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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High教案 Ⅰ. 模块教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ‎▲Talk about Senior High’s new school life ‎▲Talk about similarities and differences ‎▲Revise the present tenses ‎▲Learn to use the adjectives ending in-ing and -ed ‎▲Write a high school brochure Ⅱ. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Talk about the new Senior High school life What do you think...?‎ Which lessons do you like or dislike and why?‎ What’s your opinion?‎ Which (of) ... do you study at your school?‎ How many (of) ... are...?‎ Which ... your favorite...?‎ I like ... because ...‎ I think ... is important / difficult because ...‎ I don’t think that ...‎ Talk about similarities and differences What are the differences between ... and...?‎ What’s similar and what’s different...? ‎ Is the school similar to your school?‎ What similarities or differences do you know about...?‎ Is your class the same size as his?‎ Is the number of boys and girls the same?‎ Is your English classroom like Li Kang’s?‎ There are ... differences between the two ...‎ Everyday English How are you doing? Oh really?‎ Is that right? How was it?‎ So have I. Cool!‎ 词 汇 ‎1. 四会词汇 amazed, amazing, attitude, behaviour, biology, bored, correction, encouragement, hard-working, method, physics, photograph, progress, spelling, textbook, embarrassed, embarrassing, brilliant, geography, instruction, province, impress, previous, disappointed, disappointing, system, teenager, disappear, move, assistant, cover, enjoyment ‎2. 认读词汇 comprehension, enthusiastic, fluency, hand-writing, misunderstanding, academic, diploma, description, website, technology, Davies, Diane, Rob, Martha, Molly, Sharp, Marshall, New York, California ‎3. 词组 IT (Information Technology), PE (Physical Education), in other words, look forward to, at the start of, at the end of, go to college, be divided into, take part in 语 法 Revision of the present tenses Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed 重 点 句 子 ‎1. We’re using ... is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P2‎ ‎2. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! P3‎ ‎3. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P3‎ ‎4. I’m looking forward to doing it! P3‎ ‎5. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. P9‎ ‎6. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities ... P9‎ Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 ‎ 1. 教材分析 ‎ 本模块以“My first day at Senior High”为主题, 描写高中学生新的学校生活和丰富多彩的课外活动,比较初高中新旧学校生活以及中美两国学校教育系统的异同。本模块阅读文章题材丰富,时代特征明显,与学生生活贴近,使学生愿意学,语言生动形象,使学生倍感亲切自然。通过阅读文章培养学生热爱新学校、新班级和新同学,积极参与各种英语活动,克服困难,树立正确的语言学习观。学生从初中到高中的转变有个适应过程,本模块帮助新生尽快适应高中阶段新的学习环境,使新的高中生活有一个良好的开端。‎ ‎ 1.1 INTRODUCTION通过介绍新课程, 使学生对各学科有了初步的了解,并针对学生自己喜欢的科目及其喜欢的原因,运用相关的目标语言展开讨论。‎ ‎ 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY呈现了本文的主题 “My first day at Senior High”。学习相关词语,阅读一名高中新生开学第一天的日记。日记中比较了初高中学校的异同,描写了新高中英语课堂教学,老师寓教于乐,师生互动、生生互动。尊师爱生,团结友爱,奋发向上,其乐融融,呈现出一派欣欣向荣的新面貌,抒发了对新学校的无比热爱和对新校园生活的美好憧憬。‎ ‎ 1.3 GRAMMAR 1‎ ‎ 通过复习一般现在时的用法,使学生学会使用动词的正确形式,更加明确该时态所表达的含义;通过与现在进行时相比较,了解两种时态的区别和联系,从而更加巩固和系统掌握现在时的用法。‎ ‎ 1.4 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY包括听力和词汇两部分,学习动词、名词和形容词的后缀及三者之间相互转换,掌握这三种词性在句子中所充当的相应成分。‎ ‎ 1.5 GRAMMAR 2 学习形容词后缀“?鄄ing / ?鄄ed”所表达的不同含义,通过相关练习学会如何正确区分和使用这两种形式。‎ ‎ 1.6 PRONUNCIATION通过听读形容词后缀为“?鄄ed”的单词,掌握三种词尾后所加的“?鄄ed”不同的发音规则。‎ ‎ 1.7 SPEAKING配有三张美国校园生活的场景图片,要求学生据此与自己所在的中国学校进行比较,讨论两国校园生活的异同。‎ ‎ 1.8 WRITING要求学生读完一位美国学生的电子邮件之后,就其提出的四个有关新学校生活的问题给予答复,描述自己对新学校的第一印象。 ‎ ‎ 1.9 EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION中两位新生就语言学习的话题展开讨论,要求学生找出其中的日常用语,并且续编该对话的后半部分。 最后仿照此对话任选一门学科为主题编写一个新的对话。 ‎ ‎ 1.10 CULTURAL CORNER选取了一位美国高中生介绍美国学校系统的来信,要求学生将其与中国的学校教育系统进行比较,找出两者的异同。‎ ‎ 1.11 TASK是本模块的核心任务。要求学生以小组讨论的方式选取最有特色的内容,撰写一篇新校园的简介,并将其展示给其他同学。‎ ‎ 2. 教材重组 ‎ 2.1 INTRODUCTION和READIGN AND VOCABULARY两部分,都是关于高中新生第一天学习生活的内容,整合为一节精读课。‎ ‎ 2.2 GRAMMAR 1与WORKBOOK 中的Grammar, 都是关于一般现在时的讲解与练习,整合为一节语法课。‎ ‎ 2.3 LISTENIGN AND VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR 2, PRONUNCIATION与WORK BOOK中的Vocabulary, 都是关于形容词、动词和名词后缀及其三者之间相互转换,讲解与练习这三种词性用法,整合为一节语言学习课。‎ ‎ 2.4 SPEAKING和EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION两个部分,是有关中美两国学校系统的内容,整合为一节口语课。‎ ‎ 2.5 WORKBOOK 中的Reading与Listening and speaking都是关于学校课外活动的内容,整合为一节泛读课。‎ ‎ 2.6 写作是由WRITING 和TASK以及WORKBOOK 中的Speaking and writing整合而成,都是有关介绍学校新生活的内容。其中TASK部分要求学生经过小组讨论后,编写新学校简介;其余两部分在读懂电子邮件的前提下按要求进行回复。‎ ‎ 3. 课型设计与课时分配 ‎ 1st Period Reading ‎ ‎ 2nd Period Grammar ‎ 3rd Period Language Study ‎ 4th Period Speaking ‎ 5th Period Extensive Reading ‎ ‎ 6th Period Writing Ⅳ. 分课时教案 The First Period Reading Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 amazed, amazing, attitude, behavior, bored, hard-working, method, physics,‎ ‎ photograph, progress, spelling, textbook, embarrassed, embarrassing, brilliant, geography, instruction, biology, province, impress, previous, IT(Information Technology), PE (Physical Education), in other words, look forward to b. 重点句式 ‎ We’re using ... is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P2‎ I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! P3‎ In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P3‎ For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. P3‎ I’m looking forward to doing it! P3‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the Ss to talk about their own first day at Senior High.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to talk about their own first day at Senior High.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Enable the Ss to learn how to talk about the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Enable the Ss to talk about their opinions about the new school.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Skimming and scanning, individual, pair or group work and discussion.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A recorder, a computer and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Lead-in ‎ As this is the first class at a new Senior High school, teacher can lead the Ss to introduce themselves to each other. Give them a paper with questions on it about what their names are, how old they are, where they live, what their telephone numbers are, what their junior schools are and what they enjoy doing. This can be used in groups of 4 to have students introduce each other. At last have them share their papers with the class.‎ T: Welcome to our school, boys and girls. From now on, you become a Senior High school student. You have a new school, new teachers and new classmates. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself to you. ... Would you like to introduce yourself to each other in groups of 4? Here is a paper with questions on it. Later I’ll have you share your own papers with the class.‎ Show it on the screen.‎ Name Age ‎ Sex ‎ Address ‎ Telephone Junior ‎ Likes ‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Now please share your own paper with the class. ‎ You may change it with other groups.‎ Step Ⅱ Introduction First, ask the Ss to learn the names of the subjects by themselves, answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 1 in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Then get them to discuss their favorite subjects and explain the reasons, filling in the blanks in Activity 2 in groups of 4. At last show some of their answers.‎ T: Now we’ve known each other. We’re going to study in the same class. I think we should make good friends and work hard together. From now on I’ dike to help you with your English study. Do you want to know what other subjects you should learn at Senior High school? Open your books, and turn to page 1. Please look at the words in the box. They are the names of subjects. Now please fill in the form about the subjects by yourselves.‎ Show it on the screen.‎ Subjects at Senior High Science Physics, chemistry, mathematics, IT, biology Social ‎ Geography, history Language English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese Others PE A few minutes later.‎ T: OK, let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Now I’d like some of you to answer the questions in Activity 1 in pairs according to the form.‎ ‎...‎ T: Do you like English? Why or why not?‎ S1: Yes, I like English very much because it’s very important and interesting.‎ S2: No, I think it’s too difficult for me to learn it well. ‎ T: Sounds reasonable. How about the other subjects? Now I’d like you to discuss your favorite subjects and explain the reasons, filling in the blanks in Activity 2 in groups of 4.‎ After discussion.‎ T: Now I want some of you to show your sentences to the whole class.‎ S1: I like mathematics because I enjoy calculating.‎ S2: I think IT is important because it becomes more and more useful in our daily life.‎ S3: I think physics is difficult because I can’t deal with the examinations very well.‎ S4: I would like to study history because it can make me wiser.‎ Step Ⅲ Pre-reading Ask the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 2 in pairs and show their answers. Then get them to practice Activity 2. Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: All of you just came from the Junior High school. Now I’d like you to compare Junior High school and Senior High School. Please discuss the questions in pairs.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Now I’ll ask some of you to answer the questions in Activity 1. Who’d like to answer Question 1?‎ S1: The teaching contents in senior are much more difficult than that in junior. ‎ S2: The teaching method has been changed greatly.‎ S3: Senior students need stronger self-educated ability to prepare and review the lessons.‎ S4: To get high marks, junior students needn’t use more brains as long as they work hard. But in senior this kind of method of learning is ineffective.