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‎1. Walk a_______________ this street and turn left at the third crossing.‎ ‎2. In china the hottest month is A_______________.‎ ‎3. Have you got an e-mail a_______________?‎ ‎4. I don’t want this coat. Please show me a_______________ one.‎ ‎5. There are many a_______________ in the zoo.‎ ‎6. He doesn’t study hard. His father is always a_______________ with him.‎ ‎7. An a_______________ a day keeps the doctor away.‎ ‎8. What are you going to do this a_______________?‎ ‎9. --- what’s your _______________? --- I’m 14.‎ ‎10. She a_______________ get to school early. She’s never late for school.‎ ‎11. Please take a_______________ the empty bottle.‎ ‎12. There is an old house b_______________ the tall tree. The tall tree is in front of the house.‎ ‎13. There are a lot of b_______________ flowers in his garden.‎ ‎14. There is a b_______________ over the river.‎ ‎15. The first class b_______________ at 7:30. ‎ ‎16. He usually watches TV for half an hour b_______________ he goes to bed.‎ ‎17. He wants to get some money, so he goes to the b_______________.‎ ‎18. His parents are b_______________ teachers.‎ ‎19. Ben never practises the piano. He plays it b_______________.‎ ‎20. Jane’s b________ is on the twenty-fifth. I’m going to buy a present for you.‎ ‎21. I’d like two b_______________ of pain brushed.‎ ‎22. She washes her face, b_______________ her teeth and has breakfast.‎ ‎23. --- What do you usually have for b_______________?‎ ‎24. Can I b_______________ your ruler? Mine is at home.‎ ‎25. don’t forget to b_______________ your books next time.‎ ‎26. It’s a windy day. The wind is b_______________ strongly.‎ ‎27. The cinema is b_______________ the bookshop and the post office.‎ ‎28. I’ll try my b_______________ to work hard at English.‎ ‎29. Beijing is the c_______________ of China.‎ ‎30. They’re good at throwing and c_______________ the ball.‎ ‎31. I’m going to c_______________ the Baiyun Hills this Sunday.‎ ‎32. Thank you, and here is your c_______________.‎ ‎33. China is great c_______________.‎ ‎34. His grandfather lives in the c_______________.‎ ‎35. There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It’s a c_______________ day.‎ ‎36. It’s c_______________ today. Put on your sweater, please.‎ ‎37. Here’s your c_______________. Put it on, please.‎ ‎38. His mother is a good c_______________. she can cook delicious food.‎ ‎39. There is a c_______________ on the desk. It can tell you the time.‎ ‎40. How much does the bike c_______________?‎ ‎41. I like c_______________ stamps very much.‎ ‎42. The first day of June is C_______________ day.‎ ‎43. We c_______________ our classroom every day.‎ ‎44. this bike is too expensive. Have you got c_______________ ones?‎ ‎45. Please c_______________ the table with a cloth.‎ ‎46. What’s one hundred _______________ by two point five?‎ ‎47. His father is a d_______________. He works in a hospital.‎ ‎48. The last month of the year is d_______________.‎ ‎49. Can you tell me the d_______________ between the two words?‎ ‎50. On the evening before the Spring Festival, people usually have a big d_______ with their family.‎ ‎51. He often d_______________ morning exercises in the park.‎ ‎52. The d_______________ sits in the front of the bus.‎ ‎53. He usually d___________ a glass of milk and eats two eggs for breakfast.‎ ‎54. The watch costs me 100 d_______________.‎ ‎55. This question isn’t difficult. I can answer it e_______________.‎ ‎56. A good beginning helps to make a good e_______________.‎ ‎57. We do eye e_______________ every day.‎ ‎58. The bottle is e_______________. There isn’t anything in it.‎ ‎59. He always gets to school e_______________. He’s never late for school.‎ ‎60. It’s too e_______________. Do you have anything cheaper?‎ ‎61. I hope you all become good f_______________.‎ ‎62. --- What's your f_______________ book? --- I like books about animals.‎ ‎63. There are many f _______________ and trees in our school.‎ ‎64. There are some trees in f _______________ of my house.‎ ‎65. I am not very good at skiing and often f _______________ down.‎ ‎66. Don't f _______________ to turn off the light when you leave the classroom.‎ ‎67. She says that the Chinese people are very f_______________.‎ ‎68. Do you live f_______________ from school?‎ ‎69. Look! The kite is f_______________ high in the sky.‎ ‎70. You can buy some apples, pears in a f_______________ shop.‎ ‎71. She is f_______________ the cat.‎ ‎72. I'm looking f_______________ to the holiday.‎ ‎73. He is g_______________ at playing basketball.‎ ‎74. How are you g_______________ on with your studies?‎ ‎75. He g_______________ many vegetables and flowers in his garden.‎ ‎76. They are G_______________. They come from Germany.‎ ‎77. We love our g_______________ country.‎ ‎78. In the evening I do my lessons and my sister does h_______________‎ ‎79. What a h_______________ rain it is!‎ ‎80. She is a good student. She often h_______________ others.‎ ‎81. I work h_______________ at my lessons.‎ ‎82. China is a big country with a long h_______________.‎ ‎83. Her grandfather is h_______________ the door open.‎ ‎84. I h_______________ you have a good time there.‎ ‎85. I'm h_______________. I want something to eat.‎ ‎86. Can you h_______________ what I say?‎ ‎87. In Guangzhou the weather is often very h_______________ in summer.‎ ‎88. Our summer h_______________ starts at the beginning of July.‎ ‎89. If you are ill, you should go to the h_______________.‎ ‎90. Lucy has a cat, i_______________ name is Mimi.‎ ‎91. --- What about going climbing this afternoon? Good i_______________.‎ ‎92. Thank you for i_______________ me to your party.‎ ‎93. The first month of the year is J_______________.‎ ‎94. The first day of J_______________ is Children's Day.‎ ‎95. --- Can you speak English? J_______________ a little.‎ ‎96. There are many different k_______________ of weather in China.‎ ‎97. It's about three k_______________ from my home to the school.‎ ‎98. In autumn I_______________ fall from the trees.‎ ‎99. Sometimes it rains for a l_______________ time.‎ ‎100. Would you l_______________ to come and play football with us today?‎ ‎101. Children can got "_______________ money" on the evening before Spring Festival.‎ ‎102. L_______________ is the capital of England.‎ ‎103. There are _______________ of flowers in our school.‎ ‎104. She l_______________ like her mother and does things like her mother.‎ ‎105. We l_______________ to the teacher carefully in class.‎ ‎106. There are a lot of books in our school 1_______________.‎ ‎107. At weekend I usually go to the m_______________ to buy vegetables with my mother.‎ ‎108. How many m_______________ are there in a year?‎ ‎109. In Beijing, winter lasts from December to M_______________.‎ ‎110. --- ______________ Where is the maths teacher? --- M______________ he is in the office.‎ ‎111. There are 60 m_______________ in an hour.‎ ‎112. This isn't your book. It's m_______________.‎ ‎113. He sits between you and m_______________.‎ ‎114. --- I'm sorry I'm late. --- It doesn't m_____________ this time, but don't be late next time.‎ ‎115. Children like m_______________ snowmen in winter.‎ ‎116. I am going to visit the m_______________ next time. H opens every day.‎ ‎117. She n_______________ gets to school late.‎ ‎118. We don't n_______________ any sugar. There's a lot here.‎ ‎119. October 1st is the Chinese N_______________ Day.‎ ‎120. My n_______________ is John.‎ ‎121. My home is n_______________ the school. I often go to school on foot.‎ ‎122. What are you going to do n_______________ week?‎ ‎123. --- What are you going to do this Sunday? --- N_______________ much.‎ ‎124. --- The 11th month is N_______________.‎ ‎125. There is a shop near our school. It's o___________ from 8 in the morning to 9 in the evening.‎ ‎126. He has two sons. One is a teacher, the o_______________ is a doctor.‎ ‎127. The first day of O_______________ is our National Day.‎ ‎128. It's time to go to school. Now she is p_______________ her bag.‎ ‎129. She often p_______________ speaking English, so she can speak English well.‎ ‎130. How much did you p_______________ for the bike?‎ ‎131. You can buy some stamps in the p_______________ office.‎ ‎132. The p_______________ at the gate is Li Ming's father.‎ ‎133. They are good at p_______________ football.‎ ‎134. It's cold today. P_______________ on your coat, please.‎ ‎135. Xiao Wang is the only child in his family. He lives with his p_______________.‎ ‎136. In some p_______________, the weather will fall down to -30°C.‎ ‎137. We study Chinese, maths, English, p_______________ and some other subjects.‎ ‎138. Tomorrow is Kate's birthday. I'm going to buy her a p_______________.‎ ‎139. There is p_______________ of rain in summer in my hometown.‎ ‎140. The students are playing football on the p_______________.‎ ‎141. She wants to join the p_______________ force.‎ ‎142. They're going to climb the hill and have a p_______________, so they will buy some food.‎ ‎143. The first class begins at a q_______________ to eight.‎ ‎144. May I ask you some q_______________?‎ ‎145. Be q_______________, or you'll be late for school.‎ ‎146. We can't go out. It's a r_______________ day.‎ ‎147. Listen! Tomorrow's weather r_______________ is on the radio.‎ ‎148. 1 usually go r_______________ in the morning.‎ ‎149. You can eat nice food in a r_______________.‎ ‎150. We are from the s_______________ primary school.‎ ‎151. The weather isn't very good. It's cold and very s_______________.‎ ‎152. Children enjoy making s_______________ in winter.‎ ‎153. S_______________ is the first day of a week.‎ ‎154. She s __ _ English hard and she is good at English.‎ ‎155. Which primary s_______________ are you from?‎ ‎156. I'll s_______________ you a postcard.‎ ‎157. The snowman will s_______________ become water.‎ ‎158. Who will s_______________ at the meeting?‎ ‎159. The water falls from the s_______________ and we call it rain.‎ ‎160. S_______________ comes after spring.‎ ‎161. Everything begins to grow in s_______________.‎ ‎162. There are four s_______________ in a year.‎ ‎163. Many people think it never s_______________ in Australia.‎ ‎164. I usually go s_______________ in the river in summer.‎ ‎165. His mother is a s_______________. She sells things in a shop.