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小学英语 pep 六年级上册第一单元试题 Unit 1 课堂复习练习 姓名 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. do you go to school ? I go to school foot. 2. your mother go to work? She by bus. 3. How your brother go to school? My home is . he goes to school on foot, he by bike. 4. We must know the . at a red light. at a yellow light. Go a light. 5. I get to the hospital ? can get there bus. 6. There are always three lights in every country: , and 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ? I usually go to school by bike. 2. ? My father goes to Hong Kong by train. 3. ? You can get to the cinema on foot. 4. ? No, you can’t go to the park on foot. 5. ? Yes, his mother goes to work by bus. 小学英语 pep7 六年级上册第二单元试题 Unit 2 课堂复习练习 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. , is there a bookstore near here ? Yes, . 2. is the post office, please? the cinema. far from here? , it’s very far. 3. can I get to the museum ? go by the No.1 bus. the cinema. Then for 3 minutes. The is the right. 4. the hospital? It’s west the bookstore. And then ? left the post office, then . Left. 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ? No, there isn’t a hospital near here. 2. ? The bookstore is next to the cinema. 3. ? I am going to buy a pair of shoes on the weekend. 4. ? Walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right. 5. ? You can take the No.3 bus. 6. ? No, it’s not far. 小学英语 pep7 六年级上册第三单元试题 Unit 3 课堂复习练习 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. are you going to this afternoon ? going to my grandparents . far ? , so I’m going on foot. 2. is your father to the cinema ? He the cinema at 5:00 this afternoon. 3. are you ? I’m going to the science museum. 4. Sarah going to ? She buy a comic book. 5. going to use any books plants ? Yes, I am. 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ? His mother is going at 3 o’clock. 2. ? They are going to the bookstore. 3. ? I’m going to plant trees tomorrow. 4. ? I’m going to be a teacher. 5. ? Yes, he is going to the cinema. 6. ? No, we are going at 5 o’clock. 小学英语 pep7 六年级上册第四单元试题 Unit 4 课堂复习练习 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. hobby ? I like making kites. 2. hobby ? He likes flying kites. 3. hobby ? She likes riding a bike. 4. What’s hobby ? My father likes reading. 5. your pen pal live? She in Hong Kong. 6. your sister teach Chinese ? No, math. 7. Ann go to school by bike ? , she does. 8. your pen pal a student ? Yes, he . 9. your hobby swimming ? Yes, . 10. your brother like swimming ? No, . 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ? I like collecting stamps. 2. ? She likes diving. 3. ? No, he is a doctor. 4. ? Yes, My mother teaches Math. 5. ? My uncle lives in Canada. 6. ? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Beijing. 7. ? Sure, he can go with us. 小学英语 pep 六年级上册第五单元试题 Unit 5 课堂复习练习 姓名 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. I teach lessons. I am a . 2. I clean streets. I am a . 3. I sing songs. I am a . 4. I dance. I am a . 5. I drive cars. I am a . 6. I write stories. I am a . 7. He helps people be safe. He is a . 8. She reports the news. She’s a . 9. This person works in a storesupermarket. He is a . 10. This person plays in the TV show. She is . 11. He helps the sick people. He is a . 12. She draws the pictures well. She is . 13. If I like drawing and math, I can be . 14. He likes working with numbers. He enjoys math. He is 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ?My father is a worker. 2. ? My mother teaches English. 3. ? He is my uncle. 4. ? She works in a hospital. 5. ? Her mother likes drawing pictures. 6. ? Her mother is tall and pretty. 小学英语 pep7 六年级上册第六单元试题 Unit 6 课堂复习练习 一、根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。 1. in the picture ? I can see many trees and flowers. 2. the come from? the clouds. 3. the cloud come from? from the 4. the come from? the water. 5.How can the water become vapour ? The and the water becomes vapour. 6. can I plant a flower ? , put the in the soil. , water it. Put it the sun. several days, you can see a sprout. 二、看答句,写问句。 1. ? It comes from the vapour. 2. ? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. 3. ? It comes from the wheat.(小麦) 4. ?Yes, my father is a teacher. 5. ? No, He works in a factory. 小学英语 pep 六年级上册翻译练习试题 翻译练习 1、有时候我走路去上学。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 2、---请问去动物园怎么走?---你可以坐 12 路公车去。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 3、我通常做地铁去上学,因为它速度快。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 4、每个国家的交通灯都是一样的。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 5、在中国,司机*右行驶。但在英国,司机*左行驶。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 6、如果你骑自行车、或走路,你必须知道交通规则。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 7、我们怎样去公园? __________________________________________________________________ _ 8、绿灯意思是'通行'。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 9、每个学生都必须记住交通规则。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 10 、 --- 我 可 以 步 行 去 吗 ? --- 当 然 可 以 , 如 果 你 愿 意 的 话 。 ___________________________________________________________________ 11、---图书馆在哪里?---先向前走,然后在邮局那儿向左拐。然后你就看 见了。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 12、---请问,附近有电影院吗? ---对,有的。医院旁边就是。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 13、---放学以后你打算去哪儿? ---我打算去鞋店买双鞋。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 14、明天是我 12 岁的生日。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 15、在邮局那儿下车,然后往东走三分钟。它在右边。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 16、三思而行。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 17、现在我来告诉你怎么来。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 18、---这个周末你打算做什么?---我打算打扫一下房间。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 19、爸爸打算给我买一台电脑。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 20、星期六我打算去书店买一些书。你呢? __________________________________________________________________ _ 21、---你打算几点去?---三点。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 22、我需要一本关于植物的杂志。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 23、---长大了你想做什么?---我想当警察。 __________________________________________________________________ _ 24、你的爱好是什么? 我喜欢集邮。 25、你爸爸的爱好是什么? 他喜欢骑单车。 26、你妈妈教英语吗? 不,她教数学。 27、你的叔叔是做什么的? 他是一名记者。 28、Mike 的阿姨在哪里工作? 她在一家鞋厂工作。 29、你姐姐怎样去上班? 她乘公车去上班。 30、蒸汽从哪里来? 它来自河里的水。 31、你怎样种花种子? 32、然后你应该做什么? 给它浇水。

