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‎2018年中考英语 完形填空 热点专题训练 Cloze 1‎ 余旭是中国优秀的女飞行员,遗憾的是,她在一次常规飞行训练中因飞机事故光荣牺牲了,很多人都对她的不幸感到万分难过。‎ Chinese female (女性的) pilot dies in flight training Yu Xu is very famous as a female J-10 fighter pilot. But she died in a(n) 1 during an everyday flight training on November 12, 2016. This made many people, 2 her parents very sad. ‎ Yu Xu was born in 1986, She was 3 Chongzhou city in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Her 4 was to become a very excellent pilot in the future. 5 she was friendly to the people around her, many people like her very much. She 6 the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force in September 2005. And before she 7 , she was serving as a flight squadron leader (中队长).‎ Yu’s last public 8 was in the Zhuhai Air Show. Many people praised what she did there. All servicemen (军人) of PLA Air Force were deeply 9 at Yu’s death, said Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke. ‎ The Air Force will continue to practise flying by the 10 standards, Shen Jinke said.‎ ‎1. A. accident B. traffic C. meeting D. show ‎2. A. suddenly B. especially C. luckily D. lately ‎3. A. to B. in C. at D. from ‎4. A. answer B. dream C. attention D. job ‎5. A. So B. But C. Because D. Though ‎6. A. joined B. stopped C. reached D. left ‎7. A. hoped B. died C. ordered D. danced ‎8. A. chance B. road C. appearance D. passenger ‎9. A. happy B. excited C. normal D. sad ‎10. A. highest B. lightest C. heaviest D. biggest Cloze 2‎ 旅美大熊猫“美轮”“美奂”回国了,但它们看起来好像对家乡的生活不太适应,本文主要介绍的是它们回国后初期状况。‎ Meilun and Meihuan are twins. They were born at Zoo Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia, in America three years ago. They came back to Sichuan in China 1 November. ‎ The two twins don’t seem to get used to the 2 now. They are experiencing some culture shock (文化冲击) in their new 3 .‎ The transition (过渡期) has been 4 for the pandas. They don't seem to care for new food and don't understand our 5 .‎ Luo Yunhong, a keeper at the panda research center, told the People's Daily that the twins 6 American biscuits so much that they have to put some American biscuits in the food they eat. Luo said he has been 7 replacing (替代) the American biscuits with Chinese bread. They think it is a long time to help them break their 8 habit. ‎ The People's Daily also 9 that Meilun and Meihuan can’t understand Sichuan dialect (方言), 10 they can understand some simple English phrases such as “come here.”‎ ‎1. A. on B. in C. by D. with ‎2. A. life B. job C. food D. sleep ‎3. A. home B. school C. square D. park ‎4. A. relaxing B. difficult C. peaceful D. normal ‎5. A. language B. custom C. culture D. note ‎6. A. want B. drink C. love D. feel ‎7. A. highly B. fast C. clearly D slowly ‎8. A. walking B. playing C. eating D. sitting ‎9. A. spoke B. listened C. recorded D. reported ‎10. A. but B. so C. or D. and Cloze 3‎ 山东临沂的女学生徐玉玉参加今年的高考后,以568的好成绩即将成为南京邮电大学的一名准大学生。不久她却接到了陌生电话,声称能得到2,600元的助学金。然而悲剧就此发生,当她明白自己的学费被电信诈骗后,心脏骤停而去世。‎ Xu Yuyu was from Linyi, Shandong province. She scored 568 1 on her college entrance (入学) exam this year and was admitted to Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (南京邮电大学). ‎ On Aug 19, she 2 a scammer’s (骗子的) phone call. The scammer told her that she would get 2,600 yuan in student funding (教育基金) to 3 her to go to college. She had received a(n) 4 phone call from the education authority (教育局) the day before, so she didn’t 5 the second call. And then the scammer said that she could get the money only when she posted her own 9,900 yuan to 6 bank account (账户). However, the money never appeared in her student account. ‎ When Xu understood she was fooled, she couldn’t 7 such a thing. She died from a sudden heart attack on her way back home, 8 doctors tried their best to save her. ‎ ‎“We’re already so poor. Why did they fool us?” said Xu’s mother. “She never spent her money on others and 9 saved what little she had.” ‎ ‎“If I took her to the police station even one day later, she might have been 10 and she wouldn’t have died,” Xu’s father said.‎ These days, the teachers and policemen warn us to not trust strange phone calls easily. And the scammers have already been caught by the police. ‎ ‎( )1. A. ways B. points C. methods D. prizes ‎ ‎( )2. A. used B. sold C. received D. found ‎ ‎( )3. A. support B. encourage C. advise D. prevent ‎ ‎( )4. A. local B. interesting C. simple D. official ‎ ‎( )5. A. question B. believe C. answer D. make ‎ ‎( )6. A. her B. your C. his D. my ‎ ‎( )7. A. hate B. accept C. get D. push ‎ ‎( )8. A. and B. but C. so D. although ‎ ‎( )9. A. always B. seldom C. often D. hardly ‎ ‎( )10. A. active B. calm C. excited D. worried ‎

