牛津沪教版六上英语Project 3课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Project 3课件

沪教牛津 · 六年级上册 Project 3 Museums in my city 1 What museums are there in your city? Stick pictures and write. Stick a picture. Stick a picture. Name: __________ Name: __________ Stick a picture. Stick a picture. Name: __________ Name: __________ 2 Talk with your classmates and plan a visit to a museum. Which museum would you like to visit? When would you like to go there? How would you like to get there? When would you like to meet each other? We would like to visit _______________. We would like to go there on _____________(date). We would like to get there by __________. We would like to meet each other at ________ (time). the car museum October 3rd bus eight 3 After visiting the museum, write about your visit. This is the ___________(museum). We visited it on________________. We saw______________________. Stick or draw a picture. We learnt about________. It was a nice trip! Stick or draw a picture. car museum October 3rd many kinds of cars cars

