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小学五年级英语(广州版)多媒体暑假作业二十九 一.1. Listen to the sentence, number the following pictures with A, B, C, D, E (听句子,用A、B、C、D、E给下列图片标号)(3分×5)‎ ‎2. Listen to the dialogue, choose the correct answer (听对话,选择正确的答案) (3分×5)‎ 二.选择填空。(2分×5)‎ ‎  (   )1.It is ___the second floor of the new building.‎ ‎   A. at       B. on       C. in       D. of ‎  (   )2.Are there _____reading rooms in your school?‎ ‎  A. any      B. a.       C. some        D. /‎ ‎  (   )3.Here are some flowers ____  you . ‎ ‎  A. to       B. at        C.with         D.for ‎  (   )4.My father and my mother ____work on Sundays.‎ ‎  A. don’t     B. not .     C. isn’t       D. aren’t ‎   (   )5.She is making a cake. Go and help_____.‎ ‎  A. she       B. her     C. hers       D. she’s ‎ 三.配对。(2分×5)‎ A                               B ‎ (   )1.Is the sharpener a heart?       A.They’re cleaning the classroom.‎ ‎ (   )2.Is he playing basketball there?     B.It‘s a rectangle.‎ ‎ (   )3.What are they doing?             C. Yes,it is.‎ ‎ (   )4.Can you draw a diamond?         D. No,he isn’t. ‎ ‎ (   )5.What shape is the towel?         E. No,I can’t.‎ ‎ Answer:1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )‎ 四.用所给动词的恰当形式填空,每空2分。(2分×8)‎ ‎1.The young man is a cooker. He is ______ fish in the kitchen. (cook)‎ ‎ 2.Can you ____? Look, there are some boys __________ over there.(skate)‎ ‎ 3. It‘s time _____ _____ (go) to school now.‎ ‎ 4.How many __________ ( circle ) can you see ? There’s only one.‎ ‎ 5.I like ________ , but I can’t ______ well.(swim)‎ 五.连词成句。(5分×3)‎ ‎  1. students , a , are , the , Maths , having , lesson ‎  The __________ are __________ a Maths __________ .‎ ‎  2.are , going, where , you ‎  __________ are  you  __________ ? ‎ ‎  3. you , put , on , football , a , can, head , your ‎_________ you __________ a  __________  on your __________ ?‎ 六.阅读理解。(2分×5)‎ Hello. I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr. Carter, Miss Green and Mrs. Black. Mr. Carter is a new teacher, he comes from the U.K and he teaches us math. His class is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our art teacher, she is strict but she’s very kind. Mrs. Black is so smart. They are all nice that we all like them.‎ ‎  (   )  1. I have ______________ new teacher.‎ ‎  A.three            B. two             C. a ‎  (   )  2. Mr. Carter is a ________________ teacher.‎ ‎  A. English          B. math           C. Chinese ‎  (   )  3. Tomorrow is________________‎ ‎  A. Monday         B. Tuesday        C. Wednesday ‎  (   )  4._____________ is an art teacher.‎ ‎  A. Mr. Carter        B. Mrs. Black      C. Miss Green ‎  (   ) 5._______________ is smart.‎ ‎  A. Mr. Carter       B. Mrs. Black      C. Miss Green 七.(3分×3)‎ Flash029‎ 许多小朋友都会像小熊一样认为,只要有了弟弟妹妹,爸爸妈妈的爱就会被夺走了。其实不是这样的,爸爸妈妈始终都是爱着我们的。‎ 看动画,判断下面题目对错,对的打√,错的打×。‎ ‎( )1.Benjy has a little brother.‎ ‎ ( ) 2.Benjy want to play with his mother.‎ ‎( ) 3.Benjy is helpful all day because he helped his mother.‎ 答案:‎ 二.1-5: B A D A B 三.1-5: C D A E B 四.1.cooking 2.skate, skating 3.to, go ‎ ‎4.circles 5.swimming, swim 五.1.students, having, lesson ‎ 2.Where, going ‎ 3.Can, put, football, head ‎ 六.1-5: A B B C B 七.1-3: ×√√‎

