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英语论文之任务、目标和过程的有机完整统一---结合教学实例谈如何实施英语任务型教学 任务、目标和过程的有机完整统一 结合教学实例谈如何实施任务型教学 宁夏银川九中 沈洪泉 【摘 要】本文介绍了作者学习研究任务型课堂教学理论并将其运用于课堂教学实践的一个实例。在准备和实施NSEFC 第三模块第五单元 “Canada—The True North”的阅读课 “A Trip on the True North”的教学过程中,如何结合实际贯彻运用任务型教学模式,体现 “用教材教,而不是教教材”的教学思路,有效利用互联网上的搜索引擎、电子邮件和博客等多种电子媒体和书刊杂志等传统信息平台,实现了师生之间、学生之间、师生和外界人士之间的多向互动,达到了在完成任务中学会交际,在完成任务中提高学生的语言能力和水平,在完成任务中开拓学生的眼界和胸怀,在完成任务中培养学生正确的情感、态度和价值观的教学目标。 【关键词】任务型教学,教学思路,教学目标,实施过程,总结反思 一、教学思路和教学目标的确定以及教学前的准备 任务型教学(Task-based Learning)的理念是在上世纪八十年代由N.S.Prabhu在其《过程教学大纲》中提出,经过许多语言教学工作者的努力,于上世纪90年代逐步成熟的。(Paul Davies and Eric Pears,2000) 任务型教学模式与其他交际教学模式的最大不同就在于它特别强调采用具有明确目标的“任务”来帮助学生更积极主动地学习和运用语言,使他们产生更强烈的学习动机,成为自主的学习者。在设置有难度但可以征服的任务时,教师向学生说明这些任务旨在学到什么技能本事,它们有何价值意义,然后设计各种方案,提供需要的资源,介绍基本的常识,提出引导性的问题,保证学生能从中获得成功所需要的基本学习环境。任务型教学强调学习只有在有意义和目的的活动中才会发生。任务教学法的最精彩之处在于活动的“意义”和“目的”是由学生自己体会或与教师共同决定的。任务教学法是外语教学界提出的“过程教学大纲”(process syllabuses或procedure syllabus)的产物。“过程教学大纲”提出“重心转移”(a shift of emphasis),即从“要学生学什么”转为“让学生在实践中感悟到什么是怎么被学到的”。前者的重心在于学语言的内容(subject),后者的重心在于学习和掌握语言的过程。(夏纪梅,2003) 在进行教学准备的过程中,我考虑到新课程提倡的是“材料式”的教材观,即教材是教师教和学生学的材料,它仅仅是教学资源之一。新课程的理念认为,教材是学生发展的“文化中介”,是师生进行对话的 “话题”(topic)。师生进行的教学活动不是为了记住话题本身,而是通过话题进行交流,从而获得发展。正因为如此,新课程才要求教师“用教材去教”,而不是“教教材”。(俞红珍,2005) 基于以上理念和思路。我在对NSEFC 第三模块第五单元 “Canada—The True North”的阅读课 “A Trip on the True North”进行教学准备时,首先确立了以下教学任务并把它们下达给学生们,即要求并帮助学生通过此次阅读教学过程完成了解加拿大的风土人情,历史和现状,并对加拿大、美国和中国某些基本国情进行初步的比较和研究。 为完成以上任务我定下了以下三个教学目标: 1. 语言技能教学目标—要求学生读懂课文,了解细节,掌握主旨大意,并就课文内容展开讨论。 2. 跨文化比较研究教学目标—让学生了解加拿大这个幅员辽阔但又距离遥远,在当今世界上知名度并不很高这样一个国家的多种文化、传统和多民族种族共同体的人文,历史、地理和现状,亦即通过相关教学活动来拓宽学生的文化视野,并通过中加美三个大国的发展和现状比较来实现跨文化比较研究。 3. 情感、态度、价值观教学目标— 帮助学生认识到我们这个地球村的多元文明-文化以及多民族种族共同存在的现实,只有各个国家、各个民族、种族和各种文化互相依存、互相学习、共同繁荣,才能实现建成和谐世界的美好前景。 显然,以上教学任务的完成和目标的达到需要相当大的教学容量,而且还要让学生了解许多相关背景知识,这一切在一节课的阅读教学中是无法完成的。好在我早在平时就已经形成了这样一种教学路子,即把每单元的教学中心-阅读课分为课前-课中-课后三个环节。我在课前准备和要求学生预习时往往要求自己和学生在互联网上登陆相关网址或利用搜索引擎查找相关背景知识和有用信息。早在高一第一学期,我和学生们一起在中国博客网上建了一个集体博客“Class 11,our home”(我们的家园十一班),我和学生们都经常把各自在教学中的看法和疑难问题、各种观感和各自查到的资料都用博客形式刊登在网上。 语言教学也正如宋代大诗人陆游所说的那样“功夫在诗外”,我平时喜欢博览群书的爱好正好让我在不经意间看到了《中外文摘》上的一篇短文《加拿大的选择》。该文对加拿大和美国进行了比较,认为这两个互为邻居,历史文化有许多相似点的领土大国却选择了不同的发展道路。加拿大虽然也属富国之一,但从来行事低调,不像美国那样事事咄咄逼人,以霸主自居。把这篇文章中的一些观点通过博客介绍给学生,我想对于学生了解这个多样化的世界和我国的独立自主,建立和谐世界的外交政策还是有所帮助的。 2005年第12期《中国国家地理》杂志正好是一期加拿大专辑,其中精彩丰富的图片和资料被我们信手拈来,对这个单元的教学也是大有裨益的。 我以前的一位同事现在正好就在加拿大。我就用英语写了一封电子邮件《致友人》(To My Friend)(参见附件) 发送给他,向他了解他在加拿大的亲身体验,并把我的电邮和他的回复都登在我们的博客上。我还把自己写的这篇博客穿插到这一节阅读课中作为辅助材料来使用。 制作精当实用的课件,利用多媒体手段教学,是时下教学中常用的一个辅助手段,这些我都在实施教学前准备好了。 此外,要求学生预习课文也是阅读课前教学环节的一个必不可少的方面。实际上,我在一周前就已经要求学生上网查找资料。所以,他们对于这次阅读课的背景知识已经有相当程度的了解。上课前他们还预习了课文,这一切都为完成这次阅读课任务作了一个较好的准备。 二、教学实施过程 有了前期的充分准备,实施教学就比较顺利了,但我还是和往常一样,在教学中注意把握了以下几个原则: 1.作为教师的我,虽然是课堂教学的设计者和组织者,但更重要的是一个参与者,有时也不妨做一个旁观者。我必须把自己放在和学生完全平等的地位上和他们一起去完成教学任务,有时甚至把部分或全部任务交给学生来完成。 2.任务型教学最突出的特点和要求就是学生在教学过程中不只是在“学”(Learn),而主要是在“做” (Do),即通过具体任务的实施来达到语言活动(主要是运用,其次才是学习)的目的。 3.整个教学过程中所有环节中最主要的环节是阅读,这种阅读是为了完成任务而进行的积极主动的阅读,带着问题去寻找相关信息的阅读,围绕中心有重点的阅读,为培养阅读技巧提高阅读能力而进行的尝试性阅读。 4.课堂活动要多样化,即有pair wrok,又有group work和class work,即师生问答和课堂讨论。