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天津高考3500词 二阶部分
3500词汇 P1-5 1.abandon 2.aboard 3.abolish 4.be about to do … 5.above all 6.abrupt 7.absence 8.absent be absent from school be absent without leave / excuse 9.absolute 10.absorb be absorbed in sth. 11.abstract 12.absurd 13.abundant 14.abuse 15.accent 16.accept 17.access have / get / obtain access to… 18.by accident 19.accompany accompany sb. to… be accompanied by / with 20.accomplish 21.according to p6-10 1.account take…into account on account of 2.accumulate 3.accuracy 4.accurate 5.accuse accuse sb. of (doing )sth. 6.accustom be / become accustomed to 7.achieve 8.acknowledge 9.acquire 10.active 11.be active in 12.actual 13.acute 14.adapt adapt (oneself) to 15.add add to add up to… 16.addicted be addicted to… 17.addition in addition in addition to 18.adequate 19.adjust adjust (oneself) to… 20.admire 21.admission 22.admit p10-15 1.adopt 2.advance in advance 3.advantage take(full) advantage of sth. 4.adventure 5.advertise 6.advice give / offer advice on how to do follow /act on one’s advice a piece of advice take one’s advice 7.advise advise doing sth. 8.advocate 9.affair a private affair financial affairs 10.affect 11.afford 12.be afraid to do be afraid of 13.after all 14.agenda put sth. on the agenda 15.aggressive 16.agree agree with agree to agree on 17.agreement reach / come to / arrive at an agreement 18.aid economic aid first aid 18.aim aim at achieve one's aim 19.air in the air on the air 20.alarm the fire alarm 21.album p16-20 1.alike 2.alive keep sth. alive 3.allow allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth. 4.allowance 5.alone leave / let …alone… let alone 6.alternative 7.altogether 8.amazing 9.ambition fulfill / realize one’s ambition 10.amount a large amount of 11.amuse 12.analysis 13.ancestor 14.anger 15.angle 16.angry be angry about / at sth. be angry with sb 17.anniversary 18.announce 19.annoy 20.annual 21.another one after another 22.anxiety 23.anxious be / get anxious about be anxious to do sth. be anxious for… p21-25 1.apart apart from 2.apologize apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 3.apology make / offer an apology to sb. for sth. 4.appeal appeal to 5.appear 6.appearance 7.appetite an appetite for learning 8.application 9.apply apply for… apply to… 10.appoint 11.appointment have an appointment with sb make / arrange / set up an appointment with sb. 12.appreciate 13.approach 14.appropriate 15.approval 16.approve approve of 17.argue argue with sb. about / over sth. 18.arise 19.arm arm…with 20.arrange 21.arrest 22.arrival on / upon one’s arrival 23.arrive 24.article 25.artificial p26-30 1.ashamed be ashamed of… 2.aside set aside 3.ask for 4.asleep 5.aspect 6.assist 7.associate be associated with 8.association 9.assume 10.assumption 11.astonish 12.atmosphere 13.attach 14.attack 15.attempt attempt to do sth. make an attempt to do sth. 16.attend attend on / upon 17.attention pay attention to 18.attitude 19.attract 20.attractive 21.authority 22.automatic 23.available 24.average on average 25.avoid avoid doing sth. 26.award 27.aware be aware of 