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黑龙江省大庆中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试 英语试题 考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分 ‎ 第一部分:听力(本题分两小节。共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 第一节(听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。)‎ ‎1.What time is it? ‎ A. 8:30. B. 8:20. C. 8:10.‎ ‎2. What does the man’s mother look like?‎ ‎ A. She is short. ‎ B. She has long hair. ‎ C. She wears glasses.‎ ‎3. What will the man do next?‎ ‎ A. Leave the library. ‎ B. Get a form. ‎ C. Fill in a form.‎ ‎4. Why can’t the woman take photos?‎ ‎ A. Because the camera doesn’t work.‎ ‎ B. Because she forgot to bring the camera.‎ ‎ C. Because she doesn’t know how to use the camera.‎ ‎5. What are the speakers talking about?‎ ‎ A. A businessman. ‎ B. A company. ‎ C. Work.‎ 第二节(听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项选 最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。)‎ 听第六段材料,回答第6,7题。‎ ‎6. Where does the woman work now?‎ ‎ A. In a club. ‎ B. In a software company. ‎ C. In an Internet company.‎ ‎7.What is the woman interested in now?‎ ‎ A. Swimming. ‎ B. Dancing. ‎ C. Studying Spanish.‎ 听第七段材料,回答第8,9题。‎ ‎8.What did the woman realize when finishing high school?‎ ‎ A. Her life was full of trouble. ‎ B. She was more confident. ‎ C. She still had a lot to learn.‎ ‎9. How does the man describe himself as a child?‎ ‎ A. Understanding. ‎ B. Dependent. ‎ C. Troublesome. ‎ 听第八段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. What will the woman do on Monday?‎ ‎ A. Pick up her son from school. ‎ B. Go on a business trip. ‎ C. meet a visitor.‎ ‎11. Where will the woman go on Wednesday?‎ ‎ A. To the dentist’s. ‎ B. To a bank. ‎ C. To a restaurant.‎ ‎12. When will the speakers meet?‎ ‎ A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday. ‎ 听第九段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Who would like some banana cake?‎ A. Jade. ‎ B. Kate.‎ C. Michael.‎ ‎14. What does Anna ask for today?‎ A. An orange.‎ B. Cheese.‎ C. Chocolate.‎ ‎15. What do we know about Eric?‎ ‎ A. He dislikes fruit. ‎ B. He had little for lunch. ‎ C. He will carry the plates.‎ ‎16. Where are the speakers?‎ ‎ A. At home. ‎ B. In a restaurant. ‎ C. At a cinema.‎ 听第十段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Where does the speaker come from?‎ ‎ A. Austria.‎ B. Germany.‎ C. The U.K.‎ ‎18. How did the speaker go to work in Austria?‎ ‎ A. By bike.‎ B. By underground.‎ C. On foot.‎ ‎19. What does the speaker like about working in the U.K.?‎ ‎ A. She wants to work late. ‎ B. She lives near her office. ‎ C. She spends less time on work.‎ ‎20. What did the speaker think of her life in Austria?‎ ‎ A. Tiring. B. Healthy. C. Busy.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(本题分两小节。共20小题, 每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎:(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项)。‎ A ‎ For visitors who are on a short weekend visit to the island Bali, here is a tip of how to get the most out of their 48 hours visit.‎ Friday ‎ 3 p.m.— there is nothing like a good meal. La Lucciola at Seminyak is the place to be, with its good food, great service and a beautiful view of the sea.‎ ‎ 5 p.m.— About an hour away from La Lucciola is Uluwatu. This southern tip of the island is famous for its famous temple that stands on the edge, high above the sea. The fire dance, is performed here daily at sunset.‎ ‎ 8 p.m.—To finish off the evening, head to Jimbaran Bay where restaurants offer candles, local dances and a moving band of boys singing songs on request. Kick off your shoes, feel the sand, and tuck into the catch of the day.‎ Saturday ‎ 9:‎30 a.m. — Start the day with another dose of Balinese culture by heading for a dance performance.‎ ‎ 12 p.m. — Kintamani, a favourite with tourists for the panoramic (全景的) view of active volcano Mt. Batur and adjoining crater lake. It’s a good idea to reach Kintamani early as it tends to get cloudy after 3 p.m. Have lunch at a local restaurant with a view of Mt. Batur and the lake. Tourists can catch the sunrise at the Mt. Batur peak.‎ ‎ 2:30 p.m.— Head back to Ubud, the seat of Bali’s fine arts, dance and music, and spend the rest of your afternoon strolling through its streets.‎ Sunday ‎ ‎6 a.m.