课堂讨论占的比重最大,最好能形成争论和辩论,才能激活学生的思维和语言能力。 5.教学任务的完成和教学目标的达到这一主旨要贯串在于教学活动的始终。既然是任务型阅读课,它就只有三个部分,即:Pre-reading,Reading和Post-reading. 我的这一节阅读课分为以下几个步骤进行。 1.Warming up:我没有照搬教材上的Warming up 设计,而是以提问方式进行了导入。 Q1:How much do you know about Canada? Q2:What’s its size and population? Q3: What is the climate like there? Q4:What do you know about its natral resources? Q5:What do know about its culture and customs? Q6: Do you know many Chinese overseas students study there?And why do they choose to study there? 2.Pre-reading:我用事先在好的课件展示了加拿大地图,问了课本上已有的四个问题。 3.Reading and Comprehending:由于学生已经预习过课文,他们可以通过pair work 和group work 就Comprehending 中的问题展开讨论。 4.Retelling the text:这个环节之所以重要,是因为它能让学生不是逐字逐句的按照原文而是用自己掌握的英语组织并讲出一个语篇,这是一种很好的语篇口语训练。 5.Reading 2:由于Reading 中的课文太短,信息量有限,我又把副课文 “The True North From Toronto to Montreal”加了进来。这次是放录音跟读的方式让学生读课文,然后回答了问题。 6.Post-reading:分为两个部分。先是让学生自己围绕两篇课文联系加拿大的概况和最富有的资源谈水和树林做了简单的讨论,然后就加拿大的多民族多种族的和平相处和融合进行了重点讨论。最后学生们围绕着 “To My Friend” 中谈到的美加国情差异再加上我们中国这个正在崛起的大国的国际形象各抒己见,进行了短暂而热烈的讨论。 7.Summary:在本课结束前,由教师作了简单的小结,对本次教学任务的实施效果作了讲评。 8.Homework assignment:要求学生就本课教学内容继续收集资料,发表看法,最后自定题目写出小论文。成为研究性学习的尝试,以上所有活动成果都应发表在“我们的家园,十一班”集体博客上。 三、课后的总结和反思 总体上讲,这次任务型阅读教学的实施还是比较成功的,主要体现在: 1.任务明确,目标确立得当,基本符合新课程标准的要求。通过这次教学的课前、课中和课后等活动,学生和教师都对加拿大这个国家方方面面的基本情况有了比较深入的了解,并通过中加美三国的比较初步涉及了一点国际政治和文化研究,对于学生开拓视野,建立正确的爱国情感、国际主义价值观有一定的帮助。 2.寓语言教学和文化教学为一体,实现了信息探寻资料掌握和研究性学习的一体化。在整个教学过程中,通过任务和目标的确定和下达,师生协同努力、兴趣高涨、几乎人人参与,学生的主体性和主动性都得到了发挥。而且还改变了以往英语阅读课纯粹是语言活动的旧习,把文化研究和语言活动有机的结合在一起,实现了师生间资源共享和多向互动。自从我开始新课程教学以来,我一直在进行这方面的探索,比如在NSEFC 第三模块第四单元 “Astronomy: the science of the stars” 的教学中,我就和学生们一起查找和阅读了不少有关爱因斯坦和斯蒂芬?霍金的文献资料,并把这些资料信息全都写进了我们的集体博客。在充分利用新兴电子媒体的同时,我们也仍然让传统信息载体书刊杂志继续发挥作用。最近我把自己近年来收集的有一定时代特色的又能激发学生兴趣的五十多本读物,分发到学生手中进行漂流,这样做就是为了让他们提高自学的兴趣、能力和文化素养。 3.准备充分,形式多样,活动量充足,任务型教学活动的效率机理得到了充分发挥。任务型教学活动的“重头戏”在于交互活动。在pair work,group work和class work 等活动形式中,学生之间,师生之间为了完成任务而协作沟通,在沟通中各方都充分运用各种教学和学习策略,调动一切知识和技能去寻求沟通,即完成了任务,又提高了语言的运用能力和水平。 当然,在教学中我也发现了一些不足和需要改进的地方。 一是作为教师的我对学生的能力和各种可利用资源进行充分利用和整合的能力还有待于进一步提高。由于对所有学生的积极性的调动还不够,发现部分学生对任务的反应不够积极时只好听之任之,不能做到高屋建瓴,总揽全局,往往力不从心,捉肘见襟。 二是在任务内容量大,活动环节多的情况下,总是力求面面俱到,力量使用平均,反而使重点不够突出,比如对加拿大基本国情的讨论就有些粗糙,显得火候不够。 —————————— 参考文献 教育部:《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》,人民教育出版社,2003年。 韩刚、王蓉:《英语教师对任务型教学的准备》,《中小学外语教学》杂志,2004年,第1期,第1-6页。 夏纪梅:《现代外语课程设计理论与实践》,上海外语教育出版社,2003年。 俞红珍:《英语教材的取舍和调整:本质、内容和方法》,《中小学外语教学》杂志,2005年,第1期,第11-13页。 《中国国家地理》杂志,2005年第12期。 《加拿大的选择》,《中外文摘》杂志, Breen, M. P. Littlejjohn, A. 2000. “Classroom Decision-making”. Cambridge University Press. Davies, P. Pears E. 2000. “Success in EnglishTeaching”. Oxford University Press. Ellis, R. 1994. “Understanding Second Language Acquisition”. Oxford University Press. Hedge, T. 2000. “Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom”. Oxford University Press. Nuttall, C. 1996. “Teaching Reading Skills in a Froeign Language”. Macmillan Education. Scrivener, J. 1994. “Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English language Teachers”. Macmillan Education. Silberstein, S. 1994. “Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading”. Oxford University Press. Stern, H. H. 1996. “Issues and Options in Language Teaching”. Oxford University Press. 