28.awful 29.awkward P31-35 1.background 2.backwards 3.baggage 4.bake 5.balance 6.ball 7.ban 8.band 9.banquet 10.bar 11.bare 12.bargain 13.base be based on 14.basic 15.basis 16.battery 17.battle 18.bear 19.beat 20.beauty p36-40 1.beg sb to do 2.at the beginning of 3.behalf on behalf of 4.behavior 5.fall behind 6.belief 7.It is generally believed that 8.belong to 9.bend 10.beneath 11.beneficial 12.benefit be of benefit to 13.betray 14.beyond 15.bid 16.bill 17.biography 18.biology 19.bite 20.bitter 21.blame p41-45 1.blank 2.bless 3.turn a blind eye to 4.block 5.blow 6.board 7.boil 8.bomb 9.bond 10.bonus 11.border 12.get bored with sb 13.bother 14.bottle 15.bottom 16.boundary 17.bow 18.branch 19.brand 20.break down break in break up 21.breakthrough 22.brief 23.hold one’s breath p46-49 1.bright 2.brilliant 3.broad 4.broken 5.broadcast 6.budget on a budget 7.bring about bring in bring up 8.bulletin 9.burden 10.burglar 11.burst 12.bury 13.business 14.button p50-60 1.calculate on sth 2.campaign 3.campus 4.call for 5.cancel 6.candidate 7.care for 8.career 9.in case 10.cash 11.casual 12.catalogue 13 be caught in 14.cautious 15.celebrity 16.cell 17.certificate 18.chain 19.challenge 20.channel 21.chaos 22.character 23.charge 24.charity 25.charm 26.chase 27.cheat 28.check 29.chief 30.choice 3500 词汇p61-70 1.circumstance 2.civil 3.civilization 4.claim 5.clap 6.clarify 7.classic 8.classify 9.clear 10.colleague 11.combine 12.comedy 13.comfort 14.comment 15.commercial 16.commit 17.committee 18.common 19.communicate 20.companion 21.comparison 22.competition 23.complain 24.complete 25.complex 26.composition 27.comprehension 28.compromise 29.compulsory 30.concentrate 31.concept 32.concern 33.conclude 34.condition 35.conduct 36.conference 37.confirm 3500词汇p71-75 1.conflict 2.confuse 3.conscious 4.consequence 5.considerate 6.consist 7.constant 8.construct 9.consult 10.consumer 11.contain 12.contemporary 13.content 14.contrary 15.contribute 16.control 17.controversial 18.convenient 19.conversation 20.convince 3500词汇p76-82 1.correct 2.cottage 3.count 4.counter 5.course 6.court 7.crash 8.credit 9.crime 10.criticize 11.cruel 12.cure 13.curious 14.currency 15.current 16.curriculum 17.custom 18.customer 19.customs 20.cute 3500词汇p76-82 1.correct 2.cottage 3.count 4.counter 5.course 6.court 7.crash 8.credit 9.crime 10.criticize 11.cruel 12.cure 13.curious 14.currency 15.current 16.curriculum 17.custom 18.customer 19.customs 20.cute 3500词汇p83-90 1.daily 2.damage 3.damp 4.database 5.dawn 6.deal 7.debate 8.debt 9.decade 10.declare 11.decline 12.deed 13.defeat 14.defend 15.define 16.definite 17.delay 18.delegate 19.delicate 20delighted 21.deliver 22.demand 23.demonstrate 24.departure 25.description 26.deserve 27.desire 28.desperate 29.destination 30.detective 31.determine 32.devote 33.differ 34.dictation 35.diet 3500词汇p91-99 1.digest 2.dignity 3.diploma 4.direction 5.disabled 6.disaster 7.discipline 8.discount 9.discourage 10.discrimination 11.disgusting 12.display 13.dismiss 14.distinction 15.distinguish 16.distribute 17.disturb 18.diverse 19.divorce 20.dominate 21.donate 22.doubt 23.dozen 