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(一) 自我分析 1、 个人性格:内向、感觉、思考、感知 我的具体情况: ² 内向:喜欢安静,喜欢三思而后行,做事考虑周全不蛮干,行动小心翼翼,不喜欢鲁莽的做事。喜欢单独工作,在工作时,不喜欢被打搅。易于适应所处环境,勤于思考。会有时失去一些机会。不喜欢与人主动打交道。 ² 感觉:通过收集具体、特殊的资料来了解世界。对于事物,着重于细节和局部,喜欢真实具体的事物,思想细致准确,对抽象概念和理论没有兴趣,不完全相信直觉,很难获得灵感。喜欢按常规做事,满足于做一个务实的人。讲求实际,能忍耐,不喜欢想到未来。 ² 思考:喜欢通过客观分析作出决定和判断,较为理智,客观,公正。行为坚决,不喜欢对别人进行劝说,对工作能有组织的进行。 ² 感知:能很好的适应变换的情景,不介意事情的变动,有灵活性,希望能够看见问题各方面及即将出现的前景。对做决定感到困难,总想多了解新情况,优势不易做出判断,优柔寡断,工作时容易注意力分散,精力充沛。 2、职业兴趣:我的职业兴趣是E型、C型、A型 我的具体情况:我比较喜欢在稳定的、讲求规范的环境中工作,而且希望工作氛围友好,喜欢与勤奋的有责任心的人一起在办公室工作。为人务实,做事有强烈的目的性,天生具有领导才能。我责任心强,效率高,稳重踏实,喜欢要求注意精确度的有计划的去做事。喜欢具有艺术修养,创造力的工作,比较追求完美。喜欢用肢体语言去解释东西。 3、职业能力:我的一般能力的学习能力得分较高,空间判断能力较弱 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 我的具体情况:我具有很强的学习能力,对自己自主学习非常感兴趣,并能够较为迅速的理解东西。我的记忆力很强,特别是对记概念方面的东西。相反,我对空间判断方面我的能力较弱,这对于我这学理工科的学生来说是最大的弱点,也是最需要加油的地方,我不善于想象出较为复杂空间物体的具体形态,对复杂的立体图形很难准确的画出其平面展开图。 4、职业价值观:我的职业价值观是管理型的 我的具体情况:我做事讲求效率,有责任感,善于自我约束,能够尽职尽责的完成工作,喜欢推进事情并掌握局势,敏锐,对细节有出色的记忆力。善于组织,能够系统化,结构化的通过有效地方式安排时间并达成目标。而且,我有极强的逻辑性。我做事客观,善于分析,有很强的推理能力,我善于看到工作系统中不合逻辑、不协调、无效的部分。我喜欢一切从细节出发,关注实际价值。 (一) 组织与社会环境分析 ² 家庭条件分析: 我家的经济条件一般般,家庭关系背景也一般,家里也有几个亲戚是开厂的,曾经还和我开玩笑的说让我去那边工作,我希望通过自己的能力去找一份我自己喜欢的工作。家里人对我的个人发展很是重视,不强求加给我任何期望,父母完全放心我,学习工作上的是一切由我自己做主,自己拿主意,他们只是给点建议,但最终选择权交给我,所以,我会尽自己的力量去一步步开阔属于自己的一片天。至于,自主创业,我想我没有这样的家庭背景给我去尝试,所以可能性极小。即使这样,我想我的父母也会在背后默默支持我的,所以在求职路上无论有艰难,我都不会放弃,因为我是他们的最爱,为了他们,我没有理由不快乐的活下去。天生我材必有用,生活总有你的位置。 ² 学校环境分析: 首先,金陵科技学院是经教育部批准的培养高级应用型人才的全日制普通本科院校。学校坚持“以能力为根本,以学生为主体,以教师为主导,注意应用性、融合性、职业性、开放性、创造性 ”(一本二主五性)的教育理念,根据社会经济发展的要求,培养高素质、应用性、复合型、创造型新型人才。 我们大学本科的工程管理专业,不仅要学习基础知识为以后的专业更好的学习,还要学习很多方面的专业知识,因为工程管理专业所需要的知识很广,要对工程,经济,法律法规,合同等知识都要有所了解。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 我们学校的就业情况还是相当可观的,据学校称,本校就业率保持在95%以上。 ² 社会环境分析: 本专业的就业形势: 工程管理专业的就业领域涉及建筑工程、工程施工和控制管理、房地产经营以及金融、宾馆、贸易等行业部门的管理工作。这一专业涉及就业领域对人才的大量需求比较普遍。从银行证券到酒店宾馆,从建筑企业到房地产开发公司都急需补充大量的工程营造管理及相关专业的人才,因此人才市场上对该专业人才的需求量很大。近几年该专业毕业生就业状况出现明显好转,但比起有经验的人员还比较逊色。 2010年的就业形势: 就业形势非常的严峻,为保持宏观经济长期平稳发展,我国于2007年开始实行紧缩性的宏观经济政策。这一政策的效果在2008年下半年开始显现。但是突如其来的金融危机却打乱了既定的战略,经济下行的速度远远超出了危机之前人们的预期。这从根本上决定了2010年就业形势的严峻性。 1.受金融危机的影响,国际市场对我国产品的需求大幅减少。2009年1~8月,中国出口额当月同比都下降了17个百分点以上,9月略有改善,但也下降了15.2%;①据估计,全年出口额将同比下降19.5个百分点。②出口减少直接影响我国产品出口并因此影响相关企业的劳动力需求,而出口减速所引发的消费和投资疲软会进一步减少劳动力需求。保守估计,由于出口减少而导致的非农就业的减少将达到1500万人。 2.单就国内投资而言,投资增速出现大幅减缓。