— It’s time for a dip (下降) in the sea --- and don’t forget the camera.‎ ‎ 10:‎30 a.m.— another half-day trip to two of the most famous temples in Bali. Drive down to the Taman Ayun temple at Mengwi.‎ ‎ 12 p.m.— Next up is the Tanah Lot temple, perhaps the most famous of them all. Built on a rock that gets cut off from the mainland during high tide, the temple is best seen in the afternoon ‎ when it is silhouetted(显出轮廓) against the sun or at sunset.‎ 21. From the passage, we know that the fire dance is performed ___________.‎ A. in Ubud B. every day C. on the sea D. only on weekends 22. Why is it better to go to Kintamani early?‎ A. Because the restaurants there close early in the afternoon.‎ B. Because the view of sunrise is better than that of sunset.‎ C. Because the volcano there is not active in the afternoon.‎ D. Because the weather there is not so good after midafternoon.‎ 23. Which is the best place for tourists to have a good time at night?‎ A. La Lucciola B. Mengwi. C. Jimbaran Bay. D. Puri Saraswati.‎ B.‎ ‎ After attending another parent meeting regarding my 7-year-old child’s behaviour, I didn’t know what to do. It was the second school we had tried for Nathan and, as always, everything was being done for my child’s needs. It was also having bad effects on Nathan. He would come home and say, “ Mom , I hate my life. I do not want to live anymore.” I was afraid that my son was beginning to suffer from depression and that I was losing him. We needed help. ‎ ‎ By the age of seven, Nathan had already had three surgeries for his ears. He was in great pain, regardless of pain medication, which made it difficult for him to learn or pay attention. Despite Nathan’s bad condition, staff at two previous schools seemed as though they didn’t care. They often forgot to deal with his medication. As a result of many times of ear infections, Nathan had hearing loss. To make things worse, Nathan’s speech was not very good. Children would play a trick on him and Nathan began to fall behind in study.‎ ‎ When I first set foot into Ripley House Charter School, I knew this was the school for my son. It felt positive from the moment I entered. From the start, Mrs. Elsen and her staff heard my concern over Nathan. Mrs. Elsen addressed my concern, not with empty words but with action.‎ ‎ That day, Nathan came home from his first day of school saying, “ Mom, I love school !” By the end of the week he was saying “ Mom, I like my life. I have a good life.” Ripley House Charter School gave me my son back and saved our lives. Thank you for giving me back what we had lost ----HOPE.‎ 24. From the beginning, we can learn that ___________.‎ A. the author felt helpless about his son ‎ B. B. the author often attended the class meeting C. Nathan had been in great depression ‎ D. no school would like to accept Nathan 21. The second paragraph mainly talks about___________.‎ A. Nathan’s lessons ‎ B. what Nathan suffered C. Nathan’s performance in study ‎ D. Nathan’s two previous schools 22. What attitude did the author hold towards Ripley house Charter School?‎ A. Thankful B.Concerned. C. Doubtful D. Negative.‎ 23. The underlined word “addressed” in Paragraph 3 probably means “___________”.‎ A. Spoke out B. dealt with C. listened to D. believed in C.‎ ‎ It is reported that critical thinking, creativity, and their practical application(应用)are widely accepted as the top three skills that young people need to have when they take jobs in their future. Critical thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life: in your career, and as a consumer, citizen, friend, parent and lover. Critical thinking helps you make wiser decisions. It helps you avoid wasting time, money and so on. Therefore, do look before you leap.‎ ‎ Whenever a good critical thinker needs to do something, he would usually firstly check why he needs to do it and whether he really needs to do it. Then, he tries to find out what it really is and the best way to do it. ‎ And then he makes sure whether he is able to do it and how to do it well. Finally, he makes the decisions and takes actions. Take the “Double ‎11”‎ (a popular online shopping day in China) as an example. A few days before it, he checks carefully what he needs and whether he really needs them, and makes a shopping list. He goes to the online shops to compare the quality and the prices of things that he is going to buy. He compares the shops that sell these things. Then he checks whether he can afford them and in which shops he is going to buy them.