宁市卫生学校等8所示范性职业院校。考虑到工业发展,南宁还将启动分别设置在南宁部分工业园区的4所技工学校的建设,并集中建设商贸与旅游、信息技术、加工制造类等10个职业教育实训基地。自2008年启动职教攻坚以来,南宁市职业教育在发展规模、财政投入、项目建设和人才培养等方面亮点纷呈。但也要清醒地看到,南宁市职业教育发展还存在着一些矛盾和问题,必须高度重视,认真对待。下一步,南宁市将继续在巩固职教发展成果上攻坚;继续在职教薄弱环节整改提高上攻坚;继续在提升职教基础能力上攻坚;继续在扩大职教办学规模上攻坚;继续在提高职教办学质量上攻坚;继续在创新职教机制上攻坚。 三、中等职业学校教师职位分析 职业 描述 主要从事高中阶段的职业教育,其定位是在九年义务教育的基础上培养技能型人才和高素质劳动者。按照教育部颁布的中等职业学校文化基础课程教学大纲,进行高中文化知识教育,并根据职业岗位的要求有针对性地开设职业教育课程,传授职业知识,培养职业技能,进行职业指导,对受教育者进行思想政治教育和职业道德教育,全面提高受教育者的素质。 工作 内容 教授文化基础课程; 教授所在职业方向的专业知识,培养职业技能、创新精神和创业精神; 组织学生实习,通过现场或模拟职场的真实环境,深化和拓展专业的学习,培养学生模仿、操作、实践、制作产品的应用性能力; 对学生进行思想政治教育和职业道德教育,培养学生的职业态度; 组织笔试和实践等方式对学生成绩进行考核。 任职 条件 教育背景:专科以上学历 核心课程:教育学、心理学等与所教职业相关的课程和教法等 职业资格:教师资格证和实习指导教师资格证;相关专业的技能资格证。 核心能力:表达能力、沟通能力、实际操作技术能力 工作环境 教室或实习场地上课;带学生去工厂实地参观或实习。 薪酬待遇 因地区、学校及个人职称、教学工作量不同而有所差别。一般在每月2000元以上,并享有一定的福利。 职业认知小结 通过对行业环境分析、目标城市行业分析以及具体职位分析以及职业生涯人物访谈,使我对目标职业有更深刻的认识。 目前国家高度重视中职教育,广西中职学校发展迅速且发展良好,中职教师需求不断增加,中职教师具有较大的发展空间,其待遇不断提高,享有一定的福利,具有较好的保障。 中等职业学校教师是“教师型”与“技能型”的结合,要求具备较强的实际操作技术能力。同时,中职学生与普通中学学生心理不同,学习目的不同,中职教师应更注重学生的心理变化。 第三部分 职业目标及路径设计 在自我认知和职业认知的基础上,我将运用SWOT技术决策,以确定职业目标,明晰未来的职业路径。 一、SWOT分析 内部环境因素 优势因素(strenths) 劣势因素(weaknesses) 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) ² 职业兴趣、职业性格、职业能力、职业价值观与教师这一职业相符 ² 专业培养目标为中职教师 ² 良好的身心条件让我能胜任教育性质的各类工作。 ² 有较好的表述能力,理解分析能力强 ² 善于洞悉他人想法,迅速掌握问题的核心 ² 实践经历不多 ² 对电子知识、电子技能掌握程度还不高 ² 不够自信,表现力不强 外部环境因素 机会因素(opportunities) 威胁因素(threats) ² 国家高度重视职业教育 ² 电子产业是一项新兴的高科技产业,被称为朝阳产业 ² 职业院校快速发展 ² 中职教师需求较大 ² 家庭支持 ² 技术人员能够通过考取教师资格证进入中职学校就职 ² 同类专业非师范生可通过考取教师资格证进入中职学校就职,竞争相当激烈 ² 学校对第一批职师班专业培养缺少经验 通过SWOT分析,我的个性心理、能力特长及价值观适合从事中职教师工作,且我的专业背景、知识结构为从事中职教师工作奠定了良好的基础。而且,国家高度重视职业教育,广西中等职业院校正快速发展,中职教师需求较大,这为我职业的发展提供了一个良好的前景。 同时,选择中职教师工作也面临着一些的不足和外部的威胁。 根据职业生涯人物访谈,我了解到中职教师工作要求中等职业学校教师是“教师型”与“技能型”的结合,要求具备较强的实际操作技术能力。而我在表现力还不够,实践经历不够。我将会通过以后的学习与工作予以弥补。 另外,由于南宁的就业竞争较大,则提前取得各项进入中职业学校任教的资格证书。 二、职业目标的确定 通过上述关于自我认知、职业认知的分析,以及SWOT分析的结果,我确定了我的职业生涯目标。 职业目标:毕业后成为南宁市中等职业学校的一名教师。 三、职业发展路径 第四部分 行动方案 一、总体目标 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 二、职业行动计划 目 标 具体期限 细分目标 实施策略 中职教师 (2012-2014) 2012.3 -2012.9 计算机三级考试 1.每天学习机算机理论的时间不少于1个小时。 2.每天计算机实操1小时。 教育理论知识 1.2012.03-2012.06阅读《普通教育学原理》,并撰写读书笔记。 2.2012.06-2012.09阅读《普通心理学》,并撰写读书笔记。 教育技能 和专业技能 1.2012.04参与学校组织到中职学校的教学实习活动,积累教学经验。 2.每周至少从事2个小时的中小学家教工作。 3.每天操场练习演讲半小时。 4.通过家电器等实践课程提高专业实操能力 5.利用2012年暑假到南宁电子科技广场,寻求一家电子产品公司实习。 2012.9 -2013.2 计算机辅助设计(电子CAD)证书考试 1.每天学习计算机辅助设计(电子CAD)证书课程不少于1个小时。 2.