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江海中学高一年级英语学案 ‎ 课题:M3Unit 3 Back to the past ----- Project ‎ 主备人:Shi Lihua 日期 年 月 日 Learning aims: To learn some usages of new words and phrases:‎ ‎ 情态动词+have done / come相关词组 /aware / march ‎ Important aims: 1. To master the usages of these new words and phrases ‎ 2. To be skilled at solving the problems with these new words and phrases.‎ Difficult aims: 1. To master the usages of new words and phrases ‎ ‎ 2. To be skilled at solving the problems with these new words and phrases.‎ Learning procedures: ‎ Step One: 温故链接 导引自学 15’‎ 用动词的正确形式填空 ‎1. I’m afraid this is the best way we can think of you. (help)‎ ‎2. the room, I found him lying in bed, lost in thought.(enter)‎ ‎3. The tees were cut down and that resulted in the city by sand. (bury)‎ ‎4. This is the most interesting story that I ______________ (hear).‎ ‎5. Don’t phone me between 8:00 and 9:00. I ________________ (have) classes then.‎ ‎6. He told me that he ____________ (come) the next day.‎ ‎7. If you _____________(not write), they will be wondering what has happened to you.‎ ‎8. We _________________ (work) on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.‎ ‎9. Up to now, the program ____________(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.‎ ‎10. ---I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?‎ ‎---Sorry, I _____________(not make) myself clear. We want to return on October 20.‎ Step Two: 交流质疑 精讲点拨20’‎ 一、 朗读下列语言点 ‎1. lead an army to take the cities back率领一支军队夺回这些城邦 ‎2. rise up against起义,反抗 ‎3. defeat many Greek cities in battle 在战斗中击溃了很多希腊城邦 ‎4.win every battle and many enemy soldiers joined him 赢得了所有的战役并且许多地方的士兵投靠了他 ‎5. stand in one’s path 阻碍某人 ‎6. turn his eyes east 把目光转向东方 ‎7. march all the way to sp. 长驱直入某地 ‎8. grow tires of the endless battles 对无休止的战斗感到厌倦 ‎9. centuries to come 接下来的几个世纪中 ‎10. be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us被认为是观察我们周围世界的一种方式 ‎11. earn one’s salary from being a common worker 靠当一名普通劳动者来挣钱 ‎12. have a deep influence on sth. 对……有着深刻的影响 ‎13. have enough of…受够……;对……感到厌烦;再也忍受不住 ‎ enough is enough(认为不应再继续)行了,够了 ‎14. take sb. to court 将某人送上法庭 ‎15. at one’s trial 在审判中 ‎16. make a bad situation worse雪上加霜 ‎17. put sb. to death 将某人处死 二、重点讲解 ‎1. When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Grater’s influence.‎ ‎ 【句法分析】本句是一个主从复合句,其中When asked how…是一个 状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式为 ,这里的how引导 从句。‎ ‎ 情态动词 + have done ‎(1) can (not) have done 表示对过去可能(不可能)发生的事进行推测 ‎ Mary your money. She has gone home. ‎ ‎ (玛丽不可能偷你的钱)‎ ‎(2) could (not) have done ① 表示过去的时间,说明某事可能(不可能)已经发生 ‎ Eg. She passed me in the street without speaking. She me.‎ ‎(她不可能看到我)‎ ‎ ②表示对过去的虚拟:could have done本可以做某事但事实上未做 ;‎ couldn’t have done 本不可能做某事但事实上做了 ‎ Eg. We didn’t go out last night. We but we decided to stay at home. (我们本来要去看电影的)‎ ‎(3) may / might have done ‎ ‎①表示对已经发生的事情的推测,意思为“可能已经做了某事”,但不太肯定,其中might比may语气更弱。‎ ‎ Eg. 他可能出国了。 ‎ ‎ Jack might not have seen him yesterday. ‎ ‎(4) must have done 表示对过去事情的一种肯定推测,意为“一定已经做了某事”,多用于肯定句 ‎ Eg. I can’t find my book. I at home.我肯定把它忘在家里了 ‎(5) needn’t have done 表示过去不必做某事却做了,意思为“本不必要做某事,事实上做了”‎ ‎ Eg. He didn’t need to worry ‎ ‎ He needn’t have worried. ‎ ‎(6) should have done 本应该做某事,事实上没有做 ‎ shouldn’t have done本不应该做某事,事实上做了(含有指责对方或自责的含意)‎ ‎ Eg. Tom, you are too lazy. The work yesterday. ‎ ‎(这项工作本来应该昨天就做完的)‎ ‎ Look, Tom is crying. I (我本来不应该对他如此严厉)‎ ‎(7) “ought to+ have+ done”表示过去应该做而实际并没有做,译成“理应做……”,往往表示遗憾。