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‎2019届二轮复习 阅读理解调查报告类(10篇)训练之一 ‎[一]‎ It's 3 o'clock and you've been hard at work. As you sit at your desk,a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you. You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesn't. Here is another situation. Perhaps you are not feeling well. The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup,like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child. Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal.‎ Scientists at the website How Stuff Works. compare hunger and cravings this way. Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain. They even call it simply “stomach hunger”.When our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten,a hormone (荷尔蒙) sends a message to one part of the brain for more food,which regulates our most basic body functions such as thirst,hunger and sleep. The brain then produces a chemical to start the appetite and you eat. Hunger is a function of survival.‎ A craving is more complex. It activates (使活跃) brain areas related to emotion,memory and reward. These are the same areas of the brain activated during drugcraving studies. So,some scientists call food craving “mind hunger”.People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar. Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar produce chemicals in the brain. These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure.‎ In a 2007 study,researchers at Cambridge University found that“dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food craving”.So,the more you deny yourself a food that you want,the more you may crave it. However,fasting is a bit different. They found that eating no food at all for a short period of time lessened food cravings.‎ So,the next time you crave something very specific,know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.‎ ‎28.What is the function of the first paragraph?‎ A.To deepen the understanding of hunger.‎ B.To lead to the topic of the whole passage.‎ C.To report the discovery of craving study.‎ D.To remind readers of their own special food.‎ ‎29.What do we learn about food craving?‎ A.It means the stomach functions well.‎ B.It ensures a person survives hunger.‎ C.It shows food is linked to feelings.‎ D.It proves the brain decides your appetite.‎ ‎30.What's the likely result of dieting?‎ A.The increase of food desire.‎ B.The decrease of chemicals.‎ C.The refusal of fat and sugar.‎ D.The disappearance of appetite.‎ ‎31.What does the passage mainly discuss?‎ A.The findings of food craving.‎ B.What hunger is all about.‎ C.The functions of brain areas.‎ D.What dieting may bring us.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要谈论饮食冲动的调查结果。食物与情感有关系,节食的结果会导致食物欲望的增加。‎ ‎28.B 目的意图题。根据第一段中“Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal.”可知,第一段是为了引导整篇文章的话题。故选B。‎ ‎29.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Foods that are high in fat or high ‎ in sugar produce chemicals in the brain. These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure.”可知,食物与情感有关系。故选C。‎ ‎30.A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句“In a 2007 study,researchers at Cambridge University found that ‘dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food craving’.”可知,节食的结果会导致食物欲望的增加。故选A。‎ ‎31.A 主旨大意题。根据最后一段“So,the next time you crave something very specific,know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.”可知,本文主要谈论饮食冲动的调查结果。‎ ‎ [二]‎ Is dark chocolate healthy? Yes,dark chocolate has compounds (化合物)that offer health benefits and can be enjoyed without guilt,even on a daily basis.But the amount matters,since too many bites can contribute to extra fat,sugar and calories and get rid of its health benefits.‎ Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa,which contains compounds known as flavanols(黄烷醇).At high levels,cocoa flavanols have been shown to help lower blood pressure and the risk of diabetes. Dark chocolate has the highest amount of cocoa flavanols:milk chocolate has lens,and white chocolate has none.‎ But while cocoa flavanols in dark chocolate make it a healthful treat,they give it a biter flavor. Producers may process chocolate to make it more delicious,but doing so can remove some of these beneficial compounds,said Matt Hartings,an American professor. In spite of this,dark chocolate is still a healthier choice than milk chocolate,which tends to have more sugar. Additionally,cocoa powder contains minerals. So you can enjoy a piece of dark chocolate even after a meal. Just keep the following in mind.‎ First ,buy chocolate that has at least 60% cocoa.