杭州专版2020中考英语复习许速测22语法填空+阅读B+D+任务阅读试题人教新目标版 1

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杭州专版2020中考英语复习许速测22语法填空+阅读B+D+任务阅读试题人教新目标版 1

1 小卷速测(二十二) 语法填空+阅读 B+D+任务阅读 (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ. 语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 If you visit the animal shelter(收容所) in Salinas, California, you'll see huge signs that have a picture of a dog and a cat on them. These signs are put in front of the shelter to catch 1. (people) attention. The signs make people 2. (interest) in the shelter and encourage them to visit it and maybe even take a cat or a dog into their homes. Each year, the Salinas shelter accepts 3. (thousand) of dogs and cats. The animals either are lost ones 4. are left by people who can't take care of them. Of all 5. animals, some of them are taken into new homes. Some others are moved to other shelters. And, unluckily, some cannot 6. (save) because they are too sick or are thought to be dangerous. Animal shelters provide food, medicine, and safe places for animals. But they are not 7. (good) homes. The animals stay in small cages in shelters. The people 8. work at shelters do everything they can to care for the animals, but the animals do not always get the attention or exercise they need. 9. (prevent) animals from becoming homeless, pet owners should take good care of their pets. Many pet doctors also suggest people make sure their pets have special surgery(外科手术). It can prevent animals 10. having more babies. And that reduces the number of homeless animals. Ⅱ. 阅读理解 Passage 1 I'm working at a unique university where 46 speech and hearing damaged students graduate each year. I have been working with these students to help them get clear on their goals. Today, an unbelievable thing happened. One girl came to my class at around 9:30 a.m. and sat down. I started with how we usually do. She can speak, but cannot hear or lip-read. So she started speaking Tamil(泰米尔语).When I managed to tell her that I couldn't speak Tamil, she spoke English. I tried asking one question, and she went on for 10 minutes straight, and in Tamil. I understood 2 a couple of words here and there, so I understood that she was not saying something related to what I asked. I was just looking straight in her eyes and smiling. I just kept on listening to her without saying a word. Then, after a long pause, I told her to get back on track with another question. And then she shared for half an hour straight! The whole time I was just looking in her eyes. And I could see tears coming in her eyes but never rolling down. When she began, she was speaking so loudly and then suddenly she would slow down. I had absolutely no idea what she spoke for this long time, but what I knew was that I was listening to whatever she was sharing and also started understanding a bit in between. A couple of times, I would break in with a simple question: Are you happy? And she would continue. I was certainly happy, because I saw her smiling in the end. And then, I just got up and hugged her and she was smiling even wider. 1.What does the author do at present? ( ) A.Teach disabled students. B.Learn a foreign language. C.Communicate with a strange girl. D.Offer a medical help to students. 2.How did the girl respond to the author's first question? ( ) A.She hated it. B.She misunderstood it. C.She answered it exactly. D.She refused to answer it. 3.What did the author know from the girl's speaking? ( ) A.She talked about her thanks. B.She was angry at something. C.She told her sad experiences. D.She said something with emotion. 4.What made the girl feel happy? ( ) A.The author's kind questions. B.The author's encouragement. C.The author's patient listening. 3 D.The author's good advice on her goals. Passage 2 [2019·重庆] When “A Youthful Asia” came out at the Asian Culture Carnival(嘉年华), tears filled my eyes. It's Zhang Yixing, the singer and dancer standing there for us young people in China, and the very one who stopped me from falling. Three years ago, my new school life began. As a junior boy from the countryside, I could hardly keep up. I tried, but still felt like an outsider. Nobody would pick me for teamwork. So I stayed in the corner, hanging my head low as if I didn't care. There was a fear in me that all my school life would be colorless. Then on May 4, I was “colorless” in Yixing's book about his life. How could this be true for someone just named the youth idol(青年偶像)? I read the book again, smiling with the fun part of his childhood and touched by his promise to his mom. Something wet my eyes when he joked about his training years in Korea. He doubled his practice, pushing himself so hard as to be