‎ ‎166. You have to go to the bus s_______________ if you want to get a bus going out of town.‎ ‎167. Before Spring Festival, people usually go s_______________ for food.‎ ‎168. People watch sports and games at a sports s_______________.‎ ‎169. There are many s_______________ days in China, such as Mid-Autumn Day, Spring Festival.‎ ‎170. What other s_______________ do you have besides Chinese?‎ ‎171. It's a s_______________ day. There isn't any cloud in the sky.‎ ‎172. The last day of a week is S_______________.‎ ‎173. Please t_______________ the empty bottle away and bring me a full one.‎ ‎174. I'm going to the station to buy two t_______________.‎ ‎175. Here are your shoes. Put t_______________ on, please.‎ ‎176. She brushes her t_______________ three times a day.‎ ‎177. Her mother t_______________ English at a middle school.‎ ‎178. T_______________ for helping me.‎ ‎179. She is t_______________ to do it well.‎ ‎180. --- What are you going to do t_______________? --- I'll go shopping with my mother.‎ ‎181. In some places, the t_______________ can fall to - 40°C.‎ ‎182. September 10th is T_______________ Day.‎ ‎183. Go down this street and t_______________ left at the second crossing.‎ ‎184. December is the t_______________ month of a year.‎ ‎185. They are good friends. They often play games t_______________.‎ ‎186. He u_______________ gets up at 6:30 .‎ ‎187. At Spring Festival, people go and v_______________ their friends and family.‎ ‎188. We get up very early on w_______________.‎ ‎189. I usually go to play football at the w_______________ .‎ ‎190. March 8th is W_______________ Day.‎ ‎191. --- What's the w_______________ like today? --- It's sunny.‎ ‎192. In Beijing it's cold and sunny in w_______________.‎ ‎193. I'm w_______________ for your answer,‎ ‎194. After he gets up, he w_______________ his face.‎ ‎195. At the Spring Festival, children usually w_______________ their best clothes.‎ ‎196. I usually w_______________ up at six in the morning.‎ ‎197. --- W ____ the man? --- He's a teacher.‎ ‎198. --- W_______________ the man? --- He's our teacher.‎ ‎199. W_______________ subject do you like better, English or Chinese?‎ ‎200. --- W_______________ bike is this? --- It's mine.‎ ‎201. The fourth day of the week is W_______________.‎ ‎202. I think we w_______________ have a great time.‎ ‎203. Ann says Saturday is her best day but Ben says it is his w_______________ day.‎ Book 2‎ ‎204 .The wind isn't a_______________ to make the man take off his coat.‎ ‎205. Can you think a way to help the man go a_______________ the river?‎ ‎206. Are you a_______________ of snakes?‎ ‎207. I'm very glad to see you a_______________.‎ ‎208. The bridge was built hundreds of years a_______________.‎ ‎209. There isn't water or a_______________ on the moon.‎ ‎210. He wanted to go to Beijing by plane, so he took a car to the a_______________.‎ ‎211. The old man lives a_______________, hut he doesn't feel lonely.‎ ‎212. The North Wind can't make the man take off his coat, so he goes away a_______________.‎ ‎213. Please a_______________ this Question in English.‎ ‎214. I looked carefully but I couldn't see a_______________.‎ ‎215. He a_______________ in Beijing two hours ago.‎ ‎216. He reached school early a_______________ usual.‎ ‎217. She went into the room quietly because her father was a_______________.‎ ‎218. She tried to stay a_______________, but her eyes closed slowly.‎ ‎219. A pet mouse loves b_______________ with people.‎ ‎220. Look! The panda is feeding its baby with b_______________.‎ ‎221. He was b_______________ on June the first, so his birthday is on Children's Day.‎ ‎222. He didn't come to school b_______________ he was ill.‎ ‎223. She is always as busy as a b_______________.‎ ‎224. Mary sings very well. She sings b_______________ in her class.‎ ‎225. Last night b_______________ I went to sleep, I drank half my cup of milk as usual.‎ ‎226. He b_______________ to study English three years ago.‎ ‎227. The wind b_______________ strongly last night.‎ ‎228. He is afraid of nothing. He is very b_______________.‎ ‎229. I b_______________ this book two years ago.‎ ‎230. He turned on the light and the room got b_______________.‎ ‎231. The sun shines b_______________ in the sky.‎ ‎232. Yesterday I b_______________ a raincoat with me because it looked like rain.‎ ‎233. They're b_______________ a new bridge over the river.‎ ‎234. In the morning it was sunny, hut in the afternoon the weather c_______________.‎ ‎235. Yesterday evening we went to the c_______________ and saw an interesting film.‎ ‎236. He is a c_______________ boy. He can work out the maths problem easily.‎ ‎237. He is the c_______________ boy in his class.‎ ‎238. Many children enjoy playing c_______________ games.‎ ‎239. The book c_______________ me 10 yuan.‎ ‎240. The North Wind blew stronger and the man on the horse pulled his coat c____________ to him.‎ ‎241. His father was a c_______________. He worked on a train.‎ ‎242. Read the following and circle the c_______________ answers.‎ ‎243. A farmer was going to c_______________ the river with three things.‎ ‎244. He c_______________ the apple in half with a knife.‎ ‎245. The children are singing and d_______________ happily.‎ ‎246. Which is more d ________________, snakes or tigers?‎ ‎247. The moon shone brightly, so it wasn't very d_______________ in the room.‎ ‎248. In the earth, d_______________ plants change into coal slowly.‎ ‎249. The Pacific Ocean is the d _______________ ocean in the world.‎ ‎250. He d_______________ to visit the Great Wall this summer.‎ ‎251. He likes keeping a d_______________, so he can remember everything he did.‎ ‎252. His grandfather d_______________ when he was 86 years old.‎ ‎253. This question is too d_______________ for me to answer.‎ ‎254. Last night I d_______________ half a bottle of milk before I went to bed.‎ ‎255. His father d_______________ a car three years ago.‎ ‎256. We usually say the e_______________ are the biggest animal in the world.‎ ‎257. Nobody e_______________ jumps higher than Mike in his class.‎ ‎258. Our class teacher gives us a lot of help and e_______________ in our studies.‎ ‎259. He doesn't have e_______________ money to buy a new house.‎ ‎260. E_______________ begins to grow in spring.‎ ‎261. All the students passed the e_______________ except Ben ‎262. He goes to work every day e_______________ Sunday.‎ ‎263. She looked sad because she f_______________ the exam.‎ ‎264. The stars are f_______________ away from us.‎ ‎265. A panda is much bigger and f_______________ than a cat.‎ ‎266. He stayed for a f_______________ days in the hotel.‎ ‎267. --- How did they go to Beijing last week? --- They f____________ to Beijing last week.‎ ‎268. Don't f_______________ to wash the pet's food bowls every day.‎ ‎269. She f_______________ to bring her books yesterday.‎ ‎270. At first I f_______________ it difficult to learn English, but now I like it very much.‎ ‎271. I think monkeys are very f. _______________. They can do something like us.‎ ‎272. I think cats are the g_______________ animals in the world.‎ ‎273. Her baby was asleep, so she put it in the bed g_______________.‎ ‎274. You didn't come to school yesterday. What h_______________ to you?‎ ‎275. If you are busy, you don't h_______________ to come.‎ ‎276. When I walked past the room. I h_______________ someone singing in it.‎ ‎277. It rained h_______________ last night.‎ ‎278. He h_______________ to school without breakfast this morning.‎ ‎279. He fell off the tree arid h_______________ his leg badly.‎ ‎280. He was i_______________ in hospital yesterday.‎ ‎281. English is very i_______________, we must work hard at it .‎ ‎282. A mouse is i_______________ to watch.‎ ‎283. J_______________ one minute before the end, there was another goal for us.‎ ‎284. It's very k_______________ of you to help us.‎ ‎285. Some snakes can k_______________ a man in a few minutes.‎ ‎286. I k_______________ nothing before you told me.‎ ‎287. His mother was cooking in the k_______________.‎ ‎288. We were watching TV when someone k_______________ at the door.‎ ‎289. Elephants are the biggest animals on l_______________.‎ ‎290. He often makes faces to make us l_______________.‎ ‎291. If he l_______________ the dog and duck together, the dog will eat the duck.‎ ‎292. He turned off the light before he l_______________ the room.‎ ‎293. In the old days, l_______________ was hard for my grandfather.‎ ‎294. They live on the 20th floor, so they use the l_______________ to go up and down.‎ ‎295. We often go to see the old man, so he doesn't feel l_______________.‎ ‎296. He was l_______________ for his watch everywhere, but he couldn't find it.‎ ‎297. The sun m_______________ the man take off his coat.‎ ‎298. She was very careful; she made few m_______________ in the exam.‎ ‎299. If I don't get enough m_______________ to pass the exam, my parents will not be happy.‎ ‎300. She was m_______________ to a teacher two years ago, and now she has a baby.‎ ‎301. I think m_______________ are the cleverest animals in the world.‎ ‎302. There are m_______________ than one thousand students in our school.‎ ‎303. It was n_______________ twelve o'clock when I went to bed last night.‎ ‎304. Mr Smith lives next to my house. We are n_______________.‎ ‎305. My father likes reading n_______________ after supper.‎ ‎306. Please let the children go away. They are making too much n_______________ here.‎ ‎307. The children are very n_______________. Please let them go away.‎ ‎308. Do you know which o_______________ is the deepest in the world?‎ ‎309. People come slowly o_______________ of their houses and talk together.‎ ‎310. The man with a p_______________ of glasses is our headmaster.‎ ‎311. I'm going to Beijing to visit the Summer P_______________ this summer.‎ ‎312. He looked unhappy because he didn't p_______________ the exam.‎ ‎313. Many people like keeping p_______________ animals at home now.‎ ‎314. The moon is our p_______________.‎ ‎315. Yao Ming is one of the best p_______________ in the basketball team.‎ ‎316. My grandfather was too p_______________ to go to school at that time.‎ ‎317. His mother is p_______________ supper in the kitchen.‎ ‎318. She is very p_______________ in the new dress.‎ ‎319. It was late, so he got up q_______________.‎ ‎320. She worked there q_______________, so nobody knew she was there.