“Generally speaking,the higher the percentage,the more flavanols. These ‎ higherpercentage chocolates have the added benefit over the lower percentages and milk and white chocolates because they contain less sugar and less fat,” Hartings said.‎ Second,if possible,choose natural cocoa over Dutch processed cocoa,which is treated with an alkali (碱).This gives chocolate a milder flavor but removes healthful flavanols.‎ And finally,to keep weight in check,limit to 30 grams of dark chocolate daily,or about 150 calories,‎ ‎32.Dark chocolate is healthy mainly because of the existence of .‎ A.rich minerals    B.less sugar C.cocoa flavanols D.fewer calories ‎33.What does the underlined word “treat” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Something enjoyable.‎ B.A saltfree diet.‎ C.Food paid by others.‎ D.A cure for an illness.‎ ‎34.What can we learn from the text?‎ A.Cocoa flavanols leads to high blood pressure.‎ B.White chocolate is good for health.‎ C.One can feel free to eat dark chocolate.‎ D.Alkali can affect flavanols' content.‎ ‎35.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To show his love for dark chocolate.‎ B.To promote the sales of chocolate.‎ C.To provide facts about dark chocolate.‎ D.To make a distinction among chocolates.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 这篇文章主要讲了黑巧克力是健康食物的原因,并且说明食用黑巧克力要适量。‎ ‎32.C 细节理解题。由第二段前两句“Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa, ... and the risk of diabetes.”可知,黑巧克力是健康的,主要是因为可可黄烷醇的存在。故选C。‎ ‎33.A 词义猜测题。划线词所在句句意:但是虽然黑巧克力中的可可黄烷醇使得它成为一种健康的享受,但是它发出一点苦味。故选A。‎ ‎34.D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段内容“Second,if possible, ... but removes healthful flavanols.”可知,碱会影响黄烷醇的含量。故选D。‎ ‎35.C 写作意图题。文章主要讲述了黑巧克力是健康食物的原因,并说明食用黑巧克力要适量。作者的目的是提供关于黑巧克力的一些事实。故选C。‎ ‎ [三]‎ Women in East Asia are putting tiny pegs into their nostrils so their nose could look more European. The beauty trend apparently started from South Korea about two years ago and has spread to Japan,Chinese mainland and Taiwan,where women with a pointier European nose are considered more attractive.‎ The beauty trend,however,has sparked serious health concerns.In a recent case from China,a woman reportedly swallowed a peg by accident and the small item was later found in her stomach.‎ The nonsurgical noselifting trend apparently involves a set of tools which are popular on shopping websites in East and Southeast Asia.A typical set consists of two small curved pegs,measuring two to three centimetres long,as well as one adjusting hook.‎ The most popular brand seems to come from South Korea,but various other copycat products have cropped up and sell for as little as 1 pound. According to the instructions online,users should first insert the two pegs into their nostrils respectively. The pegs are said to be made with silicone. Then they should use the hook to adjust the pegs so they stand in a 45degree angle inside the nose. One seller on China's popular shopping site,Taobao,claimed that because the product was invisible,it could be a woman's secret weapon in getting a beautiful nose without ‎ surgery.‎ An advertisement posted by the seller said the product,said to be “antibacteria”,could change the shape of a nose in less than 10 seconds and is safe to use.However,potential customers are advised not to wear them for more than eight hours.‎ Although the nasal pegs are popular among beautyconscious females,they have also brought health issues to the customers.Last November,a 25yearold woman in Taipei nearly lost her nose after a peg poked through her nasal membrane and caused a bacterial infection,according to Apple Daily.‎ ‎28.Why do women put tiny pegs into their nose?‎ A.To be a European.‎ B.To look more appealing.‎ C.To follow the trend.‎ D.To be smarter.‎ ‎29.According to the seller on Taobao,what advantage does the peg have?‎ A.It is made from silicone.‎ B.It is a bacteriafree product.‎ C.It is hidden and nonsurgical.‎ D.It costs as little as 1 pound.‎ ‎30.What message does the passage mainly convey to people?‎ A.The most popular brand peg comes from South Korea.‎ B.Women in East Asia are putting tiny pegs into their nostrils.‎ C.People should be cautious about using beauty pegs.‎ D.A pointier European nose is in fashion at present.‎ ‎31.Who are intended readers of the passage?‎ A.Girls in their teens.‎ B.Beautyconscious females.‎ C.Scientists and doctors.‎ D.Potential peg producers.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 东亚女性把细小的钉子钉进鼻孔,为的是使鼻子看起来更像欧洲人、更具吸引力。文章提醒人们使用鼻钉时一定要小心其对健康的影响。‎ ‎28.B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句和“women with a pointier European nose are considered more attractive”可知,爱美的东亚女性把细小的钉子钉进鼻孔,为的是使鼻子看起来更像欧洲人,更具吸引力。