2015高考英语(unit 4 body language)一轮复习题

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2015高考英语(unit 4 body language)一轮复习题

Unit 4 Body language Ⅰ.语法单句填空 ‎1.I'm cautious________ what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others' feelings.‎ 答案:about 句意:我对自己所说的话很谨慎,因为漫不经心的话语很可能会伤害别人的感情。cautious“谨慎的;小心的”,符合句意。‎ ‎2.—Can you think of another good idea?‎ ‎—This is the best approach I can imagine to ________(accomplish) the work ahead of schedule.‎ 答案:accomplishing 句意:——你还能想出一个好主意吗?——这是我想象到的提前完成工作的最好方法。I can imagine为定语从句,approach to...“……的方法”,to为介词。‎ ‎3.Wang Feng's ________(represent) our school at the English speech contest proved to be a success.‎ 答案:representing 句意:王峰代表我们学校参加英语演讲比赛,结果证明非常成功。分析句子结构可知,空格处应为动词ing形式作主语。‎ ‎4.________ ask to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.‎ 答案:Having been asked 考查非谓语动词。句意:被要求当晚加班,我错过了一场精彩的电影。由句意可知,应该用被动形式。‎ ‎5.If you are the last student ________(leave) the room, remember to turn off the lights.‎ 答案:to leave 考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你最后一个离开教室,请记住关灯。the+序数词/last+名词+to do sth.为固定用法。‎ ‎6.He was ________(like) to win the 100meter race, but he got injured accidentally while running.‎ 答案:likely 考查形容词词义。sb.+be likely to do sth.“某人很可能做某事”。likely作表语后接不定式时,主语为人或物,其余三项一般不用于此结构中。‎ ‎7.________ qeneral, the cost of these cameras is from $300 to $400.‎ 答案:In 考查短语意义。句意:一般来说,这些相机的费用是300到400美元。in general“总的来说;一般而言”。‎ ‎8.Mr. Fox fell ill, thus ________(make) it necessary for us to find another person for his job.‎ 答案:making 句意:福克斯先生病了,所以我们有必要另外找个人做他的工作。表示顺其自然造成的结果用现在分词作状语。‎ ‎9.If the host is too enthusiastic to the guests, he might not put them ________ ease.‎ 答案:at 考查短语意义。句意:如果主人对客人过于热情,也许会使他们感到不自在。at ease“舒适;自由自在”,符合题意。‎ ‎10.Don't worry about the present situation in the world; ________majority of people prefer peace to war.‎ 答案:the 考查短语搭配。句意:不要担心目前世界的局势;大部分人向往和平反对战争。the majority of people“大部分人”。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎(2013·浙江四校联考)‎ We have all heard these words:“just put on a happy face” or “turn that frown upside down”. Can the simple act of smiling actually make us feel better?‎ Our face is formed by a variety of rather thin bones. The muscles that attach to these bones become smaller when we are happy or when we want to laugh. The resulting facial expression is universally recognized as a smile and indicates our positive emotional status. Sometimes, people present fake (假的) smiles.‎ But how does the brain achieve both types of smiles using the same facial muscles? It all depends upon which part of the brain starts the smile. If the brain's dopamine neurons (多巴胺能神经元) start the smile, then the smile looks sincere. If the brain's motor cortex starts the smile, in other words, if we are consciously willing ourselves to smile, then a slightly different set of facial muscles are actirated. It can be difficult to describe precisely how real and fake smiles differ, but we are all very capable at knowing the difference. But can forcing yourself to smile produce the same kinds of good feelings as a real smile does?‎ Anything that prompts the release of dopamine in the brain brings pleasure. For example, cocaine and coffee both release dopamine in the brain. The release of dopamine in the front half of our brain is accompanied by a real smile. But can this process be reversed? What about putting on that happy face? Can the simple act of smiling bring pleasure? Yes.‎ When we smile, fake or real, the contraction of the facial muscles slightly distorts (扭曲) the shape of the thin facial bones. This slight distortion in their shape leads to an increase in blood flow into the brain and then increases the release of dopamine. As a result, walking around all day with a smile on your face will make your mood happier. Not only will you be happier but your smile might lead to the release of dopamine in someone else's brain—now that truly shows the power of a smile.‎ 文章大意:真笑和假笑都能给我们带来快乐。‎ ‎1.When we smile sincerely, ________.‎ A.bones in our face become thin B.muscles in the face become smaller C.the brain's dopamine neurons stop working D.the brain's motor cortex starts to work 答案:B 细节理解题。根据第二段“The muscles that attach to these bones become ‎ smaller when we are happy or when we want to laugh”可知,答案为B。‎ ‎2.The underlined word “prompts” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by ________.‎ A.causes         B.charges C.controls D.reduces 答案:A 词义猜测题。根据第四段“The release of dopamine in the front half of our brain is accompanied by a real smile”可推断,prompt意为“引起”,故答案为A。‎ ‎3.What is the RIGHT order of the following actions?‎ ‎①more blood flows into the brain ‎②smile ‎③shape of the thin facial bones is distorted ‎④release of dopamine A.②③①④ B.②①③④‎ C.②①④③ D.②④③①‎ 答案:A 细节理解题。根据末段“When we smile... slightly distorts (扭曲) the shape of the thin facial bones”和“... leads to an increase in blood flow into the brain and then increases the release of dopamine”可知,答案为A。‎ ‎4.What can we conclude from the passage?