‎ ‎321. She usually r_______________ school at 7:30‎ ‎322. At 7:30 she is r_______________ to go to school.‎ ‎323. All the r_______________ are ready to run.‎ ‎324. She often r_______________ her friend when she meets difficulty.‎ ‎325. What was the r_______________ he didn't go to school yesterday?‎ ‎326. Do you r_______________ what he said?‎ ‎327. Most people in Guangdong are getting r_______________ and richer.‎ ‎328. They saw a boy break the window and r_______________ away.‎ ‎329. She s_______________ an English song yesterday evening.‎ ‎330. I didn't remember what he s_______________.‎ ‎331. He looked s_______________ because he lost his money.‎ ‎332. There is something wrong with die bridge; it's not s_______________ lo go across the bridge.‎ ‎333. They s_______________ in the silting-room and watched TV.‎ ‎334. 1 s_______________ an interesting film yesterday evening.‎ ‎335. The sun s_______________ brightly in the sky yesterday.‎ ‎336. The knife isn't s_______________ enough to cut the meat.‎ ‎337. She s_______________ the door and left.‎ ‎338. His uncle is s_______________. He isn't married.‎ ‎339. He usually goes to s_______________ at 10:30 and wakes up at 6:00.‎ ‎340. He walked very s_______________, so he missed the bus.‎ ‎341. The s_______________ on the teacher's face showed that she was pleased with us.‎ ‎342. At last he stopped s_______________ and got healthier.‎ ‎343. I think the s______ is the most dangerous animal in the world. It can kill a man in four minutes.‎ ‎344. He s_______________ for an hour but she said nothing.‎ ‎345. He likes swimming, s_______________ do I.‎ ‎346. Don't s_______________ at the gate. Come in, please.‎ ‎347. It is raining hard, but they are s_______________ playing football on the playground.‎ ‎348. He told me an interesting s_______________ yesterday.‎ ‎349. The wind blew s_______________ last night.‎ ‎350. We s_______________ talking when the teacher came in.‎ ‎351. He is a very good s_______________; he can swim very fast.‎ ‎352. He often s _______________ in the river when he was young.‎ ‎353. At the s_______________ pool yesterday, I swam as fast as Meihua.‎ ‎354. A thief t_______________ away my bike during the holiday.‎ ‎355. It's very hot today. You'd better t _______________ off your coat.‎ ‎355. Is the weather in your city the s_______________ as in our city?‎ ‎356. Who t_______________ you English last year?‎ ‎357. The ice isn't t_______________ enough for us to skate on.‎ ‎358. Yesterday when 1 was in the street, I heard someone shout, “Stop the t_______________, and don't let him run away.”‎ ‎359. She is very fat, but her husband is very t_______________.‎ ‎360. She t_______________ about it for a while and decided not to buy it.‎ ‎361. He got good marks in the maths t_______________ yesterday.‎ ‎362. He got a shoe and t_______________ it at the window.‎ ‎363. A cat came in t_______________ the window.‎ ‎364. What's the weather like t_______________?‎ ‎365. It's a full moon I_______________; the moon looks very big and bright.‎ ‎366. When they reached the t_______________ of the hill, they found nothing to see.‎ ‎367. They went home t_______________ a month.‎ ‎368. At_______________ is smaller than a city.‎ ‎369. Light t_______________ faster than sound.‎ ‎370. He is a good boy. He's always telling us the t_______________.‎ ‎371. His brother is studying at u______________ now. When he finishes it he will be a teacher.‎ ‎372. A mouse likes climbing u_______________ and down.‎ ‎373. Today he got to school early as u_______________.‎ ‎374. He grows a lot of v_______________ in the field.‎ ‎375. My grandfather lived in a small v_______________ in the countryside when he was a child.‎ ‎376. The girl has a sweet v_______________ and she sings very well!‎ ‎377. I'm coming. Please w_______________ for a minute.‎ ‎378. Milk helps me sleep well and I don't usually w_______________ up at night.‎ ‎379. When (he visitors came to our school, we gave them a w_______________ welcome.‎ ‎380.--- Why w_______________ you at school yesterday? --- Because 1 was ill in bed.‎ ‎381. --- How much do you w_______________? --- About 60 kilos.‎ ‎382. Elephants are like us in some w_______________. They live in families.‎ ‎383.--- I got 100 marks in the maths exam. --- W_______________ done.‎ ‎384.--- I can't come with you. --- W_______________ a pity!‎ ‎385.--- W_______________ else would you like? --- Some apples, please.‎ ‎386. In some places, the rivers get w_______________ and become big lakes.‎ ‎387. What a pity. His second jump is w_______________ than his first one.‎ ‎388. She usually writes very carefully, so her w_______________ is the best in her class.‎ ‎389. She w_______________ a letter yesterday.‎ ‎390. He didn't come to school y_______________, because he was ill.‎ Unit 3 A ‎391. I'm a_______________ he isn't at school today.‎ ‎392. People play basketball a_______________ over the world.‎ ‎393. I have finished [he work a_______________.‎ ‎394. We had to he very quiet because Mum and Dad were still a_______________.‎ ‎395. The students are all playing games on the playground. There isn't a________ in the classroom.‎ ‎396. He looked for his pen everywhere, but he couldn't find it a_______________.‎ ‎397. He always fell a_______________ as soon as he got into bed.‎ ‎398. If you have difficulty, you can a_______________ for help from the teacher.‎ ‎399. There was another goal for us a_______________ the end of the game.‎ ‎400. I've b_______________ to Guangzhou many times.‎ ‎401. The animals won't hurt you, and in one or two days, you will stop b__________ afraid of them.‎ ‎402. We b_______________ to learn English three years ago. ‎ ‎403. Children do their b_______________ to stay awake to see Father Christmas, hut they fall asleep as soon as they are in bed.‎ ‎404. I've come this lime not lo sing, b_______________ to listen!‎ ‎405. When we won the match, nobody could b_______________ it.‎ ‎406. There's the b_______________. If you don't go now, you will be late for class.‎ ‎407. People have built several b_______________ over the Pearl River in the past 10 years.‎ ‎408. Canberra is the c_______________ of Australia.‎ ‎409. They have built an important sports c_______________ in Tianhe.‎ ‎410. When 1 came into the library, I saw Mrs Lin c_______________ some books.‎ ‎411. In China and Japan, people use spoons for soup and c_______________ for other food.‎ ‎412. December 25th is C_______________ Day.‎ ‎413. The players are practising hard because they are going to lake part in a c__________ next week.‎ ‎414. The little boy can c_______________ from one to a hundred.‎ ‎415. I looked up some useful words in a dictionary and then c___________ them out on a small card.‎ ‎416. She is a d_______________; she dances very beautifully.‎ ‎417. --- How do you like the fish? --- Very d_______________.‎ ‎418. The water in the river became too d_______________ to drink .‎ ‎419. If you don't know the word, you can look it up in a d_______________.‎ ‎420. A strong wind d_______________ some old houses yesterday.‎ ‎421. What do you d_______________ with a letter after you have written it?‎ ‎422. I haven't d_______________ whether to go or not.‎ ‎423. Now the population d_______________ every forty years.‎ ‎424. He d_______________ a beautiful picture last night.‎ ‎425. I had a good time d_______________ the holidays.‎ ‎426. We are good friends. We have known e_______________ other for a long time.‎ ‎427. I have e_______________ many different kinds of seafood.‎ ‎428. It is e_______________ to smile when you are happy.‎ ‎429. People don't get sick as e_______________ as before.‎ ‎430. Another way of e_______________ food is with a knife and fork.‎ ‎431. He hasn't been to England. 1 haven't, e_______________.‎ ‎432. The shoes in the shop are e_______________ too big or too small for me.‎ ‎433. Most children e_______________ playing computer games.‎ ‎434. Mother is always worried about her family, e_______________ worried about her little son.‎ ‎435. Now the population doubles e_______________ forty years.‎ ‎436. Have you e_______________ seen such a big panda before?‎ ‎437. E_______________ in our class likes sports.‎ ‎438. He looked for his cat e_______________, but he couldn't find it anywhere.‎ ‎439. They were very e_______________ at the football game.‎ ‎440. The football match is very e_______________.‎ ‎441. This Saturday I'll have to go to e_______________ classes al school.‎ ‎442. When everybody has f_______________ asleep, Father Christmas comes down the chimney and puts presents into each stocking.‎ ‎443. Hangzhou is f_______________ for its “Dragon's Well”.‎ ‎444. About 200 years ago, people found better way to f_____________ and they grew better food.‎ ‎445. I'm looking f_______________ to hearing your new CD.‎ ‎446. She is ill. She doesn't f_______________ like eating anything.‎ ‎447. He is f_______________ his bag with books.‎ ‎448. Have you f_______________ reading the book?‎ ‎449. They have f_______________ over Ml Qomolangma in a small plane.‎ ‎450. His brother is a f_______________, and he plays football beautifully.‎ ‎451. It is difficult for f_______________ to learn to read Chinese.‎ ‎452. I'm sorry I have f_______________ your e-mail address.‎ ‎453. Ocean World is f_______________ of very big fish.‎ ‎454. Germans speak G_______________.‎ ‎455. I'm very g_______________ to see you again.‎ ‎456. --- Where's Jim? --- He's g_______________ to England.‎ ‎457.--- Deming isn't good at sports, but he was third in the high jump. --- G___________ luck.‎ ‎458. We should stop the population g_______________ too fast.‎ ‎459. The sheep are eating g_______________ on the hill.‎ ‎460. He was horn in the countryside, but he g_______________ up in the city.‎ ‎461. They have played and g_______________ up together.‎ ‎462. I have just h_______________ from Kelly. She says she'll leave for London..‎ ‎463. She says she will miss h_______________ about you.‎ ‎464. Please h_______________ yourself at home.‎ ‎465. Mr Smith has a good h_______________. She always help him a lot.‎ ‎466. What will h_______________ if the population does not stop growing?‎ ‎467. She fell oil her bike and hurt h_______________ badly.‎ ‎468. The boy is old enough to look alter h_______________.