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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B 2 3a-Self check 1. What do you think is the most special day in China? _______________________________ 2. What are the reasons for this special day? _______________________________ _______________________________ What do you think is the most special day in China? 3. How do you celebrate it? _______________________________ 4. What are the main dishes? _______________________________ 5. Can you make these dishes? _______________________________ Can you list some of traditional food? Yunnan Rice Noodles dumplings mapo tofu Beijing Duck 首先, 掌握方框中单词的含义 , 并阅读短文 , 整体把握短文大意 。 其次, 分析有空格的每个句子 , 根据上下文意及固定搭配来确定空格处的意思 , 从而确定空格处所用的单词。 最后, 再通读一遍短文 , 检查是否正确。 指导: Read the recipe below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 3a Yunnan Rice Noodles In Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to ______ rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.) cook next wash finally have enjoy first cut ________, ________ the lettuce and cut it up. ______, ______ the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100 ℃ . Then, _______ the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. _______, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, it’s time to _______ the rice noodles! have ; 由括号中的句子“ Of course, you can also have other things… 当然你可以准备其他的东西 …… ” , 可知空格处应为 have 一词。 2. First ; 通过读下文及关键词 then, 可知下面是在叙述制作云南米线的过程。这是第一步。 3. wash ; 句意“将生菜洗净并切碎” 。 4. Next ; 读文可知 , 在第一步完成后 , 这是接下的步骤 , 故空格处用 next 。 5. cut ; 句意“将鸡肉切成碎片” 。 6. cook ; 句意“将鸡蛋、肉及生菜等逐个煮熟”。 7. Finally ; 读短文可知这是制作的最后一个步骤 , 故应填 finally 一词。句意“最后 , 将米线放入汤中”。 8. enjoy ; 句意“现在是该享受米线的时候了” 。 For example: beef sandwiches 2 slices of bread ( 两片面包 )   2 slices of beef ( 两片牛肉 )  1 green pepper ( 一个青椒 )     1 onion ( 一个洋葱 )  1 piece of cheese ( 一块奶酪 )  Think of a favorite food in your hometown. Make a list of ingredients. 3b 写作指导: 在描述制作牛肉三明治的食谱中 , 应注意 祈使句 的用法。在写作中可能用到的短语有 put ... on ..., cut up 等。另外,写作时可以使用 first, next, then, finally 等连接词 , 使文章连贯、通顺。 Write a recipe for your favorite food. Use 3a and 3b to help you. 3c First , put a piece of cheese on a slice of bread. Next , cut up a green pepper and an onion. Put them on the bread. Then , put two slices of beef on the vegetables. Finally , put the other slice of bread on the top. Make up a crazy recipe with your partner. Then tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food. The other pair will draw it. Group work First, put some yogurt on a piece of bread. Then, cut up one apple and an onion and put them on the yogurt… 4 Self Check 1. Number these instructions for making tomato and egg soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box. First Next Then Finally _______, mix everything together and serve it. ______, cook for five minutes and add two eggs. ______, cut up three tomatoes and put them into a pot. ______, add some water, sugar and salt. First Next Then Finally 2 4 3 1 Finally Then First Next 2. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. Q: ___________________________ (how many/eggs/we/need/make/cake) A: ___________________________ (two) How many eggs do we need to make cake? We need two eggs. We need three cups of milk. 2) Q: ___________________________ (how much/milk/we/need) A: __________________________ (three cups) 3) Q: ______________________________ (we/have to/add/sugar or honey) A: _________________________________ (yes/can/add/two spoons/honey) How much milk do we need? Yes, we can add two spoons of honey. Do we have to add sugar or honey? 根据内容,选择恰当的词语填空。 milk shake, travel, plate, England, serve, autumn, piece, sandwich It's time for our stories. This story happened on a cool (1)________ day when I was visiting my friend Pete in (2)________. autumn England One day, he and I walked into a local ( 当地的 ) restaurant. Pete ordered four (3)_____________ and two cups of (4)______________. I thought that was enough, but he ordered some (5)_______ of bread. “Why have you ordered so much bread?” I asked him after the waiter (6)_______ all the food to us. sandwiches milk shake pieces served Pete didn't answer my question. He only told me to wait and see. After a few minutes, a(n) (7)________ from the USA came to the restaurant. He was hungry but he had lost his wallet. Pete gave him some bread. After that, a little boy came. He didn't have any money with him. Pete gave him the rest ( 剩余部分 ) of the bread on the (8)_______. At that moment, I knew why Pete had ordered so much bread. traveler plate started hands But 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通 顺、意思完整。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。 miss, still, sleep, but, she, start, sorry, never, relax, understand, hand, forget Night after night, Mom came to tuck me in ( 把我的被子掖好 ) and kissed ( 亲吻 ) my face. I don’t remember when it (1)________ making me unhappy. Finally, one night, I shouted at her, “Don’t do that again — your (2)_______ are too rough ( 粗糙的 )!” She didn’t say anything. (3)______ she never came to my bedroom again at night. Time after time, my thoughts couldn’t help returning to that night. I (4)________ my mom’s hands and her goodnight kiss. Now I’m not a little girl, and Mom is in (5)________ mid-seventies. Those hands I once thought to be so rough are (6)________ doing things for me and my family. missed her  still  On a Thanksgiving Eve, when I (7)____________________ in the bedroom, a hand hesitantly ( 犹豫地 ) ran across my face. I caught Mom’s hand in my hand and told her how (8)________ I was for that night. I thought she would remember it as I did. But Mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She (9)________ it long ago.That night, I had a new (10)_________________ of my mom and her caring hands. understanding slept / was sleeping sorry forgot Write a recipe for your favorite food.

