牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 2单元检测 (3)

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牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 2单元检测 (3)

Great people 一、课堂检测 ㈠ 根据课文内容及首字母填空 Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. He took his first _________ at six and received his pilot’s ________ at 16. In 1949, Ne il _______ the navy and worked as a _________. He was _________ to be an astronaut in 1962. Fours years later, he __________ to join two spacecrafts together in space. Then the big day came. On 20th July 1969, he _________ Apollo 11 on the moon together with Aldrin. Neil said the famous words ‘one small step for man, one ________ leap for _________’ on the moon. However, there are reports that say he and Aldrin saw aliens( 外 星 人 ) on the moon. These reports still haven’t been proved. Armstrong got the highest _____________that a US ___________ can receive. He is the___________ of the world. ㈡根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.----Have you got the driving l_____________________?----Not yet. 2.I want to jion the ____________________(海军)when I grow up. 3.He wants to be a ____________________(飞行员 )when he grows up. 4. The plane l________________ safely by the beach. 5.Yang Liwei is the first a________________in China who travelled in the space. 6. What’s the number of the Smith’s __ (航班) out of Beijing? 7.Someday __ (人类) will leave the earth for other planets and live there. 8.Different people have different _____ (hero). 9. If you wa nt to be a great person, first of all you should be a good _________ (city). 二、作业布置 ㈠根据中文、首字母填词 1. ____ (free) is very important to everyone. 2. China’s Shenzhou Ⅵ manned spacecraft ___ (land) safely on October 17th, 2005. 3. Yang Liwei was _____________ (挑选) to be China’s first astronaut to fly in space in 2003. 4. Those who won the World Cup were regarded as the national____________(英雄). 5. The students of Class 3 spent a _____________(整个的) day walking onto the mountain. 6.Armstrong had been a p ____ when he was young. 7.The young man loved the sea when he was young and he joined the n last year. 8.Who was c ____ to be our host of the show, do you know? 9.Outer space was unknown to m __ at that time, but things have c hanged a lot. ㈡、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Is Neil Armstrong the first man (walk) on the moon? 2. When did you become (interest) in (ski)? When he was only five years old. 3. We are happy to know that both of us have been chosen (be) the voluntary workers. 4. Armstrong landed on the moon __ (success). 5. _ (fly) to Beijing was his dream. But unluckily, he missed his (fly) when he went to Beijing for the first time. 6. The whirligig /‘wɜ:ligɪg /(陀螺) __ (spin) fast a moment ago, but it stopped now. 7. He is one of the greatest (pilot) in our country. 8. She ____ (choose) to play for China in 2008. 9. You will find Wu Dong________________ (interest) if you talk with him. 10. He made a shelf_________________ (care) to keep his new books. ㈢单项选择 ( )1.Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our __________ in China. We’re proud ________them. A. women astronauts; of B.woman astronauts;of C.women astronauts; in ( )2 .-----More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan. -----That’s true. It has become the _____of Anhui. A. pride B. effort C. praise D. courage ( )3.The manager __________her_________an air ticket to France for him at once. A. order; to order B. ordered; to order C. order; order D. ordered; order ( )4. The car was ______________and crashed on the road. A.in control B.out of control C.under control D. with control ( )5. At the age of ten, I took my flight _____________. A.first B. for the first time C. the first time D.at first ( ) 6. Do you know_____ man, who se son is______astronaut?A. the, an B. a, an C. /,the D. the, / ( )7. Who can help me find information about Elvis Presley ________ I need to give a talk about western music? A. who B. whom C. what D. which ( )8.—Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. ----Yes, they’re _______our nation. A. proud of B. pleased with C. the pride of D. known for ㈣、根据中文完成下列句子 1.飞行指挥官收到了缩短航程的命令。 The command pilot received . 2.王兵打了两个半小时的篮 球。 Wang Bing played basketball for________________________________. 3.我的叔叔被授予了最高荣誉。 My uncle was ______________________________________________________. 4.我设法成功完成了这个课题。 I ________________________________________________the project. 5.老板因为 Nancy 的优秀服务而表扬了他。 The boss praised Nancy ___. ㈤短文填词 The US first lady, Michelle Obama (1) l_______________ in Beijing on Thursday, March 20th, starting her one-week trip to China. Peng Liyuan, Xi’s wife, accompanied her to visit. The whole world felt very (2)e_______________ about their first meeting. The next day, Michelle Obama spent almost the (3)w______________ day with Peng Liyuan visiting Beijing. They( 4)v_______________ a high school and the Forbidden City, ate Beijing Roast Duck and watched a performance (5)t_________________. The US side also paid great (6)a______________ to the first lady’s trip to China. Mrs. Obama even op ened a (7)d______________ travel blog, including videos and photos, to share her (8) e______________ in China directly with young people all over the world. The( 9)m______________of the two first ladies has shown that China is more (10) o______________ and is getting more involved in the international affairs (国际事务).