‎ S5: Some senior students, whose homes are far away from school, have to live in the dormitories. ‎ S6: Some courses in Senior High school are more difficult than those in Junior High school, and the amount of assigned homework goes up as well. It’s obvious that there are students who find it difficult to adapt to the senior courses; they don’t do the homework and don’t make plans for study.‎ S7: It’s more difficult to pass the examinations of Senior High school, because a provincial exam-passing requirement is needed to get through before graduation. ‎ S8: Compared with Junior High school, the teaching materials of Senior High school are much larger and more difficult. ‎ T: Excellent job. How about Question 2?‎ S9: Yes, I think so. Because the lessons in senior are much more difficult. To learn them well, we should work harder than before. ‎ S10: But I don’t think so. I think the right method is more important and effective than hard work.‎ T: Very good. Question 3?‎ S11: I think their enthusiasm to the education course, the attitudes of being tireless in teaching and enterprising spirits are similar.‎ S12: I think the knowledge level and teaching method are different from each other. ‎ S13: In my opinion, there are some differences between them. The Senior High teachers need higher diploma and more knowledge.‎ T: Good. Now let’s practice Activity 2. Please answer the questions about the words in the box.‎ Step Ⅳ Reading Scanning Ask the Ss to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help them to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives them a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide. Encourage the Ss to express their ideas.‎ T: Today we’re going to read a diary kept by a new Senior High school student. He wrote down his thoughts about his first day at Senior High. Now let’s read the diary quickly and find out the answers to the questions on the screen with your partners.‎ Show the questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. How do the teachers use the computer in the classrooms?‎ ‎2. Does Li Kang like to have an English class at Senior High? Why or why not?‎ ‎3. What does Li Kang think of the new Senior High school?‎ T: Now who can tell me how the teachers use the computer in the classrooms?‎ S1: The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them.‎ S2: They can make use of the multimedia to play CD for the students.‎ S3: They can show them photographs, text and information from websites on the screen.‎ T: Terrific! Who’d like to answer Question 2?‎ S4: Yes, he does. This is because the English class is really interesting and funny.‎ T: Any other reasons?‎ S5: Their English teacher, Ms Shen is very enthusiastic. She uses a new method of teaching to instruct the students.‎ S6: They enjoyed themselves in the English class and they all liked their new English teacher.‎ S7: In the English class, with the help of Ms Shen, the students practiced some activities in a fun way.‎ T: Well done. How about Question 3?‎ S8: I think he likes his new Senior High school very much because the teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly.‎ S9: Yes, I agree with you. The classrooms are amazing and brilliant, each of which has a computer and a special screen.‎ S10: And the students are all friendly and hard-working. They can make good friends and help with each other.‎ Skimming In this part, let the Ss read the text again and try to get the main idea of the diary in groups of 4. Then show the form on the screen. Give them a few minutes to fill in the form about the whole text. Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Now please read the text again and try to get the main idea of the diary in groups of 4.‎ S1: As a new Senior High school student, the writer showed that he loved his new school life and he had a strong desire for knowledge, which can help him study ‎ actively and learn new things successfully.‎ S2: He encouraged the senior students to work hard, take part in activities actively, overcome difficulty, set up the right study view and adapt themselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible.‎ T: Well done! Now let’s try to obtain a general understanding of the whole text. I’ll show the form on the screen and give you a few minutes to fill in it. ‎ Show the form with blanks on the screen.‎ My First Day at Senior High Self-‎ introduction Name Li Kang Place Shijiazhuang Time My first day at Senior High My new school New School Good Teachers Enthusiastic && friendly Classrooms Amazing with computers && screens The English Class Class Interesting, funny, not boring Teacher Enthusiastic with new method Activities Introducing, reading && spelling Students in my class T: Now it’s time for us to check the answers with the whole class.‎ Explanation T: Now I’ll deal with some language points about the text. Please turn to pages 2 and 3. Let’s explain the sentences.‎ We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. P2‎ This sentence means that the textbook is new and Ms Shen teaches us in a new way, which is quite different from my junior teachers’.‎ I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! P3‎ This sentence means that Ms Shen’s class is very interesting and I will never be tired of it.‎ In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. P3‎ That is to say there are twice more girls than boys. ‎ They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. P3‎ It is said that girls usually work harder than boys, but in this class, both boys and girls work hard.‎ For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. P3‎ The homework tonight our teacher assigns to us is that we must write a passage to describe the street where we live in. ‎ I’m looking forward to doing it! P3‎ I’m longing for doing my English homework tonight.‎ Step Ⅴ Post-reading Read the passage again. First ask the Ss to practice Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6 in pairs. And then get them discuss the questions in Activity 7 in groups of 4. At last, check ‎ the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Read the passage again. Now I’d like you to practice Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6 in pairs. ‎ A few minutes later, check the answers.‎ T: Now I’d like you to discuss the questions in Activity 7 in groups of 4. And then we’ll check the answers with the whole class.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: All right! Now let’s check the answers with the whole class. Who’d like to describe our classroom?‎ S1: Yes, it’s similar to ours. We also have a computer with a screen in each classroom. Sometimes our English teacher plays English CDs for us.‎ S2: Yes, multimedia enters each classroom. The first-class teaching facilities provide a good environment for the students.‎ T: Brilliant! How about the number of students of our class?‎ S3: No, it is less than that in his class. And there are about 60 students in our class.‎ S4: But the number of the girls is just the same as that of the boys. ‎ T: Quite right! Do you like to do your English homework?‎ S5: Yes, I’d like to do some interesting tasks. For example, writing a report after practicing social activities. ‎ S6: But I don’t think I like some reciting work. It’s too boring.‎ T: Good! In future, I’ll make our homework more interesting, practical and meaningful. Now how about the writing style and techniques of this text? Who can tell me?‎ S: The passage is a diary written by a new Senior High school student called Li Kang.‎ ‎ He uses the first person to describe the real people and events in his daily life and express his own deep thoughts frankly about his first day at Senior High. The words are lively and vivid and his description is natural, true and moving, which makes the readers feel as if they were participating and the described people lived among us. For example, he used the words “embarrassed, friendly, nice” to describe that in the first English class his classmates were shy to introduce themselves at the very beginning, but soon they began to introduce themselves to each other bravely with the help of the new English teacher. The writer compared his old junior school with the new senior, which made him easy to adapt himself to the new learning circumstance.‎ T: Well done! So the writing characteristics are:‎ ‎1. Describe the writer’s deepest thoughts psychologically.‎ ‎2. Catch the features of people and things and use adjectives very exactly.‎ ‎3. Lay the stress on the main subjects and purpose, writing details and briefs properly.‎ ‎4. Use the first person to make readers feel real, natural and sincere.‎ T: What should we learn from this text?‎ S: This diary described the new school, new class, new teachers and new classmates on the writer’s first day at Senior High. He told how the teacher and the students had the first English class. As a new Senior High school student, the writer showed that he loved his new school life and he had a strong desire for knowledge. He encouraged the senior students to work hard, take part in activities actively, overcome difficulty, set up the right study view and adapt themselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible.‎ Step Ⅵ Homework ‎1. Retell the diary using the third person with the help of the form about the text.‎ ‎2. Discuss the following question: How do you finish the transition smoothly from the Junior Middle school to the Senior High school and adapt yourselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible?‎ The Second Period Grammar Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 permanent, regularly, indicate, take place, in this period of time b. 重点句式 P67‎ We often sing songs in class.‎ We don’t often sing songs in class. / We never sing songs in class.‎ Where do you come from?‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Learn the use of the present simple tense. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to use the present simple tense.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Enable the Ss to use the correct forms of the verbs in the present tenses.