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‎ Unit 1 Great scientists Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people________to cholera.‎ A.expose B.exposed ‎ C.exposing D.to expose 解析 expose“使暴露于;显露;使接触”,在此处作后置定语修饰people,二者存在动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。‎ 答案 B ‎2.When he came back three hours later,they were still sitting on the sofa,________in conversation.‎ A.absorbing B.absorbed C.to absorb D.to be absorbed 解析 考查非谓语动词。句意:当他三个小时后回来时,他们仍坐在沙发上,聚精会神地交谈。be absorbed in为固定搭配,意为“专心于”,所以此处应用absorb的过去分词形式,作伴随状语。‎ 答案 B ‎3.—Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.‎ ‎—I ______ it,but I was busy preparing for a job interview.‎ A.attended         B.had attended C.would attend D.would have attended 解析 考查虚拟语气。句意:——很可惜你错过了这次有关核污染的演讲。——我本来要参加,但忙于准备工作面试。根据but后面的内容可知,设空处表达与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,所以正确答案为D项。‎ 答案 D ‎4.I think you need some outdoor exercise.Plenty of fresh air will________good health.‎ A.contribute to B.devote to C.apply to D.adjust to 解析 考查带to的动词短语辨析。句意:我认为你需要户外锻炼,足够的新鲜空气会有利于健康。contribute to有助于,导致;devote to奉献;apply to运用;adjust to调节以适应。‎ 答案 A ‎5.The doctor________you for your cough is sure to________it.‎ A.curing;treat B.cures;treating C.treating;cure D.treats;cure 解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意:给你治疗咳嗽的那个大夫保证给你治好病。treat治疗;cure治愈;treating you for your cough现在分词短语作定语。‎ 答案 C ‎6.The________,I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.‎ A.attention B.conclusion C.promise D.relation 解析 句意:我认为他从简单的实验中得出的结论是不科学的。draw a conclusion“得出结论”;draw one's attention“引起某人注意”。‎ 答案 B ‎7.______ good service,the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.‎ A.Far from B.Apart from C.Instead of D.Regardless of 解析 考查介词短语的辨析。句意:除了良好的服务,饭店还提供不同种类的传统闽菜。apart from除了;far from完全不;instead of代替,而不是;regardless of不管,不顾。根据句意可知,正确答案为B项。‎ 答案 B ‎8.—I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.‎ ‎—Many people think there is nothing there ________ice and snow.‎ A.except for B.rather than C.apart from D.regardless of 解析 此处表示“除了冰雪以外没有别的东西”,可以使用except,因为ice and snow和nothing属于同类,而except for后的名词和前面的名词不属同类。apart from相当于except或besides。‎ 答案 C ‎9.To be honest,my carelessness______a lot to my failure.‎ A.contributed B.donated C.provided D.offered 解析 句意:说实话,我的失败主要是因为我的粗心大意。contribute to导致。donate捐献;provide提供;offer(主动)提供。‎ 答案 A ‎10.The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now ________the matter.‎ A.seeing through B.working out C.looking into D.watching over 解析 考查动词词组辨析。此处look into表示“调查”。A项表示“看穿;识破”; B项表示“制定出;算出”;D项表示“看守;监视”。‎ 答案 C ‎11.—Stay a bit longer,please.It's been such________fun having you here.‎ ‎—Thank you,but I've got________early start tomorrow morning.‎ A./;the B.a;an C./;an D.the;an 解析 考查冠词。此题中fun为不可数名词,前面不用冠词。an early start此处指“早起”。句意为“请再待一会儿吧。有你在这里太有趣了。”“谢谢你,但明天早上我还要早起呢”。‎ 答案 C ‎12.______ for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits.‎ A.Blaming B.Blamed C.To blame D.To be blamed 解析 考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:由于被指责要对学校计算机网络的故障负责,艾丽丝情绪低落。本题是状语从句的省略。Alice与blame之间是被动关系,即Because she was blamed的省略。‎ 答案 B ‎13.________his eyes,Tom found himself________on the roadside.