附件 To my friend We haven’t exchanged messages for a long time. Recently I’ve got more and more interested in Canada for the following three reasons. The first is that I have just read an article in a Chinese magazine, whose title is “Canada’s Choice”. In the writer’s opinion, although Canada and the United States are in the same continent, they chose different ways in their development. The US, after its independence, drove many English settlers to the north—Canada. It has had such a powerful military force that when the Canadians had to choose a place to set up their capital in, the first matter they cared about was whether it was distant enough to be invaded by the Americans. So the then Queen Victoria accepted her courtiers’ advice that the capital be set up where now its name is Vancouver because it was far from the US at that time, with large and thick forests and inconvenient transport. After that within about 100 years the both countries developed in different ways. The Americans expanded positively and quickly but the Canadians were comparatively conservative. The Americans have attracted many of the intelligent and gifted people from other parts in the world and owned the strongest military force in the world and has been left as the only super-power in the world. In the meantime, however, Canada has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world, which cares much more about its people’s welfare and has its people have a comparatively equal share of its profits. As for the second reason, I’d like to say something about the magazine “CNG” which stand for Chinese National Geography. I still remember I showed you one issue of it last year when you paid a visit to my home and we talked about the different words used in “American National Geographic”. You reminded me the American one uses the word “geographic” but the Chinese prefers “geography”. We had only a short talk in such a hurry that I forgot to ask you why and whether they have some differences. Can you do me a favor to tell me why and for what they chose the different words? And in last year’s 12th issue of CNG, there was a special scheme about Canada with some good articles and photos, for which you can visit the website cng.com.cn. and sina.com. After reading them, I found I have known much more about that country, about which in our childhood we knew it only because Chairman Mao’s famous article “In Memory of Dr. Bethune” We memorized it and always remembered that Norman Bethune helped us in the 1930s. Besides that, we knew very little about Canada, its people, its landscape, its culture, history and other useful and worthwhile information. In that issue I read some interesting essays about the Great Lakes, the Niagara Falls, the Rocky Mountains, which I used to mistake only in the US, and especially the capital Vancouver. If I’m not