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‎2016年呼和浩特市初三年级质量普查调研考试(一模)‎ 英 语 注意事项:‎ ‎1.考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号涂写在试卷和答题纸的规定位置。‎ ‎2.考生要将答案写在答题纸上,在试卷上答题一律无效。考试结束后,本试卷和答题纸一并交回。‎ ‎3.本试卷满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。‎ 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共计85分)‎ Ⅰ.单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1.Tuyouyou,85-year-old Chinese scientist, won the Nobel Prize on October 5,2015.‎ A.a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎2.Four students of the Football Club come from Grade7 and come fromGrade8.‎ A. another B. others C. the other D. the others ‎3.—Doctor, it is too hard for me to give up smoking.‎ ‎ — For your own health, I’m afraid you.‎ A. can B. may C. must D. need ‎4.—Do you miss your parents far away?‎ ‎ —Yes, very much. They the hometown for over two years.‎ A. left B. have been away from C. were away from D. have left ‎5. More and more trees were cut down. , many animals are disappearing.‎ A. In the end B. So that C. As a result D. At last ‎6. you stick to your dream, I’m sure you’ll realize it.‎ A. As soon as B. As long as C. As well as D. As possible as ‎7.— Mum, could I play games now?‎ ‎ — Unless all your homework .‎ A. was done B. did C.done D. is done ‎8. The rubbish produced every day .is becoming- a' serious problem incities around the world.‎ A. that will be B. that is C.which are D. which will be ‎9. The bus has arrived at our school. Let’s.‎ A. get it off B. getin it C. get it in D. get off it ‎10. There are fifty students in our class, andof usbasketball.‎ A. two third; likes B. two three; like C. two thirds; likes D. two thirds; like ‎11. In recent years,many children are made what they don’t show _____ .‎ A. to do; interest in B. to do; interest.‎ C. do; interested D. do; interested in ‎12. Most ofspeak English as well asdo.‎ A. them; we B. theirs; ours C. theirs; us D. they; we ‎13. Now more andmore peopledoing sports outsidestaving indoorsto watch TV.‎ A. prefer; rather than B. prefer; to C. like; than D. prefer; than ‎14. The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will at the end of this month.‎ A. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out ‎15. —Could you please tell me ?‎ ‎ —Sorry, you can turn to Mr. Lee for help.‎ A. how long can man live without water B. if Yao Ming would play for Rockets or not C. how I can keep myself safe from the cold D. why did a serious accident happen in street corner Ⅱ.完型填空:(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Nowadays experience, like many other things, is becoming more and more 16 . ‎ Several days ago,I wanted to invite my friends to lunch. What we really needed was a good and quiet 17 for some conversation, not a big meal, 18 I chose one only for people like me who belonged to a particular club. What could be nicer?‎ When I 19 a day before, I was asked whether Iwould eat a $20 or $50 lunch. I said, “$50.” I didn’t realize until I was asked to pay after the lunch, that “$50” means “$50for each person.” There were fiveof us that day. “When thebill came 20 , it was $310.40(250 for food and the rest for drinks, fruits andair-conditioning). Though everybody was surprised, I paid the bill without a word. ‎ What could I say? It was my own 21 that made me pay the 22 lunch bill ofmy life. On the whole, it was not so 23 . We had a wonderful lunch and the placewas beautiful. Besides, the experience was good and special, and will 24 in lateryears. To support the logic(逻辑)of the lunch bill, I have developed my own way to explain it: $50 for the lunch and $260.40 for the 25 .‎ This paid experience has made me ten times wiser.‎ ‎16. A. expensive B. useful C. interesting D. important ‎17. A. club B. school C. place D. hotel ‎18. A. so B. because C. but D. if ‎19. A. learned B. paid C. discovered D. ordered ‎20. A. at times B. at present C. at last D. at first ‎21. A. business B. wish C. promise D. carelessness ‎22. A. smallest B. largest C. best D. worst ‎23. A. good B. bad C. easy D. difficult ‎24. A. remember B. understand C. help D. succeed ‎25. A. experience B. memory C. club D. restaurant ‎(B)‎ When Chinese people find out that someone comes from London, they often say,“London is a foggy city, isn’t it?”British people who visit China often 26 say that London is not a foggy city at all! But if London is not foggy, 27 do so many people in China think it is? In fact, London used to be a foggy city, but it isn’t any more.‎ In London lots of its pollution came from factories, but a lot of it came from coal because people used it in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, London’s air pollution had become so 28 that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. A new rule was made. It said that 29 was not allowed to bum coal in any British city. Just a few years 30 , the air became much cleaner.