24.draft 25.drama 26.drawback 27.drill 28.drown 29.due 30.dynamic p100-105 1.eager 2.take it easy 3.economic 4.effort 5.elect 6.elegant 7.embarrassed 8.emerge 9.emergency 10.emotion 11.encounter 12.encourage 13.energetic 14.engage 15.enlarge 16.enormous 17.ensure 18.enterprise 19.entertainment 20enthusiastic 21.entire 22.entrance 23.entry 3500 词汇p106-110 1.envy 2.equipment 3.escape 4.especially 5.essential 6.establish 7.estimate 8.evaluate 9.eventually 10.evidence 11.exact 12.exceptional 13.exchange 14.exhausted 15.exist 16.expand 17.expense 18.expert 19.explanation 3500词汇p111-115 1.exploit 2.explore 3.export 4.expose 5.express 6.extend 7.extraordinary 8.extremely 9.facility 10.factor 11.fade 12.fail 13.fair 14.fairly 15.faith 16.familiar 17.fancy 3500 词汇p116-120 1.fantasy 2.fantastic 3.fascinating 4.fare 5.fault 6.favour 7.favourite 8.feature 9.feed 10.female 11.fetch 12.fiction 13.fierce 14.figure 15.fill 16.finance 17.fireworks 18.find out 19.a parking fine 20.firm 3500词汇p121-125 1.be fit for 2.fix 3.flat 4.flavour 5.flee 6.flexible 7.float 8.flight 9.fluent 10.focus 11.forbid 12.force 13.be fond of 14.forecast 15.foreign 16.forever 17.forgive 18.form 19.formal 3500 词汇p126-130 1.fortune 2.forward 3.fountain 4.framework 5.frankly 6.freedom 7.frequent 8.fresh 9.frighten 10.fuel 11.function 12.fundamental 13.fund 14.furniture 15.gain 16.gallery 17.gap 18.garbage 19.gas 3500词汇p131-135 1.gather 2.general 3.generate 4.generation 5.generous 6.genius 7.gentle 8.gesture 9.gift 10.glance 11.global 12.goal 13.goods 14.govern 15.grab 16.gradual 17.graduate 18.grain 19.grand 20.grasp 21.grateful 3500词汇p136-140 1.greet 2.grocer 3.guarantee 4.guard 5.guide 6.guideline 7.guilty 8.habit 9.hall 10.hammer 11.hand in 12.handy 13.handle 14.handsome 15.hang about 16.happen to 17.harbor 18.hard p141-145 1.hardship 2.harmony 3.harvest 4.hatch 5.headline 6.health 7.learn sth by heart 8.height 9.hesitate 10.hide 11.highlight 12.highway 13.hire 14.hit 15.hobby 16.hold up 17.honest 18.honey 19.hear of 20.helmet 3500 词汇p146-150 1.honor 2.hopeless 3.horrible 4.hospitable 5.host 6.hug 7.however 8.humor 9.hunger 10.hunt about for 11.hurt 12.ideal 13.identify 14.identity 15.ignore 16.illegal 17.image 18.imagine 19.immediate 20.immigration 21.impact 22.imply 3500词汇P151-155 1.import 2.impress 3.improve 4.incident 5.include 6.income 7.increase 8.indeed 9.independence 10.indicate 11.individual 12.industry 13.infer 14.influence 15.inform 16.informal 17.information 18.innocent 19.insist 20.inspect 21.inspire 22.instant 23.institution 24.instruction 25.insurance 26.intelligence 27.intend 28.interest 29.international 30.interpret 31.interrupt 32.interval 33.introduce 34.interview 3500词汇p156-160 1.invade 2.invent 3.invest 4.involve 5.iron 6.ironic 7.issue 8.item 9.jam 10.jar 11.jewellery 12.jog 13.journalist 14.judge 15.justice 16.junior 3500词汇p161-165 1.keen 2.kid 3.kick 4.kind of 5.knock 6.knowledge 7.labor 8.lack 9.ladder 10.land 11.last of all 12.lately 13.latter 14.later 15.launch 16.lawyer 17.lay 18.lead 19.leak 20.league 3500词汇p166-170 1.leap 2.last but not least 3.leave for 4.legend 