故选B。‎ ‎29.C 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“One seller on China's popular shopping site, ... in getting a beautiful nose without surgery.”可知,淘宝卖家认为鼻钉是隐形的,可能是女人不需要手术就能拥有漂亮鼻子的秘密武器。这是它的优势。故选C。‎ ‎30.C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句和最后一段第一句及列举的例子可知,本文是提醒人们使用鼻钉时一定要小心其对健康的影响。故选C。‎ ‎31.B 推理判断题。文章讲述了东亚女性把细小的钉子钉进鼻孔,为的是使鼻子看起来更像欧洲人、更具吸引力这一现实情况,然后运用例子提醒人们使用鼻钉时一定要小心其对健康的影响。由此可见本文是写给那些爱美女性的。故选B。‎ ‎ [四]‎ Cooking programs and classes for children seem to positively influence children’s food preferences and behaviors, according to a recent review. And, although the review didn’t look at long-term effects of such programs, the findings suggest that such programs might help children develop long-lasting healthy habits. ‎ This research comes at a time when childhood obesity(肥胖) rates have been rising rapidly. More than one-third of adolescents in the United States were obese in 2012, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC). This trend has been caused, at least in part, by a significant decrease in the amount of meals that people consume at home since the 1980s, according to background information in the study. ‎ Cooking education programs, such as Food Explorers, teach children ‎ about new healthy foods and how to prepare them. They also stress the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables every day. A volunteer parent explains a new food to the group, and the kids make something based on the lesson, such as fruit or vegetable salad. Depending on the program, kids may be sent home with information about healthy foods to bring to their parents, the review explained. ‎ The study team reviewed eight other studies that tested different types of cooking education programs. Children in these classes were between 5 and 12 years old, according to the review. The goal of the study team was to learn more about developing an efficient program to encourage healthy food choices that last a lifetime. The study found that it is particularly important to expose kids to healthy foods on a number of occasions. This makes them feel comfortable with the new foods, which helps them build healthy habits. ‎ The study stressed the importance of getting parents involved in their children’s eating habits. Parents who are unable to enroll their kids in a cooking class can achieve similar benefits by having their kids help them while they prepare meals at home. Children are more comfortable at home, which makes them more receptive to new foods because they will make the connection to a positive experience. ‎ ‎1. What can we infer from the second paragraph?‎ A. Eating out frequently causes obesity. ‎ B. Childhood obesity is totally caused by eating habit. ‎ C. Childhood obesity rates have been rising rapidly since 2012‎ D. Food consumption has decreased significantly since the 1980s. ‎ ‎2. On cooking education programs, ______. ‎ A. children learn how to prepare foods from their parents B. children will learn how to cook in the company of their parents C. children may learn information unknown to their parents D. children focus more on cooking skills than on information about healthy foods ‎3.Which of the following categories does this passage belong to?‎ A. Education Systems. ‎ B. Science and Technology. ‎ C. Parent-child Relationship. ‎ D. Public Health Research. ‎ ‎4. The purpose of the passage is ______. ‎ A.to inform the reader B.to entertain the reader C.to discuss with the reader D.to warn the reader ‎【语篇导读】本文是一篇研究报告,讨论饮食类节目及课程对孩子饮食习惯的积极影响。‎ ‎1.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句 This trend has been caused,at least in part,by a significant decrease in the amount of meals that people consume at home since the 1980s,according to background information in the study.(这种趋势,至少一部分,是由在家吃饭的次数减少造成的)可以推断出,孩子肥胖症的造成是由经常外出吃饭引起的。‎ ‎2.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句 Depending on the program,kids may be sent home with information about healthy foods to bring to their parents,the review explained.可知,通过这些节目,孩子会把健康饮食的信息带给他们的父母,故可推断他们的父母可能不了解这些信息。‎ ‎3.D 【解析】推理判断题。本题是关于文章类别和出处的问题。本文属于有关健康饮食话题的研究报告。故选D项。‎ ‎4.A 【解析】推理判断题。本文是讨论公共健康话题的研究报告,因此该文章的写作目的是告知读者信息。‎ ‎ [五]‎ Oh, the power of a good night’s sleep. A whole scale of positive ‎ benefits can be seen from getting enough rest, but for many of us, hitting the sack (睡觉) can be challenging. There’s plenty of advice out there about what to do to get to sleep but what about what not to do? Click through for some of the pre-bedtime activities that could be hurting your chance at getting a good night’s sleep.