‎ Now many Chinese cities meet the same kind of 31 with air pollution that London met forty or fifty years ago. However, this problem is 32 for Chinese cities to solve. First, more of the pollution comes from big factories than from coal that people use in their houses. If these factories are suddenly 33 , lots of people may lose their jobs. Second, cleaner fuels are quite expensive. However, the air in many cities is 34 slowly becoming cleaner, because the government and ordinary people are trying to make pollution 35 .‎ ‎26. A. must B. have to C. should D. will ‎27. A. what B. when C. which D. why ‎28. A. seriously B. terrible C. good D. badly ‎29. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody ‎30. A. before B. ago C. later D. after ‎31. A. problem B. question C. accident D. discussion ‎32. A. much difficult B. much moredifficult C. more easier D. much easier ‎ ‎33. A. closed B. close C. open D. opened ‎34. A. almost B. already C. nearly D. hardly ‎35. A. many B. more C. little D. less Ⅲ.阅读理解:(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)‎ A In general,it’s hard to spend enough time in both concentrating on(专心)lessons and taking part in school activities. But I wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a challenge but I didn’t realize how difficult it was until my classes in the high school began.‎ I got on well with other girls. After school, I often had ice cream with them first instead of finishing my homework before it was time to hand it in. I always finished it the next day between classes. I knew it wasn’t very good and the grades that I got showed I was not hard-working enough. I realized that I needed to find some kind of balance.‎ So I created a timetable. that would divide my time between studying and relaxing. It was a good idea but I was only able to follow it for a few days because it made me under too much pressure .‎ Later, I tried another plan. Each week I listed everything that I had to get done during the week and the time by which I had to get it done. Then under the things I had to do, I made another list of things that I could do if I had time.‎ It worked really well. Ever since I have never missed any important things. At the same time, I enjoyed my spare time a lot.‎ Planning my time has been challenging(挑战), but I continue to do it. I’m glad that I’ve learned to balance things and it has helped prepare for what is coming after graduation.‎ ‎36.At first,when did the writer always finish her homework?‎ A.After school was over. B. Between classes the next day.‎ C. Before it was time to hand it in. D. Any time.‎ ‎37.Why did the writer follow the first timetable only for a few days?‎ A.Because it had a specific list.‎ B.Becauseitwasn’tagoodidea.‎ C.Because it brought her too much pressure.‎ D.Because the writer didn’t like it.‎ ‎38.What wasn’t included in the writer’s second time plan?‎ A.Thethings she shouldn’t do.‎ B.The things she had to get done.‎ C. The things she could do if she had time.‎ D. Allthe things above.‎ ‎39.According to the passage,which of the following is true ?‎ A. The writer had few friends because of had grades.‎ B. Learning to balance things is helpful to make plans for the future.‎ C. The writer preferred to spend more time in relaxing than studying.‎ D. The writer had many friends because of bad grades.‎ ‎40.Which do you think is the main idea of the passage?‎ A. Facing challenges B. Concentrating on lessons C. Balancing study and play D. How to play well B Did you know it? The word “emoji” comes from Japanese. It means “picture Character”. And it was just added to Oxford Dictionaries in 2013.‎ ‎ When you feel happy, you use a smiling face. When you agree, you send athumbs-up. We have never used emijis while messaging our friends as much as wedo today. That might be why Oxford Dictionaries chose the “face with tears ofjoy”emoji as their “ World of the year 2015.”‎ ‎“Emojis are no longer just for texting teenagers. Instead, they have been madeinto a form of expression which can cross language barriers(障碍),” OxfordDictionaries said. “Emoji culture has become so popular that characters have theirown trends and stories.”‎ The “face with tears of joy”was the world’s most used emoji in 2015,according to a research from the Oxford University Press.‎ ‎ Japan made emojiin the 1900s. They have become increasing popular throughthe years. Every day, about 6 billion emoji pictures are flying around the worldthrough mobile messaging apps. Young people especially love it 72 percent of18-to-25-year-old persons find it easier to express their feelings with an emojirather than through the written words, according to a survey by TalkTalk, a Londonbased mobile phone company.