其中尤以房地产业投资最为明显,2006年3月至2008年12月,我国房地产开发投资总额月度增速均保持在20%以上,但是该指标值2009年2月却降低为1%,这是自1997年10月以来的最低值;之后该指标指虽然缓慢回升,但是直到2009年9月也只有17.7%。③房地产投资的不足导致上游有关产业生产下滑,劳动力需求大量减少。 在劳动力需求出现减少的情况下,我国劳动力供给继续增长。自1991年来,我国经济活动人口数量一直呈增长趋势,2001年74432万人,2002年75360万人,2003年76075万人,2004年76823万人,2005年77877万人,2006年78244万人,2007年78645万人,2008年79243万人。④ 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 2009年的准确数字尚难得出,但是从2009年前两个季度的数据和往年经验来看,2009年全年经济活动人口将在79500万人左右,高于2008年的水平 本专业的就业方向 目前我国工程管理人才奇缺,毕业生供求比例大致在1:3左右。 工程管理专业的毕业生就业范围十分广泛,他们可在政府经济管理部门或建设单位、设计单位、建筑施工企业、工程建设监理单位、房地产开发企业、工程咨询公司、国际工程公司、投资与金融等单位从事工程管理等工作,也可在高等学校或科研机构从事相关专业的教学或科研工作。 (一) 生涯机会评估 SWOT分析: u 优势(strength):能吃苦耐劳,相信再艰难的生活自己都会挺过来的。我相 信自己。责任心较强,别人交代的事我都会尽可能去做,善于自我约束。勤奋刻苦,待人真诚,勤于思考,喜欢学习。 u 劣势(weakness):性格有点内向,不善于人际关系交往,有时会因为胆小或自信心不足,会失去机会。优势不易做出判断,优柔寡断,工作时容易注意力分散,精力充沛。做事没有恒心,做事三分钟热度。 职业规划方案并分析可行程度: a) 直接就业 2013:毕业那年,希望直接能够找到满意的工作,在岗位上认真工作,争取升职的机会,多关注有关职业人际关系的问题,努力为自己创造一个好的工作环境; 2014:若没有升职,仍需继续努力工作,得到主管或上司的注意,能够升职做组长。平时可以继续学习,可以报个日语班学习日语; 2015:通过一年的学习,可以考虑考个日语证书,如果又兴趣,可以去学习舞蹈。在公司很好的处理人际关系,。如果有看好的对象可以考虑谈恋爱; 2016:如果有条件可以考虑自己创业和几个要好的朋友,但只是副业,原本的工作不会丢掉,认真学习有关创业的知识,如果有时间可以去报个培训班,进一步系统的学习; 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 2017:创业后一年,算一下经营是否可以,如果可以,就继续搞下去,可以考虑辞去原本的工作,如果不行,回到原先工作状态。争取更高的职位,争取能够做到企业经理。可以吸取这场教训,可以在搞一次创业。 可行度分析:我觉得可能性是60%。因为我这个人比较循规蹈矩,会按照一般人的思维去考虑问题。我知道作为一名公司或是企业的领导人,是要具备一定的魄力和坚决的自信心的,是要善于明则授权,是要有服务精神的,要有宽广的胸襟,善于体谅和宽容自己的员工的。对于以上的要求,我不能说我样样都行,但我想我的性格和这些要求基本是符合的。我做事讲求效率,有责任感,善于自我约束,能够尽职尽责的完成工作。对工作能有组织的进行,我责任心强,效率高,稳重踏实,喜欢要求注意精确度的有计划的去做事。因此我相信我应该是行的。 a) 考研,继续读书 2012:如果自己的能力足够,可以考虑考研,毕竟整个社会学历高还是有点用的。可以开始认真的为考研做准备了; 2013:希望能够考研成功,如果不行,看自己的情况是否继续,或是另辟蹊径; 2014:考研考出来后,然后去找寻工作 分析可行度:我觉得这项可能性比较小一点。如果到时候考研时大势所趋的话,就业情况非常严峻,我才会考虑去考研。我这个人做事相当认真,我具有很强的学习能力,对自己自主学习非常感兴趣,并能够较为迅速的理解东西。如果考得话,我觉得考上的可能性还是较大的。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 学业生涯规划 第一学年 一、学年目标 目标: 初步了解本专业的职业方向,适应大学生活方式,提高人际沟通能力,认真学习基础知识 主要内容: 1、 多和学长学姐们交流,找寻在大学中的最佳学习方式,并且询问有关本专业的就业方向及就业情况; 2、 参加学校学生会,提高自己的能力和人际交流能力; 3、 认真学习英语、数学、计算机等基础课程,争取期末考试在85分以上 注:1.公选课大一下学期开始开设,采取网络选课方式。 2.二年级开始学生可以辅修。 项目名称 实施途径 实施内容 时间分布 例:会计从业资格证 英语四六级 计算机一二级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、利用课后时间加强复习 2、参加辅导班 11月份 计算机一级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、 上课认真听讲 2、 利用课后时间进行复习 3.13 江苏省第三届理工科大学生人文社会科学知识竞赛 通过系部报名参加考试 1、 到图书馆借阅有关书籍进行充实自己 2、 上网搜历届考题来熟悉考试范围 3.28 注:项目名称指学业规划中准备实施的项目,如考证考级、技能竞赛、社团活动、素质拓展、学术科技等。