5.legal 6.leisure 7.length 8.teach sb a lesson 9.let out 10.level 11.liberate 12.liberty 13.license 14.lift 15.tell lies 16.light 17.linguistics 18.likely 19.limit 20.link 21.liquid 22.literature 23.litter 24.not a little 3500 词汇p171-175 1.lively 2.load 3.loaf 4.locate 5.logo 6.before long 7.look down upon sb 8.loose 9.loss 10.fall in love with 11.luggage 12.at the top of lungs 13.mad 14.magic 15.magnificent 16.main 17.major 18.majority 3500词汇p176-180 1.manage 2.manner 3.march 4.mark 5.marriage 6.mass 7.massive 8.master 9.match 10.material 11.mature 12.maximum 13.mayor 14.means 15.meanwhile 16.measure 17.medical 18.medium 19.memory 20.memorial 21.mend 22.mental 23.mention 3500词汇p181-185 1.mercy 2.merely 3.mess 4.metal 5.method 6.mild 7.military 8.make up one’s mind 9.minimum 10.minority 11.miserable 12.mission 13.mobile 14.model 15.modest 16.monitor 17.monument 18.mood 19.moral 3500词汇p186-190 1.motivate 2.motor 3.motto 4.multiply 5.murder 6.muscle 7.mysterious 8.mystery 9.name after 10.narrow 11.nationality 12.native 13.natural 14.navy 15.nearly 16.neat 17.necessary 18.in need of 19.negative 20.negotiate 21.neighbourhood 3500词汇p191-195 1.nephew 2.nephew 3.noble 4.nod 5.noisy 6.nonsense 7.normal 8.note 9.have nothing to do with 10.notice 11.novelist 12.nowadays 13.nuclear 14.nursery 15.nutrition 3500词汇p196-200 1.obey 2.object 3.observe 4.obtain 5.obvious 6.occasion 7.occupy 8.occupation 9.occur 10.offer 11.official 12.operate 13.opportunity 14.oppose 15.opposite 16.optimistic 17.optional 18.in order 3500 词汇p201-205 1.ordinary 2.organization 3.origin 4.original 5.otherwise 6.outcome 7.outdoor 8.outgoing 9.outline 10.output 11.outstanding 12.overcome 13.overhear 14.overlook 15.overweight 16.owe 17.own 18.pace 19.pack 20.packet 21.pain 22.pale 3500词汇p206-210 1.paragraph 2.parallel 3.parcel 4.pardon 5.participate 6.particular 7.partner 8.passage 9.passion 10.patient 11.pattern 12.pause 13.peak 14.pension 15.percentage 16.perfect 17.perform 18.permanent 19.permit 20.period 3500词汇p211-215 1.permission 2.personal 3.persuade 4.petrol 5.phenomenon 6.philosophy 7.physical 8.pick out 9.pile 10.pilot 11.pioneer 12.plain 13.plastic 14.platform 15.pleased 16.plenty of 17.plot 18.point out 19.poison 20.polish 21.political 22.pollute 3500词汇p216-220 1.positive 2.possess 3.possibility 4.poster 5.potential 6.pour 7.poverty 8.powder 9.powerful 10.practical 11.praise 12.precious 13.predict 14.pregnant 15.present 16.presentation 17.preserve 18.press 19.pressure 20.pretend 21.take pride in 22.primary 23.principle 24.private 25.privilege 3500词汇p221-226 1.procedure 2.process 3.product 4.profession 5.profit 6.project 7.promote 8.proper 9.propose 10.prospect 11.protest 12.prove 13.provide 14.psychology 15.publish 16.pull 17.pulse 18.pump 19.punish 20.purchase 21.pure 22.purpose 23.pursue 24.push 25.puzzle 3500词汇p227-230 1.qualification 2.qualified 3.quality 4.quantity 5.quarrel 6.out of the question 7.quarter 8.queue 9.quit 10.race 11.rainbow 12.rainfall 13.raise 14.random 15.range 16.rank 17.rapid 18.rare 19.rate 20.rather 3500词汇p231-235 1.ray 2.react 3.realistic 4.reality 5.realize 