‎ ‎ Then what would happen if he didn’t think critically before he made the decisions? After the crazy “Double ‎11”‎, there were usually a lot of complaints on the Internet. There were regrets ‎ about buying more things than they needed. There were complaints about the poor quality and the prices of the things they bought. There were also complaints because they received wrong things or simply received nothing. There were all kinds of regrets and complaints. Why so? They had not thought critically before they made the decisions.‎ 21. What can we infer from the first paragraph?‎ A. Critical thinking gets very helpful. ‎ B. Critical thinking has a long history.‎ C. Critical thinking becomes more popular. ‎ ‎ D. Critical thinking makes a great difference. ‎ 22. According to the text, how to be a good critical thinker for us?‎ A. Making some careful comparison. ‎ B. Collecting much more information.‎ C. Taking something into consideration. ‎ D. Adapting to every surrounding easily.‎ 23. The author uses the example of Double 11 to___________.‎ A. List the bad results of not thinking critically ‎ B. Show how to make good use of critical thinking C. Show the different advantages of shopping online D. Tell the great importance of making a shopping list 24. What does the underlined word “complaints” in the third paragraph mean?‎ A. Saying something to show the feeling of being unsatisfied.‎ B. Preparing something to make sure of making wise decisions.‎ C. Offering the effective ways to avoid the feeling of regrets.‎ D. Giving detailed information to help make right judgments.‎ D In most developed countries the government provides free education for children because it realizes that educated citizens are useful to the country in their later life. Most countries also have private education. This means that parents can pay to send their children to certain schools. People who agree with this system say that it gives parents a larger choice of schools. Other people think that private schools give the children who go to them an unfair advantage over other children. ‎ At the age of three, many children go to nursery school. Two or three years later. They enter a primary school. At the age of 11 they go to a secondary school. Then they may have a chance of continuing their studies at a university or college.‎ Universities and colleges are places where some young people go to continue their education after leaving school. Most university students study one main subject, though they may also study a number of others. Teaching is usually by lectures, or by discussions between a lecturer and students.‎ Most students stay at university for three or four years, at the end of that, they take an examination. If they pass, they receive their Bachelor of Arts, or a BS for Bachelor of Science. Some students study for several more years in order to get higher degree, such as a MA or a PhD.‎ Most university courses don’t train students to do a certain job. Colleges, on the other hand, usually teach skills which enable students to follow a career such as clothing design, or business studies.‎ 21. The text mainly tells us ___________.‎ A. something about the private schools in developed countries B. how developed countries pay attention to education C. some general information about education in developed countries D. why education is important 22. Why do most developed countries provide free education to children? ‎ A. Because the children don’t have money to go to school.‎ B. Because the government want their citizens to be useful to the country.‎ C. Because education doesn’t cost the country too much money.‎ D. Because there are not enough private schools. ‎ 23. In the first paragraph the underlined word “citizens” refer to___________.‎ A. the cities ‎ B. members of a country ‎ C. the children ‎ D. people who live in cities 24. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?‎ A. All the university students study one subject.‎ A. After studying at the university for three or four years, all the students can get a Bachelor’s degree.