‎ ‎1. Exercise ‎ No, you don’t get to throw away your yoga mat or running shoes all together. Exercise is a vital activity for your health, and can actually contribute to getting better-quality sleep. The problem, though, is that exercising within three hours of bedtime can raise your body temperature, and make sleeping more difficult. Breaking a sweat, then, is best left for earlier in the day!‎ ‎2. Watch TV/Surf the Web ‎ Studies have shown that pre-sleeping screen time can injure your body’s ability to fall asleep. Why? Well, the bright lights of these screens can prevent the development of melatonin (褪黑素), the hormone that promotes sleep. So close that laptop and turn off that TV about an hour before bed.‎ ‎3. Drink Too Many Fluids ‎ Caffeine, of course, and alcohol both make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. But drinking a lot of any liquid within the last hour or two before you go to bed will lead to those terrible late night bathroom breaks, and further ruin your sleep. You shouldn’t go to bed thirsty, however, as you’ll likely wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. Balance is the key here.‎ ‎4. Read Engrossing Stories ‎ Many of us have done this: you’re reading a really interesting novel and you tell yourself, “Oh just one more page!” Suddenly, it’s 2 a.m. and you have to be awake in four hours. Yep, reading a really interesting book, essay or novel before bed will make it difficult to get to sleep. Perhaps you can settle it by finding the most boring thing imaginable to read!‎ ‎5. Work Whatever work or school issue it is, it can certainly wait until morning. Getting work done activates your brain and can cause you unneeded stress — pretty much the opposite of what you want to feel if you’re trying to fall asleep!‎ ‎55. What’s the main idea of the passage?‎ A. How to sleep well at night?‎ B. Things not to do before sleep.‎ C. Why is sleep so important?‎ D. The benefits of good sleep.‎ ‎56. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase in Para.2?‎ A. being angry B. playing jokes C. working out D.‎ ‎ getting sleep ‎57. Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ A. The development of melatonin can help improve people’s sleep.‎ B. As long as you don’t drink coffee or alcohol, you can get a good night’s rest.‎ C. Reading an interesting story before bedtime can make it hard to sleep well.‎ D. Before you try to fall asleep, don’t get your brain activated by doing work.‎ ‎58. What can be inferred in the passage?‎ A. Doing exercise is actually no good for your health.‎ B. Surfing the Internet can have a lot of fun to prevent you sleeping tight.‎ C. People can never get a balance between drinking too much and thirst.‎ D. Reading some boring stories before bed may contribute to your sleep.‎ ‎55-58.BCBD ‎[六]‎ Today, in many high schools, teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras, DVD players and laptops. Teachers can e-mail parents, post messages for students on online bulletin(公告,告示) boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.‎ Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic and most important element of education has not changed. Most students still need that one-on-one, teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeed. Teenagers need instruction in English, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement. Kids talk with me about their families, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems. In my English and journalism classes, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive(富有哲理的) essays, but we also discuss college basketball, the war in Iraq and career choices. Students show me pictures of their rebuilt cars, their family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers. This personal connection is the necessary link between teachers and students that no amount of technology can improve upon or replace. ‎ A few years ago I had a student in sophomore English who was struggling with my class and with school in general. Although he was a humorous young man who liked to joke around, I knew his family life was far from ideal. Whenever I approached him about missing homework or low test grades, he always had the same reply, “It doesn't matter because I'm quitting school anyway.” Even though he always said this in a half-teasing way, I knew he needed to hear my different opinion and my “value of a high school education” lecture. He needed to hear this speech from me. After he left my class, he struggled through the next two years of school. But, he did finally graduate because we kept telling him to hang in there. We’d cared about him finishing school. ‎ Recently, I saw this former student working at a local Italian restaurant. I told him again how proud I was of him. He said that he was hoping to go back to school to become a certified electrician. I encouraged him to get that training. ‎ Students rely on compassionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational process—the human one. ‎ ‎63. The first paragraph mainly talks about _____________.