‎ A.Opened;lied B.Opened;laid C.Opening;lying D.Opening;lain 解析 本题考查的是非谓语动词。现在分词表示主动,所以用Opening。第二个空的意思是“躺”,表示主动进行。‎ 答案 C ‎14.The Dead Sea is so salty________it's hard for anything to live in it________is why it's called the Dead Sea.‎ A.that;which B.that;that C./;that D./;what 解析 so...that为固定结构,第二个空用which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面的整句话。‎ 答案 A ‎15.—How did he catch so many fish?‎ ‎—By using a________.‎ A.bamboo long fishing line ‎ B.long bamboo fishing line C.fishing long bamboo line ‎ D.bamboo fishing long line 解析 本题考查的是名词前面修饰语的先后顺序。该次序如下:冠词+品质(好,坏等)+大小/长短+新旧+形状式样+颜色+产地+材料+用途+动名词+名词,所以选B。‎ 答案 B Ⅱ.完形填空 I have always been an independent person,but I have come to know that being independent does not mean refusing help.I may still be__1__with asking for help,but I try to accept.Furthermore,I will even__2__help and when my offers are refused,I am__3__willing to walk away.And all these changes came from a disaster on an island.‎ Sometimes a person's independence is a__4__of pride,daring,stubbornness and luck.I used to be too__5__since I was little.I was once a traveler who never asked for__6__,choosing instead to struggle with maps and signs until I found my way.‎ Then one day on the island of Koh Phangan,in Thailand,everything__7__.I was swimming in the ocean with Sean,my fiance(未婚夫),when he was__8__by a box jellyfish(箱型水母).He__9__within three minutes,25 years old.Yet when onlookers and travelers asked if I wanted__10__,stubborn pride and force of habit__11__me accepting.But two young Israeli women stayed.__12__my protest(反对),they were with me even when the police tried to cover up the__13__of Sean's death.It was listed as drunk drowning to avoid hurting the__14__industry.The Israeli women__15__have walked away.__16__,without even telling me,they__17__their schedule rather than leave me behind.‎ ‎__18__I didn't realize it at the time,I now believe I would not have__19__the disaster without these great women.Actually,the person who needs help the most is usually the last person to ask for it.I have learned__20__is better than refusing because it not only helps you walk out of trouble,but also helps you know the real meaning of life.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 独立并不意味着要拒绝帮助,接受帮助比拒绝帮助好,这是作者通过自己的亲身经历领悟到的道理。‎ ‎1.A.struggling B.dealing C.confused D.satisfied 解析 struggle with表示“与……作斗争”,根据上下文可知作者还在与是否要寻求帮助作斗争。‎ 答案 A ‎2.A.offer B.accept C.seek D.desire 解析 根据下文的“when my offers”可知,作者甚至会给别人提供帮助。‎ 答案 A ‎3.A.occasionally B.frequently C.usually D.seldom 解析 当作者给别人提供帮助而被拒绝时,她很少会心甘情愿地走开。这与下文作者拒绝别人的帮助时,对方还是留下来陪她的经历有关。occasionally“偶尔”;frequently“经常地”;usually“通常”;seldom“很少”。‎ 答案 D ‎4.A.range B.symbol C.way D.mix 解析 有时一个人的独立是骄傲、勇敢、顽强和运气的结合。range“一系列”;symbol“象征”;way“方式”;mix“混合,结合”。‎ 答案 D ‎5.A.adventurous B.brave C.independent D.creative 解析 根据文章第一句以及下文的内容可知,作者是一个非常独立的人。‎ 答案 C ‎6.A.money B.equipment C.directions D.suggestions 解析 根据6空后面的“choosing instead to struggle with maps and sings until I found my way”可知,作者曾经旅行时从不问路。equipment“装备”;direction“方向”;suggestion“建议”。‎ 答案 C ‎7.A.happened B.messed C.changed D.disappeared 解析 根据第一段的最后一句可知,此处表示“一切都变承”,故选C。‎ 答案 C ‎8.A.attacked B.caught C.followed D.impressed 解析 下文提到作者的未婚夫死了,此处应指他受到了箱型水母的攻击。attack“攻击”。