‎ B. Students usually receive a master’s degree before receiving a Bachelor’s degree.‎ C. Unlike university, colleges usually teach students some useful skills for a career.‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ‎ ‎ How to Improve Your Memory ‎ The human brain is extremely complex and powerful. 36 Here are 3 simple things that will help you improve your memory and keep it going strong into your old age.‎ Get plenty of exercise and rest.‎ ‎ Exercise isn’t just good for your physical body, but it is also good for your brain. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain. 37 When you exercise, your brain produces certain chemicals that help to protect your brain cells. Rest is also an important part of improving your memory. Studies show that key memory improvement happens when you are in those deep stages of sleep, so go to bed early every night.‎ Have a good laugh as often as you can.‎ Not only is laughter good for the soul, it is also good for the brain and can help improve your memory. ‎ ‎ 38 This helps you to learn more and be more creative. So, go ahead and belt out a good laugh. Not only will others join you, but you will feel much better after doing it.‎ ‎ 39 ‎ Stress has a bad effect on your body, especially the brain. If you let stress stay, it can destroy your brain cells and cause damage to the part of the brain responsible for creating new memories and remembering old ones. So, stay away from stress. It’s bad for you. If you are feeling a little stressed, go outside and take a little walk around. 40 ‎ A. Avoid stress.‎ B. Change your behavior.‎ C. It also helps to reduce memory loss D. This will make you feel ten times better.‎ A. When you laugh you excite many areas of your brain.‎ B. The health of your brain directly shows how strong your memory is.‎ C. The human brain is like a muscle and can be trained. ‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ Whenever I picked up my phone, I could feel that my whole family were staring at me. 41 , the living room fell into a completely 42 . All I could hear was the sound of cooking in the oven. ‎ ‎ “look! She’s been on her phone all day long! It’s all your 43 ! If they are not taught how to behave well, children will 44 respect the elders!” my grandmother 45 .‎ ‎ I was very shocked and 46 ! I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me and I just sat down 47 on the chair like a mouse in its trap. I thought “Here we go again”.‎ ‎ In fact, I truly 48 my family and I would do anything for them if they require me to do. However, there are 49 that make me feel that they all 50 one thing: technology is 51 me.‎ ‎ If I am going to be 52 like a child or completely ignored, I will most likely not 53 their company, and I feel like most people think and do so. So I sometimes simply shut myself in my room and listened to the 54 coming from the living room, thinking “they all grew up in a world so 55 from mine that it amazes me how they have actually gotten this far”. They did not have phones or any type of 56 technology, which is both good and bad. Bad because they had almost no type of fast 57 , and good ‎ because they were 58 to interact with one another, which is 59 something today’s society is deprived of. However, maybe if they made an effort to be 60 of how things work nowadays, they would not be so against everything.‎ ‎41.A. Unfortunately B. Suddenly C. Strangely D. Secretly ‎42.A. silence B. darkness C. conversation D. trouble ‎43.A. duty B. decision C. fault D. excuse ‎44.A. once B. seldom C. sometimes D. never ‎45.A. apologized B. comforted C. complained D. questioned ‎46.A. relaxed B. annoyed C. excited D. ashamed ‎47.A. hopefully B. quietly C. comfortably D. closely ‎48.A. hate B. need C. love D. remember ‎49.A. moments B. weeks C. decades D. hours ‎50.A. insist on B. turn on C. agree on D. base on ‎51.A. helping B. encouraging C. frightening D. ruining ‎52.A. laughed B. respected C. treated D. protected ‎53.A. enjoy B. accept C. discover D. share ‎54.A. promises B. voices C. advice D. music ‎55.A. obvious B. family C. different D. private ‎56.A. advanced B. important C. normal D. attractive ‎57.A. transport B. development C. communication D. journey ‎58.A. warned B. encouraged C. invited D. forced ‎59.A. naturally B. probably C. merely D. gradually ‎60.A. aware B. curious C. afraid D. proud 第二节:语法填空(共10空 每个空填正确1.5分,满分15分)‎ 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The three Gorges Dam has been built 61.