‎ ‎ A. the variety of modern teaching methods.‎ ‎ B. the wide use of modern technology in education ‎ ‎ C. the importance of teacher-parent relationship.‎ ‎ D. the importance of using modern technology.‎ 64. The underlined word “ compassionate” in Para 5 means ____________.‎ ‎ A. ambitious B. knowledgeable C. sympathetic D. Generous ‎65. According to the text, the most important element in education is _________.‎ ‎ A. teachers’ good instruction B. advanced technology ‎ C. teachers’ encouragement D. personal connection ‎66. The author states his view of education by __________.‎ ‎ A. example B. description C. figure D. comparison ‎ ‎63-66.BCDA ‎[七]‎ The power of humor and laugher is numerous. They entertain us and make us feel good. But, above all, we have discovered that humor and laughter are the best medicine. They relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and are anti-aging and longevity facilitators(促进者).‎ They are extremely necessary for helping us to find and maintain a balance between life and work. However, they are slipping away from us. We have become far too serious. The only ones who still enjoy humor, laughter, fun and play to the fullest are young children. Children tend to laugh an average of 200 times a day. For adults, however, it is a totally different story.‎ In the 1950s people laughed on average 18 times a day. Today, we are lucky if we average between 4-6 times a day.‎ As a matter of fact, a recent study found that people laugh 6 more times in the presence of one person but 30 more times in a group of people. You can get a chuckle(咯咯笑) from jokes you get on the Internet, but it is not the same as belly jiggling laughter (a deep laugh) you get when you interact with others.‎ Socializing(交际) with friends and relatives was much looked forward to. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, the majority of people can hardly find time, nor do they have the inclination towards socializing ‎ outside home. They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs, and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.‎ The workplace does not fare(进展) much better. Due to the pressures to produce more in the same or fewer hours available and to compete, for example, in a manufacturing field with cheaper labor elsewhere in the world, humor and laughter in the workplace have gradually eroded(逐渐毁坏) away.‎ I have developed a real appreciation, perhaps closer to a strong desire for the power of humor and laughter. This encouraged me to write my first book titled “The Power of Humor” and subsequently my second book titled “Kids Say the Goggonest Things” based on the natural humor, laughter, play and fun that kids experience and they freely share with parents, grandparents and teachers.‎ From writing about humor and laughter, people start to ask me to speak up for them. To date, I have developed a number of humor-laughter topics that I use in my keynote presentations. You are invited to subscribe to my free monthly e-magazine “The Humormeister’s Forum” by clicking on the Free Humor E-zine navigation button on the website.‎ ‎55. According to the author, laughter is leaving us partly because ________.‎ A. the pace of change in our lives is becoming faster ‎ B. we fail to reflect on fun times in our lives C. we treat everything in a serious way D. humor of situations lies beneath ‎56. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that ________.‎ A. researchers have made a new discovery about the effect of laughter B. people laugh more heartily when spending time with others C. we can entertain ourselves with the help of the Internet D. getting a deep laugh nowadays is difficult ‎57. The underlined word “inclination” in Paragraph 5 most probably means “________”.‎ A. destination B. tendency C. attitude D. approach ‎58. Which of the following articles can we most probably find in “The Humormeister’s Forum”?‎ A. The power of honesty. ‎ B. Don’t be your own worst enemy.‎ C. Live life purposefully: The relationship within.‎ D. Funny Christmas stories to share with your loved ones.‎ ‎55-58. CBBD ‎[八]‎ About a century ago,the average lifespan(寿命) for Americans was about 50 years. Today,the typical American lives for around seventyeight years.