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Enable the Ss to find out the differences between the present simple and the present continuous.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Summarizing, practicing, and comparative method.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A projector and a blackboard.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision First, ask the Ss to retell the diary using the third person with the help of the form about the passage. Then discuss the question in groups of 4. At last, give their opinions about it.‎ T: Last class we’ve learnt a diary about a student’s first day at Senior High. Now let’s check our homework. I’ll ask some of you to retell the diary using the third person with the help of the form about the text. Who’d like to have a try?‎ S: Let me have a try. Li Kang is a new Senior Middle school student who lives in Shijiazhuang. Today is his first day at Senior High. The teachers are enthusiastic and friendly. The classrooms are amazing and brilliant, each of which has a computer and a special screen. The English class is really interesting and funny. Their English teacher, Ms Shen is very enthusiastic. She employed a new method of teaching to instruct the students. In English class, with the help of Ms Shen, the students practiced reading comprehension, introduced themselves to each other, did some spelling games and other activities. They enjoyed themselves in class and they all liked their new English teacher. There are sixty-five students in his class. The number of the girls is twice more than that of the boys. Not only the girls but also the boys are hard-working. He loves his new Senior High school very much.‎ T: Very good! Now let’s deal with the discussion work. And I’ll give you a few minutes to talk about it in groups of 4, and then you can give your opinions about it.‎ Show the question on the screen.‎ How do you finish the transition smoothly from the Junior Middle school to the Senior High school and adapt yourselves to the new learning circumstance as soon as possible?‎ After discussion.‎ T: Quite good! Since you entered the Senior High school, you have met a lot of problems. But the most important one is how to finish the transition smoothly and adapt yourselves to the new circumstance. As you know, the teaching contents in senior are much more difficult than that in junior. The teaching method has been changed greatly. Many students feel it hard to adapt themselves to the new school. What should we do at the beginning of the new term? Now, boys and girls, please speak out your opinions freely and actively. OK?‎ S1: I think we must seek for the scientific study method. In order to get high marks, we should not only work hard but also use an effective learning method.‎ S2: To enlarge the knowledge, the senior students must go to library or search the Internet so as to get more information and read more after-school materials.‎ S3: I think we should prepare our new lessons before class so that we can shoot the arrow at the target, and concentrate on solving the problems we meet.‎ S4: In my opinion, self-confidence is the most important. We should fix a reasonable target and make a practical learning plan according to our own levels.‎ S5: Yes, I think so. I believe that if we work hard with the guide of the right learning method, we will make progress continuously and improve ourselves step by step.‎ S6: Quite right. I don’t think one can overcome all kinds of difficulties unless he has a strong will and great determination.‎ S7: I suggest that we should ask for our teachers’ advice on how to learn our lessons well. With their help, we can promote efficiency and get twice the result with half the effort.‎ S8: I think it important to listen to the teachers carefully and make notes in class, because it is convenient for us to review the lessons after class.‎ S9: My father told me to form a good study habit, develop ability to analyze and solve problems on my own. ‎ S10: We ought to keep fit in body and mind. We’d better keep on doing exercise every day. I think it is important to keep a balanced mind.‎ T: Excellent! You’ve got it. Congratulations on your nice beginning. I’m sure you may soon adapt yourselves to the new school life at Senior High. All of you will realize your ideals if you can stick to working hard in the right way. Here is a formula from the famous scientist Albert Einstein:A=X+Y+Z. Among them, A represents success, X represents hard work, Y represents right method, Z represents few words. Wish you success!‎ Step Ⅱ Grammar ‎ Uses of the Simple Present Get the Ss to practice Activity 1 in pairs, and then sum up the uses of the simple present in groups of 4. At last, practice some extra exercises and check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Today we’re going to review the uses of the present tenses. Now please open your books and turn to page 4. You can find the answers with your partners.‎ ‎...‎ T: Now I’d like you to sum up the uses of the simple present tense in groups of 4. Please give us some examples.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Who want to have a try first?‎ Show their notes on the screen.‎ Simple Present Tense is used ‎1. to give one’s opinion I like ice cream. I don’t like spicy food.‎ ‎2. to talk about schedules ‎ The library opens at 8 am.‎ It doesn’t open at 7.‎ ‎3. to talk about daily habits Sara eats a donut for breakfast every day.‎ She doesn’t eat cereal.‎ ‎4. to give facts The earth circles the sun.‎ The moon doesn’t circle the sun.‎ Note:‎ It’s not always easy to decide which use of the sentence is. In many cases, there are two or more usages of simple present tense.‎ T: Terrific. Your summary is all-round. Since you’ve known the uses of it, please do some exercises to check if you can understand it exactly and correctly. ‎ After discussion, show the following on the screen.‎ Choose the correct answer for each sentence below. 1. The train leaves at 10. ‎ A. opinion / fact B. schedule / fact C. habit / opinion ‎2. The sun is very hot in the summer. ‎ A. schedule / habit B. opinion / habit C. fact ‎3. Traffic is terrible in the morning!‎ A. fact / opinion B. schedule / opinion ‎ C. habit / opinion ‎4. The sun rises in the east.‎ A. habit / schedule B. fact C. opinion ‎5. Susan hates traffic.‎ A. schedule B. opinion / fact C. habit / schedule ‎6. Every Saturday Sherry goes to the supermarket.‎ A. schedule / opinion B. habit C. opinion ‎ ‎7. Maria dances every Saturday night. ‎ A. schedule B. opinion C. fact ‎8. That company makes auto parts.‎ A. schedule B. habit / fact C. opinion ‎9. Jack works every day.‎ A. habit / fact B. schedule / opinion C. opinion ‎10. A river carries water.‎ A. opinion B. schedule C. fact ‎ After a few minutes.‎ T: Let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Key: 1-5 BCABB 6-10 BCBAC Verb form and Structure of the Simple Present Get the Ss to discuss the structure of the simple present and the rules of the third person singular form in groups of 4. Ask some of them to show their results to the whole class.‎ T: Now let’s go on to discuss the structure of the simple present and the rules of the third person singular form in groups of 4. Later I’ll ask some of you to show your results to the whole class.‎ Ss: There are only two basic forms for the simple present tense; one ends with-s and the other doesn’t. Here are the rules: To most verbs, simply addings creates the third person singular form. However, to some verbs, you need to add -es or change the ending a little. Here are the rules.‎ Verbs ending in ...‎ the 3rd person singular Example s Add -es passes z Add -es dozes sh Add -es wishes ch Add -es watches consonant + y Change y to i, then add -es flies anything else Add -s sings Subject (1st/2nd/3rd plural) + verb Verb form Positive Negative Interrogative Special interrogative He swims.‎ He does not swim.‎ Does he swim?‎ Where does he swim?‎ She swims.‎ She does not swim.‎ Does she swim?‎ Where does she swim?‎ It swims.‎ It does not swim.‎ Does it swim?‎ Where does it swim?‎ I swim.‎ I do not swim.‎ Do I swim?‎ Where do I swim?‎ You swim.‎ You do not swim.‎ Do you swim?‎ Where do you swim?‎ We swim.‎ We do not swim.‎ Do we swim?‎ Where do we swim?‎ They swim.‎ They do not swim.‎ Do they swim?‎ Where do they swim?‎ The uses of the Present Continuous Tense ‎ Get the Ss to discuss the uses of the present continuous tense in groups of 4. And compare it with the present simple with the help of Exercise 2 on page 67. At last, ask them to practice Exercise 1 on page 67 in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Now let’s discuss the uses of the present continuous tense in groups of 4. And compare it with the present simple.‎ Ss: Structure: Subject (3rd singular) + is +verb (ing).‎ ‎ Subject (1st singular) + am + verb (ing).‎ ‎ Subject (1st/2nd/3rd plural) + are + verb (ing).‎ Uses Examples ( 1 )‎ Examples ( 2 )‎ Something that is doing at the time of speaking I am singing a song now.‎ They are running at this moment.‎ An action that is often repeated He is always staring at us.‎ Mr. Green is always telling the same old joke.‎ T: Now please practice Exercise 1 on page 67 in pairs with the help of Exercise 2 and then check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step Ⅲ Practice T: Here are some exercises about the uses of the two tenses. Please make choices and then we’ll check the answers with the whole class. ‎ Show them on the screen.‎ ‎1. Look! Junko ______ into the water.‎ A. jumps B. is jumping C. are jumping D. jump ‎2. I ______ lunch in the cafeteria every day.‎ A. have B. has C. am having D. are having ‎3. I ______ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?‎ A. go B. goes C. is going D. am going ‎4. Don’t give Jan any cheese. She ______ it!‎ ‎5. You won’t find Jerry at home right now. He ______ in the library.