八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (14)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (14)_人教新课标

Learning Aims • 1.复习形容词和副词的比较级。 • 2. 会用比较级描述人和物。 • 3.情感目标:学会正确评价、尊重别 人 ,与别人友好相处。 laugh compotition outgoing talented more hard-working 根据句意及汉语意思,填入恰当的单词. 1 Is my sister ________(外向的)than me. 2 The girl is _________(有才能的)in art . 3 Sam is ____________________ (辛苦的) than Li Lei . 4 Did you watch the school singing _____________ (比赛)last week? 5 That interesting story made me _____(发 笑 ) 6 Our parents and teachers always _____ ____ (关心)us . 7 MoLLy __ _____ ____ (擅长)than me.is about care better at 8 Jeff _____ _______ _____(与...不同 )his bst friend. 9 His T-shirt is ___ _______ _____(与...相同)mine. 10.____ _____(实际上),she is intereted in math . 11 My best friend ___ ______ _____(与...相似) Lary. Friends are books – you don’t need a lot of them __ ____ ___ (只要 ) they’re good. 12 My best friend helps to _____ _____ (使显现)the best in me. 根据汉语补全句子 13 Does Tina work ____________(一样努力) Tara? 14 Are you and your sister __________________ (一样友好) samethe is as factIn tosimilrais aslongas bring out different from as hard as as friendly as 形容词和副词的规则变化 1 一般在词尾直接加______. 2 以字母e结尾的词,在词尾-r加___ 3 重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写__________,再加____. 4 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,先把“ ___”改为___,再加____。 -er -r 该辅音字母 -ery i -er new big thin nice heavy newer bigger thinner nicer heavier many much well/ good bad/badly / ill Far little more better worse father/further less 1. A比B更…, 比较级+than You are shorter than Tom. 2. 两者中较…的:the+比较级+of the two。 He is the fatter of the two. 3. 越来越…:比较级+and+比较级/more and more... The earth is getting warmer and warmer. Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 4. 越…,就越…: the+比较级(主谓),the+比较级(主谓) The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. 形容词比较级的用法 5. 两者间进行选择,“哪一个更…”: Which/Who is +比较级,A or B? Which is more popular, cola or ice cream? 6. 比较级前可用 much, a lot,a little, a bit,even, still ,far程度副词修饰。 两多(much, a lot) 两少(a little, a bit) 两甚至(even, still) 还有一个远(far)去了 I’m much taller than you. 1.His car is (nice) than ____.(I) 2.The sun is _____(big) than that the earth. 5.This question is (easy) than that one. 7.Our school is becoming ___ and __________ (beautiful). 8 He plays baseball ______(well) than me. 10.Jack is running _____ and ______(fast) . 11.He is ________(tall) of the the two boys minenicer bigger easier more beautifulmore better faster faster the taller 1.This exercise is not ____ that one. A. as easier as B. so easy than C. as easy as 2.The days are getting ______in spring. A. more and more longer B. . long and long C. longer and longer 3.His mother looks _____ now. A. better B. more better C much better 4 Tom is the same age as .I’m we’re__thirteen. A. all B either C. both 单项选择 5. John, ___ careful you are, __ mistakes you will take. -Thanks, Miss Rose. A. The more; the less B. The more; the fewer C. The less; the fewer 6.This blue bike is too expensive. Could you show me a __ one? A. cheap B. cheaper C more cheaper 7.The Changjiang River is ____ than any other river in China. A.long B. longer C. longest 8.Bob never dose his homework ____ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. as careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and thin. We are both quiet and serious. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades. My friend B is different from me. She’s funnier and more outgoing than me. She always speaks loudly. She is good at soccer. She’s smart and she’s a good listener. One possible version 3c My friend A and I are similar. Both of us like swimming and reading. We both go swimming at the weekends and then have lunch together. We often share many interesting books with each other. Both of us are interested in cartoon. So we’re good friends. The other possible version 你和最好的朋友有那些相同和不同之处 sa…as, different from, Go over 患难之交才是真朋友 1 Go over the wrong 2 p 57 58 Thank you!