‎ Not everyone thinks emojis are a good thing. Writer Jonathan, for example, says emojis will make people’s language skills weaker and weaker. He thinks people will get lazier by using more emojis. But Professor Evans disagrees. He thinks that emojis are great for communication. “It is not lazy to naturally look for more efficient (有效 的)ways to communicate with others,”he said.‎ What do you think?‎ ‎41.Where does the word “emoji ” come from?‎ A. Mobile messaging apps. B. Oxford Dictionaries.‎ C.Japanese. D. TalkTalk company.‎ ‎42.Which of the following emijis is the world’s most used in 2015?‎ ‎43.What can we learn from Paragraph 5?‎ A.Emoji was first created in Japan in the 19th century.‎ B.Many old people would use written words rather than emojis.‎ C.Over 6 billion people use emojis every day around the world.‎ D.Most young people prefer using emojis to express their feelings.‎ ‎44.Why does the writer Jonathan disagree to use emojis?‎ A.He worries that people’s language skills will be reduced.‎ B.He thinks emojis make people too lazy to talk to others.‎ C.He believes that emojis are bad for communication.‎ D.He thinks people will not be able to write by using emojis.‎ ‎45.What’s the best title of this passage?‎ A. Stop Using Emoji! B. Emoji: the world of the Year!‎ C. Why Not Choose Emoji? D. Where does Emoji Come From?‎ C Betty is not traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, and has thickred glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces(牙套)on her teeth. But this hasn’tstopped her from becoming one of American’s favorite TV characters. So how could she do it?‎ The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty. The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York.‎ The TV show has just started. Betty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she can do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan.‎ Though you may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards, one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA. “I think you can see a bit of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well,because it,s about the underdog (弱者)”, says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show.‎ The program is so popular because of the performance of the 23-year-old actress America Ferrera who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character alive on the screen.‎ ‎46.Betty is popular because of.‎ A. her clothes B.her charm C. her character D.her appearance ‎47.InParagraph 4, the underlined word “it” means.‎ A. the beginning B.the ending C. the story D.the show ‎48.Which is the reason for the success of the show?‎ A. A large number of viewers. B.Her life as an office worker.‎ C. The wonderful performance. D.Two Golden Globes awards.‎ ‎49.Which of the following is NOT true according to the show?‎ A.Betty is a girl of wisdom.‎ B.Betty acts as a beautiful swan on the show.‎ C.Betty is an American favorite TV character.‎ D.Betty is often looked down on by the people around.‎ ‎50.What does the passage mainly tell us?‎ A. Beauty from inside. B. A romantic story.‎ C. An ugly girl. D.An exciting experience.‎ D Every school has notice boards. Let’s see what is on the notice board of an American school.‎ Report Card Report card about your schoollife and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.‎ MARKING KEY [评分标准]‎ Goes beyond gradelevelstandards 4‎ Meets grade level standards 3‎ Does not meet grade level standards, making progress 2‎ Class Announcement[通知]‎ Testing Dates:‎ The math test is June 12—13.‎ The science test is June 15.‎ Parents Meeting:‎ The next parents meeting is on Friday, June22 at 7:00 pm in the meeting hall.‎ Homework:‎ Please check the Homework Boardattheschoolhomepage to find your homework.‎ After-school Program ‎●The after-school programs will continue for the year 2012. The programs will be open from3:30 t0 6:00 pm every day.‎ ‎ 4:30—6:00 Activities ‎●3:30—4:30 Homework & Reading Ifyouhaveanyquestions,feelfreetocalltheschoolat524—9752.‎ 根据上文内容判断正(T)误(F)‎ ‎51.From Class Announcement, parents can get information on the parents meeting.‎ ‎52.Report Card shows parents certain school rules.‎ ‎53.Suppose Tony doesn’t do well at school but makes progress, he will get 2 on the Report Card.‎ ‎54.Students do their homework and read books from 3:30 to 6:00.‎ ‎55.According to School Policy, visitors have to call at 524-9752 when entering the school.‎ E日常对话 Robert: Good morning, Li Mei!‎ Li Mei: Good morning!‎ Robert: 56‎ Li Mei: Thank you!‎ Robert: Now you’ve applied for(申请)a job as a secretary with us. And I’d like to ask you some questions.‎ Li Mei: Hm.‎ Robert: Now, first of all, 57 ‎ LI Mei: Well, 58 And also a little Japanese.‎ Robert: English and a bit Japanese. Can you type?‎ Li Mei: 59 ‎ Robert: Can you use a computer?