‎ A. are studying B. studies C. study D. is studying ‎6. Once a week, I ______ to an art class at the college.‎ A. goes B. are going C. go D. am going ‎7. I ______ you’re crazy!‎ A. am thinking B. thinks C. think D. are thinking ‎ ‎8. Salmon is rich — he ______ a Mercedes.‎ A. are driving B. drives ‎ C. drive D. is driving ‎9. It ______ quite hard — perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.‎ A. is snowing B. snows C. are snowing D. snow ‎10. Marie Claude isn’t a Canadian. I ______ she comes from France.‎ A. is believing B. believe C. is believing D. am believing Key: 1-5 BADBD 6-10 CCDAB Step Ⅳ Homework ‎1. Finish off the exercises on page 67.‎ ‎2. Prepare for the vocabulary class.‎ ‎3. Collect the suffixes of noun, adjective and verb. ‎ The Third Period Language Study Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 correction , enjoyment, fluency, misunderstand, disappointed, disappointing b. 重点句式 ‎... he thinks it is good to study Chinese. P6‎ The classroom was amazing. P7‎ I was completely amazed by the classroom. P7‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the Ss to know the uses of adjectives ending in -ing / -ed and the differences between them.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to know the parts of speech according to the suffixes and determine their functions in the sentences. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Get the Ss to know the differences between the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and learn the uses of them in the sentences.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Get the Ss to know the parts of speech according to the suffixes and determine their functions in the sentences.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Study individually and practice in groups.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A computer and a recorder.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision Check the answers to the WORKBOOK exercises.‎ T: Good morning, boys and girls. Let’s review what we learned last class. Now I’ll check the answers to the WORKBOOK exercises. ‎ Step Ⅱ Vocabulary Study First, learn some uses of suffixes and ask some of the students to show their collected suffixes. Then review the functions of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Fill in the charts with the proper forms of the words by practicing Activity 1 on page 5 and Exercise 8 on page 68. At last, check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Today we’re going to learn some uses of suffixes. Do you know what’s a suffix?‎ S1: A suffix is a particle, which is added to the end of a root. ‎ T: Right. Anything more about it?‎ S2: Generally, suffixes do not change the meaning of the root, but it is a part of speech. e.g. lead (v.)→leadership (n.); ill (adj.) → illness (n.)‎ S3: Although each suffix has its own meaning, it can’t be used separately without the root.  ‎ S4: However, some suffixes add new meanings to the newly formed words.‎ e.g. meaning → meaningless; think → thinker T: Quite good! Now it’s time for us to present your collected suffixes.‎ Ss: The following are some of the most commonly used suffixes.‎ ‎1. Suffixes used as a noun signifier Verb Adjective Suffix Noun read ‎-er reader act ‎-or actor train ‎-ee trainee build ‎-ing building attend ‎-ance attendance punish ‎-ment punishment invent ‎-tion invention sick ‎-ness sickness special ‎-ist specialist true ‎-th truth ‎2. Suffixes used as an adjective signifier Noun Verb Suffix Adjective wind ‎-y windy hope ‎-ful hopeful adventure ‎-ous adventurous hero ‎-ic (-ical)‎ heroic nation ‎-al national care ‎-less careless trouble ‎-some troublesome depend ‎-ent/-ant dependent comfort ‎-able/-ible comfortable active imagine ‎-ive/-tive/‎ ‎-ative/-itive attentive imaginative second ‎-ary secondary change ‎-able changeable annoy ‎-ing annoying excite ‎-ed excited ‎3. Suffixes used as a verb signifier Adjective Noun Suffix Verb broad fright ‎-en broaden, frighten simple ‎-fy simplify modern ‎-ize (-ise)‎ modernize T: Excellent! Now let’s fill in some charts with your partners. Please open your books and turn to page 5 and practice Activity 1, and then practice Exercise 8 on page 68. Later we’ll check the answers with the whole class. ‎ Step Ⅲ Practice Get the Ss to review the uses of verbs, nouns and adjectives in sentences, filling the form. Ask them to practice Activity 2 on page 5 and complete the sentences, using the suitable forms in the box. At last, check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Now let’s review the uses of verbs, nouns and adjectives in sentences. Fill in the form below. Who can tell us what functions these three kinds of words can be used ‎ as?‎ Sample answers:‎ Part of speech Subject Object Predicate Predicative Objective Complement Attribute Noun ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ Verb ‎√‎ ‎√‎ Adjective ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ T: Terrific! Now practice Activity 2 on page 5, please use the suitable forms in the box to complete the sentences according to their functions in the sentences. A few minutes later, let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step Ⅳ Grammar Get the Ss to learn the uses of adjectives ending in -ing and -ed. Find out the differences between them. Fill in the chart about them. Complete the sentences using the correct forms. At last check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Now let’s learn the uses of adjectives ending in ‎-ing and -ed. Do you know how to explain their uses? Please look at Activity 2 on page 6. Who can tell me which explanation is correct?‎ S1: The -ing form describes the people or things that cause the feeling.‎ S2: The -ed form tells us how people feel.‎ T: Quite right! Now please find out more differences between them by reading the examples. And fill in the chart below. ‎ Show it on the screen.‎ People Things Passive Active Explanation Example ‎-ing ‎√‎ ‎√‎ ‎√‎ Cause the feeling The room is amazing.‎ ‎-ed ‎√‎ ‎√‎ How people feel I am amazed by the room.‎ T: OK, I’d like you to complete the sentences in Activity 3 on page 7. Try to use the correct forms according to the chart. A few minutes later, let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step Ⅴ Listening Get the Ss to listen to the tape and finish the activities on pages 6 and 7.‎ For Activity 3 on page 6, get the Ss to read the sentences in Activity 2 again before answering the questions. For Activity 4 on page 6, listen to the tape carefully and then answer the questions, adding more information. For Pronunciation, -ed ending has three kinds of pronunciation. Listen to them carefully and try to find out the different groups. And while repeating, please pay more attention to the intonation, meaning group and pronunciation.‎ Step Ⅵ Homework ‎1. Finish off all the vocabulary and grammar activities.‎ ‎2. Find out more adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and sentences.‎ ‎3. Prepare to learn the Cultural Corner.‎ The Fourth Period Speaking Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 disappointing, system, teenager, disappear, move, assistant, cover, diploma b. 重点句式 Is the school similar to your school? P7‎ What similarities or differences do you know about...? P7‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Get the Ss to know the similarities and differences about American and Chinese school systems.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to find out the similarities and differences about American and Chinese school systems.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Learn about the differences between American and Chinese school systems.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Teach the Ss to learn how to write a letter about the Chinese school system.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Speaking, making conversations and comparative method.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A computer and some slides.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision Check up the answers of the vocabulary and grammar activities. Then get the Ss to show the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and sentences.‎ T: First let’s check up the answers of the vocabulary and grammar activities. ‎ ‎...‎ T: Now I want some students to show the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and sentences.‎ Sample answers:‎ ‎1) V-ing forms as adjectives amusing, annoying, boring, charming, comforting, daring, confusing, convincing, deafening, disappointing, discouraging, disturbing, embarrassing, encouraging, exciting, fascinating, missing, interesting, inviting, misleading, obliging, pleasing, refreshing, pressing, promising, puzzling, shocking, surprising, striking, tempting, terrifying ‎—The football match was very exciting. ‎ ‎—This time they achieved more satisfying results.‎ ‎—Listen! The following is an amusing story about Dr. Wang. ‎ ‎2) V-ed participles as adjectives accomplished, accustomed, amazed, amused, astonished, broken, closed, completed, confined, confused, connected, contented, covered, crowded, celebrated, civilized, decided, dedicated, faded, delighted, deserted, devoted, disappointed, discouraged, dressed, distinguished, done, drunk, excited, exhausted, experienced, shut, finished, frightened, gone, hurt, illustrated, injured, saved, interested, killed, known, learned, ‎ lined, loaded, lost, married, won, paved, posted, puzzled, qualified, reserved, satisfied, soaked, surprised, surrounded, worried ‎ ‎—The manager stood watching his old patrons with puzzled despair. ‎ ‎—We were astonished at her sudden disappearance.‎ ‎—I shall be delighted to meet you at the airport. ‎ ‎3) If adding the prefix un before them, they can be changed into their antonyms.