‎ According to a German aging study,the maximum life span in industrialized countries has increased by two years every decade since the mid19th century. What accounts for such increased longevity?Between 1900 and 1950,inventions such as refrigeration(制冷技术) and sewage treatment(污水处理) meant that young people were able to survive longer. Moreover,medical breakthroughs helped contain diseases such as polio(小儿麻痹症),which killed many children. These advances helped increase the average life span.‎ Medical discoveries after World War Ⅱ tended to benefit older people. Treatments for heart disease,for example,have allowed the elderly to live longer on average. So does this mean that future medical breakthroughs will result in even longer average life spans,or have we reached our limit?Scientists disagree.‎ Some argue that if science is one day able to remove disease and oldage infirmity,there will be virtually no limit on how long humans can live. Some even predict that by the year 2150,the average life span will have increased to around 120 years.‎ Other lifeexpectancy researchers find that scenario(假设) highly unlikely. Our bodies' cells can keep reproducing for only so long before they peter out(分裂).Only when science finds a way to keep our cells dividing longer will we see another significant leap in life expectancy.‎ Still,with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet,those who hold the view can always hope that they'll live long enough to break the record held by Jeanne Louise Calment of France,who lived to be 122.‎ ‎28.Compared with the average lifespan about a century ago,the typical American lives about ________ years longer at present.‎ A.50        B.78‎ C.28 D.42‎ ‎29.After World War Ⅱ,the longer average life spans mainly resulted from ________.‎ A.refrigeration and sewage treatment B.medical breakthroughs C.keeping the cells dividing longer D.reducing polio ‎30.What is the scientists' attitude towards the view “we have reached our lifespan limit”?‎ A.Supportive. B.Objective.‎ C.Optimistic. D.Disapproving.‎ ‎31.According to some lifeexpectancy researchers,keeping our bodies' cells reproducing before they peter out may be ________.‎ A.impossible B.possible C.exciting D.concerning ‎【语篇解读】 文章通过美国人寿命的延长分析了人类寿命延长的原因,以及科学家对寿命延长的看法。‎ ‎28.C 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,一个世纪之前,美国人的平均寿命是大约50岁;今天,美国人的平均寿命是大约78岁;故与一个世纪前相比,现在的美国人大约多活28年。故选C。‎ ‎29.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Medical discoveries after World War Ⅱ tended to benefit older people.”可知,二战之后,主要是医学发现导致人类寿命增长。故选B。‎ ‎30.D 细节理解题。A. supportive支持的;B. objective客观的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. disapproving不赞成的。根据第三段最后一句中的“have we reached our limit?Scientists disagree.”可知,科学家不同意我们已经到达寿命极限的观点。故选D。‎ ‎31.A 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Other lifeexpectancy researchers find that scenario(假设) highly unlikely. Our bodies' cells can keep reproducing for only so long before they peter out(分裂).”可知,让我们的体细胞在分裂之前一直复制是非常不可能的。故选A。‎ ‎[九]‎ Here's the situation. You're sitting at the table listening to the conversation when your cellphone rings. There is something very important that wants your attention. Maybe your phone buzzed for an email,text message,Facebook post or Twitter. You don't know unless you check your phone. You may be feeling a strong case of FOMO:Fear of Missing Out.‎ You may think that a quick check of your phone isn't rude. Your comp-‎ anions probably disagree. A recent study of cellphone use found that most US adults think checking your phone is rude in social situations.‎ The study found that only 5 percent of Americans felt that checking your cellphone during a meeting is acceptable. Only 12 percent support checking your cellphone during a family dinner.‎ The study said,“Americans think that when people focus on their phones instead of their companions,it hurts the group in which they are taking part.”‎ People can be offended when they feel ignored. They also don't like others who talk too loudly or share private information in public when using their phones.‎ About threefourths of US adults view using cellphones in public as acceptable when using public transportation,waiting in line,and walking down the street. But most US adults disapprove of cellphone use at the dinner table,in movie theater,meeting,and places of worship.‎ People might use their cellphones in social situations because they see others doing it:86 percent of people surveyed said that someone else used a phone at the most recent social event they attended. People may use their phones at social events to share something from the event. That might be a photo,information,or to free from the group.