__________ (control) flooding and provide hydro-electric power. The dam, nearly 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometres wide, is the 62.__________(large) hydro-electric power station and dam in the world. It will generate as 63.__________electricity as about 40 million tons of coal 64.__________causing so much air pollution, 65.__________ (make) Mao Zedong’s dream come true.‎ The reservoir has flooded 2 cities, 11 counties, 140 towns and more 66.__________ 4,000 villages. Over a million people 67.__________ (rebuild) their homes in other places up to now. The project has flooded some of China’s most famous 68.__________ (history) sites, some of 69.__________ are being removed and some 70.__________ (put) into museums.‎ 第四部分:基础记忆(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节. 单句改错(每小题1分,共10 分)‎ 每句只有一处错误请把它改正过来并把正确的答案写在答题卡上。‎ 注意:没有填词或删词的错误。‎ 71. Now I feel strong that I shall have to improve my English, especially when I heard his speech.‎ 72. Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attaching to their head.‎ 73. It’s frightened to be outside in a sandstorm.‎ 74. Tornadoes can destroy houses, leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.‎ 75. By the time the worse tornado of all time in 1925 ended, more than 700 people have been killed and 2.700 had been injured. ‎ 76. When the lava reached the sea, there was the possible of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island. ‎ ‎77. Sandstorms are often such thick that you cannot see the sun.‎ 77. Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to that of Confucius. ‎ ‎79. Mencius believed that the reason which man differs from animals is that man is good.‎ ‎80. What the headmaster said the other day didn’t make sense of me.‎ 第一节. 单词填空(根据句意和提示填上所缺单词,使句意完整,每空1分,共25分)‎ A. One of Barcelona’s most famous(81) _____________(标志性建筑)is the Church of the Sagrada Familia, which was(82) _____________(设计)by an(83) ______________(建筑师)called Antonio Gaudi.‎ B. Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the(84) ___________(发源地)of western(85) ___________(文明)‎ C. With the(86) _____________(发展)of society, in the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce (87)_____________(贫穷)by 2015 or earlier.‎ D. Because of(88) ______________(工业的)reasons, the beautiful place was(89) ____________(受到污染的)‎ E. Every day, we can get some useful things(90) ____________(满怀感谢的)and we can lead a happy life (91)_____________(满怀希望的).‎ F. As far as I’m(92) ______________(关心的),the protection of environment is(93) ____________(紧急的).‎ G. A lot of(94) __________(证明)suggested that complaining can cause (95)_____________(不快乐, 不幸福).‎ H. In ancient China, Confucius(96)_____________(强调)the importance of(97) _____________(善良),duty and (98)______________ (秩序)in society.‎ J. He is an (99)______________(发明家),and he’s just (100)______________(发明)a clock.‎ K. His ideas of(101) ____________(仁爱)were (102) _____________(不同于)from the Confucian ones.‎ L. The report shows that we are making some (103)_____________(进步) but that we need to make great (104)_____________( 努力).‎ M. The (105)_____________(候机厅)building of Hong Kong International Airport covers a larger space than any other airport’s in the world. ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 一.听力: 1-5 BCBAA 6-10 CBCBB 11-15 ACCAB 16-20 ABCAA 二. 阅读:‎ 第一节: A篇21-23 BDC B篇 24-27 ABAB ‎ C篇 28-31 DCBA D篇 32-35 CBBD 第二节:七选五:36-40 FCEAD 三. 完型填空:41-45 BACDC 46-50 BBCAC 51-55 DCABC 56-60 ACDAA 语法填空: 61.to control 62. largest 63. much 64. without 65. making ‎66. than 67. have rebuilt 68. historical 69. which 70, are being put 四. 基础记忆:‎ 第一节: 71. strongly 72. attached 73. frightening 74. leaving 75. had ‎ ‎76. possibility 77. so 78. those 79.why 80. to ‎ 第二节: 81. landmarks 82.designed 83. architect 84. birthplace ‎ ‎85. civilization 86. development 87. poverty 88. industrial ‎ ‎89.polluted 90. thankfully 91. hopefully 92. concerned ‎ ‎93. urgent 94. evidence 95. unhappiness 96. stressed ‎ ‎97. kindness 98. order 99. inventor 100. invented ‎ ‎101. love 102. different 103. progress 104. efforts ‎ ‎105. terminal