‎ unchanging, unhesitating, uninteresting, uninviting, unpleasing, unpromising, unsatisfying, unbuttoned, uncalled (for), uncooked, uncovered, undecided, uneducated, unexpected, unfinished, unheard (of), unoccupied, unsettled Step Ⅱ Function Get the Ss to read the dialogue on page 8, look for the expressions and keep the conversation going in pairs. Then ask them to have a conversation about one of their classes with their partners.‎ T: Now please read the dialogue between Rob and Diane with your partners. While reading, try to look for the expressions they use to keep the conversation going.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: OK. Who have found the expressions?‎ Ss: How are you doing? Oh really?‎ Is that right? How was it?‎ So have I. Cool!‎ T: Very good! Are you interested in keeping the conversation going? I’d like you to practice it with your partners. Then I’ll ask some of you to act out your dialogues.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Does anybody like to go on with the conversation with your partner?‎ Ss: Diane = D Rob = R D: And what do you think of your first language class?‎ R: Not bad! In the beginning, Miss Wang introduced herself to the whole class. Then she asked us to introduce ourselves to each other in Chinese. At first, I felt a little nervous, later I became relaxed. All of my classmates were friendly and soon we became good friends.‎ D: Sounds good! How about your English assistant teacher?‎ R: She is very beautiful and her English is as fluent as her Chinese. Miss Wang is very kind but strict with her students. Her teaching is so lively and interesting that we can easily remember what she teaches us. We all like to attend her lectures. ‎ D: Do you think that Chinese is very difficult for foreigners to learn?‎ R: Yes. But I enjoy learning Chinese. And it will be convenient for foreigners to communicate with the Chinese if we learn it well.‎ D: You’re right. I believe if you keep on studying, your Chinese will be improved. ‎ R: As you know, I’d love to have a talk with my friends in Chinese, though I still have difficulty in finding the right words for my feelings.‎ D: But I think you’re doing very well.‎ R: Thank you very much.‎ T: Wonderful! Thank you for your excellent performance. Please go on to make up another conversation about one of your classes. And practice in pairs, using the expressions in Activity 1 to help you. At last I’ll ask some of you to come to the blackboard and act your conversations out for the class.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Who’d like to act out your conversation?‎ S1: Hello, Wang Lin.‎ S2: Hello, Zhao Hai. How are you doing? ‎ S1: I’m fine. I’ve just bought an oral English book. I need to improve my spoken English as soon as possible.‎ S2: Oh really? So have I. I feel it difficult to communicate with our foreign teacher, Tom. And how do you like his first English class?‎ S1: Brilliant! I think his class was very attractive and lively and every student was active to practice with the instruction of him.‎ S2: Yes, I think so. I was tired of learning English in Junior Middle school. But I have been interested in English since Tom taught us. What do you think of Tom?‎ S1: Excellent! His oral English is very fluent and his pronunciation is very good. His teaching method is very interesting and his words are humorous. ‎ S2: Yes, he is very strict but kind. He encouraged us to be brave to speak loudly without being afraid of making mistakes. All of our classmates like him very much. ‎ S1: I believe we can make great progress in our oral English. ‎ S2: I suggest from now on we should communicate with each other in English.‎ S1: Good idea. Let’s begin.‎ Step Ⅲ Cultural Corner Ask the Ss to read the letter from a Senior High student in the US on page 9. Fill in the chart below in pairs and check it up together.‎ T: Now, I’ll ask you to read the letter from a Senior High student in the US. Fill in the chart below in pairs. After discussion, let’s fill in the chart together.‎ Show it on the screen.‎ Chinese and American School Systems School System Chinese American Grade Elementary ‎6 (1~6)‎ ‎5 (1~5)‎ secondary Junior ‎3 (7~9)‎ ‎3 (6~8)‎ High ‎3 (10~12)‎ ‎4 (9~12)‎ Term First Sep.~‎ Jan. or Feb.‎ Sep.~ Dec.‎ Second Feb. or Mar.~‎ July Jan.~ May Vacation ‎(weeks)‎ Winter ‎3‎ ‎2~3‎ Summer ‎7‎ ‎6~8‎ After school Activity book, theater, music, art, computer, sports (football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess)‎ Step Ⅳ Speaking Get the Ss to look at the photos from a US high school brochure. Answer the questions in groups of 4. Try to use the expressions about similarities and differences. Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: Now please look at the photos from a US high school brochure on page 7. What can you see in the pictures? ‎ S1: They are doing some after-chool activities. Some are doing sports. Some are ‎ playing with computers.‎ S2: The American students lead a colorful school life. They all appear to have fun.‎ T: Quite good. I’d like you to talk about the questions in groups of 4 and try to find out the similarities and differences in American and Chinese school systems.‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Let’s check the answers with the whole class. Is the school similar to our school? Why or why not?‎ S1: Yes, it’s similar to our school. In order to cultivate independence ability, work ability, activity ability and communication ability of the Ss, the school founds 16 students’ mass organizations with the help of the student union.‎ S2: The organizations provide at least half an hour a day for students to take part in activities, and carry out all kinds of subjects and entertainment activities. The mass organizations become beautiful scenery in the construction of campus culture.‎ S3: The special-purpose classrooms, such as the dancing classroom, the musical classroom, the fine arts, the calligraphy classroom and so on are founded completely.‎ S4: There are 6 network microcomputer rooms and 46 multimedia classrooms in the school. It is the computer educational test school of the national primary and middle school.‎ S5: In our school, there are physical labs, chemical labs, biological labs, computer rooms and multi -functional rooms, all of which have met the international standards. Besides, we also have a large library, auditorium, gym and even campus TV station.‎ S6: The school engages foreign experts all the year round to offer spoken English lessons. Regularly the school holds English winter camp and summer camp, and organizes the Ss to go abroad to have a visit in order to help them establish “world ‎ consciousness” and experience the brand-new learning of English culture.‎ T: Excellent job! School is the place that trains the students to grow up and become a talented man. That is to say, it is our every teacher’s wish and duty to let the students become wise, healthy and happy. Do the students at our school do things like this?‎ S7: Yes, of course. We are aiming at training our students to be internationalized talents with the knowledge of every domain, and the ability to master the modern information technology. With the perfect qualities of our education, the students can be brought up excellently.‎ S8: We can also match our interests to various clubs in school. For example, if your voice is good, you can join a singing club, and show your talent in a singing contest.‎ S9: Our school advocates the good campus culture and atmosphere actively, launches the positive, rich and colorful culture life. We strongly call for to be the “outstanding Chinese and the kind citizen in the world”; Study hard and keep enterprising positively. ‎ S10: As the bridge for the school contacting the students, through the regular discussion between the teachers and students and the school leaders, Students’ Union sets up the suggestion box and other ways to implement democratic supervision, put forward the advisable suggestions to the school in time (including teaching, life and management). Utilizing the various forms such as the broadcast, the E-mail, the school publication and the school bulletin etc. to fully arouse and stipulate the study enthusiasm of the students, promote students’ overall development morally, intelligently and physically.‎ T: Terrific. Now let’s talk about the similarities and differences between American and Chinese school systems.‎ S1: In American high schools, there is fighting or hurting or other kinds of bad behaviors. So children who want to go to university are often sent to suburban high ‎ schools, where most students aim at going to university and the atmosphere is quite different. Chinese students are much safer than those in America. ‎ S2: In China, secondary education is divided into academic secondary education and specialized /vocational / technical secondary education. Vocational schools offer programs ranging from two to four years and train medium-level skilled workers, farmers, and managerial and technical personnel. Technical schools typically offer four-year programs to train intermediate technical personnel. “Schools for Skilled Workers” typically train Junior Middle school graduates for positions requiring production and operation skills. The time of training is typically three years.‎ S3: There are great differences between Chinese and American middle schools. In China, the schools pay much attention to cultivating good habit and ability of independent study. The school offers morning reading and evening self-study time, during which teachers are asked to guide them. Students finish homework and teachers give feedbacks and correction on the same day. But in America, the school starts at 7:50 am and finishes at 3:00 pm.‎ S4: In China, the designation of “key school” exists for selected schools at every level: elementary, secondary and higher. In addition, there are various levels of the “key” designation itself: There are national key institutions; provincial or municipal key institutions, and county or district key institutions. Key schools all enjoy priority funding as well as the privilege of recruiting the best students. At the elementary and secondary levels, this concept is similar to that of a “magnet” or “college preparatory” school in the United States.