‎ ‎32.The writer starts the passage by ________.‎ A.listing the uses of cellphones B.imagining a scene in life C.discussing the bad influence of cellphones D.talking about a chat on cellphones ‎33.If you use your cellphones in social situations,others will feel that they aren't ________.‎ A.interested in taking B.friendly enough C.valued by you at all D.sharing useful information ‎34.Where do most Americans accept the cellphones use?‎ A.Seeing a movie in the cinema.‎ B.Attending a meeting.‎ C.Having a dinner with families.‎ D.Riding in the public vehicles.‎ ‎35.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?‎ A.Is It Rude to Use Cellphones Among Friends?‎ B.Putting Aside Your Cellphones for Your Friends C.Keeping in Touch with Your Friends with Cellphones D.Avoid Borrowing a Cellphone from Your Friends ‎【语篇解读】 文章通过一系列的调查数据来说明在朋友面前用手机是很不恰当的,这会让朋友们感觉你不重视他们。‎ ‎32.B 推理判断题。文章开始给我们设定了一个情形Here's the situation.可知,文章通过想象生活中的场景开始的。故选B。‎ ‎33.C 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Americans think that when people focus on their phones instead of their companions,it hurts the group in which they are taking part.”和第五段中“People can be offended when they feel ignored.”可知,美国人认为当人们专注于他们的手机而不是他们的同伴时,这伤害了他们正参与的团体。他们感觉到被忽视时会觉得受到冒犯。言下之意,当你在社交场合使用手机,别人会觉得他们不被重视,故选C。‎ ‎34.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“About threefourths of US adults view using cellphones in public as acceptable when using public transportation,waiting in line,and walking down the street.”可知,大多数的美国人接受在乘坐公共交通工具时、排队时以及在街上行走时使用手机。故选D。‎ ‎35.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段设定的情形——和朋友们在一起,手机响了,以及第二段中的“You may think that a quick check of your phone isn't rude.Your companions probably disagree.”可知,你可能认为快速查看手机是不粗鲁的。你的同伴可能不这么想。下文通过数据说明人们接受的与不接受的手机使用场合。故A项(在朋友面前使用手机粗鲁吗?)符合文章大意。故选A。‎ ‎[十]‎ Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. ‎ However,whether you are on the mountains,in the waves,or on the grassland,you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.‎ Some sports are resourcehungry. Golf,as you may know,eats up not only large areas of countryside,but also tons of water. Besides,all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example,in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain,golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.‎ There are many environmentfriendly sports.Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes;and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free,power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly,it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious,sleep well and have better weight control.‎ Whatever sport you take up,you can make it greener by using environmentfriendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”.They are better replacements(代替物) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors,in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all,it's free.‎ ‎32.Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?‎ A.Playing basketball in a gym.‎ B.Motor racing in the desert.‎ C.Cycling around a lake.‎ D.Swimming in a sports center.‎ ‎33.What do we know about golf from the passage?‎ A.It is popular in Portugal and Spain.‎ B.It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.‎ C.It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.‎ D.It causes water shortages around the world.‎ ‎34.The author uses power walking as an example mainly because ________.‎ A.it uses fewer resources B.it improves our health C.it is an outdoor sport D.it is recommended by experts ‎35.The author writes the passage to ________.‎ A.show us the function of major sports B.encourage us to go in for green sports C.discuss the major influence of popular sports D.introduce different types of environmentfriendly sports ‎【语篇解读】 文章简述了一些对资源耗费较多的运动如高尔夫,也讲述了一些不怎么耗费资源的运动如power walk,文章的主旨就是为了让我们绿色运动。‎ ‎32.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段前两句“Whatever sport you take up,you can make it greener by using environmentfriendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be ‘green gyms’.”可知作者主张绿色运动,C项耗费能源少属于绿色运动。故选C。‎ ‎33.B 细节推理题。根据文章第二段中的“Besides,all sorts of chemical and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example,in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain,golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.”可知,高尔夫运动耗费的资源很多。故选B。‎ ‎34.A 推理判断题。根据文章第三段前三句“There are many environmentfriendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes;and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse.”可知,这是一项耗费资源很少的运动。故选A。‎ ‎35.B 推理判断题。文中简述了一些对资源耗费较多的运动如高尔夫,也讲述了一些不怎么耗费资源的运动如power walk,文章的主旨就是为了让我们绿色运动。故选B。‎

