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2019 秋国家开放大学电大专科《英语口语(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2147) 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2()1 9 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 学生用卷(A) 2020 年 1 月 Directions: In this test you will hate nn oppivrtunity to dcnxiiistnitc your ability to understand and use spoken English. Vht test Is divided Into three parts. Purl I Rcud M Nhort pa^saue aloud and answer questions. Pnrt 2 Speak on u topic. Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner us your conversation partner^ Part 1 Read nloud the p&irt Ixjtwren the stars ( ■ )and then answer the questions the exuminer you. Victor >5 from South Africa. When he first enme io China nil the wny from South Africa 10 yean* ugo9 he worked as a nunfigemrnt trninrv of A travel ngtncy in LunxboUa During the dcciidc« he has *etn his company grow and now hr is the assistant to the area gtnernl manager of North and Central Wot China. • He need^ to travel a gre^t deal for his job and he likes il9 Wherever he goes, he takes his smarl phones with him— he 1ake^ two of ihem. With his smart phones> he can make calls, surf the Internet, have email access♦ download dtx-unicnts. and sometimes play gameA. The function* he IISC-H mastt however• is not talking to people• or sending messages l>ut taking videos, writing coTnmcnts about hi> videos and then posting them on his blog spnee. He spench ulmost all his spare time blogging. If he JS noi working# he ts hloRginK. Ik hz been making Vidros nboui all A!*pecf5 of life in Chinn for the pa^t two ycar^ He is proud ihat IIIH posts on ("hinese snneks nnd food have hern viewed by thousands of viewers. Part 2 Speak on the following Inpic for about 2 minute "Mztnncrs differ in different countries. " Do you agree with this siatcmcnt? Why or why not? Part 3 Complete a n>le-play task s"h jour cxamincrt Your cunvcrsutjon should last 3T minutes. A met!* B ・ n youn^ English engineer working in China, in a business guthcruig. They nre talking nbout life in Chinn. You arc A ・ You «tart the convenuitinn with B. The following 代 the procedure ynu should follow. • Exchnngvs grecxings with H. . <>ivc your opinion on Bf locnsAing an the inconveniences. • Offer help in BS Chinese languHKr learning. • Respond tn BS rr-queM for help in looking for A Chinese tuion 试卷代号:2147 国家开放大学 2019 年秋季学期期末统一考试 英语口语(2) 口试题签 教师用卷(A〉 2020 年 1 月 Directions: In this test, thv students Mill have an opportunity to defnonstrate their ability to undersUnd and tur spoken English. The test h divided into three parts. Part I Read a short passage siluud and answer questhin^. Purt 2 Spatk on a topic Pari 3 Complete a rolr-pluy task with tbr examinvr as the ctmvcniation p»rtner. Part 1 Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars( ♦). Victor in from South Afriou When he Grst came to China all the way (rom South Africa 10 yoi” atfo< he worked * a management trainee of a iravcl agency in Lnnzhou> during the pain decndct he has seen his company grow and now hr is the asstsiant to the ureu general manager of North and Central West Chituu • He needs to travel n greAt deal for his job and he likes in Wherever he? goes# he Takes hm smart phones with him—he Take* two of them. With his smart phones* he can make mils, surl the Internets have email geM. download documenis^ and sonietime* plfly rhe funrttonA he airs niost^ however• i« not tnlkm« to people, or sending rr 心 w 心 but taking videos• writing comments n(>out his videos and then posting them on his blog spnec. Hr spends almost all his spare time Hoggings If he is not workingt he is blogging. He hA5 been making videos about all aspects of life in Chmn for the past two years^ Ht is proud that his pom on Chinese snacks and food hnve been viewed by thousands ol viewvrs. P ・ rt 2 the liudcut U> 呼加 h on ihv (ulhiwhit topic hir nbont Z mlnuicm "Munhrm differ in different count nes. H Do you ngree with thb查看更多