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 第二学年 一、学年目标 目标:提高自己的能力,通过英语四级考试,通过计算机二级考试,熟悉掌握专业课知识 主要内容: 1、通过参加学生会或社团等组织,锻炼自己的各种能力,同时检验自己的知识技能; 2、主要尝试兼职、社会实践活动,并具有坚持性,提高自己的责任感、主动性和受挫能力; 3英语口语能力增强,计算机应用能力增强,最好通过国家英语四级,计算机二级考试,开始有选择性的辅修其他专业相关知识来充实自己 注:1.公选课大一下学期开始开设,采取网络选课方式。 2.二年级开始学生可以辅修。 项目名称 实施途径 实施内容 时间分布 计算机二级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、上课认真听讲,有问题就及时询问老师 2、课后抓紧时间复习 3到图书馆借阅有关书籍辅助复习 10月份 英语四级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、 每天计划做一些有关的英语练习,尤其是在薄弱部分 2、 充分利用图书馆资源,提高英语能力 3、 12月份 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 上网去下载有关英语四级的听力,提高英语听力水平 计算机二级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、上课认真听讲,有问题就及时询问老师 2、课后抓紧时间复习 3到图书馆借阅有关书籍辅助复习 3月份 会计证 通过系部报名参加考试 1、 参加辅导班 2、 参加有关的讲座,听取有关的信息 3、 到图书馆借阅有关书籍辅助复习 不确定 注:项目名称指学业规划中准备实施的项目,如考证考级、技能竞赛、社团活动、素质拓展、学术科技等。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 第三学年 一、学年目标 目标:加强自身综合素质,培养职业目标所需要的能力,提高求职能力,搜集公司信息,做出考研还是就业的抉择,有时间去考驾驶证 主要内容: 1、学会撰写专业学术文章,大胆提出自己新颖独特的观点和见解,和老师教授等人多多进行交流,深刻了解就业情况以及各大高校的考研情况 2锻炼自己独立解决问题的能力和创造力,参加和专业有关的暑期实践工作,和同学交流求职工作心得和体会,并自己汲取其中的优点,和避免其中缺点 3、学习写简历和求职信,了解收集工作信息的渠道,并积极尝试 注:1.公选课大一下学期开始开设,采取网络选课方式。 2.二年级开始学生可以辅修。 项目名称 实施途径 实施内容 时间分布 计算机三级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、 自己去买相关的辅导书进行自习 2、 去图书馆查阅和借取相关书籍 3、 可以去询问相关老师 英语六级等级考试 通过系部报名参加考试 1、每天计划做一些有关的英语练习,尤其是在薄弱部分 2、充分利用图书馆资源,提高英语能力 3、上网去下载有关英语六级的听力,提高英语听力水平 12月份 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 考驾驶证 通过驾校培训然后进行直接考试 1、 认真听教官的指示,进行操作 2、 对有些不解的问题可以问哥哥 3、 认真阅读一些有关驾驶的知识 暑假 注:项目名称指学业规划中准备实施的项目,如考证考级、技能竞赛、社团活动、素质拓展、学术科技等。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 第四学年 一、学年目标 目标:工作申请,成功就业;或是进行考研 主要内容: 1、对前三年的准备做一个总结,检验自己已经确定的职业目标是否明确,前三年准备是否充足 2、积极参加招聘活动,在实践中检验自己的积累和准备。 3、积极利用学校提供的条件,了解就业指导中心提供的用人公司资料信息、强化求职技巧、进行模拟面试等训练,尽可能地在做出较为充分准备的情况下进行施展演练。 注:1.公选课大一下学期开始开设,采取网络选课方式。 2.二年级开始学生可以辅修。 项目名称 实施途径 实施内容 时间分布 考研 通过系部报名参加考试 1自己去买相关的辅导书进行复习 2.、去图书馆查阅和借取相关书籍 3、有不懂的地方可以去询问相关老师 4、经常去听一些讲座,去关注考研的情况 1月份 注:项目名称指学业规划中准备实施的项目,如考证考级、技能竞赛、社团活动、素质拓展、学术科技等。 他身背三角架,手拎仪器箱,每天起早贪黑,晴天一身汗,雨天一身泥,晚上记录复核到深夜geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ° 39 '-105 ° 20 ', latitude 27 ° 49 '-29 ° 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry,查看更多