called “the trainee(练习生) like god”. He said it probably meant “the trainee like mad”. I might have tried, but not as hard as he did. “Whenever I feel I might be falling, I tell myself to hold on until I find my moment,” says Yixing. For me, this moment means a better self inside and a larger world outside. So I told myself I would also make a difference if I could hold on for a longer time. Luckily, every Youth Day after that, Yixing would be there on CCTV, encouraging me with his progress. When someone asked him what color his training life was, Yixing smiled, “It's colorless. I don't know what color effort is.” But effort pays. Not he's standing at the Asian Culture Carnival, and I know he is looking forward to something even bigger. 5.When the writer just moved to the city, he .( ) A.enjoyed his new school life B.had a hard time at his new school C.stood outside the classroom D.wanted to go back to the countryside 6.Zhang Yixing was called “the trainee like god” because . ( ) A.he kept his promise to his mom 4 B.he pushed everything away from him C.he was really good at telling jokes D.he spent so much time in practicing 7.The writer mainly wants to tell us that . ( ) A.sometimes people choose to live a life without color B.we can make a difference if we work hard enough C.great effort can make you a great singer and dancer D.school life can be full of colors if we read more books 8.We can infer that the writer . ( ) A.is ready for a trip around the world B.is learning to sing and dance C.is expecting a better future for himself D.is writing a book about himself Ⅲ. 任务型阅读 下面文章中共有 5 处(第 1—5 题)需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意 思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。 Teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. But many teens have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can influence everything from our feelings to how well we focus on tasks like studying. It can also influence sports performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may be linked to weight gain in some people. How can we get the sleep we need? Here are some ideas. 1. You've probably noticed how much running around little kids do and then how soundly they sleep. Take a tip from a little kid and get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. The physical activity can take away stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just don't work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down. 2. Lots of people think that alcohol(酒) or drugs(毒品) will make them relaxed and asleep, but that's not the case. Drugs and alcohol make it difficult to sleep, increasing a person's chance of waking up in the middle of the night. 3. Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only. If you can't make your bedroom a tech-free zone, at least shut everything down half an hour before sleeping. Nothing says, “Wake up, and something's going on!” like the buzz of a text or the ping of an IM. 4. Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep. Creating a 5 set bedtime routine can improve this relaxation effect. So relax every night by reading, listening to music, spending time with a pet, writing a journal, playing Sudoku, or doing anything else that relaxes you. 5. Stress can cause insomnia(失眠), so the more you worry about sleeping, the greater the risk that you'll lie awake staring at the ceiling. Instead of worrying that you won't sleep, remind yourself that you can. Say, “Tonight, I will sleep well” several times during the day. It can also be helpful to practice breathing exercises or gentle yoga poses before bed. A.Say goodnight to electronics. B.Avoid alcohol and drugs. C.Keep a sleep routine. D.Expect a good night's sleep. E.Be active during the day. F.Go to bed earlier. 6 【参考答案】 Ⅰ.1.people's 2.interested 3.thousands 4.or 5.the 6.be saved 7.the best 8.who/that 9.To prevent 10.from Ⅱ.Passage 1 [主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己在一所特殊大学任教的经历。在一次课堂上, 作者提问了一位女同学,她回答了很久,甚至答非所问,但是作者一直耐心地听着,作者的倾听让女孩很快乐, 同时作者也收获了快乐。 1.A 细节理解题。由第一段“I'm working at a unique university where 46 speech and hearing damaged students graduate each year.”可知,作者在一所特殊(残疾人的学校)的大学工作;由第二段“One girl came to my class at around 9:30 a.m. and sat down.”可知,他在那里教书。 2.B 细节理解题。第二段的后两句说明了女学生用泰米尔语回答了很久,因为作者表示听不懂,所以她改用英 语;由第三段“…I understood that she was not saying something related to what I asked.”可知,女 孩子误解了作者的提问。 3.D 推理判断题。由第四段的最后两句“And I could see tears coming in her eyes but never rolling down. When she began, she was speaking so loudly and then suddenly she would slow down.”可以推 断出女孩在动情地叙述着什么事。 4.C 推理判断题。由全文内容,尤其是最后两段可知,女孩虽然答非所问,但作者仍然面带微笑耐心倾听。 Passage 2 5—8 BDBC Ⅲ.1—5 EBACD