‎ ‎469. --- Could I speak to Sally, please? --- H_______________ on a minute.‎ ‎470. I h_______________ to hear from you soon.‎ ‎471. He has been to some foreign countries and has seen h_______________ of interesting things.‎ ‎472. I_______________ you are busy, you needn't come this afternoon.‎ ‎473. Talking loudly in the library is i_______________.‎ ‎474. --- Why did the population grow very slowly at the beginning?‎ ‎--- Because at that time people didn't have enough food, most i_______________, people got ill very easily.‎ ‎475. With TV and computers, the world i_______________ is becoming smaller.‎ ‎476. When you play basketball, you must never k_______________ the ball.‎ ‎477. They practised k_______________ the ball after school.‎ ‎478. They are good friends. They have k_______________ each other for a long time.‎ ‎479. All the l_______________ enjoyed listening to the music over the radio.‎ ‎480. If we don't stop people using farm l_______________ to build houses, there won't be enough food in the world for everyone.‎ ‎481. It's important to learn a foreign l_______________.‎ ‎482. Which city isl_______________, Shanghai or Guangzhou?‎ ‎483. He lost his hike, but two days l_______________, he found it behind an old house.‎ ‎484. We should help them, not l_______________ at them.‎ ‎485. The teacher told us not to l_______________ anything at the swimming pool ‎486. The last bus has already l_______________, he has to call a taxi.‎ ‎487. Tom is ill in hospital and his mother is l_______________ after him.‎ ‎488. If you get _______________, you can phone your parents or your friends.‎ ‎489. We didn't like _______________ everything, so we practised harder arid harder.‎ ‎490. --- I'm going to do an important international maths exam. --- Good l_______________.‎ ‎491. They have pulled down many old houses and m_______________ the street wider.‎ ‎492. When I came in, I saw him m_______________ some tea.‎ ‎493. You're nearly asleep. What's the m_______________?‎ ‎494. We have three m_______________ a day. The first one is breakfast.‎ ‎495. More families m _______________ more people, and so the population of the world grows faster and faster.‎ ‎496. --- Could 1 speak to Sally, please? --- Sony, she isn't in. Can I take a m____________?‎ ‎497. If you go to an English family and do something wrong, you m_______________ make the family angry.‎ ‎498. Two thousand years ago, only about 250 m_______________ people lived in the world.‎ ‎499. I'm very busy at the m_______________. I have a lot of work lo do.‎ ‎500. When you say “Goodbye!” you put your arm up and m_______________ your hand a few times from side to side.‎ ‎501. Nothing m_______________ changed for thousands of years.‎ ‎502. Nobody taught me Japanese. I learned it by m_______________.‎ ‎503. The number of the students in our school is n_______________ two thousand.‎ ‎504. If you have something important lo do, you n_______________ come today.‎ ‎505. My grandpa could n_______________ read nor write, because he was too poor to go to school when he was young.‎ ‎506. When people play volleyball, they throw the ball in the air and hit it over a high n__________.‎ ‎507. Is there any special n_______________ in today's newspaper?‎ ‎508. Give her my best wishes when you see her n_______________ time.‎ ‎509. Some food is very n_______________ lo cat, but is not good for you.‎ ‎510. Don't leave anything at the swimming pool. N_______________ one will come back for it.‎ ‎511. --- I didn't have anything to eat for breakfast.‎ ‎ --- N_______________ wonder you feel hungry and tired!‎ ‎512. When we won the match, n_______________ could believe it.‎ ‎513. My favourite meal is n_______________ and dumplings.‎ ‎514. Neither you n_______________ he has been to the Great Wall.‎ ‎515. He n_______________ longer lived in the countryside.‎ ‎516. His mother is a n_______________. She looks after sick people in the hospital.‎ ‎517. “Slowly” is the o_______________ of “fast”.‎ ‎518. Players throw the ball in the air and hit it o_______________ a high net.‎ ‎519. I saw it with my o_______________ eyes.‎ ‎520. If you want to go to Hong Kong, you must show your p_______________.‎ ‎521. I saw a pen on the ground and p_______________ it up.‎ ‎522. Make a p_______________ before you go to spend your holiday.‎ ‎523. It's p_______________ to keep quiet in the library.‎ ‎524. “Would you please turn down the radio?” she said p_______________.‎ ‎525. The p_______________ of Shanghai is more than 13 million.‎ ‎526. She looks p_______________ in the new dress.‎ ‎527. How to make the water clean is a big p_______________.‎ ‎528. Mr Smith is a p_______________. He taught English in a university.‎ ‎529. He likes watching TV, and his favourite p_______________ is NBA.‎ ‎530. They have p_______________ down many old houses to make the streets wider.‎ ‎531. If you know the answer, please p_______________ up your hand.‎ ‎532. Mother is r_______________ worried about her little son.‎ ‎533. Have you seen your grandpa r_______________?‎ ‎534. People usually send cards to ail their r_______________ and friends before Christmas.‎ ‎535. Here's the weather r_______________ for the coming 24 hours.‎ ‎536. He is a sports r_______________. He reports games in the newspaper.‎ ‎537. After lunch we usually have a r_______________ and then we have another two classes.‎ ‎538. Edison showed great interest in s_______________ when he was a boy.‎ ‎539. I haven't s_______________ you for a long time. Where have you been?‎ ‎540. He wrote a letter and went to the office lo s_______________ it.‎ ‎541. Please have a s_______________ before you go into the swimming pool.‎ ‎542. A nurse must be good at taking care of s_______________ people.‎ ‎543. He has worked in this factory s_______________ he left school.‎ ‎544. She is a s_______________. She sings beautifully.‎ ‎545. S_______________ is waiting for you at the office.‎ ‎546. --- You look s_______________ today. What's the matter? --- I didn't pass the exam.‎ ‎547. I remember seeing him s_______________, but 1 forget the place.‎ ‎548. The music s_______________ sweet. So many people enjoy it.‎ ‎549. I'll tell her the news as s_______________ as she comes hark.‎ ‎550. --- Do you know which language has the most s_______________? --- Sure, Chinese.‎ ‎551. Do you know who will make a s_______________ at the meeting?‎ ‎552. A dictionary will tell you the meaning and the s_______________ of a word.‎ ‎553. Rick has been in China for a long time and he has s_______________ a lot of Chinese.‎ ‎554. It's 7:30, but Bill is s_______________ staying in bed.‎ ‎555. What did he s_______________ at he meeting?‎ ‎556. No children have ever seen Father Christmas. Isn't that s_______________?‎ ‎557. She put some s_______________ in the milk to make it sweeter.‎ ‎558. Nobody is s_______________ when or where the game began.‎ ‎559. You'd better bring your s_______________. We are going to do some swimming.‎ ‎560. I have .s_______________ in the swimming pool many times.‎ ‎561. I like playing t_______________ tennis very much.‎ ‎562. Mr Smith isn't in. Can I t_______________ a message?‎ ‎563. We are t_______________ part in a school competition next weekend.‎ ‎564. Have you t_______________ your temperature?‎ ‎565. The boys enjoyed t_______________ in the park yesterday.‎ ‎566. I'm very t_______________. Please give me something to drink.‎ ‎567. There are about two t_______________ students in our school.‎ ‎568. She is too t_______________ to walk any longer.‎ ‎569. He has t _______________ a lot of pictures since he visited the Great Wall.‎ ‎570. It looks like rain. You'd better take an u_______________.‎ ‎571. This sentence is too difficult for me to u_______________.‎ ‎572. He is wearing a school u_______________ today.‎ ‎573. He didn't go to bed u_______________ he finished his homework last night.‎ ‎574. I u_______________ to try to slay awake on Christmas Eve when T was a lit¬tle boy.‎ ‎575. It is very u_______________ to know some foreign languages when you travel abroad.‎ ‎576. We v_______________ the museum last Sunday.‎ ‎577. When people play v_______________, they throw the ball in the air and hit it over a high net.‎ ‎578. If you are late, we won't w_______________ for you.‎ ‎579. We w_______________ the flowers twice a week.‎ ‎580. Can you do it in another w_______________?‎ ‎581. We usually watch TV at the w_______________.‎ ‎582. You look unhappy today. W_______________ the matter?‎ ‎583. Chinese people like tea w_______________ anything in it.‎ ‎584. We had a w_______________ time in the park yesterday.‎ ‎585. He made a chair with some pieces of w_______________.‎ ‎586. The girl lost her way and looked w_______________.‎ ‎587. The man in the hotel has w_______________ the words on this piece of paper.‎ ‎588. --- I went to bed late last night. --- No w_______________ you look tired this morning.‎ ‎589. We have been there already, but we haven't been anywhere else y_______________.‎ ‎590. Help y_______________ to some chicken, children.‎ Book 4‎ Unit 4A ‎591. He was badly hurt in the a_______________.‎ ‎592. He made his plane fly round the park a_______________ and again.‎ ‎593. A_______________ he was tired, he kept on working.‎ ‎594. A_______________ I haven't seen the film, I can't tell you what 1 think of it.‎ ‎595. China lies in the east of A_______________.‎ ‎596. At first, he couldn't find a_______________, then he saw something flying in a dark corner.‎ ‎597. He fought and fought until, a_______________ last, the elephant fell to the ground.‎ ‎598. When the players hurt his leg, the team doctors ran to them a _______________ once.‎ ‎599. B_______________ careful! A car is coming.‎ ‎600. He broke his leg badly two years ago, but this time the b___________ in his leg is even worse,‎ ‎601. Would you please lend me your pen? Mine is b_______________.‎ ‎602. Annie is c_______________ Sally on the phone.‎ ‎603. She always docs her homework very c_______________, so she makes few mistakes.‎ ‎604. The grasshopper c_______________ on singing and dancing until winter arrived .‎ ‎605. He didn't go to school yesterday because he e_______________ a bad cold.‎ ‎606. Our hometown has e_______________ a lot in the past few years.‎ ‎607. In the ground, dead trees slowly turn into e_______________.‎ ‎608. --- Would you like tea or c_______________? --- Tea, please.