mistaken, you and your family are living there. How lucky you are! And I even envy you. The last reason is that I’m going to teach my students a new unit in their new edition of textbooks. At first I felt quite curious why they gave it such a title as “A trip on The True North”. Later, preparing the teaching note, I came to know that The True North is the name for an express train. You may have remembered that when you were in China, teaching together with me, we taught a unit about Canada but it was only about the population, the size, the climate, the natural resources and such things on and on. And now I’ve got an idea that we should teach our students more about its people, culture and history. Since now we are laying more and more emphasis on intercultural communication, we’d better tell them more about the people who have lived and are living in those English speaking courtiers. I’m still impressed by the title “We, the people” of the book, which is just a history of the United States in simple English and written very briefly. And of course, now that you’re in Canada and have lived there for some time, would you please try to find some information and pictures about Canada and send them to me and let my students to share with me? 回复 Dear Mr Shen, Nice to hear from you and thank you for the articles and pictures about Canada. I tried to call you on your home phone about 1:30 pm Beijing time today but failed to reach you. I had never heard that Vancouver was recommended as the capital of Canada. I need to read more about the history of Canada when I have time. I remember we talked about the names of the Chinese and American magazines on geography. I think the American one's full name should be "National geographic Magazine" but the word "magazine" is omitted in practice. The Rocky Mountains are actually not far from Vancouver. When I drove here from Minnesota four years ago I passed by the Rockies on the US side. I had a plan to tour the Rockies on the Canadian size but so far I've only seen it from airplane for a couple of times. This coming May I will attend a conference in Toronto and I'll see if I can find time to visit the Niagara Falls. After reading your email message, I explored a little bit on the Web and found this site http://www.culture.ca/explore-explorez-e.jsp?category=200 Take a look when you have time. Looks there are some interesting resources there. Last week was Good Friday, an offcial holiday in Canada, and this Monday is Easter, another official holiday in Canada, so this is a long weekend. The weather was not really very good for outing so I just stayed home and watched some Chinese movies. By the way, when I was scanning some of my old floppy disks, I found some of the pictures you sent me when I was in US. I remember you told me you lost them because of a computer crash. I will send them to you when I get a chance (My laptop computer doesn't have a floppy drive so I need to use another machine to do that). All the best and talk to you later, 查看更多