‎ A.Real and fake smiles are started by the same part of the brain.‎ B.It's hard to know the difference between real and fake smiles.‎ C.We can't affect the release of dopamine in others' brain.‎ D.We should try to smile even though we are not very happy.‎ 答案:D 推理判断题。根据第四段“What about putting on that happy face? Can the simple act of smiling bring pleasure? Yes”和末段内容可推断,答案为D。‎ ‎5.The author states his point mainly by ________.‎ A.giving examples B.listing data C.asking and answering questions D.making comparisons 答案:C 文章结构题。作者列出了多个问句,然后给出答案,阐明观点,故答案为C。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks __1__ than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more __2__ than we realize. In fact, nonverbal (非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really __3__. And body language is particularly __4__ when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so __5__ a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. __6__, different societies treat the__7__ between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having __8__contact (接触) even with friends, and certainly not with __9__. People from Latin American countries, __10__ touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in __11__, it may look like a Latino is __12__ a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving __13__. The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep __14__—which the Latino will in turn regard as ‎ ‎ __15__.‎ Clearly, a great deal is going on when people __16__. And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from __17__ cultures, there's a strong possibility of __18__. But whatever the situation the best __19__ is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be __20__.‎ 文章大意:身体语言是无声的、秘密的,也是最有表达力的。当我们试图进行跨文化交流时,身体语言显得尤为重要。当参与者来自不同的文化时,很有可能会产生误解。但无论什么情况,最好的建议是遵守黄金规则:对待别人就像自己喜欢别人对待自己那样。‎ ‎1. A. straighter B. louder ‎ C. harder D. further 答案:B 由Actions speak louder than words.或者Facts speak louder than words.“事实胜于雄辩”可以推知此句选B。‎ ‎2. A. sounds B. invitations ‎ C. feelings D. messages 答案:D 我们的身体发送的信息比我们意识到的更多,message“信息” 。‎ ‎3. A. hope B. receive ‎ C. discover D. mean 答案:D 非言语的交流占据我们真正意思的50%。只有mean“(言词等)表示……的意思”符合语境。‎ ‎4. A. immediate B. misleading ‎ C. important D. difficult 答案:C 根据上文可知,肢体语言非常重要(important)。‎ ‎5. A. well B. far ‎ ‎ C. much D. long 答案:C 根据前文,肢体语言占据我们生活交流中的很大一部分(much),以至于我们都经常不会去注意它。‎ ‎6. A. For example B. Thus ‎ C. However D. In short 答案:A 前面说误会因此发生,后文是一个实例,所以这里承上启下,用for example“比如说,例如”。‎ ‎7. A. trade B. distance ‎ C. connections D. greetings 答案:B 根据后文实例可以知道这里要说的是人与人之间的距离(distance)的问题。‎ ‎8. A. eye B. verbal ‎ C. body D. telephone 答案:C 由后文描述可知这里是说肢体接触的问题。‎ ‎9. A. strangers B. relatives ‎ C. neighbours D. enemies 答案:A 北欧人甚至不喜欢和朋友有肢体接触,当然更不喜欢和陌生人(stranger)了。‎ ‎10. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. in a similar way D. by all means 答案:B 与前一句对比,再参考下文,可知拉丁美洲的人恰恰相反,用on the other hand表示“另一方面”。‎ ‎11. A. trouble B. conversation ‎ C. silence D. experiment 答案:B 根据后文,应是在谈话中(in conversation)。‎ ‎12. A. disturbing B. helping ‎ C. guiding D. following 答案:D 由后文描述的场景知,是拉丁美洲的人在跟着(follow)那个挪威人。‎ ‎13. A. closer B. faster ‎ C. in D. away 答案:A 根据前文所说拉丁美洲人的习俗,应该是靠近(closer)来表示友好。‎ ‎14. A. stepping forward B. going on ‎ C. backing away D. coming out 答案:C 挪威人不愿有肢体接触,一定是向后退(back away)了。‎ ‎15. A. weakness B. carelessness ‎ C. friendliness D. coldness 答案:D 拉丁美洲人一定会觉得挪威人不愿接近自己是一种不友好的、冷漠(coldness)的表现。‎ ‎16. A. talk B. travel C. laugh D. think 答案:A 当人们在交流、谈话的时候,很多事情在进行,包括肢体语言的交流。‎ ‎17. A. different B. European ‎ C. Latino D. rich 答案:A 根据全篇谈论的内容,因为谈话双方来自不同(different)的文化,所以很有可能会有误解。‎ ‎18. A. curiosity B. excitement ‎ C. misunderstanding D. nervousness 答案:C 根据全篇谈论的内容,因为谈话双方来自不同(different)的文化,所以很有可能会有误解(misunderstanding),也同时与第一段的misunderstanding相对。‎ ‎19. A. chance B. time ‎ C. result D. advice 答案:D 无论情况如何,最好的建议(advice)是:用自己想被对待的方式对待别人。‎ ‎20. A. noticed B. treated ‎ C. respected D. pleased 答案:B 由上题句意知应为treated,与这句话开头的treat相对。‎ Ⅳ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A:How do you use an ATM card, Billy? ‎ B:It's easy, grandpa. Insert your card__1__the machine here. Then wait__2__moment. Ok. Now you enter your PIN. It__3__have four numbers. ‎ A:Oh yes. I've got it written down here. Just a minute.‎ B:You really shouldn't write__4__down. You should memorise it. You can change it to a __5__ convenient number if you like. ‎ A:Ok, I've entered my PIN. There are several__6__(option) on the screen. I guess I just__7__(choice) which service I want, don't I ? ‎ B:Yes. Choose the service you need to use. If you choose to withdraw money, the machine__8__(ask) you how much you want. ‎ A:I can just enter the amount__9__(use) the key, right? ‎ B:That's right. Give the machine a moment to process your request. Then take your money. ‎ A:These machines aren't very difficult to use. In fact, I quite like them. They are much faster__10__dealing with a bank clerk. ‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.into 2.a 3.should 4.it 5.more 6.options ‎7.choose 8.will ask 9.using 10.than