‎ ‎609. C_______________ stamps is fun and very interesting.‎ ‎610. I'll give him the message as soon as he c_______________ back.‎ ‎611. Put the brooms in the c_______________ of the classroom.‎ ‎612. He caught a bad cold and c_______________ day and night.‎ ‎613. The baby slopped c_______________ when she saw her mother.‎ ‎614. She c_______________ the skin off the apple and handed it to me.‎ ‎615. We should stop people from c_________ too many trees or the earth will get worse and worse.‎ ‎616. When you are in d_______________, you will ask for help.‎ ‎617. It was a d_______________ night; we couldn't see anything.‎ ‎618. They d_______________ the first field, but they found nothing.‎ ‎719. I saw him d_______________ a horse on the picture when 1 came into the classroom.‎ ‎720. He d_______________ his pen to the ground, so he picked it up quickly.‎ ‎721. After the rain a lot of new bamboo grew from the e_______________.‎ ‎722. --- Would you like tea or coffee? --- E_______________, I really don't mind.‎ ‎723. They e_______________ themselves in the park yesterday.‎ ‎724. You can catch fish with just a net, or e_______________ with just a long piece of string.‎ ‎725. The Olympic Games is held e_______________ lour years.‎ ‎726. They watched the football game c_______________.‎ ‎727. The football game was very e_______________.‎ ‎728. He didn't like writing letters and he always found an e_______________ for not doing it.‎ ‎729. She is good at languages, for e_______________ she does well in English.‎ ‎730. The Great Wall is f_______________ all over the world.‎ ‎731. He didn't know much about f_______________, so he cut down too many trees.‎ ‎732. I don't f_______________ well today. I have a cold.‎ ‎733. He is a farmer. He works in the f_______________ every day.‎ ‎734. They didn't stop f_______________ until the elephant fell to the ground.‎ ‎735. Her dog f_______________ her to the farm.‎ ‎736. Pandas live in the bamboo f_______________ in Sichuan.‎ ‎737. Edison is an important scientist. People will remember him f_______________.‎ ‎738. If I am f_______________ tomorrow, I'll go with you.‎ ‎739. The ants are very busy. They work f_______________ morning till night.‎ ‎740. He is wearing a f_______________ hat today. It makes everybody laugh.‎ ‎741. He g_______________ me a book yesterday.‎ ‎742. My uncle has mended my TV set. I will g_______________ it back.‎ ‎743. He g _______________ off the bus and walked home.‎ ‎744. It's seven o'clock. They are g_______________ ready for school.‎ ‎745. At last he g_______________ up smoking.‎ ‎746. The doctor has g_______________ him something to stop the pain.‎ ‎747. If all the people and animals die, the plants will g_______________ on living.‎ ‎748. Milk is g_______________ for your health.‎ ‎749. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the g _______________ and turn it into food.‎ ‎750. It looks like rain. You h_______________ better take a raincoat with you.‎ ‎751. In India, there is a special festival in January to say thanks to the gods for a good h__________.‎ ‎652. ---What's the matter with you? --- I've got a bad h_______________.‎ ‎753. She couldn't work out the maths problem and went to her teacher for h_______________.‎ ‎754. Miss Li is kind and h_______________. She is always ready to help others.‎ ‎755. It's fine today; h_______________ about going out for a walk?‎ ‎756. He fell off the tree and h_______________ his leg.‎ ‎757. Her husband gave up smoking i_______________ the end.‎ ‎758. May I i_______________ you to Mr Smith?‎ ‎759. The dog is very dirty. Please k_______________ it away from the room.‎ ‎760. He isn't a l_______________ boy. He studies very hard.‎ ‎761. He is good at maths, so he says maths is the l_______________ difficult sub¬ject.‎ ‎762. This book is l_______________ interesting than that one,‎ ‎763. He was very tired, so he l_______________ down and had a rest.‎ ‎764. If a plant doesn't get enough l_______________, it grows very tall and thin.‎ ‎765. All l_______________ things need food to grow.‎ ‎766. L_______________ out! A car is coming.‎ ‎767. He likes making small m_______________, like model planes.‎ ‎768. He has m_______________ a lot of friends since he came to this school.‎ ‎769. He went over his exercises to m_______________ sure that there aren't any mistakes.‎ ‎770. A man with good m_______________ never laughs at others.‎ ‎771. If the men caught and killed an animal, it m_______________ that they had meat to eat and skin to make into clothes,‎ ‎772. Take this m_______________ three times a day and you'll get better soon.‎ ‎773. Rice is a m_______________ of the grass family.‎ ‎774. His bike was broken. He m_______________ it himself.‎ ‎775. Last night he didn't go to bed until m_______________.‎ ‎776. The population of this city is more than five m_______________.‎ ‎777. The boy is good al making m_______________ planes.‎ ‎778. I have no time to play football with you. I’m very busy at the m_______________.‎ ‎779. His father has been a Party m_______________ for many years.‎ ‎780. They were all asleep; n_______________ of them heard the sound.‎ ‎781. At n_______________, he went home for lunch.‎ ‎782. People killed the animals n_______________ only for the meat but also for their skins.‎ ‎783. O___________ upon a time, a large turtle walked out of the ocean to have a look at the world.‎ ‎784. O_______________ by one, the other families left, but his own family stayed.‎ ‎785. We went into the restaurant and o_______________ some food.‎ ‎786. The doctor gave some medicine to stop the p_______________.‎ ‎787. Plants weigh 99.9 p_______________ of all the living things on Earth.‎ ‎788. Meimei told her little brother not to p_______________ the flowers in the park.‎ ‎789. If you see a star moving from one group to another, then it is not a star but a p_____________.‎ ‎790. Hello, Annie! I'm so p_______________ to hear your voice again.‎ ‎791. Thousands of people p_______________ trees on the hills every year.‎ ‎792. Without trees, the wind and the rain will carry away more and more of the soil and the land will grow p_______________ and poorer.‎ ‎793. Now we are getting r_______________ for the exam.‎ ‎794. She isn't tall enough to r_______________ the book on the shelf.‎ ‎795. Yingtian likes making model planes and he wants to work with r_______________ planes when he grows up.‎ ‎796. He was tired, but he didn't stop to r_______________.‎ ‎797. The Great Wall will stop the sand from moving towards the __________farmland in the south.‎ ‎798. She looked s_______________ at her broken watch.‎ ‎799. The doctor worked hard to s_______________ the sick boy.‎ ‎800. You can find delicious fish and other s_______________ at the great restaurants.‎ ‎801. Let me try and find him for you. Please have a s__________ here while I go and look for him.‎ ‎802. After the long winter, there was nothing left for Klom's family lo eat except for a few s_____.‎ ‎803. The other players s_______________ to them to slop, but the two players didn't hear them.‎ ‎804. Dead fish s_______________ really bad.‎ ‎805. How about meeting for lunch s_______________ that we can sit and talk?‎ ‎806. The story s_______________ very interesting.‎ ‎807. The boys s_______________ much time playing computer games.‎ ‎808. We should s_______________ people from killing wild animals.‎ ‎809. He has s_______________ the stars for a long time and learned much about them.‎ ‎810. I have never seen s_______________ a big orange before.‎ ‎811. We were playing football on the playground when it s_______________ mined heavily.‎ ‎812. When Christmas came, Ben was s________ to see that there were only a few presents for him.‎ ‎813. She has _______________out the flowers.‎ ‎814. It's such a hot day that I want to go to the river for a s_______________.‎ ‎815. His brother is a good s_______________; he is good at swimming.‎ ‎816.”Look out” means “t_______________ care”.‎ ‎817. He went to see the doctor and the doctor gave him some medicine to t_______________‎ ‎818. The nurse has taken my t_______________.‎ ‎819. The fish t_______________ very delicious.‎ ‎820. We are t_______________ about visiting the museum this Sunday.‎ ‎821. There are about two t_______________ students in our school.‎ ‎822. The ants work from morning t_______________ night.‎ ‎823. Russia is 70 t_______________ larger than the UK.‎ ‎824. The box is t_______________ heavy for him to carry.‎ ‎825. Don't t_______________ the machine; it's dangerous.‎ ‎826. There are so many cars in Bangkok! So the t_______________ is a problem there.‎ ‎827. What he said is t_______________.‎ ‎828. In Bangkok lots of people take tuck-tucks because tuck-tucks can get t_______________ the traffic more ‎ quickly.‎ ‎829. The family used to get t_______________ during Spring Festival.‎ ‎830. When you put ice in a warm place, it t_______________ into water.‎ ‎831. He t_______________ off the TV when the football game was over.‎ ‎832. I've been to Beijing t_______________.‎ ‎833. I didn't go to bed u_______________ 10 last night.‎ ‎834. Ben is u_______________ to meet you because he is ill in bed.‎ ‎835. He looked u_______________ because he failed the exam.‎ ‎836. The old bridge is broken. It's u_______________ to walk on it.‎ ‎837. People visited Australia not only to see the u_______________ animals but also to enjoy the warm weather.‎ ‎838. Don't believe it! Everything in the film is u_______________.‎ ‎839. I felt u_______________, so 1 went to see the doctor.‎ ‎840. Yesterday was an u_______________ day for him; ho fell off his bike and hurt himself badly .‎ ‎841. They took many photographs during their first v_______________ to Beijing.‎ ‎842. They asked the w_______________ in the restaurant to bring some food and drink.‎ ‎843. The old man is too w_______________ to work any longer.‎ ‎844. W_______________ to our school!‎ ‎845. The villagers used to get water from the w_______________.‎ ‎846. She is fat w_______________ her husband is thin.‎ ‎847. The boy played computer games the w_______________ day.‎ ‎848. You look tired. W_______________ not stop and have a rest?‎ ‎849. There is something wrong with the bird's w_______________. it can't fly.‎ ‎850. We couldn't finish the work in time w_______________ your help.