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第五讲 逻辑关系 高考对逻辑关系的考查主要有两种:一是考查逻辑关系的关联词;二是考查通过逻辑关系来推断出正确的答案。因此,解题时,一定要重视语篇中前后句或上下文之间的逻辑关系,由逻辑关系中已知的部分推断出未知的部分,从而大幅提高解题能力。 高考英语完形填空中主要有以下 10 种逻辑关系: 1 . 因果关系 文中前后句之间是因果关系时,两句之间往往有表示原因和结果的关联词,如: because, so, as a result 等;但是,有时两句之间却没有表示因果的信号词,这时前后句之间存在着一种隐性的因果关系。 [ 典例 1 ]   (2017· 江苏卷 ) He might not have done this particularly well , __ 46 __ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 47.ear and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 48.appealed __ to him. 46.A.because B.but C.though D.so 答案  A   [ 句意:他也许弹 ( 钢琴 ) 得并不特别好,因为老师说他对音乐的领悟能力不错,并建议他去乐器贮藏室看看是否有令他喜欢的乐器。他弹得不够好,也许是因为钢琴不太适合他,是因果关系,故选 A 。 ] 2. 条件关系 条件关系就是指从句提出一种条件,主句说明在这种条件下产生的结果。常见关联词有 if, unless, on condition that 等。 [ 典例 2 ]   (2019· 北京卷 ) If they have problems with registration, Wilson is there to __ 24 __ them.If they run out of certain daily necessities , Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed.If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never __ 25 __ to buy them a meal. 24.A.assist B.watch C.urge D.warn 答案  A   [ 根据上文可知,他不仅提供搭载服务,当学生遇到困难时,他也会帮助 (assist) 他们。 watch 观察; urge 催促; warn 警告。 ] 25.A.expects B.attempts C.manages D.hesitates 答案  D   [ 根据上文语境可知,如果有学生饿了,他会毫不犹豫地 (never hesitate) 给他们买饭。 expect 期待; attempt 试图; manage 管理。 ] 3. 让步关系 一般说来,让步关联词分为介词类和连词类。介词类的让步关联词有 despite , in spite of, regardless of 等,连词类有 though , although , as 和 while 以及 even if, even though 等。 [ 典例 3 ]   (2019· 宿迁市高三期末测试 ) When Lyndsay and Matthew took home their newborn twins a few days after Christmas 2016, they knew that baby William’s days would be short.__ 16 __ he looked perfect and healthy, he had a severe heart defect, 17.identified in the womb. 16.A.Even though B.As though C.Unless D.In case 答案  A   [A.even though 即使; B.as though 好像; C.unless 除非; D.in case 万一。根据 __ 16 __ he looked perfect and healthy, he had a severe heart defect, 17.identified in the womb. “ 尽管他看起来完美健康,但他在娘胎里就有严重的心脏缺陷。 ” 此处是 even though 引导的让步状语从句,故选 A 。 ] 4. 转折关系 当前后两句的逻辑关系为转折关系时,前句往往提出某种事实或情况,后句转而陈述与前句相反或相对的意思, 即后句才是说话人所要表达的真正意图。常见关联词: however, but, on the contrary 等。 [ 典例 4 ]   (2017· 江苏卷 ) For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school... __ 40 __ , one day , in the music class that was 41.part of his school’s standard curriculum , he was playing idly ( 随意地 )on the piano and found it 42.easy to pick out tunes. 40.A.Therefore B.However C.Thus D.Moreover 答案  B   [ 此处是说, Gabriel 在一次音乐课上意外发现自己很喜欢音乐,此处所表达的含义与上一段是转折关系,故选 B 。 ] 5. 对比关系 当前后句的逻辑关系为对比关系时,两句在意义上应具有明显的差异,以便进行对照比较。常见关联词: while, whereas, not...but, instead 等。 [ 典例 5 ]   (2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) The professor was deaf and any talking was 57.prohibited .I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.__ 58 __ , if there had been any talking, it would have 59.caused us to learn less. 58.A.Lastly B.Thus C.Instead D.However 答案  C   [ “ I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant( 我很快意识到安静不是不令人愉快的 ) ” 和 “ if there had been any talking, it would have caused us to learn less( 如果当时有口语交流,那只会造成我们学的手语更少 ) ” 是对比关系,故选 C 。 ] 6. 并列关系 在用并列连词 and 或 not only...but also 连接而成的句子中,前后句之间的逻辑关系为并列关系,既可以是同近义并列,也可以反义并列。 [ 典例 6 ]   (2018· 江苏卷 ) This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and __ 40 __ recovery. 40.A.expected B.frightening C.disappointing D.surprising 答案  D   [and 表示并列, unaccumstomed 与 surprising 语义对等。因此选择 surprising 。 ] [ 典例 7 ]   (2017· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) Freddy was an average 44.student , but not an average person.He had the rare balance of fun and compassion( 同情 ).He would 45.laugh the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s __ 46 __. 46.A.misfortune B.disbelief C.dishonesty D.mistake 答案  A   [ 根据并列连词 and 和前一分句中的 fun 以及 46 空前面的 saddest 不难判断:两分句之间的逻辑关系为并列关系,且是反义并列,故选 A 。 ] 7. 递进关系 所谓递进关系,是指后一分句以前一分句为基点,并在程度或范围上比前一分句有更进一层的语义关系。常见关联词有 even, besides, what’s more 等。 [ 典例 8 ]   (2018· 江苏卷 ) To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed( 诊断 ) with a __ 37 __ disease. 37.A.mild B.common C.preventable D.serious 答案  D   [ 根据 “ to make matters worse ” 可知,此处为递进关系, Moth 被诊断出患了一种严重的疾病,因此选择 serious 。 ] 8. 解释关系 解释关系是指一个句子对另一个句子、短语或单词进行解释或说明。解释的方法既可通过某些动词 (mean, be 和 suggest 等 ) ,也可通过某些符号 ( 破折号,冒号和括号等 ) ,或者关联词 (for example/instance, namely 等 ) 。 [ 典例 9 ]   (2017· 北京卷 ) In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities , she has received a lot of __ 51 __.For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the 52.efforts of young people to change the world. 51.A.praises B.invitations C.replies D.appointments 答案  A   [ 由 for example 可知,两句之间为解释关系。并且由后一句的句意 “ 例如,她获得 2007 年度的 BRICK Award 大奖 ” 可知, 51 空处应表示 “ 赞美 ” ,故选 A 。 ] 9. 顺序关系 当前后句之间的逻辑关系为顺序关系时,它们往往表示某一事件或动作的连续发生。值得注意的是,顺序关系有时不是指前后句之间,而是存在于上下段或上下文之间。常见关联词有 to begin with, first of all, first(ly), second(ly), then, next, in the end, finally, eventually , last but not least 等。 [ 典例 10 ]   (2019· 全国卷 Ⅰ ) __ 58 __ you climb into an arctic-like zone with 59.permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. 58.A.Obviously B.Easily C.Consequently D.Finally 答案  D   [ 上文介绍了从山下到山上的五个生态系统,所以这里说最后 (finally) 爬到了一个像北极圈一样的区域。 obviously 明显地; easily 容易地; consequently 因此,所以。 ] [ 典例 11 ]   (2018· 江苏卷 ) __ 49 __ , the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re-found strong muscles that they thought had 50.lost forever. 49.A.Initially B.Eventually C.Temporarily D.Consequently 答案  B   [ 最后,这对夫妇发现他们的身体好转。 eventually “ 最后,终于 ” ,符合语境。 ] 10. 时间关系 时间状语从句常由 when, while, after, before, as soon as 等引导。解题时一定要认真研究前后句之间的逻辑关系,结合语境推断出最佳选项。 [ 典例 12 ]   (2017· 江苏卷 ) In his first years of high school , Gabriel would look pityingly at music students , 36.struggling across the campus with their heavy instrument cases , 37.turning __ up at school for practice hours __ 38 __ anyone else had to be there. 38.A.before B.after C.until D.since 答案  A   [ 根据 38 空的前半句可知 Gabriel 不喜欢音乐的一个原因就是学音乐的学生要比规定的到校时间早几个小时到校去练习音乐,故选 A 。 ]