‎ Li Mei: Oh, yes. I can use a computer very well.‎ Robert: And can you take shorthand(速记)?‎ Li Mei: Yes, not very fast, but I can take shorthand.‎ Robert: And can you drive a car?‎ Li Mei: 60 ‎ Robert: Oh, that’s not very important.‎ A. I’m able to speak English.‎ B.Yes, I can.‎ C.Come in, please.‎ D.Please take the seat!‎ E.I can speak English quite well.‎ F.No, I’m afraid I can’t.‎ G.how many foreign languages can you speak?‎ 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共计35分)‎ Ⅳ.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎61—70小题。‎ catch;‎ as far as;‎ allow;‎ city;‎ in danger;‎ work out;‎ take away discuss;‎ up to;‎ be absent ‎61. I help Susan with her lessons, for shefrom school for a week.‎ ‎62.I remember, he was my classmate in my primary school.‎ ‎63. Recently, thepopulation is increasing quickly.‎ ‎64. This maths problem is too difficult for us.‎ ‎65. I’m sorry I can’t join you in the.‎ ‎66. Remember, nobody to eat or drink in the computer room.‎ ‎67. I studied twelve o’clock last night.‎ ‎68. At last, the policeman managed the thief.‎ ‎69. The little boy was hurt so badly that his life was.‎ ‎70. Many animals don’t have a safe place to live, because villages and farms aregrowing bigger andtheir land and forests.‎ Ⅴ.阅读理解填词:(共10个空;每空1分,满分10分)71—80空 Several years ago, I went to Australia f 71 ameetingwithmyfriend, Chris. We decided to drive to Brisbane to visit a 72 friend after the meeting ended.‎ The first day we were happy and laughing at each other’s jokes. By the third day, we began to get bored in the endless desert. We had been quiet for a few hours when s 73 Chris saw some kangaroos. We were all e 74 and decided to get a close look. Chris caught up with the kangaroos quickly. We got closer and closer, and then s 75 our car.‎ We got out. A large kangaroo 1 76 still on the ground. Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his jacket on the kangaroo. Then, he put his arm around the kangaroo and t 77 me to take a photo of themtogether. I took out my c 78 quickly.‎ While I was taking the photo, I saw the kangaroo m 79 . It suddenly woke up,looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.‎ I started laughing. Chris looked sad. He said his purse and passport were in the jacket. Ilaughed even harder. But I couldn’t laugh any more when he said our carkey was a 80 in the jacket.‎ ‎71.f 72.a 73.s 74.e75.s ‎76.177.t 78.c 79.m80.a Ⅵ.初级写作:(满分15分) ‎ 初三年级学生李雷近来十分焦虑。体育测试即将到来,而他却由于雾霾 (haze weather)‎ 频频来袭无法进行户外体育锻炼。他写信给好友Jack寻求帮助。假如你是Jack,请给他写一封信,从锻炼的时间、地点及日常饮食等方面提一些建议,使他保持良好的身体状况。‎ 要求:1.文章中必须包括所有信息;‎ ‎2.不得使用真实的人名和校名等信息;‎ ‎3.词数80词左右;‎ ‎4.开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Li Lei,‎ I’ve known about your worries. Here is some advice for you.‎ I hope my advice can help you.‎ Yours,‎ Jack ‎2016年呼和浩特市初三年级质量调研考试 英语答案 单选选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1 – 5 BDCBC 6 – 10 BDBDD 11 – 15 AABBC 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎16 – 20 ACADC 21 – 25 DBBCA 26 – 30 BDBBC 31 – 35 ABABD 阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,满分50分)‎ ‎36 – 40 BCABC 41 – 45 CCDAB 46 – 50 BDCBA 51 –55 TFTFF ‎56 – 60 DGEBF 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎61. has been absent 62. As far as 63. city’s 64. to work out ‎ ‎65. discussion 66. is allowed 67. up to 68. to catch ‎69. in danger 70. (are) taking away ‎ 阅读理解填词: (共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71. for 72. another 73.suddenly 74. excited 75.stopped ‎76. lay 77. told 78.camera 79. move/moving 80.also 备注:71-75单词写在横线上下均可。‎ 初级写作:(满分15分)‎ Dear Li Lei,‎ I’ve known your worries. Here is some advice for you.‎ Firstly, when haze weather happens/comes, it’s better not to do exercise outdoor. If you need to exercise, you can choose indoor activities.‎ Secondly, haze often gets thinner after the sun shines. So the time from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is a good time to exercise. You can do some outdoor sports during this time because haze is not so serious.‎ Last but not least, improving health is also important. Live a happy life, like eating more fruit and vegetables, and you will have more energy to fight against haze.‎ I hope my advice will help you.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Jack 书面表达评分标准:‎ 第一档:‎ 符合题目要求,内容完整,层次结构清晰,表达清楚,语言无误,恰当使用连词;13-15分;‎ 第二档:‎ 基本符合题目符合题目要求,内容较完整,层次结构较清晰,表达较清楚,语言有少量错误,10-12分;‎ 第三挡:‎ 部分内容符合题目符合题目要求,内容不够完整,层次结构不够清晰,表达不够清楚,语言有较多错误,9-6分;‎ 第四档:‎ 不符合题目要求,整篇表达不清晰, 或只照抄、拼凑几个提示词语,5-1分;‎ 抄阅读理解和完形填空,0分。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 评分时,现根据文章的内容和语言初步初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分;‎ ‎2. 评分时,应注意的注意内容为:‎ ‎ 内容要点、用于词语和语法结构的准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性;‎ ‎3. 要点:3个要点6分,缺一个扣2分;‎ ‎4. 语法和拼写错误以上3个扣一分;‎ ‎5. 涂抹4个以上扣一分。‎