‎ ‎851. “What a w_______________ world it is!” said the grasshopper.‎ ‎852. I'll w_______________ your address down so that I won't forget it.‎ ‎853. You look tired. What's w_______________ with you?‎ Book 5‎ Unit 5A ‎854. --- Can you swim a_______________ the river? --- Yes, I can. It isn't very wide.‎ ‎855. If you take my a_______________, you won't make so many mistakes.‎ ‎856. I think teachers are the hardest people. Do you a_______________ with me?‎ ‎857. I have always wanted a pet cat, but 1 have never been a_______________ to have one.‎ ‎858. He a__________ missed the last bus yesterday. When he got to the station, the bus was leaving.‎ ‎859. In a_______________ China, people thought that dinosaur bones were dragon bones.‎ ‎860. Can you a_______________ this question?‎ ‎861. His brother is a soldier; he joined the a_______________ two years ago.‎ ‎862. He worked a_______________ a teacher alter he finished university.‎ ‎863. I don't b_______________ in him. He's always telling a lie.‎ ‎864. Please write down your name b_______________ the line.‎ ‎865. His father was sent to prison because he couldn't pay his b_______________.‎ ‎866. It's been said that deaf people can do most things more easily than b_______________ people.‎ ‎867. She b_______________ the water and added some dumplings in it.‎ ‎868. His father is a b_______________, and he has built a lot of houses.‎ ‎869. On Mid-Summer's Day, people collect wood and build large fire. The fire b________ all night.‎ ‎870. B_______________ the time he was ten years old, he had completed university.‎ ‎871. Mid-Summer's Day has been c_______________ for thousands of years.‎ ‎872. Can you do anything to c_______________ their minds?‎ ‎873. “We had no c_______________ but to wait” means we “had to wait”.‎ ‎874. More than 3,000 ideas about the national flag were received. In the end only 38 were c_______.‎ ‎875. She covered the table with a c_______________‎ ‎876. The chair is c_______________ to sit in.‎ ‎877. When telephones became c_______________, the two old women often phoned each other.‎ ‎878. Try not to mind too much when you are c_______________ lo others.‎ ‎879. She worked as a doctor when she c_______________ university.‎ ‎880. He hears nothing because he is a d_______________ man.‎ ‎881. A very strong wind d_______________ the house last night.‎ ‎882. The guests were taken to the d_______________ room to enjoy the delicious food.‎ ‎883. The guests talked and laughed happily in the garden until it was time for d_______________.‎ ‎884. Being a reporter has many advantages and d_______________.‎ ‎885. Columbus (哥伦布) d_______________ America in 1492.‎ ‎886. Your ideas for the future should be d_______________ with your parents.‎ ‎887. He worked hard to make his d_______________ come true.‎ ‎888. The boy is old enough to d_______________ himself.‎ ‎889. When she returned to the dining room, the cat had e_______________ up the fish.‎ ‎890. You could discuss your ideas with e_______________ your teacher or your classmates.‎ ‎891. They had visited several countries around the world to see the people celebrating their special days, for e_______________, the Mid- Autumn Festival.‎ ‎892. Climbing hills is his f_______________.‎ ‎893. He made f_______________ mistakes in the exam than I.‎ ‎894. As she was the youngest, we gave her the f_______________ things to carry.‎ ‎895. F_______________, he found his lost bike .‎ ‎896. The window is broken. Please f_______________ out who broke it.‎ ‎897. The Chinese national f_______________ is known all over the world.‎ ‎898. Please say it more slowly; I don't f_______________ you.‎ ‎899. The fish is f_______________, so it is very delicious.‎ ‎900. On that day, children dress in strange clothes to f_______________ people.‎ ‎901. Your ideas for the f_______________ should be discussed with your parents.‎ ‎902. His father is a g_______________. He is good at planting flowers.‎ ‎903. He worked so hard that he g_______________ sick.‎ ‎904. I hope everything g_______________ well.‎ ‎905. Can you g_______________ who will win the match?‎ ‎906. Last week he said his mother might come to Guilin with us to he ourg_______________.‎ ‎907. The h_______________ is large enough to hold two hundred people.‎ ‎908. Your homework should have been h_______________ in yesterday.‎ ‎910. The principal has h_______________ out the reports.‎ ‎911. Although he's over eighty, he is strong and h_______________.‎ ‎912. She wrote it after her family had h_______________ themselves from the German army during World War II.‎ ‎913. It's great to be on h_______________ on an island.‎ ‎914. The 2008 Olympic Games will be h_______________ in Beijing.‎ ‎915. You're walking very fast. What's the h_______________ for? ‎ ‎916. He watched TV at home i_______________ of going to the cinema last night.‎ ‎917. He is i_______________ in English.‎ ‎918. Do you know who i_______________ the telephone?‎ ‎919. The telephone was one of his i_______________.‎ ‎920. Edison was a great i_______________.‎ ‎921. Thank you for i_______________ me to your party.‎ ‎922. Hainan is the second largest i_______________ in China.‎ ‎923. His brother j_______________ the army two years ago.‎ ‎924. He often plays j_______________ on other people arid tries to make them laugh.‎ ‎925. He used the k_______________ to lock the door.‎ ‎926. The spaceship l_______________ a few metres in front of Kelly and the door slowly opened.‎ ‎927. He learned that light has at _______________ seven different colours.‎ ‎928. Could you _______________ me your ruler? Mine is broken.‎ ‎929. The dog is too dirty. L_______________ it out, please.‎ ‎930. Miss Yong is a l_______________; she works in our school library.‎ ‎931. It's not good to tell a l_______________.‎ ‎932. This morning when I hurried to school, the school gate had been l_______________, and then I remembered it was Sunday.‎ ‎933. He said that he had known you l_______________ before.‎ ‎934. My wife and I were no l_______________ poor and neither were my children.‎ ‎935. He couldn't come into the room because he had l_______________ the key to the house.‎ ‎936. We l_______________ our country.‎ ‎937. The truck is l_______________ enough to go under the bridge.‎ ‎938. These m_______________ and newspapers are not allowed to take out of the reading-room.‎ ‎939. Can you m_______________ a guess who will win the game?‎ ‎940. His uncle is the m_______________ of the restaurant. He manages the restaurant.‎ ‎941. His uncle is single. He isn't m_______________.‎ ‎942. The doctor gave him some m_______________ and told him to have a good rest.‎ ‎943. Would you m_______________ opening the window?‎ ‎944. The hotel looks very m_______________ but almost everything about it is bad.‎ ‎945. She uses her car m_______________ for going to the shops.‎ ‎946. I didn't hear the phone. I m_______________ have been asleep.‎ ‎947. She has a pet cat n_______________ Mimi.‎ ‎948. If you have been told “no”, you o_______________ not to ask again.‎ ‎949. Study hard and you will p_______________ the exam.‎ ‎950. He is interested in plane. He wants to be a p_______________ when he grows up.‎ ‎951. --- What are you going to do this summer vacation?‎ ‎ --- I'm p_______________ to visit the Great Wall.‎ ‎952. Now tractors are in p_______________ of horses.‎ ‎953. On All Fools’ Day, people often p_______________ jokes on others.‎ ‎954. --- Good morning. Thank you for coming. --- It's a p_______________.‎ ‎955. As a child, he was often sick and it wasn't p_______________ for him to go to school.‎ ‎956. --- Would you like tea or coffee? --- I p_______________ tea.‎ ‎957. His father was sent to p_________ because he had lost all his money and couldn't pay his bill.‎ ‎958. He is one of the most p_______________ teachers in our school.‎ ‎959. It's been p_______________ that new languages are learned more easily by children.‎ ‎960. He often listens to the news over the r_______________.‎ ‎961. He r_______________ a question at the meeting.‎ ‎962. I would r_______________ be a farmer like my uncle.‎ ‎963. I r_______________ a letter from my friend yesterday.‎ ‎964. The students r_______________ the window themselves.‎ ‎965. In early 2000, Dr Hong r_______________ to Beijing to work.‎ ‎966. I can't wait! I'm going to pack my swimsuit r_______________ now.‎ ‎967. They had visited several countries r_______________ the world to see the people celebrating their special days.‎ ‎968. People make s_______________ from the sea water.‎ ‎969. The stone had lain under the s_______________ for hundreds of years until they dug it up.‎ ‎970. Edison showed great interest in s_______________ when he was a boy.‎ ‎971. Lord Kelvin was a great s_______________. He invented a lot of things for people.‎ ‎972. No one could read this language until Jean had worked out its s_______________.‎ ‎973. His books s_______________ very well at that time.‎ ‎974. He wrote a letter and s_______________ it yesterday.‎ ‎975. A good s_______________ of smell is useful if you work with any kind of food.‎ ‎976. The two old women have taken each other's advice and s____________ many happy moments.‎ ‎977. She is a s_______________ girl. She is afraid to answer questions in class.‎ ‎978. --- What s_______________ of shoes do you wear? --- 38.‎ ‎979. Being a reporter needs to have many s_______________.‎ ‎980. A fire fighter with a good sense of s_______________ will always be safer than one without.‎ ‎981. Light travels faster than s_______________.‎ ‎982. At the party, a man made an s_______________ and people sang a few beautiful songs.‎ ‎983. A reporter should be interested in many different things, s_______ as science, art and music.‎ ‎984. He brought his s_______________ and went to the swimming pool.‎ ‎985. He has t_______________ an interest in science.‎ ‎986. We'll t _______________ a holiday as soon as school is finished.‎ ‎987. He is an honest boy. He never t_______________ a lie.‎ ‎988. I saw a t_______________ accident happen this morning.‎ ‎989. English is a useful t_______________; we should work hard at it.‎ ‎990. When we got to the t_______________ of the mountain, we were very tired.‎ ‎991. I'm looking f _______________ to hearing from you.‎ ‎992. Don't forget to t_______________ off the light when you leave the classroom.