‎ 答案 A ‎9.A.sunk B.died C.failed D.recovered 解析 根据“25 years old”及13空后面的“Sean's death”可知,此处指Sean三分钟之内就死了,故选B。‎ 答案 B ‎10.A.company B.advice C.comfort D.evidence 解析 由上文可知,作者正遭受着未婚夫突然去世的打击,再结合11空后面的“two young ‎ Israeli women stayed”可知,周围的人在问作者是否需要陪伴。company“陪伴”。‎ 答案 A ‎11.A.kept B.prevented C.denied D.suggested 解析 作者固执的骄傲和习惯的力量阻止她接受别人提供的帮助。prevent“阻止”。‎ 答案 B ‎12.A.In spite of B.In case of C.In terms of D.As a result of 解析 尽管作者反对,她们还是留下来陪作者。in spite of“尽管”;in case of“以防万一”;in terms of“就……而言”;as a result of“由于……”。‎ 答案 A ‎13.A.proof B.news C.fact D.cause 解析 根据下一句中的“It was listed as drunk drownning”可知,警方尽力地掩盖Sean死亡的原因。cause“原因”。‎ 答案 D ‎14.A.medicine B.entertainment C.fishing D.tourism 解析 Sean因受水母攻击而死亡,警方掩盖其死因是为了避免影响到当地的旅游业。‎ 答案 D ‎15.A.could B.need C.should D.must 解析 could have done表示“本来能做,而实际上未做”,此处指那两位以色列女士本来能够走开的,但她们还是留下来陪作者。‎ 答案 A ‎16.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Besides 解析 她们反而宁可延误自己的日程安排,也不扔下作者不管。instead“反而,却”。‎ 答案 C ‎17.A.delayed B.made C.considered D.threw 解析 参见上题解析。‎ 答案 A ‎18.A.When B.While C.Because D.If 解析 while表示“尽管”。尽管作者当时没有意识到这一点,但现在她相信,如果没有这两位好心的女士,她不会从这场灾难中幸存。‎ 答案 B ‎19.A.survived B.experienced C.avoided D.suffered 解析 参见上题解析。survive“幸存,存活”。‎ 答案 A ‎20.A.refusing B.accepting C.giving D.begging 解析 根据下文的“because it not only...of life”并结合全文可知,此处表示“接受帮助比拒绝帮助好”。‎ 答案 B Ⅲ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ A major source of teen stress is school exams,and test anxiety is not uncommon.When you recognize your teen is under stress,how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?‎ Be involved.Parents need to be involved in their teen’s work.__1__What they look for is your presence—to talk,to cry,or simply to sit with them quietly.Communicate openly with your teen.Encourage your teen to express her worries and fears,but don’ t let them focus on those fears.‎ Help them get organized.__2__Together,you and your teen can work out a schedule in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.Provide a calm environment.Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy (隐私).Give them a nutritious diet.It is important for your teen to eat a healthy,balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best.__3__If this happens,encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches.A healthy diet,rather than junk food,is best for reducing stress.‎ ‎__4__Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying.Making time for relaxation,fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress.Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.‎ Show a positive attitude.__5__Your panic,anxiety and blame contribute to your teen’s pressure.Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts.Most importantly,reassure (安慰) your teen that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.‎ A.A parent’s attitude will influence their teen’s emotions.‎ B.Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite (a desire for food).‎ C.They will only make the situation worse.‎ D.Encourage your teen to relax.‎ E.The best thing is simply to listen.‎ F.Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.‎ G.Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves.‎ 答案 1.E 2.F 3.B 4.D 5.A