每天上机实操2小时,掌握protel 99se和 altium designer—protel (升级版本)的使用方法和绘图技巧。 教育理论知识 1.2012.09-2012.10阅读《个性化教育原理与方法》,并撰写读书笔记。 2.2012.11-2012.12阅读《教育心理学》,并撰写读书笔记。 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 教育技能 和专业技能 1.每周至少从事2个小时的中小学家教工作。 2.10月参与学校组织到中职学校的教学实习,积累教学经验。 3.寒假期间,到南宁电子科技广场,寻求一家电子产品公司实习。 4.每天操场练习演讲半小时。 2013.2 -2013.6 1.为6月份计算机辅助设计(电子CAD)认证考试做冲刺准备,争取在2013年6月份,取得电子CAD应用工程师证书。 2.进行毕业论文设计及答辩。 3.收集南宁中职学校招聘信息,参加人才招聘会,积极投放简历。 中职中级 讲师 (2013 -2015) 2013.7 -2014.7 1.完成学校安排的教学与实习工作。 2.发表1篇学术论文 3.申请1项教育教学科研项目。 4.做好班主任工作,争取所担任班主任班级被评为优秀班级。 5.每周与同事交流两次以上。 2014.7 -2015.7 1.每天英语学习1小时,通过全国职称外语等级考试(B级) 2. 完成学校安排的教学与实习工作。 3. 参加教师讲课评课大赛,参加职业技能大赛,指导学生参加职业技能竞赛 4. 发表一篇论文。 5.做好评中职中级讲师职称的其他工作 6.每周与同事交流两次以上。 中职高级 讲师 (2015-2018) 2015.7 -2016. 7 1.完成学校安排的教学与实习工作。 2.发表1篇学术论文 3.申请1项科研项目。 4.每周与同事交流两次以上。 2016.7 -2017. 7 1.完成学校安排的教学与实习工作。 2.发表1篇学术论文 3.申请1项科研项目。 4.每周与同事交流两次以上。 5.每天英语学习1小时,通过全国职称外语等级考试 2017.7 -2018.7 1. 完成学校安排的教学与实习工作。 2.做好评中职高级讲师职称的其他工作 3.发表一篇论文。 第五部分 评估与调整 环境总是处在不断变化中,应根据实际情况和目标的实现程度分析,做好职业目标与职业路径的修改和调整,依据具体情况采取相应的措施,不断修正职业生涯的目标和策略,保证职业生涯规划切实可行、行之有效。 保持每半年做一次评估,每月根据当月主要事务做详细周计划,充分认识自己并随时调整计划,为职业生涯打牢基础。 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm) 一、评估与调整 在实施行动方案的过程中,将利用从工作中或非工作中得到的反馈信息,不断评估自己的职业目标定位和职业发展方向是否合适,职业生涯策略是否可行等等方面内容。若发生与职业生涯规划的偏差,则需要有针对性地修正,修订职业生涯规划的内容包括有:重新选择职业、重新选择生涯路线、修正阶段性目标、变更实施策略计划等。例如:在2013年4月没有通过计算机三级考试,则于2013年10月再次参加计算机三级考试,并在2013年4-8月,针对考试,拟定短期的行动方案,以增大实现目标的可能。 二、备选方案 结合我的职业兴趣、职业性格、职业能力、职业价值观,我拟定了一份针对目标职业的备选职业生涯规划方案,以适应千变万化的职场世界,更好地主动把握人生。我的备选职业目标为中小学教师。 一个人想要获得人生的成功,没有规划是不行的,没有目标的人就像推磨的驴一样,忙碌一生却只是在原地转圈圈。今天站在哪里重要,但更重要的是你下一步迈向哪里。在做这次职业规划之前我只知道要完成大学学业,如何完成,都没有明确的实施策略,更别说职业实施策略了。通过这次职业规划生涯的设计过程,我明确了职业目标,设计了实施策略,并考虑到了备选方案。这使我不再感觉前方路一片迷雾。世界上唯一不变的东西就是变化,此后我还要根据环境的变化,不断地评估和反馈,坚持不懈,从而保证计划得以实施。天生我材必有用,我的未来不是梦! 为搞好山东省交通科学研究所研发基地项目的结算审计工作,我跟踪审计部特针对本项目作如下要求,请各施工单位、供货单位遵照执行:and performance test copies of the record. If necessary, review should be carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline ... Tube wall thickness (mm) 2-3 4-6 7-10 weld form no slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1.5 1.5-2 weld width b (mm) 5-6 7-6 has slope mouth weld strengthening height h (mm) 1.5-2 2 weld width b (mm) cover had each edge slope mouth about 2 mm argon arc welding weld strengthening surface height and width tube wall thickness (mm) 2--3 3--4 5--6 weld form weld strengthening height h (mm) 1-1 .5 1.5-2 2-2.5 width b (mm)查看更多