人教版八年级下册Unit 7基础题及答案

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人教版八年级下册Unit 7基础题及答案

八年级英语下册 Unit 7 基础题测试及答案 一.单项选择 1. Mo Yan was one of_________in the world in 2012. A. the most famous writer B. most famous writer C.the most famous writers D. most famous writers 2. We should be brave when we are _______the face of difficulties.---I agree with you. A. with B. in C. from D. through 3. Fishing is one of ______activities among the middle-aged people. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 4. Qomolangma is _______than _______mountain. A. higher; all the B. higher; any others C. highest; the other D. higher; any other 5. What does his uncle do?----_______I know, he is a doctor. A. As well as B. As far as C. As soon as D. As long as 6. To_______the earth, supermarkets don’t provide free bags for shoppers. A. show B. protect C. carry D. take 7. Who dances better, Linda or Jane?----I think Linda dances________Jane. A. as good as B. as well as C. less than D. ore than 8. ______Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard. A. Although B. Because C. Unless D. When 9. _____the population of China?----It’s about 1,400 million. A. How many are B. How much is C. What are D. What is 10. I think sunglasses_____us______the sun. A. keeps; away B. protect; from C. keeps; from D. protects; from 11. Feel free_______me if you have any problem.---That’s very kind of you. A. ask B. asks C.to ask D. asking 12. ______does the elephant________? A. What; weight B. What; weigh C. How much; weight D. How much; weigh 13. How big is the new square?---It is 550 meters long and 350 meters_______. A. wide B. thin C. fat D. old 14. There will be ______cars in the city because people will prefer the subway. A. fewer B. less C. more D. most 15. It’s so clod today.---Yes. It’s _____colder than it was yesterday. A. some B. more C. very D. much 16. _______is the population of China now, Jack? Let me think for a moment. It is about___________. A. How many; 1,400 million B. What; 1,400 million C. What; 40 million D. How many; 140 million 17. People should know the _______of protecting the environment. We should take action to save our earth. A. condition B. force C. tour D. importance 18. How heavy is an elephant?---It_______about 5,000 kilos. A. includes B. weighs C. eats D. loses 19. China is over 5,000 years old. It’s one of______countries in the world. Yes, It has much______ history than the USA. A. old; long B. older; longer C. older; the longest D. the oldest; longer 20. What does his uncle do?---_______I know, he is a doctor. A. As well as B. As far as C. As soon as D. As long as 21. What’s the _____of the elephant? A. weight B. weights C. height D. heights 22. Why did they start the club?---The main reason was______protect animals. A. help B. helps C. helped D. to help 23. Why do you open the window?---Because I want to ______more fresh air. A. turn down B. take up C. put up D. take in 24. WeChat Pay makes our life convenient. We can buy things_______we don’t take any money. A. unless B. because C. even if D. so that 25. Don’t run too fast, or you might_______. A.come over B. get over C. fall over D. run over 二.词汇填空 1. No ocean in the world is as big as the P_________Ocean. 2. My brother works at the Chengdu R___________ Base. 3. An a____________ panda weighs many time more than a baby panda. 4. Our g_____________ is making a rule to save special animals. 5. The children like making artwork about pandas and other w_____________ animals. 6. My grandpa died of a strange________(ill) last year. 7. An education program should teach people to save________(endanger) animals. 8. There is more___________(pollute) in the sea than before. 9. The price_______(include) your flight and hotel. 10. After school, the kids play soccer with______________(excite) together. 11. Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in a_________ China. 12. Do you n_________ that some news stories on the Internet are sometimes not true at all? 13. In winter we must wear t_______ clothes to keep warm. 14. I didn’t see you for a long time? I fell down and _______ myself last month. 15. What do pandas mainly eat every day? B_____________. 16. Her brother wants to be an animal________(keep). 17. At _______(birthday), a baby panda is only 15cm long. 18. I felt a great sense of_______________(achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain. 19. A thin coat gives little__________(protect) against the cold. 20. We all want to watch the documentary Amazing China,_________(include) my grandparents. 21. I used to help my math teacher _________(分发) the test papers when I was in Grade seven. 22. Thank you for_______________(赠给) such an expensive gift to me. 23. The sea air _____________________________(产生了很大影响)to our health. 24. Every weekend Alice works in the club______________(帮助)kids read and write. 25. Mary works in an old people’s home as a volunteer.(改为同义句) Mary________ ________ _________ in an old people’s home. 参考答案: 一.单项选择 1-15 CBDDB BBADB CDAAD 16-25BDBDB ADDCC 二.单词填空 1.Pacific 2. Research 3. adult 4. government 5. wild 6. illness 7. endangered 8. pollution 9. includes 10. excitement 11.ancient 12.notice13.thick 14. hurt 15. Bamboo 16. keeper 17. birth 18. achievement 19. protection 20. including 21. hand out/to hand out/give out/to give out 22. giving away 23. made a big difference 24. to help 25. volunteers to work