‎ S5: Finally, since 1992, a new informal category of schools has emerged: the so-called “elite schools.” These non-governmental schools with state-of-the-art facilities often charge astronomical tuition fees and cater primarily to children of the new and wealthy entrepreneurial class in China. “Elite schools” exist at all levels of education, from kindergarten to higher education. There are also a lot of private schools, and parents have to pay for them. The cost is $ 5,000-$ 10,000 a year.‎ S6: In America, since the students spend a lot of time participating in various activities, school becomes the center of social life for students. They not only go to school to study the material presented in class, but they also meet together to socialize and to pursue their interests. But Chinese students have less time to take part in all kinds of activities. They concentrate on learning the main subjects, such as Chinese, maths, English and so on.‎ S7: In fact, high school in the United States is usually divided into two periods — the first two or three years is called “Junior High school” and the other is “Senior High school”. It’s similar to China.‎ S8: In China, children enjoy free education of nine years, but in the United States, the students enjoy free education until they are eighteen years old. As a result of the free education system, American children have little difficulty in going to Senior High school. It is very different from China.‎ S9: American high school students can take part in a lot of activities outside of the classroom. The school organizes the activities such as joining a music group or a sports team.‎ S10: American students have to work hard in order to get good marks if they want to go to a good university. They do not specialize in any particular direction, and they take classes in all kinds of subjects all through the high school period. And those who come out with low marks at the end of a school year and who are supposed to repeat a grade are often allowed to go on to the next grade.‎ Step Ⅴ Homework ‎1. Write a reply to Rob Marshall to tell him something about your summer vacation and the Chinese school system in your letter.‎ ‎2. Prepare to read “Club Activities” on page 69.‎ The Fifth Period Extensive Reading Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 cultural, enjoyable, friendship, graduation, experience, train, vacation, organize, with / without the help of ..., take place, a number of, take part in, at all ‎ b. 重点句式 P69‎ What interests you most in daily life?‎ ‎... there is a popular belief that ...‎ ‎... spend a lot of time together in ...‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the Ss to talk about club activities. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to talk about club activities.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Get the Ss to read the passage about club activities and answer the questions.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Get the Ss to learn how to guess the meanings of new words from the context.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Fast reading and discussion.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a computer.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision Check up the homework. Let the Ss show their written work on the screen.‎ T: Now let’s check up the homework. I’ll ask some of you to show your written work on the screen.‎ A sample version:‎ Dear Rob Marshall,‎ ‎ How are you doing? I thought I’d like to tell you about our summer vacation and the Chinese school system.‎ ‎ Extensive cooperation has been established with many famous schools abroad such as America, England, and Australia in our school. In summer holidays of every year many foreign teachers come to our school holding “modern holiday’s English village”. They teach us spoken English with various teaching methods. The summer camp not only improves our ability of using language, but also promotes our friendship with foreigners. We have made friends with them and keep in touch with each other constantly. ‎ ‎ I’d like to give you introduction about Chinese education system. China has a Compulsory Education Law, which calls for each child to receive nine-year formal education. To meet this requirement, a child will attend five-year elementary education followed by three-year Junior Middle school. Today in China, the first system, “5-4”, is virtually nonexistent; the second system, “6-3”, is far more common.‎ ‎ I’d like to talk about primary school. Primary education includes preschool and elementary education. Preschool or kindergarten, can last up to three years, with children entering as early as age three, until age six, when they enter elementary school. The academic year is divided into two semesters. In China, children begin to ‎ go to school at the age of six or seven; it takes them six years to finish primary school. During the stage, they are taught the elementary knowledge in language and science, for example, mathematics, basic Chinese, English, nature, music, gym, drawing and so on. ‎ ‎ Now, I’d like to mention of Junior Middle school. After primary school, the students will go to Junior Middle school without having to pass the exam. Education at this level is compulsory; Junior Middle school education lasts for three years. The students study many subjects, for example, Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, geography, history and so on. When Junior Middle school education comes to an end, the students are screened by exam in two ways. Some students expect to enter college, so enter Senior Middle school. The others want to work, they attend professional school. For Senior Middle school students, it takes them three years. For professional school students, it takes them two to three years.‎ Best wishes, ‎ Li Kang Step Ⅱ Reading ‎ Ask the Ss to read the passage about club activities on page 69 and answer the questions with their partners. Guide the Ss to guess the meanings of some new words from the context and practice Exercise 12. Then practice Exercise 13 and decide if the sentences are true or false. Check the answers with the whole class.‎ T: You know your school life is colorful and meaningful. After-school activities are very important in your school life. First of all, I’d like you to answer my questions. What would you like to do after class? Why do you like it?‎ S1: I like to go to library to read more books because I want to enlarge my knowledge.‎ S2: I often go to the net bar to surf the Internet in order to search some useful ‎ information related to the textbooks.‎ S3: I enjoy playing basketball after class. I think it important to keep fit by doing exercise.‎ S4: I usually watch TV after finishing my homework. I believe I can learn a lot by watching TV programs like TV news.‎ S5: I’d like to listen to some music because it can make me relaxed after study.‎ T: Well done! I think it is the most important for you to take part in some meaningful activities after school. Now please turn to page 69. Today we’re going to read the passage about club activities. And answer the questions with your partners. ‎ A few minutes later.‎ T: Let’s check the answers with the whole class. ‎ Sample answers:‎ ‎1. There are two kinds of school clubs: sports and cultural study clubs. Students are allowed to choose freely to join them after class according to their own interests. ‎ ‎2. Students who join in any clubs are called members of the clubs. They spend a lot of time together on club activities. ‎ ‎3. The clubs meet two to four times a week after school.‎ ‎4. Many students feel that club activities are the most enjoyable part of Senior High School life. Many graduates say that their best memories of Senior High School life are the days they spent with other club members. Because they have had similar life experiences, they often make friends with each other. The friendships often last a long time after graduation.‎ T: Quite good! Now please practice Exercise 12 and find these words in the passage and choose the best definition. Then practice Exercise 13, decide if the sentences are ‎ true or false. You may talk about them with your partners. After discussion, let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step Ⅲ Listening and Speaking Ask the Ss to practice Exercises 14, 15 and 16 in pairs according to the notices and the tape. For Exercise 17, plan a chart about school clubs or societies they belong to or what they like doing after school, and then get the Ss to work in groups of 4 to talk about them and fill in the given form. And for Exercise 18, collect all the forms of the whole class. Try to find out how many students in their class belong to clubs and what the most popular activities are according to the forms for Exercise 17. ‎ T: Now let’s practice Exercises 14, 15 and 16 in pairs according to the tape. Look at the notices and listen to the tape and try to fill in the form below.‎ Show it on the screen.‎ After-school clubs Name Activity Member Meeting day Time Location T: Now let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ ‎...‎ T: Now let’s practice Exercises 16 and 17, work in groups of 4 to talk about them and try to fill in the form below:‎ Form for students who join the clubs Who ‎ What club ‎ Why ‎ How long What kinds How often ‎ What likes/dislikes ‎ What future activity Form for students who don’t join the clubs Who ‎ What ‎ Where ‎ How often ‎ With whom T: Now please hand in all the forms of the whole class for Exercise 17. Try to find out how many students in our class belong to clubs and what the most popular activities are according to the forms for Exercise 17. ‎ Step Ⅳ Consolidation Ask the Ss to talk freely about their after-school activities in their Junior Middle ‎ schools. ‎ T: Now, let’s have a free talk about the after-school activities of your former Junior Middle schools. Volunteers?