‎ ‎993. You must line up and wait for your t_______________.‎ ‎994. They wanted to let some air out of the truck's t_______________ to make the truck lower.‎ ‎995. Can you u_______________ what he said?‎ ‎996. He is rather u_______________; he often gets sick.‎ ‎997. A dictionary has many u_______________.‎ ‎998. He had learned to play the v_______________ and the piano before he was eight.‎ ‎999. Every year there are many v_______________ to our city.‎ ‎1000. Do you know when the Second World W_______________ broke out?‎ ‎1001. “She is clever as w__________ as beautiful” means “she is not only beautiful but also clever”.‎ ‎1002. Do you know w_______________ it will be fine tomorrow?‎ ‎1003. I bought a watch last year, hut it doesn't w_______________.‎ ‎1004. Can you w_______________ out this maths problem?‎ ‎1005. Charles Dickens is a famous w_______________.‎ ‎1006. He asked them what life w_______________ be like in 2050.‎ ‎1007. The scientists a_______________ to use metres to measure length.‎ ‎1008. Bikes are not a_______________ to ride into the classroom.‎ ‎1009. I came a_______________ with a cousin who has terrible earache.‎ ‎1010. There are some students playing games over there, and the teacher is a_______________ them.‎ ‎1011. After that he read a_______________ every hook that he could find.‎ ‎1012. He showed the visitors a_______________ the city.‎ ‎1013. There is a large park a_______________ well as a swimming pool.‎ ‎1014. The two boys reached the top of the mountain a_______________ the same time.‎ ‎1015. We will b_______________ the team at the football match.‎ ‎1016. If it's very windy, you can be b_______________ off your bike.‎ ‎1017. She is a b_______________ girl and she does well in all her subjects.‎ ‎1018. Something was wrong with the player. They carried him off the field and c____________ for a doctor.‎ ‎1019. Some people just don't c_______________ about anything except themselves.‎ ‎1020. He is a c_______________ boy. He is always making the same mistake.‎ ‎1021. They're c_______________ the dead elephant away.‎ ‎1022. Why he didn't go to school yesterday is c_______________ now.‎ ‎1023 He is a stamp c_______________ He has collected a lot of beautiful stamps.‎ ‎1024. When it's raining hard, you can't see the road c_______________.‎ ‎1025. It is better to write a short, c_______________ answer than a long, unfinished one.‎ ‎1026. This is the new music room, which was c_______________ last month.‎ ‎1027. The Internet is hundreds of c_______________ all over the world that talk to each other.‎ ‎1028. This coat is made from c_______________, not wool.‎ ‎1029. What do people say when they are in d_______________?‎ ‎1030. It's too d_______________; can you go somewhere safer?‎ ‎1031. Every day, scientists measure the temperature of the air and the d_______________ of the wind.‎ ‎1032. We shouldn't d_______________ rubbish everywhere.‎ ‎1033. He has e_______________ up all the food on the table.‎ ‎1034. When the player kicked a goal, the football f_______________ shouted again and again.‎ ‎1035. She was ill and she didn't f_______________ like eating anything.‎ ‎1036. She is a good girl. She's g_______________ on well with her classmates.‎ ‎1037. The British police tried to find the people who killed the man and h_________ them over to the Chinese.‎ ‎1038. When I got home it was raining h_______________.‎ ‎1039. He has a terrible earache; he can h_______________ hear anything.‎ ‎1040. Look at the wall! There are some h_______________ in it.‎ ‎1041. Scientists collect i_______________ about rain, wind, cloud and air tempera¬ture.‎ ‎1042. His hobby is planting flowers i_______________ of collecting stamps.‎ ‎1043. Maths is an i_______________ language that people all over the world understand .‎ ‎1044. He is searching information on the I_______________.‎ ‎1045. They were i_______________ by their friend to dinner at his home.‎ ‎1046. He went to the clothes shop to buy a j_______________ and a pair of trousers.‎ ‎1047. When did your father j_______________ the Party?‎ ‎1048. --- Where's John? --- I saw him at the library j_____________ now. ‎ ‎1049. It k_______________ on raining for two days.‎ ‎1050. When did you join the L_______________?‎ ‎1051. The scientists agreed to use metres to measure l________ and they work out how long a metre should be.‎ ‎1052. The house was on fire; l_______________ no one was seriously hurt.‎ ‎1053. She went over her exercises to m_______________ sure there isn't any mistake.‎ ‎1054. He wants his daughter to m_______________ a rich man so that he needn't work any longer.‎ ‎1055. The person you m_______________ in the street yesterday is Li Ming's father.‎ ‎1056. What do you think the m_______________ is with the boy who the nurse is talking to?‎ ‎1057. If you don't hurry, you'll m_______________ the bus. ‎ ‎1058. He lives in a n_______________ village. It's not far from here. ‎ ‎1059. It's n_______________ for us to learn English.‎ ‎1060. I've just come to get some medicine that my grandfather n_______________.‎ ‎1061. He got o_______________ the bus and walked home.‎ ‎1062. Many famous people were good at one thing but poor at o_______________.‎ ‎1063. The fire was put o_______________ by the fire fighters.‎ ‎1064. She always does her work as carefully as p_______________.‎ ‎1065. We are p_______________ of our great country.‎ ‎1060. You mustn't p_______________ your car here.‎ ‎1061. How much did you p_______________ for the book?‎ ‎1062. He is good at English but p_______________ at maths.‎ ‎1063. The poor boy p_______________ maths to playing football.‎ ‎1064. A group of fire fighters were trying to p_______________ out the fire with water.‎ ‎1065. If there is a fire in the cinema, you must walk q_______________ out of the exit.‎ ‎1066. Today Dr Bethune is r_______________ by millions of people in China. ‎ ‎1067. If we had a telephone here, you could r_______________ us up.‎ ‎1068. In order to keep the earth clean, r mustn't be thrown everywhere.‎ ‎1069. They're r_______________ their bicycles from Guangzhou to Beijing.‎ ‎1070. I have s_______________ the film before.‎ ‎1071. His father is a s_______________; he works in a ship.‎ ‎1072. You have a cold, but it isn't s_______________.‎ ‎1073. Luckily they were not s_______________ hurt in the accident.‎ ‎1074. Dr Bethune s_______________ up a small hospital in a truck and saved many lives. ‎ ‎1075. The worker s_______________ us around the factory yesterday.‎ ‎1076. They have learned how to measure the s_______________ and the direction of the wind.‎ ‎1077. To my s_______________, I found nobody there.‎ ‎1078. Dr Norman Bethune t_______________ many Chinese doctors.‎ ‎1079. T_______________ he is rich, he isn't happy.‎ ‎1080. He is a t_______________ man. He cares little about himself.‎ ‎1081. This is the first time he has t_______________ Chinese in China.‎ ‎1082. They studied by t_______________ a lot of time.‎ ‎1083. He is a t_______________ man. He never thinks about others.‎ ‎1084. Can I t_______________ this pilot's hat on?‎ ‎1085. When I put an exam paper on your desk, you must not t_______________ it over until I tell you to.‎ ‎1086. It is better to write a short, correct answer then a long, u_______________ one.‎ ‎1087. We've been here for quite a w_______________.‎ ‎1088. I haven't decided w_______________ to go or not.‎ ‎1089. Girl's Volleyball League was held yesterday and it was w_______________ by our team.‎ ‎1090. The boy that was sitting next to me just now waited a w_______________ hour to see a doctor.‎ ‎1091. This is the village w_______________ he was born.‎ ‎1092. Have you caught the cat w_______________ ran past the man? ‎ ‎1093. The doctor w_______________ saw me just now was very busy. ‎ ‎1094. The book w_______________ cover is blue is mine.‎ Keys ‎1. along ‎2. August ‎3. address ‎4. another ‎5. animals ‎6. angry ‎7. apple ‎8. afternoon ‎9. age ‎10. always ‎11. away ‎12. behind ‎13. beautiful ‎14. bridge ‎15. begins ‎16. before ‎17. bank ‎18. both ‎19. badly ‎20. birthday ‎21. boxes ‎22. brushes ‎23. breakfast ‎24. borrow ‎25. bring ‎26. blowing ‎27. between ‎28. best ‎29. capital ‎30. catching ‎31. climb ‎32. change ‎33. country ‎34. countryside ‎35. cloudy ‎36. cold ‎37. coat ‎38. cook ‎39. clock ‎40. cost ‎41. collecting ‎42. Children’s ‎43. clean ‎44. cheaper ‎45. cover ‎46. divided ‎47. doctor ‎48. December ‎49. difference ‎50. dinner ‎51. does ‎52. driver ‎53. drinks ‎54. dollars ‎55. easily ‎56. end ‎57. exercises ‎58. empty ‎59. early ‎60. expensive ‎61. friends ‎62. favourite ‎63. flowers ‎64. front ‎65. fall ‎66. forget ‎67. friendly ‎68. far ‎69. flying ‎70. fruit ‎71. feeding ‎72. forward ‎73. good ‎74. getting ‎75. grows ‎76. Germans ‎77. great ‎78. hers ‎79. heavy ‎80. helps ‎81. hard ‎82. history ‎83. holding ‎84. hope ‎85. hungry ‎86. hear ‎87. hot ‎88. holiday ‎89. hospital ‎90. its ‎91. idea ‎92. inviting ‎93. January ‎94. June ‎95. Just ‎96. kinds ‎97. kilometres ‎98. leaves ‎99. long ‎100. like ‎101. lucky ‎102. London ‎103. lots ‎104. looks ‎105. listen ‎106. library ‎107. market ‎108. months ‎109. March ‎110. Maybe ‎111. minutes ‎112. mine ‎113. me ‎114. matter ‎115. making ‎116. museum ‎117. never ‎118. need ‎119. National ‎120. name ‎121. near ‎122. next ‎123. Nothing ‎124. November ‎125. opens ‎126. other ‎127. October ‎128. packing ‎129. practises ‎130. pay ‎131. post ‎132. person ‎133. playing ‎134. Put ‎135. parents ‎136. places ‎137. politics ‎138. present ‎139. plenty ‎140. playground ‎141. police ‎142. picnic ‎143. quarter ‎144. questions ‎145. quick ‎146. rainy ‎147. report ‎148. running ‎149. restaurant ‎150. same ‎151. snowy ‎152. snowmen ‎153. Sunday ‎154. studies ‎155. school ‎156. send ‎157. slowly ‎158. speak ‎159. sky ‎160. Summer ‎161. spring ‎162. seasons ‎163. snows ‎164. swimming ‎165. shopleeper ‎166. station ‎167. shopping ‎168. stadium ‎169. special ‎170. subjects ‎171. sunny ‎172. Saturday ‎173. take ‎174. tickets ‎175. them ‎176. teeth ‎177. teaches ‎178. Thanks ‎179. trying ‎180. tomorrow/tonight ‎181. temperature ‎182. Teachers’‎ ‎183. turn ‎184. twelfth ‎185. together ‎186. usually ‎187. visit ‎188. weekdays ‎189. weekend ‎190. Women’s ‎191. weather ‎192. winter ‎193. waiting ‎194. washes ‎195. wear ‎196. wake ‎197. What’s ‎198. Who’s ‎199. Which ‎200. Whose ‎201. Wednesday ‎202. will ‎203. worst ‎204. able ‎205. across ‎206. afraid ‎207. again ‎208. ago ‎209. air ‎210. airport ‎211. alone ‎212. angrily ‎213. answer ‎214. anything ‎215. arrived ‎216. as ‎217. asleep ‎218. awake ‎219. being ‎220. bamboo ‎221. born ‎222. because ‎223. bee ‎224. best ‎225. before ‎226. began ‎227. blew ‎228. brave ‎229. bought ‎230. bright ‎231. brightly ‎232. brought ‎233. building ‎234. changed ‎235. cinema ‎236. clever ‎237. cleverest ‎238. computer ‎239. cost ‎240. closer ‎241. conductor ‎242. correct ‎243. cross ‎244. cut ‎245. dancing ‎246. dangerous ‎247. dark ‎248. dead ‎249. deepest ‎250. decided ‎251. diary ‎252. died ‎253. difficult ‎254. drank ‎255. drove ‎256. elephants ‎257. else ‎258. encouragement ‎259. enough ‎260. Everything ‎261. exam ‎262. except ‎263. failed ‎264. far ‎265. fatter ‎266. few ‎267. flew ‎268. forget ‎269. forgot ‎270. found ‎271. funny ‎272. gentlest ‎273. gently ‎274. happened ‎275. have ‎276. heard ‎277. heavily ‎278. hurried ‎279. hurt ‎280. ill ‎281. important ‎282. insteresting ‎283. Just ‎284. kind ‎285. kill ‎286. knew ‎287. kitchen ‎288. knowed ‎289. land ‎290. laugh ‎291. leaves ‎292. left ‎293. life ‎294. lift ‎295. lonely ‎296. looking ‎297. made ‎298. mistakes ‎299. marks ‎300. arrived ‎301. monkeys ‎302. more ‎303. nearly ‎304. neighbours ‎305. newspapers ‎306. noise ‎307. noisy ‎308. ocean ‎309. out ‎310. pair ‎311. Palace ‎312. pass ‎313. pet ‎314. planet ‎315. players ‎316. poor ‎317. prepairing ‎318. pretty ‎319. quickly ‎320. quietly ‎321. reaches ‎322. ready ‎323. runners ‎324. rings ‎325. reason ‎326. remember ‎327. richer ‎328. run ‎329. sang ‎330. said ‎331. sad ‎332. safe ‎333. sat ‎334. saw ‎335. shone ‎336. sharp ‎337. shut ‎338. single ‎339. sleep ‎340. slowly ‎341. smile ‎342. smoking ‎343. snake ‎344. spoke ‎345. so ‎346. stand ‎347. still ‎348. story ‎349. strongly ‎350. stopped ‎351. swimmer ‎352. swam ‎353. swimming ‎354. took ‎355. take 355. same ‎356. taugh ‎357. thick ‎358. thief ‎359. thin ‎360. thought ‎361. test ‎362. threw ‎363. through ‎364. today ‎365. tonight ‎366. top ‎367. twice ‎368. town ‎369. travels ‎370. truth ‎371. university ‎372. up ‎373. usual ‎374. vegetable ‎375. village ‎376. voice ‎377. wait ‎378. wake ‎379. warm ‎380. weren’t ‎381. weigh ‎382. ways ‎383. Well ‎384. What ‎385. What ‎386. wider ‎387. worse ‎388. writing ‎389. wrote ‎390. yesterday ‎391. afraid ‎392. all ‎393. already ‎394. asleep ‎395. anybody ‎396. anywhere ‎397. asleep ‎398. ask ‎399. at ‎400. been ‎401. being ‎402. began ‎403. best ‎404. but ‎405. believe ‎406. bell ‎407. bridges ‎408. capital ‎409. centre ‎410. choosing ‎411. chopsticks ‎412. Christmas ‎413. competition ‎414. count ‎415. copied ‎416. dancer ‎417. delicious ‎418. dirty ‎419. dictionary ‎420. destroyed ‎421. do ‎422. decided ‎423. doubles ‎424. drew ‎425. during ‎426. each ‎427. eaten ‎428. easy ‎429. easily ‎430. eating ‎431. either ‎432. either ‎433. enjoy ‎434. especially ‎435. evening ‎436. ever ‎437. Everyone ‎438. everywhere ‎439. excited ‎440. exciting ‎441. extra ‎442. fallen ‎443. famous ‎444. farm ‎445. forward ‎446. feel ‎447. filling ‎448. finished ‎449. flown ‎450. footballer ‎451. foreigners ‎452. forgotten ‎453. full ‎454. German ‎455. glad ‎456. gone ‎457. Good ‎458. growing ‎459. grass ‎460. grew ‎461. grown ‎462. heard ‎463. hearing ‎464. help ‎465. helper ‎466. happen ‎467. herself ‎468. himself ‎469. hold ‎470. hope ‎471. hundreds ‎472. If ‎473. impolite ‎474. importantly ‎475. itself ‎476. kick ‎477. kicking ‎478. known ‎479. listeners ‎480. land ‎481. language ‎482. larger ‎483. later ‎484. laugh ‎485. leave ‎486. left ‎487. looking ‎488. lonely ‎489. losing ‎490. luck ‎491. made ‎492. making ‎493. matter ‎494. meals ‎495. means ‎496. message ‎497. may ‎498. million ‎499. moment ‎500. more ‎501. much ‎502. myself ‎503. nearly ‎504. needn’t ‎505. neither ‎506. net ‎507. news ‎508. next ‎509. nice ‎510. No ‎511. No ‎512. nobody ‎513. noodles ‎514. nor ‎515. no ‎516. nurse ‎517. opposite ‎518. over ‎519. own ‎520. passport ‎521. picked ‎522. plan ‎523. polite ‎524. politely ‎525. population ‎526. pretty ‎527. problem ‎528. professor ‎529. program ‎530. pulled ‎531. put ‎532. really ‎533. recently ‎534. relatives ‎535. report ‎536. reporter ‎537. rest ‎538. science ‎539. seen ‎540. send ‎541. shower ‎542. sick ‎543. since ‎544. singer ‎545. somebody/someone ‎546. sad ‎547. somewhere ‎548. sounds ‎549. soon ‎550. speakers ‎551. speech ‎552. spelling ‎553. spoken ‎554. still ‎555. say ‎556. strange ‎557. sugar ‎558. sure ‎559. swimsuit ‎560. swum ‎561. table ‎562. take ‎563. taking ‎564. taken ‎565. themselves ‎566. thirsty ‎567. thousand ‎568. tired ‎569. taken ‎570. umbrella ‎571. understand ‎572. uniform ‎573. until ‎574. used ‎575. useful ‎576. visited ‎577. volleyball ‎578. wait ‎579. water ‎580. way ‎581. weekend ‎582. What’s ‎583. without ‎584. wonderful ‎585. wood ‎586. worried ‎587. written ‎588. wonder ‎589. yet ‎590. yourselves ‎591. accident ‎592. again ‎593. although ‎594. As ‎595. Asia ‎596. anything ‎597. at ‎598. at ‎599. Be ‎600. break ‎601. broken ‎602. calling ‎603. carefully ‎604. carried ‎605. caught ‎606. changed ‎607. coal ‎608. coffee ‎609. Collecting ‎610. comes ‎611. corner ‎612. coughed ‎613. crying ‎614. cut ‎615. cutting ‎616. danger ‎617. dark ‎618. dug ‎619. drawing ‎620. dropped ‎721. earth ‎722. Either ‎723. enjoyed ‎724. even ‎725. every ‎726. excitedly ‎727. exciting ‎728. excuse ‎729. example ‎730. famous ‎731. farming ‎732. feel ‎733. field ‎734. fighting ‎735. followed ‎736. forests ‎737. forever ‎738. free ‎739. from ‎740. funny ‎741. gave ‎742. get ‎743. got ‎744. getting ‎745. gave ‎746. given ‎747. go ‎748. good ‎749. ground ‎750. had ‎751. harvest ‎752. headache ‎753. help ‎754. helpful ‎755. how ‎756. hurt ‎757. in ‎758. introduce ‎759. keep ‎760. lazy ‎761. least ‎762. less ‎763. lay ‎764. light ‎765. living ‎766. Look ‎767. machines ‎768. made ‎769. make ‎770. manners ‎771. meant ‎772. medicine ‎773. member ‎774. mended ‎775. midnight ‎776. million ‎777. model ‎778. moment ‎779. member ‎780. none ‎781. noon ‎782. not ‎783. Once ‎784. One ‎785. ordered ‎786. pain ‎787. percent ‎788. pick ‎789. planet ‎790. pleased ‎791. plant ‎792. poorer ‎793. ready ‎794. reach ‎795. real ‎796. rest ‎797. rich ‎798. sadly ‎799. save ‎800. seafood ‎801. seat ‎802. seeds ‎803. shouted ‎804. smells ‎805. so ‎806. sounds ‎807. spent ‎808. top ‎809. studied ‎810. such ‎811. suddenly ‎812. surprised ‎813. sold ‎814. swim ‎815. swimmer ‎816. take ‎817. take ‎818. temperature ‎819. tastes ‎820. thinking ‎821. thousand ‎822. till ‎823. times ‎824. too ‎825. touch ‎826. traffic ‎827. true ‎828. through ‎829. together ‎830. turns ‎831. turned ‎832. twice ‎833. until ‎834. unable ‎835. unhappy ‎836. unsafe ‎837. unusual ‎838. untrue ‎839. unwell ‎840. unlucky ‎841. visit ‎842. waiter ‎843. weak ‎844. Welcome ‎845. well ‎846. while ‎847. whole ‎848. Why ‎849. wing ‎850. without ‎851. wonderful ‎852. write ‎853. wrong ‎854. across ‎855. advice ‎856. agree ‎857. allowed ‎858. almost ‎859. ancient ‎860. answer ‎861. army ‎862. as ‎863. believe ‎864. below ‎865. bills ‎866. blind ‎867. boiled ‎868. builder ‎869. burns ‎870. By ‎871. celebrated ‎872. change ‎873. choice ‎874. chosen ‎875. cloth ‎876. comfortable ‎877. common ‎878. compared ‎879. completed ‎880. deaf ‎881. destroyed ‎882. dining ‎883. dinner ‎884. disadvantages ‎885. discovered ‎886. discussed ‎887. dream ‎888. dress ‎889. eaten ‎890. either ‎891. example ‎892. favourite ‎893. fewer ‎894. fewest ‎895. Finally ‎896. find ‎897. flag ‎898. follow ‎899. fresh ‎900. frighten ‎901. future ‎902. gardener ‎903. got ‎904. goes ‎905. guess ‎906. guide ‎907. hall ‎908. handed ‎910. handed ‎911. healthy ‎912. hidden ‎913. holiday ‎914. held ‎915. hurry ‎916. instead ‎917. interested ‎918. invented ‎919. inventions ‎920. inventor ‎921. inviting ‎922. island ‎923. joined ‎924. jokes ‎925. key ‎926. landed ‎927. least ‎928. lend ‎929. Let ‎930. librarian ‎931. lie ‎932. locked ‎933. long ‎934. longer ‎935. lost ‎936. love ‎937. low ‎938. magazines ‎939. make ‎940. manager ‎941. married ‎942. medicine ‎943. mind ‎944. modern ‎945. mostly ‎946. must ‎947. named ‎948. ought ‎949. pass ‎950. pilot ‎951. planning ‎952. place ‎953. play ‎954. pleasure ‎955. possible ‎956. prefer ‎957. prison ‎958. popular ‎959. prove ‎960. radio ‎961. raised ‎962. rather ‎963. received ‎964. repaired ‎965. returned ‎966. right ‎967. round ‎968. salt ‎969. sand ‎970. science ‎971. scientist ‎972. secret ‎973. sold ‎974. sent ‎975. sense ‎976. shared ‎977. shy ‎978. size ‎979. skills ‎980. small ‎981. sound ‎982. speech ‎983. such ‎984. swimsuit ‎985. taken ‎986. take ‎987. tells ‎988. terrible ‎989. tool ‎990. top ‎991. forward ‎992. turn ‎993. turn ‎994. tyre / tire ‎995. understand ‎996. unhealthy ‎997. uses ‎998. violin ‎999. visitors ‎1000. War ‎1001. well ‎1002. whether ‎1003. work ‎1004. work ‎1005. writer ‎1006. would ‎1007. agreed ‎1008. allowed ‎1009. along ‎1010. among ‎1011. almost ‎1012. around ‎1013. as ‎1014. at ‎1015. beat ‎1016. blown ‎1017. bright ‎1018. called ‎1019. care ‎1020. careless ‎1021. carrying ‎1022. clear ‎1023. collector ‎1024. clearly ‎1025. correct ‎1026. completed ‎1027. computers ‎1028. cotton ‎1029. danger ‎1030. dangerous ‎1031. direction ‎1032. drop ‎1033. eaten ‎1034. fans ‎1035. feel ‎1036. getting ‎1037. handed ‎1038. heavily ‎1039. hardly ‎1040. holes ‎1041. information ‎1042. instead ‎1043. international ‎1044. Internet ‎1045. invited ‎1046. jacket ‎1047. join ‎1048. just ‎1049. kept ‎1050. League ‎1051. length ‎1052. luckily ‎1053. make ‎1054. marry ‎1055. met ‎1056. matter ‎1057. miss ‎1058. nearby ‎1059. necessary ‎1060. needs ‎1061. off ‎1062. others ‎1063. out ‎1064. possible ‎1065. proud ‎1060. park ‎1061. pay ‎1062. poor ‎1063. preferred ‎1064. put ‎1065. quickly ‎1066. remembered ‎1067. ring ‎1068. rubbish ‎1069. riding ‎1070. seen ‎1071. sailor ‎1072. serious ‎1073. seriously ‎1074. set ‎1075. showed ‎1076. speed ‎1077. surprise ‎1078. trained ‎1079. Though ‎1080. thoughtful ‎1081. taught ‎1082. themselves ‎1083. thoughtless ‎1084. try ‎1085. turn ‎1086. unfinished ‎1087. while ‎1088. whether ‎1089. won ‎1090. whole ‎1091. where ‎1092. which ‎1093. who ‎1094. whose