6.reasonable 7.recall 8.receipt 9.recent 10.reception 11.recipe 12.recommend 13.recover 14.recreation 15.recycle 16.reduce 17.refer 18.referee 19.reference 20.reflect 21.reform 22.refreshing 23.refuse 24.regard 25.record 3500词汇p236-240 1.regardless 2.register 3.regret 4.regular 5.regulation 6.reject 7.relate 8.relax 9.relevant 10.reliable 11.relief 12.religion 13.rely on 14.remain 15.remark 16.remarkable 17.remind 18.remote 19.remove 20.reply 21.represent 22.reputation 23.rescue 24.resemble 25.reserve 3500词汇p241-245 1.resign 2.resist 3.resource 4.respect 5.respond 6.responsibility 7.restriction 8.retell 9.retire 10.review 11.revolution 12.reward 13.rhythm 14.ridiculous 15.ripe 16.risk 17.rob 18.roll 19.roof 20.make room for 21.root 22.rough 3500词汇p246-250 1.routine 2.royal 3.rubbish 4.ruin 5.run into sth 6.rush 7.sacrifice 8.safety 9.sail 10.sailor 11.salary 12.sale 13.salute 14.sample 15.satellite 16.satisfy 17.saying 18.scale 19.scare 20.scene 3500词汇p251-255 1.schedule 2.scholarship 3.score 4.scream 5.sculpture 6.secret 7.secretary 8.section 9.secure 10.seek 11.seize 12.select 13.selfish 14.semester 15.senior 16.make sense 17.sensitive 18.separate 19.series 20.serious 21.serve 3500词汇p256-260 1.set off 2.settle 3.severe 4.shabby 5.shadow 6.shake 7.shape 8.share 9.sharp 10.sheet 11.shelf 12.shelter 13.shock 14.shoot 15.shortly 16.shut 17.sigh 18.sign 19.signal 20.signature 21.significance 22.silent 3500词汇p261-265 1.similar 2.simple 3.sincerely 4.single 5.sink 6.site 7.situated 8.skeptical 9.skillful 10.skyscraper 11.sleeve 12.slide 13.slight 14.slim 15.slip 16.smart 17.smooth 18.sob 19.social 20.soft 3500词汇p266-270 1.solar 2.solid 3.solution 4.solve 5.somehow 6.sorrow 7.sort 8.soul 9.source 10.souvenir 11.sow 12.special 13.spare 14.specific 15.spirit 16.spit 17.splendid 18.sponsor 19.spot 20.spread 21.stable 22.stadium 23.staff 24.stage 25.spy 3500词汇p271-275 1.standard 2.stare 3.starve 4.state 5.statistic 6.status 7.steady 8.steep 9.stick to 10.store 11.straight 12.straightforward 13.strategy 14.stream 15.strengthen 16.stress 17.strict 18.strike 19.structure 20.stubborn 3500词汇p276-281 1.studio 2.subjective 3.submit 4.suburb 5.successful 6.all of a sudden 7.suffer 8.suitable 9.summary 10.superior 11.supply 12.support 13.suppose 14.surface 15.surgeon 16.surround 17.survive 18.suspect 19.swallow 20.swear 21.swift 22.swing 23.switch 24.symbol 25.sympathy 26.symphony 3500词汇p282-285 1.tail 2.take in 3.take over 4.take up 5.tale 6.talent 7.talk of 8.tap 9.target 10.task 11.taxpayer 12.teamwork 13.tear(v.) 14.tease 15.technique 16.temporary 17.tend 18.tense 19.term 20.terminal 21.terrify 3500词汇p286-290 1.theft 2.theme 3.theory 4.therefore 5.thinking 6.thirsty 7.thorough 8.thought 9.thread 10.threat 11.throat 12.throughout 13.thunderstorm 14.thus 15.tidy 16.tie 17.tin 18.tiny 19.tip 20.tire 21.toast 22.tolerate 3500词汇p291-296 1.tongue 2.topic 3.total 4.tough 5.tour 6.track 7.trade 8.tragedy 9.tradition 10.training 11.transform 12.transport 13.trial 14.treasure 15.treat 16.tremble 17.trend 18.trick 19.troop 20.truth 21.trust 22.tube 23.type 24.typical 25.tyre查看更多