‎ S1: Sports are a traditional program in our school. The most familiar and easiest examples must be running, especially long-distance running. Because of the distance and the number of participants, it’s a good way of testing students’ endurance and patience, especially their mental tenacity. No matter how frustrated they feel during the process, the people who reach the finishing line are heroes to themselves. ‎ S2: Students can match their interests to various clubs in our school. If your voice is good, you can join a singing club, and show your talent in a singing contest. If you’re interested in acting, the drama club is the best choice. Plays can reveal your acting potential, and win you applause from the audience. Of course, the main purpose of going to school is studying. Although real life is not as colorful as films, school still gives us many unforgettable memories.‎ S3: A variety of teams are offered for both boys and girls in our school. Sports teams are popular such as football, basketball and baseball teams. In addition, one may find tennis, gymnastics, swimming, golf, volleyball and track and field teams.‎ S4: Other important activities in our middle school are the club meetings, music or drama rehearsals, and sport practice sessions that take place in the afternoon after classes. These meetings are a very important part of middle school life, since they are a link between different groups of students. Students who usually would not meet in the classroom get to know each other in areas of common interest. They give the Ss the opportunity to further their specific interests in various fields and to spend their free time together.‎ S5: There are school teams in my school, which compete with other schools and which have very intensive training, and intramural teams, which play with other teams within the school itself. In our school, there is a great deal of competitions the ‎ students who join the school teams. There are schools regulations that make it difficult for the new students to join in. On the intramural teams most students are welcome to participate.‎ Step Ⅴ Homework Ask the Ss to write a composition about their own after-school activities.‎ The Sixth Period Writing Teaching goals教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 routine, teenager, memory, brochure, feature, architecture, location, slogan, make mistakes ‎ b. 重点句式 P8‎ My first memory of school was...‎ My favorite activity / subject ... was...‎ My first teacher was called...‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the Ss to write an email to answer some questions about their school life of their first year at Senior High.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write an email and a brochure about their school.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Get the Ss to learn how to write an email.‎ Teaching difficult points教学难点 Enable the Ss to prepare materials to write a brochure about their school.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based learning and discussion.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A projector and a computer.‎ Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision Check the homework. Ask the Ss to write a composition about their own after-school activities.‎ T: Now I’d like some of you to present your compositions about your own after-school activities.‎ A sample version:‎ My After-school Activities ‎ As the students of modern times, we have colorful school life.‎ ‎ Everyday, we learn plenty of knowledge on different subjects in class. And our school organizes many extracurricular activities in order to help us put what we have learned into practice. After class, we take part in various activities, like playing football, basketball, badminton, etc. They are good for our health. Besides, we are able to join in the lectures organized by literature association, music group, art group, where you can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures. Also, there are chances for us to use computers in the laboratory and talk with some foreign teachers about anything we are interested in at the English corner. Now, most of us may operate computers freely and have a good command of spoken ‎ English. ‎ ‎ In addition to the after-class activities mentioned here, there are still many others such as sports meeting, debate, social investigation, etc. All those activities make our school life attractive and interesting. We will take advantages of the experience in the future.‎ Step Ⅱ Writing (I)‎ For Exercise 19 on page 71, ask the Ss to work in groups of 4 and answer the questions about the school life. Then get the Ss to read the email from a Canadian student on page 72 and decide which paragraphs talk about. Try to get more details about it and fill in the form. Check the answers with the whole class. Then read the tips of writing email and write a reply to the email, using the points in Exercise 19. At last, ask some of them to show their emails. ‎ T: All right. Now let’s read this email from a Canadian student and decide what paragraphs talk about. Do Exercise 20 and try to get more details about it to fill in the form on the screen.‎ Show it on the screen.‎ Para.‎ Point Time Activity ‎1‎ before school routine ‎7 am get up have breakfast ‎7:30 am leave home take the bus ‎2‎ school subjects like chemistry dislike maths ‎3‎ After-school routine until ‎11:30 pm do homework have dinner watch TV ‎4‎ After-school activity Tuesdays ‎7 pm train basketball take the bus home Let the Ss check the answers with each other.‎ T: Please read the tips of writing email. ‎ Show the tips on the screen.‎ Writing an email message An email is less formal than a letter, but there are still a few things to keep in mind.‎ ‎1. Write the topic of your message on the subject line.‎ ‎2. Keep your email as short as possible.‎ ‎3. Answer the questions if you reply to an email.‎ ‎4. Check your email for spelling errors and other mistakes.‎ ‎5. Write your name at the end of your message.‎ T: Write a reply to the email, using the points in Exercise 19. Later I’ll ask some of you to show your emails. ‎ After a few minutes.‎ T: I’ll ask some of you to show your emails on the screen.‎ A sample version:‎ Hi, Chris,‎ ‎ Thanks for asking me about my school life. I usually get up at 6 o’clock. After having my breakfast, I leave home at 7 o’clock. I usually go to school by bike. The journey takes about 10 minutes.‎ ‎ We learn many subjects, for example, Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, geography, history and so on. My favorite subjects are English and history. English is very important and history is the most interesting. But I don’t like to learn physics. I think it is too difficult for me to master it and it is boring.‎ ‎ The first lesson starts at 7:30, which is the time for individual study, reading Chinese or English loudly. After that, we have another four lessons in the morning. At 10 o’clock, we begin to do some morning exercises. School is over at 12 o’clock.‎ ‎ I usually have lunch at 12:30. After that, I usually have a nap. After school, I always do my homework first. After dinner, I often prepare for the next day’s lessons. Sometimes, I surf the Internet, reading the passages online. Sometimes I watch some TV programs, like sports news. I don’t go to bed until 11:00 pm.‎ ‎ On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I stay at school and go to football training given by the football club. I think it’s an exciting sport. I like it very much and I play in the school team twice a week. I think I have a busy, colorful and happy school life. ‎ Best wishes,‎ Zhang Si ‎ Step Ⅲ Writing (II)‎ Ask the Ss to read the email from an American student in tenth grade on page 8. Get them to discuss the questions she asked and fill in the form. Then write a reply, answering the questions in the given email. At last, ask some of them to show their emails. ‎ T: Now let’s deal with another email. Please read the email from an American student in tenth grade on page 8. Get them to discuss the questions she asked and ‎ fill in the form.‎ Name School Friend Activity Teacher T: Please write a reply, answering the questions in the given email.‎ After a few minutes.‎ T: Now I’ll ask some of you to show your emails. ‎ A sample version:‎ ‎ Hello, my name is Wang Mei. I’m 15 years old and I live in Beijing. I’m also in tenth grade in Senior High school. My favorite subjects are English and Chinese. I like my new school very much.‎ ‎ I’ve received your email, in which you ask some questions about my memories of my first year at school. I’m very pleased to give you my answers.‎ ‎ My first memory of school was the fairly big building, the entrance of which was typically wide with some important pictures of historical figures. It was the place where I was most affected, since I re ally started to grow up there. It was like my second home, and I went through so many different emotions there. ‎ ‎ My first best friend is one of my classmates called Wang Lin. He is sincere, kind, and sociable. We have a lot in common and we both have the same kind of humor. We always support each other. We usually study hard and discuss some questions together.‎ ‎ My favorite activity in first grade was playing ping-pong. The reason why I liked it was that it got me quite excited and made my reflection quick. Also, it was quite a creative game because the secret to playing it well was to use variety of strokes.‎ ‎ My first teacher was Miss Zhang Guoyan. She looked very ordinary except that she was beautiful inside. She was gentle and friendly. The influence she had on me was very powerful. She taught me that I could be very disciplined and hard working but still be very kind.