与“should+ have+ done”用法基本一样。ought not to have done 本不应该 ‎ Eg. 你不应该帮助他那么多。 ‎ ‎2. Then he turned his eye east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went.‎ ‎ 【句法分析】现在分词短语finding victory wherever he went作 状语。wherever he went是 状语从句,含有一层强调的的含义,意思为 。‎ ‎ march ① v. (坚定地向某地)前进;齐步走,行进;使同行,强迫(某人)一起走路;游行示威;游行抗议 ‎ Eg. She me and demand an . 她毅然向我走过来,要求道歉。‎ ‎ Soldiers outside the government buildings.‎ ‎ 士兵们在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。‎ ‎ The guards marched the prisoners away. ‎ ‎ Hundreds of demonstrators are expected to march. ‎ ‎ ② n. 示威游行;游行抗议 ‎ Eg. The police decided not to ban the march. ‎ ‎ 【拓展】march on 继续行进;快速经过;向……行进(以示抗议或进行攻击)‎ ‎ on the march 在行军中,在行进中 ‎ 时间过得飞快,而我们却还没有作出决定。 ‎ ‎3. Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died.‎ ‎ come相关词组总结:‎ ‎ come down with患,得,染上(病) come out出来;出版 结果是;开花 ‎ come about发生 come at sb.扑向某人 come across偶然遇见;讲清楚;被理解;给人以…印象 come back回来;返回 come after追随 come on加油,快点 come along跟随;到达;进步 come by得到;获得 come away脱离 come between 离间;使分开 come up with提出;想出 come into being开始形成 How come?怎么会发生的? come to an end结束 When it comes to sth. / doing 当涉及……;当谈到……时 come to nothing毫无成果,失败 ‎ Eg. Do you know when the universe ?‎ Our children all the flu last week.‎ If she spent five years in Paris, her French is so bad?‎ She some old photographs in a drawer.‎ When the right opportunity , she will take it.‎ When is her novel ?‎ ‎4. In many cases, his questions made his questions made his students aware of their own errors.‎ ‎【句法分析】made his students aware of…为“make + 宾语+宾补”结构 ‎ aware adj. 知道,明白,觉察到,意识到;见闻广博的,(对时事)感兴趣的 n. awareness ‎ 短语结构为:be / become aware of sb. / sth.‎ ‎ Eg. 事情在我不知不觉中发生了。It happened .‎ ‎ 大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。‎ Most smokers the danger of smoking.‎ ‎ She’s always been a politically aware person. ‎ ‎ 【拓展】make sb. aware of…/ that 从句 使某人意识到…… as far as I’m aware据我所知 ‎ lack of awareness缺乏认识 develop an awareness of…逐渐懂得……‎ ‎ ‎ Step Three: 当堂反馈 拓展迁移 10’‎ ‎ 1. We the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?‎ A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced ‎ 2. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt a cure for AIDS will be found.‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. what D. whether ‎ 3. Tens of thousands of people by candlelight with banners to protest the government’s beef import from the United States.‎ ‎ A. fought B. marched C. celebrated D. sang ‎ 4. her looks, she seemed to be tired.‎ ‎ A. Judging from B. To judge by C. Judged from D. Judging with ‎ 5. ----I probably shouldn’t have any more cake.‎ ‎ ----Oh, . It won’t kill you.‎ ‎ A. go ahead B. hold on, please C. you’re welcome. D. that’ll do ‎6. I think the poor boy flu. Tell him drink some water, which will do him good.‎ ‎ A. comes down with B. comes down on C. come down on D. comes down against ‎7. Many people are not the dangers of their children’s bad habits, which lead to failing to make their dreams come true.‎ ‎ A. well aware to B. very aware of C. aware that C. well aware of ‎8. I am feeling sick now. I so much chocolate.‎ ‎ A. needn’t have eaten B. couldn’t have eaten ‎ C. mustn’t have eaten D. shouldn’t have eaten ‎ 9. We need to be prepare for the wide spread of H1N1 virus, but hopefully it won’t that.‎ ‎ A. come up B. come to C. come across D. come out ‎10. Young people tend to their parents’ suggestions.‎ ‎ A. have enough of B, in favour of C. in support of D. on behalf of

