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Unit6 Our Local Area Topic1 There is a study next to my bedroom. Section A What are they talking about? Jane and Maria are talking about Jane’s _______. A. new study B. new home C. beautiful garden B on the second floor on the first floor garden beautiful 美丽的 floor 楼层;地板 first 第一(序数词) second 第二(序数词) 序数词前要加“ the” 注意用“ on” living room Rooms in the house There is a living room in her home . 她的家 里 有 一间客厅。 ki tch en Rooms in the house There is a kitchen in her home . 她的家 里 有 一间厨房 。 dining room Rooms in the house There is a dining room in her home . Rooms in the house bath room There is a bathroom in her home . study Rooms in the house There is a study in her home . bedroom Rooms in the house There is a bedroom in her home . A A B C D G E F A. bedroom B. study C. kitchen D. dining room E. living room F. garden G. bathroom 2a. Look, listen and match . Room 1 Room 4 Room 5 Room 2 Room 3 Room 1 Room 4 Room 5 Room 2 Room 3 There are two bedrooms on the second floor. There is a study on the second floor. on the second floor on the first floor There is a kitchen on the first floor. There is a dining room on the first floor. There is a living room on the first floor. There is a bathroom on the first floor. Work in pairs. Describe the picture in 2a with the following structures. This is a nice home. There is/are ... on the first/second floor ... bedroom living room bathroom study dining room kitchen 今日说“法” Grammar Today There be(is are) 句型 某地有某物或某人 There be is are + 主语 There is a bedroom on the second floor . There are two bedroom s on the second floor . (单数或不可数) (复数) + 介词短语 Fill the blanks with the right form of there be . There ___ two apples on the table. There__ one book in the schoolbag. There___ seven rooms in the house. There__ water in the cup. There__ some milk in the glass. There___ two books and a pen on the desk. Exercises are is are is is are 1a: Listen and answer Where is Jane’s bedroom? What’s in the study? next to 邻近, 紧靠 Where is Jane’s bedroom? It’s next to the study. What’s in the study? There is a sofa,a desk,some books and so on . and so on 等等 There are some book s , a sofa,a desk and so on . There be 句型中,遵循 就近 一致原则。即: 离谁近,跟谁亲 。 1c: Read 1a and fill in the blanks. This is Jane's home. There ______ a beautiful garden. Her bedroom is _______ the second floor. A study is _______ _______ her bedroom. In her study, there _______ a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. is on next to is Let’s read Listen, look and say. Why not go upstairs and have a look? Key sentence go upstairs 上楼 have a look = look 看一看 Listen and repeat Welcome to my new home, Maria! Thanks, Jane. You have a beautiful garden. Thanks. I like my new home. Where is your bedroom? It’s on the second floor. What’s in your study? There is a study next to my bedroom. There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. Great! I like books. Why not go upstairs and have a look? Let’s go. Practice Welcome to my new home, Maria! Thanks. I like my new home. It’s on the second floor. There is a study next to my bedroom. There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. Why not go upstairs and have a look? Listen and repeat Thanks, Jane. You have a beautiful garden. Where is your bedroom? What’s in your study? Great! I like books. Let’s go. What kinds of rooms are there in your home? 2. Which is your favorite room? Why? 3. What’s in the bedroom/living room/…? Pair work 哪种房间 This is my home. There are five rooms in it. My favorite room is my bedroom, because I can sleep here. There is a bed, a desk, a computer and so on in it. Write a passage Listen, look and say. Project What’s in the classroom? There is/are … Listen, look and say. Project There is/are … What’s on your desk? What’s in your schoolbag? … Summary New words and phrases: bedroom study kitchen dining room living room garden bathroom on the first floor on the first floor There be 句型: There be is (单数或不可数) are (复数) + 主语 + 介词短语 Choose the right answer. Let’s check 1. Let me have a look ___ your new book. A. after B. at C. on B. for It’s ___the second floor. A. after B. at C. on B. for There ___ some juice in the bottle. A. are B. has C. is D. be There ___ some students in the classroom. A. are B. has C. is D. be B C C A Recite 1a. (背 1a ) Preview Section B. (预习第二节) Homework