‎ Step Ⅳ Task Ask the Ss to collect the pictures and introductions and choose materials about their school. Finish the task to write a brochure about their school, including the best classroom, the best activity, some special features and a slogan.‎ A sample school brochure:‎ R I S H ENG The School Motto ‎ Preparation for Success The School Spirit Honesty Confidence Diligence Creation ‎ Risheng Senior High School is a civilian-run school. It is located in Haidian District in Beijing. There are 6 network microcomputer rooms and 46 multimedia classrooms in the school. It is the computer educational test school of the national primary and middle school. In our school, there are physical labs, chemical labs, biological labs, computer rooms, and multi-unctional rooms, all of which have met the international standards. Besides, we also have a large library, auditorium, gym and even campus TV station. The school engages foreign experts all the year round to offer spoken English lessons. Regularly the school holds English winter camp and summer camp, and organizes the Ss to go abroad to have a visit in order to help the Ss establish “world consciousness” and experience the brand-ew learning of English culture. ‎ ‎ Our school combines humanist spirit with science spirit under the condition of boarding system. Our educational program provides individual growth and development. It emphasizes the basic skills needed in communication, problem solving, and informational learning. Flexibility in scheduling, interdisciplinary teaming, exploratory programs, guidance programs and intramural activities are offered at each grade level.‎ ‎ The “Spring-lossom class” have been living in our school for one year. During this year, great changes have taken place in them. They are growing up and becoming more and more mature. They will think and observe the world with more ‎ broad mind and keener vision. They will cope with difficulties and frustrations confronting them. They will meet challenges ahead. At the beginning of the school year, we’l make a collective pledge — resolve to be useful and repay the society.‎ ‎ Under the leadership of the school, the student union launches every entertainment, sports and other flourishing and upward, rich and colorful activities after class and social practice that are suitable for students’ characters. Such as the coffee bar featuring English conversation managed by the students, English talks and lectures, calisthenics, social dancing and all kinds of sports matches etc. The best activity is the basketball training. American Training System has been used, making the trainees so excited and interested that they enjoy their training and learn the skills in a short time. The school team has got several gold medals in various basketball matches. ‎ ‎ It is thought that the object of education is the Ss in our school. We should follow the cognitive law of students of different ages and pay special attention to the individual differences of the object of education we make sure that every student will get overall education. Its connotation is as the following: ‎ ‎—Keeping human beings as the basis.‎ ‎ The “human beings” here can refer to either the students or the teachers and teaching staff. In the eyes of school, all of the managerial measures are intended to bring people’s initiative into play. In the eyes of teaching, all educations should be practiced around the students. We should always give consideration to the needs of the students and the needs of giving full play to the potentialities of the students in creating the teaching environment, designing every activity and completing every subject. ‎ ‎—Emotional education. ‎ ‎ The school should be responsible for students’ lifetime success and harmonious development and should set up the ultimate care for every student. From the time ‎ the school was established, it began to give emotional education the same importance as cognitive education and put it through the various educations covering morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetic appreciation and labor to achieve concerted effects in function in order to realize the general aim of making every child learn to conduct himself, handle affairs, seek knowledge and build up his health.‎ ‎—Personality cultivation. ‎ ‎ Taking personality cultivation as the main line, the school should raise the students’ sensitiveness in analyzing questions, heighten their belief in and reliance on rational thinking and lay stress on the cultivation of the students’ independence in observing, thinking and solving of problems to see if the students have the custom and ability to examine issues of any forms and put up their ideas first and then ask others for advice.‎ ‎ To teach the students according to their different levels and turn passive study into active study in class teaching, we should adopt the principle of “let the principal take part in, teach the students according to their actual levels to gain best results, response quickly, encourage and appraise”, encourage the principal to take part in the whole teaching activity. We should do our best to gain the best results through teaching the students according to their different levels because there is a great difference in personality of human beings.‎ ‎ The system of research and advancement is to set up special courses for some students to bring into further play of their potentiality for study. Elective course and activity course will be offered to build up a stage for the students in specialty cultivation. All the courses from social science to natural science, from manual crafts to calligraphy and painting creation should be offered to provide the students channels to show themselves in a most probable way.‎ ‎ To reform the appraisal system, the school selects excellent students in a single field. The Ss who take part in every activity such as a test, a small show and a ‎ cleaning etc. are probably encouraged and honored. The self-confidence of students of medium and low level should be protected and gradually moved to classroom study. Thus, the students’ personality will be protected and cultivated and turn into power of progress.‎ ‎ We believe that there is only the unsuccessful education, but no unsuccessful students. The educator is required to care for every student’s progress, change the out-of date teaching method, protect the students’ personality and cultivate the spirit of creation to turn the passive study into active study.‎ ‎ The aim of our education is to make education penetrate into the utmost bottom of the students’ hearts as if it were a gold key that can open the door of wisdom and give full play to the students’ potentiality and creativity.‎ ‎ In recent 3 years, the rate of passing the entrance examination to colleges or universities is respectively as high as 96.8%, 98.3%, and 99.2%. The students have won 608 items in the contests of different subjects and the competitions of articles and essays. The superior leaders and the society have thought highly of the striking achievements. The school occupies a dominant position among the same level schools on the unified examinations in Beijing.‎ 附 件 Ⅰ. 课文重点难点解析 ‎ ‎1. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!‎ 我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌烦的。‎ think 表示意见和看法,其后的宾语从句中的否定词not被移到主句中,该现象被称为“否定转移” 。类似的动词还有:expect, believe, suppose, imagine等。例如:‎ I don’t suppose that he will be back until eight.‎ 我猜想他不会在8点以前回来。‎ I don’t think we have finished the job yet.‎ 我认为我们还没有完成任务。‎ I shall not expect you till I see you. ‎ 你愿意什么时候来都可以。‎ ‎2. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. ‎ 换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。‎ a. in other words 意为“换言之,换句话说,也就是说”。用来说明使用不同的表达形式,表示相同的含义。‎ b. three times as many girls as boys是比较结构 “倍数 + times + as + many + 复数可数名词 + as 从句”,意为“……是……的……倍”。其基本形式是“as + 形容词或副词原级 + as从句”。例如:‎ This classroom is as big as that one.‎ 这个教室和那个教室一样大。‎ Mary runs as fast as Jenny.‎ 玛丽和珍妮跑得一样快。‎ 类似的结构还有“as + much + 不可数名词 + as从句”。例如:‎ He saved as much money as he could.‎ 他尽最大努力攒了许多钱。‎ Ⅱ. 文化背景知识 The American School System ‎ The education system in the United States is controlled by state and local ‎ governments. This is because the tenth amendment to the United States Constitution says that powers not given to the federal government are left to the states. So his federal government has no power to establish a national educational system. Federal agencies do not make education policy. These decisions are made at the state or local levels. ‎ ‎ So you might expect education laws to be different in each state. But they are similar. For example, in all fifty states and six territories, all children must attend school from the age of six or seven to the age of sixteen. Public schools are free of charge for grades one to twelve. The schools receive money from the state government.‎ ‎ Private schools also operate in all states and territories. Some private schools are operated by churches and religious groups. Other private schools are not linked to any religious organization. Private schools must be approved by the state in which they operate. Most private schools do not receive government money. The parents of private school students pay the school.‎ ‎ American students generally attend school from the first to the twelfth grades. Students are in school from Monday to Friday. They attend classes from about eight in the morning until three in the afternoon.‎ ‎ The school year usually begins in September and continues until June. Most states require a school year of one-hundred eighty days. Some schools have changed this schedule and require the students to attend school throughout the year.‎ ‎ More than forty-six million students attend American public school. Another six million students attend private schools. More than one million students do not go to school at all. Their parents teach them at home. His home-schooling has become popular in the last fifteen years or so. ‎

